What did Desantis mean?

Thats what the VP will be for. With Trump on top (what he is owed) maybe some punishment & Truth will be advanced. Russian collusion hoax went unpunished.
You have to win the General Election before a VP slot will do you any good... and Trump is no longer elect-able, so that doesn't matter in the slightest.

January 6, 2021 stands in your way.

The White Vote in the United States is split between the Republican and Democratic parties, and Dems still hold the lion' share of the minority vote.

You no longer have the numbers needed to win without vast numbers of Independents and Reagan Democrats.

And Independents and Reagan Democrats will not "cross over" for the traitorous summoner, inciter and aimer of the January 6, 2021 assault on Congress.


With Trump you have a pair of fours in your hand and garbage on the table, while the the other guy has Cowboys showing.

You need to fold and put together another "stake" with a better chance of succeeding, and come back to the table, before the game ends.

Take that chance on another "stake" or you'll certainly walk away with empty pockets on the morning of November 6, 2024.

There is still time.
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Think of the great Trump results and plans, you ignorant clown.

Every time I see Trump, I recall when i was a kid, maybe nine or ten, I discovered that most of my classmates thought pro wrestling was real. The scary part was how angry and belligerent they got when I said it was fake. I was public enemy number one.

It just seems that's where we're at with politics these days.
Yesterday Ron Desantis in Iowa sharply criticized the Republicans for their "culture of losing," Warning that if they keep focusing on past elections Democrats will "beat us again":

"We must reject the culture of losing that has impacted our party in recent years. The time for excuses is over," DeSantis said during his speech. "If we get distracted, if we focus the election on the past or on other side issues, then I think the Democrats are going to beat us again."

Who is this person that in Desantis' view is dwelling on the past and who might lose "again" if he/she continues?
Sorry bout that,

1. He is saying in a round about way, "When Trump lost the last election, we had not better go there again".
2. Dumb Ron, isn't privy to the fact Joey wasn't really elected, Nancy put him in office. 81 million votes!,...lol
3. I'm sure Trump will pick up on the puppies puddle, and spray him a bit now.

You have to win the General Election before a VP slot will do you any good... and Trump is no longer elect-able, so that doesn't matter in the slightest.

January 6, 2021 stands in your way.

The White Vote in the United States is split between the Republican and Democratic parties, and Dems still hold the lion' share of the minority vote.

You no longer have the numbers needed to win without vast numbers of Independents and Reagan Democrats.

And Independents and Reagan Democrats will not "cross over" for the traitorous summoner, inciter and aimer of the January 6, 2021 assault on Congress.


With Trump you have a pair of fours in your hand and garbage on the table, while the the other guy has Cowboys showing.

You need to fold and put together another "stake" with a better chance of succeeding, and come back to the table, before the game ends.

Take that chance on another "stake" or you'll certainly walk away with empty pockets on the morning of November 6, 2024.

There is still time.

Understood. No sane person ever mentions J6 out where I live and still work. That was an unfortunate sting, now a persecution of political opposition. An MSM BS story dredged up repeatedly. But not the fixed trials.

Trump will pardon J6. Put Desantis at VP if he's so great? I dont read up on him.

As i said earlier Voting no longer matters but I suppose we have to go thru it one more time?

Maybe Trump can preemptively get some swing states to clean it up? Desantis thinks its all clean? Pure hogwash.
Sorry bout that,

1. He is saying in a round about way, "When Trump lost the last election, we had not better go there again".
2. Dumb Ron, isn't privy to the fact Joey wasn't really elected, Nancy put him in office. 81 million votes!,...lol
3. I'm sure Trump will pick up on the puppies puddle, and spray him a bit now.

Now... all you have to do is to convince enough Independents and Reagan Democrats that you're right, and you might actually win.

Not gonna happen if you run Trump again.
Understood. No sane person ever mentions J6 out where I live and still work. That was an unfortunate sting, now a persecution of political opposition. An MSM BS story dredged up repeatedly. But not the fixed trials.

Trump will pardon J6. Put Desantis at VP if he's so great? I dont read up on him.

As i said earlier Voting no longer matters but I suppose we have to go thru it one more time?

Maybe Trump can preemptively get some swing states to clean it up? Desantis thinks its all clean? Pure hogwash.
That kind of thinking will doom the Republicans to lose the White House race in 2024 and condemn the nation to four more years under the goddamned Democrats.
The "culture of losing" is electing turds like Graham, Romney, Kinzinger, Cheney, and the rest of the capitulation cadre, on the premise that they're going do do something other than be doormats.

Or, more precisely, the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" because it all started under W when the SPENDING went UP UP UP UP UP and government grew and W, who could have pushed SCHOOL VOUCHERS with a GOP House and Senate chose instead to flush $1 trillion into public education with Teddy Kennedy...

And DeSantis is already in bed with Karl Rove, so clearly DeSantis thinks W was.... something other than the worst TRAITOR in American History, a complete and total big government big spending Zionist Fascist LEFT WING LIAR.
Forget about the goddamned Democrats. Focus on what it is going to take to win in 2024. If you think Trump can win in 2024 you aren't taking this seriously.
Seems I heard the same thing in 2016, when the collective Karnac the Greats gazed into their crystal ball and crowned Hilarity. You don't know anymore than anyone else on this thread. I don't care who runs as long as Biden and the democrats have NO POWER in the federal government. Their childish, vindictive, communist, globalist crap is the reason this country is in the position it is in.
Doesn't matter... after January 6, 2021, the Democrats could nominate a Hand Sandwich, and the Democrats would still win, if you run Trump again.
If that happens at least Republican voters drew a line. Our nation is in real decline, and you think it is all good. Social justice rights making people all giddy and thinking that is going to win all battles. You have endless people on TV condemning people they call deplorables. Ther may be deplorables who help Progs if the worst happens. Very few deplorables will help Progs when the time comes in a nasty time if pure survival comes of it.
Please link me to ANY post that shows fuel prices were EVER higher than they were during the Biden admin. I'll wait.

Fuel prices have spiked around over decades back to Obiden 1 but, AVG fuel prices seem consistently higher for a long period of time under Obiden 2. Yes it was $6 in CA for a while. Currently over $5 in AZ for the better brands. Was $2 under Trump.
Doesn't matter... after January 6, 2021, the Democrats could nominate a Hand Sandwich, and the Democrats would still win, if you run Trump again.
How can you be so sure? If Dems actually go with captain drool cup, I wouldn't give odds either way. My hope would be that voters finally wake up from the two-party nightmare and elect a decent leader despite the Ds and Rs. That's not my expectation.
Then again, if you clowns are dumb enough to run Trump again - and you are - you will get your a$$e$ kicked in November 2024 - Bigly.

After January 6, 2021, Trump is no longer electable. I have no doubt that he can obtain the GOP nomination. But he can no longer win the general election.

I'm sure that Benedict Arnold would have faced the same problems had he been stupid enough to come back for a Round Two after betraying his country.

Desantis may have some rough edges on him but (a) he can effectively advance much of the MAGA agenda and (b) he stands-up against the status quo.

He's got a shot, and, if you back him quickly enough and hard enough, he might actually pull it off, whereas, with Trump, the effort is doomed to failure.

Fresh Blood is needed... fresh faces... fresh ideas... preserving the best of the past... looking ahead with some modicum of vision rather than looking backwards.

Trump is not that person.

Desantis holds that potential.

The object of the exercise is to win and retain political power, not to delude yourselves that a failed backwards-looking, disgraced standard bearer is still viable.

There is still time to snap out of it, get your heads out of your a$$e$, and start looking and planning ahead to win, rather than slavishly obeying your master.
"He's got a shot, and, if you back him quickly enough and hard enough, he might actually pull it off, whereas, with Trump, the effort is doomed to failure."

Why? What makes you thoroughly convinced that a Trump nomination "is doomed to failure"?

Have you seen recent polls? Trump leads Biden by a lot. He leads DeSantis by even more including in Florida.

It is early. Right now there is a good chance that Donald J. Trump will be the GOP nominee and the 47th President of the United States.

Please link me to ANY site that shows that fuel prices were EVER higher than they were during the Biden admin. I'll wait.
You made a claim. You show a link.
Please link me to ANY site that shows that fuel prices were EVER higher than they were during the Biden admin. I'll wait.
The burden of proof is the responsibility of the person making the claim. If someone makes a claim, they must provide evidence to support it. If they can’t provide evidence, then their claim is not considered valid.
You said gas prices are at a record hig and you provided no proof.
You are Pinocchio.
I didn't know RWR or pay attention much. DJT used common sense to improve every single minute of Americans lives more than the last four bozo combined. Others were a net negative. All the while having to fight off MSM or DEM lunacy.....and had to do it alone.

He earned my support for anything he decides to do//
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Seems I heard the same thing in 2016,
January 6, 2021, had not yet happened, in 2016.

Also, the American People had not yet witnessed the ignorant, arrogant, autocratic, open-mouth-before-thinking nature of the Orange Joke.

You boy is now un-electable.

Consider running somebody who has a serious chance of winning this time around.

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