What do conservatives support?

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Its hard to tell.

Their messiah is announcing that under his plan, you can get paid for 6 weeks of Maternity leave.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

They are, now, apparently the party of “free shit”.

He will no doubt co-op more liberal ideas and his followers will hoot and holler their approval without even a thought.

You mean Fabian Socialist ideas all designed to take down the system in the best Cloward-Piven tradition that will move the unwashed masses into a glorious revolution in the best tradition of Lenin and Marx? What you wish and hope for and the actual outcome are two very different things. What I wouldn't give to see you sitting on the curb when it all collapses as you await help from your beloved "gubermint" with your little head in your hands......that would be fuckin' PRICELESS!!

Ain't no such thing as a "gubermint" Santa Claus, dumb ass.........and you will find that out the hard way.

That was strange and not in any way related to what I posted.
Its hard to tell.

Their messiah is announcing that under his plan, you can get paid for 6 weeks of Maternity leave.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

They are, now, apparently the party of “free shit”.

He will no doubt co-op more liberal ideas and his followers will hoot and holler their approval without even a thought.

You mean Fabian Socialist ideas all designed to take down the system in the best Cloward-Piven tradition that will move the unwashed masses into a glorious revolution in the best tradition of Lenin and Marx? What you wish and hope for and the actual outcome are two very different things. What I wouldn't give to see you sitting on the curb when it all collapses as you await help from your beloved "gubermint" with your little head in your hands......that would be fuckin' PRICELESS!!

Ain't no such thing as a "gubermint" Santa Claus, dumb ass.........and you will find that out the hard way.

That was strange and not in any way related to what I posted.

That's because you are not bright enough to "get it"....no surprise there. You are still trying to catch on to the fast pace of "Sesame Street".
Conservatives support Traditions, Values and the Rule of Law. The concepts of Law and Order along with Personal Responsibility are essential to Conservative ideology. A place for everyone, and everyone in their place.
Traditions and Values are the same fucking thing.

Meanwhile...WHOSE Traditions or Values?

The concept of "Law and Order"? Most Police are Democrats, nice try.

A place for everyone and everyone in their place:

Is a fucking Feudal concept enshrined in Dune. So Republicans admit they think they are the elite, and everyone else belongs beneath them llike slaves.

Pathetic shits.

Nailed it.

To them control over brown immigrants, brown Americans, brown muslims, poor folks and women is absolutely essential in preserving their tradition of white, male supremacy and the value system that teaches white and might are right.

You mean "illegals".....get it right, dumb ass. BTW, you don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what is the biggest driving force behind poverty because you don't have the slightest clue on how the banking and financial industry works because you are just a little "arrested development" commie that feels like you are being "cheated".,......stupid fucks like you make me sick...seriously.
Again with a ranting, non related response.
You are a loon, dude.
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Conservatives support Traditions, Values and the Rule of Law. The concepts of Law and Order along with Personal Responsibility are essential to Conservative ideology. A place for everyone, and everyone in their place.
Traditions and Values are the same fucking thing.

Meanwhile...WHOSE Traditions or Values?

The concept of "Law and Order"? Most Police are Democrats, nice try.

A place for everyone and everyone in their place:

Is a fucking Feudal concept enshrined in Dune. So Republicans admit they think they are the elite, and everyone else belongs beneath them llike slaves.

Pathetic shits.

Nailed it.

To them control over brown immigrants, brown Americans, brown muslims, poor folks and women is absolutely essential in preserving their tradition of white, male supremacy and the value system that teaches white and might are right.

You mean "illegals".....get it right, dumb ass. BTW, you don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what is the biggest driving force behind poverty because you don't have the slightest clue on how the banking and financial industry works because you are just a little "arrested development" commie that feels like you are being "cheated".,......stupid fucks like you make me sick...seriously.
Again with a ranting, non related response.
You are a loon dude.

What is a "loon dude"????? HOLY fuck...what the hell is it with leftards and punctuation? Why can't they understand such a simple concept????? But yet they believe that they are "hipping" the world as to what is? I am surrounded by leftard stupid fucks...you can't escape them......they are everywhere spewing stupidity and they are proud of it.....
Its hard to tell.

Their messiah is announcing that under his plan, you can get paid for 6 weeks of Maternity leave.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

They are, now, apparently the party of “free shit”.

He will no doubt co-op more liberal ideas and his followers will hoot and holler their approval without even a thought.

You mean Fabian Socialist ideas all designed to take down the system in the best Cloward-Piven tradition that will move the unwashed masses into a glorious revolution in the best tradition of Lenin and Marx? What you wish and hope for and the actual outcome are two very different things. What I wouldn't give to see you sitting on the curb when it all collapses as you await help from your beloved "gubermint" with your little head in your hands......that would be fuckin' PRICELESS!!

Ain't no such thing as a "gubermint" Santa Claus, dumb ass.........and you will find that out the hard way.

That was strange and not in any way related to what I posted.

That's because you are not bright enough to "get it"....no surprise there. You are still trying to catch on to the fast pace of "Sesame Street".

Your constant need to appear smarter than everyone else betrays an underlying insecurity that is no doubt feeding the mental instability that is already apparent in your posts.
Conservatives support Traditions, Values and the Rule of Law. The concepts of Law and Order along with Personal Responsibility are essential to Conservative ideology. A place for everyone, and everyone in their place.
Traditions and Values are the same fucking thing.

Meanwhile...WHOSE Traditions or Values?

The concept of "Law and Order"? Most Police are Democrats, nice try.

A place for everyone and everyone in their place:

Is a fucking Feudal concept enshrined in Dune. So Republicans admit they think they are the elite, and everyone else belongs beneath them llike slaves.

Pathetic shits.

Nailed it.

To them control over brown immigrants, brown Americans, brown muslims, poor folks and women is absolutely essential in preserving their tradition of white, male supremacy and the value system that teaches white and might are right.

You mean "illegals".....get it right, dumb ass. BTW, you don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what is the biggest driving force behind poverty because you don't have the slightest clue on how the banking and financial industry works because you are just a little "arrested development" commie that feels like you are being "cheated".,......stupid fucks like you make me sick...seriously.
Again with a ranting, non related response.
You are a loon dude.

What is a "loon dude"????? HOLY fuck...what the hell is it with leftards and punctuation? Why can't they understand such a simple concept????? But yet they believe that they are "hipping" the world as to what is? I am surrounded by leftard stupid fucks...you can't escape them......they are everywhere spewing stupidity and they are proud of it.....

Fixed it there professor.
Conservatives support Traditions, Values and the Rule of Law. The concepts of Law and Order along with Personal Responsibility are essential to Conservative ideology. A place for everyone, and everyone in their place.

So a rigid and highly stratified class system just like the ones many of our ancestors fled Europe to escape. Brilliant!
Wow, way to exhausted to point out how evil the IRS, EPA, FEMA, PPACA, , and government are. I just did half of those in another thread.

My contribution will be against free contraceptives, public schooling, positive discrimination, and for the sake of controversy - "democracy."

Free contraceptives are not free. They come out of someones pocket. A victim who is going to get stolen from whether or not he wants to pay. Free contraceptives spit in the face of personal accountability. If you want to have safe sex, then you pay the bill yourself. Now only if we could get this through the entitled assholes plaguing this nation.

Public schooling can best be described through this meme


It is the training grounds for government slave workbots.

Positive discrimination has to be one of the worst and most contradictory policies the Democrats have come up with yet. First we are told everyone is equal, but to make up for past wrongs, which it must be noted that minorities of today were not subjected to, there has to be discriminatory policies in all walks of life? Do not get me started on how much affirmative action has fucked up higher education for non-minorities.

What happened to Malcolm X, and the other great black community leaders that demanded absolutely nothing except to be left alone by the government? Is there no pride anymore?

Finally, the western misconception of what a democracy is. If democracy is power for the people, I can guarantee you that neither liberals or conservatives act towards that end. The people have never had control in American history. They have always been lorded over by elitists and aristocrats, and the common slave want to defend that as the status quo.

Now I cannot say whether or not many conservatives are hypocritical towards the things you stated, but if they are, then it is on them.

So republicans are even against public education.


What the fuck do you support?

The idea that public education is the root of all evil is so farfetched. American education was BETTER before there were charter schools, church schools, and home schooling. Funding for education is suffering because of the fracturing of the funds. Americans pay more for education than any other nation, and they pay more out of their own pockets for education than any other nation, and yet they are falling steadily in educational rankings.

Americans used to have the best education system in the world, until the Republicans got their hands on it and decided they could cut education taxes by convincing everyone to get a "better" education. That's really not working.

America's standing in the world started dropping when Reagan and the conservative faction took power and reordered the tax code. Education, medicine, manufacturing - all the fields where Americans used to lead, they're falling further and further behind. Your experiment with conservatism is an abject failure.
Wow, way to exhausted to point out how evil the IRS, EPA, FEMA, PPACA, , and government are. I just did half of those in another thread.

My contribution will be against free contraceptives, public schooling, positive discrimination, and for the sake of controversy - "democracy."

Free contraceptives are not free. They come out of someones pocket. A victim who is going to get stolen from whether or not he wants to pay. Free contraceptives spit in the face of personal accountability. If you want to have safe sex, then you pay the bill yourself. Now only if we could get this through the entitled assholes plaguing this nation.

Public schooling can best be described through this meme


It is the training grounds for government slave workbots.

Positive discrimination has to be one of the worst and most contradictory policies the Democrats have come up with yet. First we are told everyone is equal, but to make up for past wrongs, which it must be noted that minorities of today were not subjected to, there has to be discriminatory policies in all walks of life? Do not get me started on how much affirmative action has fucked up higher education for non-minorities.

What happened to Malcolm X, and the other great black community leaders that demanded absolutely nothing except to be left alone by the government? Is there no pride anymore?

Finally, the western misconception of what a democracy is. If democracy is power for the people, I can guarantee you that neither liberals or conservatives act towards that end. The people have never had control in American history. They have always been lorded over by elitists and aristocrats, and the common slave want to defend that as the status quo.

Now I cannot say whether or not many conservatives are hypocritical towards the things you stated, but if they are, then it is on them.

So republicans are even against public education.


What the fuck do you support?

The idea that public education is the root of all evil is so farfetched. American education was BETTER before there were charter schools, church schools, and home schooling. Funding for education is suffering because of the fracturing of the funds. Americans pay more for education than any other nation, and they pay more out of their own pockets for education than any other nation, and yet they are falling steadily in educational rankings.

Americans used to have the best education system in the world, until the Republicans got their hands on it and decided they could cut education taxes by convincing everyone to get a "better" education. That's really not working.

America's standing in the world started dropping when Reagan and the conservative faction took power and reordered the tax code. Education, medicine, manufacturing - all the fields where Americans used to lead, they're falling further and further behind. Your experiment with conservatism is an abject failure.

Invest an hour of your time and watch this........

Its hard to tell.

Their messiah is announcing that under his plan, you can get paid for 6 weeks of Maternity leave.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

They are, now, apparently the party of “free shit”.

He will no doubt co-op more liberal ideas and his followers will hoot and holler their approval without even a thought.

You mean Fabian Socialist ideas all designed to take down the system in the best Cloward-Piven tradition that will move the unwashed masses into a glorious revolution in the best tradition of Lenin and Marx? What you wish and hope for and the actual outcome are two very different things. What I wouldn't give to see you sitting on the curb when it all collapses as you await help from your beloved "gubermint" with your little head in your hands......that would be fuckin' PRICELESS!!

Ain't no such thing as a "gubermint" Santa Claus, dumb ass.........and you will find that out the hard way.

That was strange and not in any way related to what I posted.

That's because you are not bright enough to "get it"....no surprise there. You are still trying to catch on to the fast pace of "Sesame Street".

Your constant need to appear smarter than everyone else betrays an underlying insecurity that is no doubt feeding the mental instability that is already apparent in your posts.

I know more than you and prove it every time I post...you can't refute me with anything other than "lame flames"....facts and you are strangers. (snicker)
Wow, way to exhausted to point out how evil the IRS, EPA, FEMA, PPACA, , and government are. I just did half of those in another thread.

My contribution will be against free contraceptives, public schooling, positive discrimination, and for the sake of controversy - "democracy."

Free contraceptives are not free. They come out of someones pocket. A victim who is going to get stolen from whether or not he wants to pay. Free contraceptives spit in the face of personal accountability. If you want to have safe sex, then you pay the bill yourself. Now only if we could get this through the entitled assholes plaguing this nation.

Public schooling can best be described through this meme


It is the training grounds for government slave workbots.

Positive discrimination has to be one of the worst and most contradictory policies the Democrats have come up with yet. First we are told everyone is equal, but to make up for past wrongs, which it must be noted that minorities of today were not subjected to, there has to be discriminatory policies in all walks of life? Do not get me started on how much affirmative action has fucked up higher education for non-minorities.

What happened to Malcolm X, and the other great black community leaders that demanded absolutely nothing except to be left alone by the government? Is there no pride anymore?

Finally, the western misconception of what a democracy is. If democracy is power for the people, I can guarantee you that neither liberals or conservatives act towards that end. The people have never had control in American history. They have always been lorded over by elitists and aristocrats, and the common slave want to defend that as the status quo.

Now I cannot say whether or not many conservatives are hypocritical towards the things you stated, but if they are, then it is on them.

So republicans are even against public education.


What the fuck do you support?

The idea that public education is the root of all evil is so farfetched. American education was BETTER before there were charter schools, church schools, and home schooling. Funding for education is suffering because of the fracturing of the funds. Americans pay more for education than any other nation, and they pay more out of their own pockets for education than any other nation, and yet they are falling steadily in educational rankings.

Americans used to have the best education system in the world, until the Republicans got their hands on it and decided they could cut education taxes by convincing everyone to get a "better" education. That's really not working.

America's standing in the world started dropping when Reagan and the conservative faction took power and reordered the tax code. Education, medicine, manufacturing - all the fields where Americans used to lead, they're falling further and further behind. Your experiment with conservatism is an abject failure.

Invest an hour of your time and watch this........

My time is too valuable to spend on your wild ass conspiracy theories. You watched too many Saturday morning cartoons as a child.
Conservatives aren't for anything, they are only against things. They hate everything that's ever been beneficial to society.

Most of the things liberals believe are beneficial are actually harmful.

You should never hate a cynic or a critic. If it were not for the xenophobia, theocratic tendencies, militarism, and ultra nationalism, I would view the Republicans as the superior shitty party

Actually they were the superior shitty party before Trump.
Conservatives aren't for anything, they are only against things. They hate everything that's ever been beneficial to society.

The concept of conservatism is to "conserve" the status quo. Progress is made when people embrace change. To be a conservative is to always live in the past. Yes real freedom is messy, and you have to put up with people you disagree with, or who choose lifestyles you may not like, but that's when people are truly free to be themselves.

Americans are all big on the freedom to choose their own health insurance. I prefer the freedom that my single payer system gives. If I get sick I go to the doctor, pay no co-pay, and get treated. I may have to pay a few dollars for my prescription $2.00 plus dispensary fees - usually about $4 total. This gives me enormous freedom - freedom from worrying my health could bankrupt me, freedom to go to the doctor when I get sick rather than having to wait because I have a big co-pay, or I can't afford it. Freedom to move to another province and know I'll have health care there too.
Conservatives aren't for anything, they are only against things. They hate everything that's ever been beneficial to society.

That's because every change in the last fifty years has taken power from whites. They're scared shitless of the idea of becoming a minority. It's really just simple mental inferiority.
Wrong! - Republicans.....

Sorry, I can't speak to or for Republicans since I'm a Conservative not a Republican.
Conservative are heavier regulators than Repubtards, plus they vote Republican, so they own everything they do. Republicans & Conservatives tried to ban stem-cell research & set the US back more than a decade behind other countries. They should be denied all access to life saving stem-cell treatment. All they do is drag this country backwards allowing other countries to power past US.

They always cause massive job loss & economic harm!
Keep hard working folk believing 15 bucks an hour is a good wage and the world is yours.
Conservatives aren't for anything, they are only against things. They hate everything that's ever been beneficial to society.

That is an hilarious caricature of a standard brain dead lefty!


You know, I bet some lefties are really that self assured smug narrow mined jerks.

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