What do conservatives support?

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So republicans are even against public education.

Many are for home schooling.

It isn't true public education. It is government education, and the way it conditions kids mentally and conforms kids socially, is absolutely despicable.

What the fuck do you support?

Freedom mate.

Something that does not exist in the slave state we are living in.
Home schooling is stupid.

Kids don't learn to socialize. Kids don't get a uniform education, so society including employers have no way of determining your actual abilities except if they THEN had to test you themselves. Which they won't do. Because there's plenty of public schooled people who go on to prestigious colleges. Or prestigiously private schooled.

You only CLAIM it's Government education but at the same time you suggest it really isn't much of an education at all...but rather shit.

Dude, you have no friggin' clue as to how the "public school system" came to be and how "Free education for all children in government schools" (key word being "government) is one of the planks of the communist manifesto. Kids only have 5 minutes in between classes, they may have to ride a bus to the public indoctrination centers but it's not like they get to freely "wander around the bus" and most of the time they have to worry about being bullied. They have to worry about being bullied at lunch, worry about having to "fit in". They are only in school half of the year...do you think kids just stay huddled in their home the other half of the year and don't "socialize" with others their age at churches or with other neighborhood kids? This joke of a public school system isn't doing anything for the ordinary child to gather skills for the work force. They are not teaching them how to add, do cursive writing, appreciate literature, etc, etc. I could teach a child what they need to know one hour a day and make them better prepared for the REAL world than the public school system and that's a fact. Common Core is a fucking joke.

You don't know diddly squat about the real world...you are just an angry little communist punk.

I hated school-----from my first day at kindergarten to ---high school graduation------it was like being jailed. I got thru it by
secreting a book on my lap (like under the desk) School was such a waste of time that-----a few times I just skipped
class to prepare for THE TEST (the means reading the text-
book-----the teacher was superfluous. ) Would anyone be
surprised if I mentioned that a few teachers-----unimpressed
with that line of A's on the tests gave me a lousy grade
for "class participation"??? one bitch went so far was to
FAIL me in "attitude"---it kept me off the honor roll that period.
One day---Ninth grade---I caught the social studies teacher----
a really nice girl-----instructing a student teacher person on how to compare "democracy" with "communism"------ie ---good vs bad. I listened with rapt attention until she CAUGHT ME eavesdropping-------she was STARTLED
Wow, way to exhausted to point out how evil the IRS, EPA, FEMA, PPACA, , and government are. I just did half of those in another thread.

My contribution will be against free contraceptives, public schooling, positive discrimination, and for the sake of controversy - "democracy."

Free contraceptives are not free. They come out of someones pocket. A victim who is going to get stolen from whether or not he wants to pay. Free contraceptives spit in the face of personal accountability. If you want to have safe sex, then you pay the bill yourself. Now only if we could get this through the entitled assholes plaguing this nation.

Public schooling can best be described through this meme


It is the training grounds for government slave workbots.

Positive discrimination has to be one of the worst and most contradictory policies the Democrats have come up with yet. First we are told everyone is equal, but to make up for past wrongs, which it must be noted that minorities of today were not subjected to, there has to be discriminatory policies in all walks of life? Do not get me started on how much affirmative action has fucked up higher education for non-minorities.

What happened to Malcolm X, and the other great black community leaders that demanded absolutely nothing except to be left alone by the government? Is there no pride anymore?

Finally, the western misconception of what a democracy is. If democracy is power for the people, I can guarantee you that neither liberals or conservatives act towards that end. The people have never had control in American history. They have always been lorded over by elitists and aristocrats, and the common slave want to defend that as the status quo.

Now I cannot say whether or not many conservatives are hypocritical towards the things you stated, but if they are, then it is on them.

So republicans are even against public education.


What the fuck do you support?

Progressive definition of education: 50% of the kids drop out of High School, 80% of those who "Graduate" (aka: didn't drop out) can't read or write at grade level

Republicans just make shit up.
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."

right-----BUT an anecdote can be 'data'----just call it a
Conservatives support the deplorable positions of

discriminating against Muslims, discriminating against gays, discriminating against people of color.

Plus they want criminals to have a loophole through which they can get guns.
I could teach a child what they need to know one hour a day and make them better prepared for the REAL world than the public school system and that's a fact. Common Core is a fucking joke.

It is funny too, because a lot of the time they try to pass off bullshit.

Back when I was in school, I was suspended several times for contesting teachers, because it undermined their authority. My favorite activity was studying history scholars and classical philosophy, but government education has no room for free thought.

Thank god I dropped out when I did. Best decision I ever made in my life.
Conservatives support Traditions, Values and the Rule of Law. The concepts of Law and Order along with Personal Responsibility are essential to Conservative ideology. A place for everyone, and everyone in their place.

You mean Republicans support using government force to heavily regulate US citizens, their homes, autos, assets & business. The fact is most regulations come from Repubtards!
Conservatives support the deplorable positions of

discriminating against Muslims, discriminating against gays, discriminating against people of color.

Plus they want criminals to have a loophole through which they can get guns.

oh-----well-----you have correctly described the republicans of
my childhood------but it seems to me that things changed
over the years. as have the demographics of that town.
You mean Republicans support using government force to heavily regulate US citizens, their assets & business.

I can't speak for Republicans, only Conservatives. Conservatives support using force and regulation only when people refuse to accept propriety on their own. If people and businesses can be counted on to act properly no regulation is necessary. If not, then regulation is necessary.
Conservatives support the deplorable positions of

discriminating against Muslims, discriminating against gays, discriminating against people of color.

Plus they want criminals to have a loophole through which they can get guns.

oh-----well-----you have correctly described the republicans of
my childhood------but it seems to me that things changed
over the years. as have the demographics of that town.

Are a majority of conservatives now supporting same sex marriage?
Conservatives support the deplorable positions of

discriminating against Muslims, discriminating against gays, discriminating against people of color.

Plus they want criminals to have a loophole through which they can get guns.

oh-----well-----you have correctly described the republicans of
my childhood------but it seems to me that things changed
over the years. as have the demographics of that town.

Are a majority of conservatives now supporting same sex marriage?

my guess is "no" I am not sure that a majority of democrats support same sex marriage (for their own
Muslims want to kill you.
Gays want to violate you.
People of color want segregation while they rob you.

Non discrimination is a function of government. Leave people alone. They can discriminate enough to make their own friends and associates.
You don't even know what the fuck "Justice" is.

As you try to block blacks from voting by eliminating Early voting in Michigan.

Republicans are fucking despicable bags of shit, total flaming hypocrites.

Really? I just lived Detroit a little over a year ago and I saw nothing about how early voting or any restrictions was going to only hurt blacks...got a link, oh racist one?
Muslims want to kill you.
Gays want to violate you.
People of color want segregation while they rob you.

Non discrimination is a function of government. Leave people alone. They can discriminate enough to make their own friends and associates.

is this a multiple choice question?
You don't even know what the fuck "Justice" is.

As you try to block blacks from voting by eliminating Early voting in Michigan.

Republicans are fucking despicable bags of shit, total flaming hypocrites.

Really? I just lived Detroit a little over a year ago and I saw nothing about how early voting or any restrictions was going to only hurt blacks...got a link, oh racist one?

until the past few weeks-----I never heard of "early voting" I had heard of absentee voting for-----people out of the country or out in the military
You mean Republicans support using government force to heavily regulate US citizens, their assets & business.

I can't speak for Republicans, only Conservatives. Conservatives support using force and regulation only when people refuse to accept propriety on their own. If people and businesses can be counted on to act properly no regulation is necessary. If not, then regulation is necessary.

Wrong! - Republicans force you to buy auto insurance, impose strict building codes, extremely heavily regulate medication causing skyrocketing healthcare cost, & many countless more regulations.

Just to get a pill you have to buy insurance, go to doctor, get a prescription, go through a PBM, then a pharmacy all Thanks to Republicans!!! This makes a $1 pill cost over $600
Conservatives support the deplorable positions of

discriminating against Muslims, discriminating against gays, discriminating against people of color.

Plus they want criminals to have a loophole through which they can get guns.

As usual, you are wrong but when have you ever been right about any topic you have ever posted about?
to what government do you refer?

The US government.

seems to me that home-schooled would be HIGHLY diverse depending on who did thehomeschooling and how

Yes, I agree that it can be.

Most homeschooling parents are just skating by through all the government regulations. If you wanted to apply a general perception on what homeschooling looks like, it is mostly just a kid doing his own thing all day and occasionally studying for the set of tests that they are required to do during the government curriculum.

Actually that is something most people do not know. Homeschooling is heavily regulated by the government.
Where do you live? Our state just says, Oh, okay. See ya. The kids come to us for their GED so they can get into college.
So republicans are even against public education.

Many are for home schooling.

It isn't true public education. It is government education, and the way it conditions kids mentally and conforms kids socially, is absolutely despicable.

What the fuck do you support?

Freedom mate.

Something that does not exist in the slave state we are living in.
Home schooling is stupid.

Right, which explains homeschoolers overall higher academic achievement level.

Kids don't learn to socialize.

Our son was involved in many extracurricular activities both free time and in organized programs with his peers. He learned to socialize just fine.

Kids don't get a uniform education

Indeed. They get a superior education instead of one geared toward to lowest possible denominator. Many enter college earlier and graduate earlier than their publicly educated peers.

so society including employers have no way of determining your actual abilities except if they THEN had to test you themselves.

College transcripts perform well in that regard.

Because there's plenty of public schooled people who go on to prestigious colleges.

And plenty of business leaders who are aghast at the number of graduates they CAN'T hire because they can't perform at even a basic level, and the number of people they end up firing because the kiddies have never developed a work ethic.
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