What do Hillary haters want:

Conspiracy theories say more about you than the event you are claiming is a conspiracy. You still didnt answer my question as to why would Obama investigate her then turn around and protect her?
Declaring Hillary is innocent a couple of times, and running interference through his AG during multiple ongoing investigations is problematic.
Problematic for who?
For the asshole interfering and making declarations during the ongoing criminal FBI investigations and for the trash he is running interference for.
i dont see any problems for either of them. The POTUS ratings are high as hell and Clinton has a substantial lead over the orange guy running for the GOP.
So if the sides were reversed you would have the same position? Say the front runner in the GOP was the former Secretary of State and decided to run for President, but was undergoing multiple FBI investigations, you would tell everyone to calm down. Say this leader received billions of dollars from every despot on the planet.

Accusations don't mean shit without proof of illegality. It's just sour grapes and whining.
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Conspiracy theories say more about you than the event you are claiming is a conspiracy. You still didnt answer my question as to why would Obama investigate her then turn around and protect her?
Declaring Hillary is innocent a couple of times, and running interference through his AG during multiple ongoing investigations is problematic.
Problematic for who?
For the asshole interfering and making declarations during the ongoing criminal FBI investigations and for the trash he is running interference for.
i dont see any problems for either of them. The POTUS ratings are high as hell and Clinton has a substantial lead over the orange guy running for the GOP.
So if the sides were reversed you would have the same position? Say the front runner in the GOP was the former Secretary of State and decided to run for President, but was undergoing multiple FBI investigations, you would tell everyone to calm down? Say this leader received billions of dollars from every despot on the planet.
Obviously you have zero clue about my position. We are not playing what if games. You claimed this was problematic but you look like a fool because it isnt.
Her well deserved jail time to begin. In a cell near Bill's.

Obviously, without due process of law.
Spare us, her husband was sucking up to Loretta Lynch on the Tarmac. Spare us the bullshit.

Really, WillowSkank. Bet you'd love to neg me...repeatedly...like in the old says. Too bad, too sad.

Paranoid, aren't we? Willow can just press the funny button on every last one of your posts. Essentially what a neg is now.
Lol, is that what all that funny business is about?
I guess, but I thought Lakhota's paranoia was the funny business.
Libs call anyone who seeks justice and / or accountability 'haters'.

According to the State Dept Hillary violated the FOIA and The Federal Recodes Act, that she was NEVER authorized to have a personal server from which to conduct all State Dept business.

She lied under oath, illegally had a server that was not authorized, was not properly encrypted according to the law, was not stored in a proper facility according to the law, was maintained illegally by persons without the proper clearance to do so, she was in illegal possession of classified information she was required by law to turn in when she left the State Dept, she violated laws regarding the proper destruction of classified material....

You could throw in obstruction of justice, impeding an invetigation, perjury...

Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell. Her crimes far surpass those of David Patraeus who was found guilty of MUCH LESS!

Any average citizen / anyone else would already be in jail by now.

Loretta Lynch should be under arrest right now as it is illegal for any state AG or Prosecuting attorney to meet alone with the spouse of someone under investigation the way she met with Bill Clinton. Looks Improper? That's because it is ILLEGAL, Loretta!

In other words, Hillary is guilty until proven innocent. That's called NaziCon Due Process.
Poor Lakhota can't read....

The State Department, not me, declared she violated FOIA & the Federal Records Act.

Inability to read explains why so many libs keep trying to defend Hillary in the face of so much evidence and how they get 'no wrong-doing' out of a report that slams the crap out of her, listing all of her incompetence, failure, and inability to do anything other than cover her own ass.

Funny. If Hillary violated all that shit - what have they done about it? Where are the official charges? Where are the indictments?
Lynch and Obama are taking care of those...like Obama took care of Holder's Perjury.

But that doesn't stop you rabid NaziCons from just making shit up, does it?!
what like the seas rising and the boogey man 2nd ammendment

Since Trump may be the Antichrist - we really need Hillary in White House.

Like we need a case of the clap.
A. Indictments?

B. Due process of law (legal fairness)?

C. Severe illness with long suffering?

D. Prison (regardless of guilt or innocence)?

E. Death?

F. Death to her entire family?

G. Psalm 109:8?

H. Other?

Other. I wanna put the meat to her while she's coughing! What a ride that would be! ;)
It's illegal.
Lynch is not an investigator.

Shes the AG dummy. :laugh:
The AG is not the investigator in this case - the FBI is.

She controls the FBI so her meeting with Bill was a conflict of interest even she recognizes because she apologized and said she wouldn't do it again if possible.
Looks like you are full of shit. I just read about it and this is what the AG said.

""He said hello and we basically said hello, and I congratulated him on his grandchildren as people tend to do,” Lynch said Friday morning. "It really was a social meeting, and it really was in that regard.""
So Lynch says they talked about golf and grandkids...and you believe it...

I wrote 'The Fix Is In 2' destroying Lynch's story. I suggest you read it...here's a bit:

She said she had to stop in Phoenix to refuel.
- She was flying from DC to Aspen in a G2, a plane capable of flying to and from the west coast without needing to refuel. BULLSHIT

- You are in the way to Aspen with no business in Phoenix....why go out of your way to Phoenix for fuel if you needed any? BULLSHIT!

-Scheduling to land at Phienix they would have learned Clinton was there...'ran into him there'? BULLSHIT!

- Bill & Lynch just gappened to tun into each other and talk? Each has their own security detail that works for different offices. This meeting would NOT have been spur of the monent - it had to be coordinated, according to the Secret Service....so BULLSHIT!

You don't know if Bill and Lynch talk privately on the telephone on a regular basis. So, to go berserk over a little public meeting is silly.

There is a difference between a PUBLIC meeting and a PRIVATE meeting. Are those words big enough for you to understand?
What do Hillary haters want:

I want liberals destroyed. Anything liberals want well they can just forget it, we are not budging an inch.
you are an idiot :thup:

No I'm a liberal hater, I hate their guts and hope they get a nasty crotch infection.
ummm..... you just proved my point idiot boi. :thup:

Have you ever read a book in your life besides one by O'Reilly or oxyRush? Have you ever crossed the the threshold of your local library?

Those were rhetorical questions.
You mad bro? Go have yourself a liberal cry :crybaby:

Maybe he can get together with some of his libqueer pals and solve the California drought.

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