What do Hillary haters want:

Congratulations to all you Hilarybots on becoming the new right wing.
So liberal is the new right wing huh? I can get with that.
Perhaps you can explain the differences between Hilary Clinton's foreign policy objectives and those of the Bush Administration. And then next maybe you can tell me what Hilary Clinton plans to do about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics. Explain to me the part where Hilary Clinton is somehow progressive.
The main difference is Clintons ability to pull it off. She is a career politician and used to working with people. Trump is a CEO and used to being obeyed or people get fired. I dont know or care what she plans to do about corporate money in politics. There is no way to stop it and only fools think there is. Hillary is progressive just in the fact she is a woman that supports womens rights and equality for all.

The main difference is Clintons ability to pull it off.

How'd she pull off that reset button?

Since Trump may be the Antichrist - we really need Hillary in White House.
Nope.....Trump isn't the Antichrist.......he's the Archangel Gabriel.
Obama's the Antichrist.
Congratulations to all you Hilarybots on becoming the new right wing.
So liberal is the new right wing huh? I can get with that.
Perhaps you can explain the differences between Hilary Clinton's foreign policy objectives and those of the Bush Administration. And then next maybe you can tell me what Hilary Clinton plans to do about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics. Explain to me the part where Hilary Clinton is somehow progressive.
The main difference is Clintons ability to pull it off. She is a career politician and used to working with people. Trump is a CEO and used to being obeyed or people get fired. I dont know or care what she plans to do about corporate money in politics. There is no way to stop it and only fools think there is. Hillary is progressive just in the fact she is a woman that supports womens rights and equality for all.
The logic of low expectations.
Why would I have high expectations of Trump? He is a dumb ass.
Obama and Lynch are the reason.

Hillary is also a lawyer - and a very smart one.

Hillary is also a lawyer - and a very smart one.

You base your feeling on her failure to pass the DC bar?

Lots of very smart people fail the bar on first try - much like CPAs.
There are no honest Hilary supporters.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Hillary is also a lawyer - and a very smart one.

Hillary is also a lawyer - and a very smart one.

You base your feeling on her failure to pass the DC bar?

Lots of very smart people fail the bar on first try - much like CPAs.
There are no honest Hilary supporters.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.
Hillary is also a lawyer - and a very smart one.

You base your feeling on her failure to pass the DC bar?

Lots of very smart people fail the bar on first try - much like CPAs.
There are no honest Hilary supporters.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.

What is it again that Hilary stands for? I can't seem to think of anything. What specifically has she ever done to help average working Americans?
Hillary is also a lawyer - and a very smart one.

You base your feeling on her failure to pass the DC bar?

Lots of very smart people fail the bar on first try - much like CPAs.
There are no honest Hilary supporters.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.
No doubt you can think of something Hilary stands for, just one thing she actually believes in, one issue on which she's had a consistent, principled position. One specific action she's ever taken to help average working Americans. Name one.
Lots of very smart people fail the bar on first try - much like CPAs.
There are no honest Hilary supporters.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.

What is it again that Hilary stands for? I can't seem to think of anything. What specifically has she ever done to help average working Americans?
Lots of very smart people fail the bar on first try - much like CPAs.
There are no honest Hilary supporters.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.
No doubt you can think of something Hilary stands for, just one thing she actually believes in, one issue on which she's had a consistent, principled position. One specific action she's ever taken to help average working Americans. Name one.
You dont have to ask me. Just look it up on the internet. Regardless of what she stands for its better than having Trump in office.

Hillary Clinton on Jobs
There are no honest Hilary supporters.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.

What is it again that Hilary stands for? I can't seem to think of anything. What specifically has she ever done to help average working Americans?
There are no honest Hilary supporters.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.
No doubt you can think of something Hilary stands for, just one thing she actually believes in, one issue on which she's had a consistent, principled position. One specific action she's ever taken to help average working Americans. Name one.
You dont have to ask me. Just look it up on the internet. Regardless of what she stands for its better than having Trump in office.

Hillary Clinton on Jobs
In other words: You have no fucking idea at all.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.

What is it again that Hilary stands for? I can't seem to think of anything. What specifically has she ever done to help average working Americans?
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.
No doubt you can think of something Hilary stands for, just one thing she actually believes in, one issue on which she's had a consistent, principled position. One specific action she's ever taken to help average working Americans. Name one.
You dont have to ask me. Just look it up on the internet. Regardless of what she stands for its better than having Trump in office.

Hillary Clinton on Jobs
In other words: You have no fucking idea at all.
Nope. Those are your words and you asked me so obviously you are the one that has no clue.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.

What is it again that Hilary stands for? I can't seem to think of anything. What specifically has she ever done to help average working Americans?
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.
No doubt you can think of something Hilary stands for, just one thing she actually believes in, one issue on which she's had a consistent, principled position. One specific action she's ever taken to help average working Americans. Name one.
You dont have to ask me. Just look it up on the internet. Regardless of what she stands for its better than having Trump in office.

Hillary Clinton on Jobs
In other words: You have no fucking idea at all.
Nope. Those are your words and you asked me so obviously you are the one that has no clue.
You've failed completely to show even one progressive cause that Hilary Clinton stands for.
I want for her to answer for some things, such as where the $6 billion went while she was Sec. of State. I wish she would have cooperated with the email investigation but she hasn't and she's still trying to stall. It's not enough for her to say she made a mistake (breaking the law with the emails) and that everyone should move on. We don't get to just say sorry when we break the law. There are consequences and no one should be allowed to just dismiss things.

She also has taken money from foreign countries, both during her stint as Sec. of State and later she took campaign contributions. That is not allowed. Now the left is eager to point fingers at Trump, claiming he solicited donations, but the emails didn't come from the states. Looks like a set up. Funny that they aren't concentrated on the one who already broke campaign laws.

I think her handling and lying about Benghazi is shameful and it does make a difference. I don't trust her after she let our people down and then lied about it. We all heard the same lies regarding the video. The investigation did bring out some upsetting facts and the Dems have done their best to spin it. Even reporters aren't willing to read it before reporting on it. What she said in private emails and what she said publicly are very different. The American people didn't get the facts the way her email recipients did. She was truthful behind the scenes regarding the attack and lied her ass off to the people. I heard her many times, as well as Obama, claim that a disgusting video set off some protesters. Yes, she said it over and over on camera. And it was reported nearly two years ago that she told the families of the victims the same thing, even promising them that she would get the filmmaker. Now she insinuates that they are lying.

Poor Trey hasn't found a damn thing. :rolleyes:
Shes the lesser of two evils.
evil is evil.....Satan or Dracula you are still going to get fucked.....
In an election there is no none of the above option. If I am going to pick someone, then I'm going to pick someone that wont try and bring back Jim Crow.
there are always other people running.....some of them are far better choices than the 2 dipshits we have been presented with.....its up to the voter to cut the cord.....
I think I'll be smart and make sureTrump loses before I make a pointless point.
you lose either way....
I don't follow anyone blindly, but I'd rather have any Democrat over a Republican since I've only seen austerity, partisanship, warmongering, and vindictiveness when conservatives are in charge! The economy has a brief blip of improvement and they think all right with the world before it all collapses with banks failing, Wall Street malfeasance due to lack of regulation, and ballooning unemployment when they swear jobs will be created with higher salaries! It's always a big, fat lie and I'm sick of the vicious cycle! Let's give Hillary a chance before making all kinds of prognostications and literally wishing the country would go under just to prove a point! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
lots of people want to give trump a chance before making all kinds of prognostications about him too.....

He's already proved to be FOS! Trump talks about "America First," but has his suits, ties, furniture and heaven knows what else produced somewhere else in the world! His casinos have gone bust, he doesn't pay up, and he's a bigot! What gives him the right to run anything much less the country? It comes out of his own mouth when he contradicts or changes his mind within the same sentence if not days! The Clintons are quite successful at what they do and people are just jealous of that! Get over it! ;-/ :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
yea they are successful at getting people like yourself to believe how wonderful they are....want me to tell you why that is?...
I don't follow anyone blindly, but I'd rather have any Democrat over a Republican since I've only seen austerity, partisanship, warmongering, and vindictiveness when conservatives are in charge! The economy has a brief blip of improvement and they think all right with the world before it all collapses with banks failing, Wall Street malfeasance due to lack of regulation, and ballooning unemployment when they swear jobs will be created with higher salaries! It's always a big, fat lie and I'm sick of the vicious cycle! Let's give Hillary a chance before making all kinds of prognostications and literally wishing the country would go under just to prove a point! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
lots of people want to give trump a chance before making all kinds of prognostications about him too.....

He's already proved to be FOS! Trump talks about "America First," but has his suits, ties, furniture and heaven knows what else produced somewhere else in the world! His casinos have gone bust, he doesn't pay up, and he's a bigot! What gives him the right to run anything much less the country? It comes out of his own mouth when he contradicts or changes his mind within the same sentence if not days! The Clintons are quite successful at what they do and people are just jealous of that! Get over it! ;-/ :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
yea they are successful at getting people like yourself to believe how wonderful they are....want me to tell you why that is?...

If you like Trump - you should know.
A. Indictments?

B. Due process of law (legal fairness)?

C. Severe illness with long suffering?

D. Prison (regardless of guilt or innocence)?

E. Death?

F. Death to her entire family?

G. Psalm 109:8?

H. Other?

Her never setting foot in the White House again is enough for me
I don't follow anyone blindly, but I'd rather have any Democrat over a Republican since I've only seen austerity, partisanship, warmongering, and vindictiveness when conservatives are in charge! The economy has a brief blip of improvement and they think all right with the world before it all collapses with banks failing, Wall Street malfeasance due to lack of regulation, and ballooning unemployment when they swear jobs will be created with higher salaries! It's always a big, fat lie and I'm sick of the vicious cycle! Let's give Hillary a chance before making all kinds of prognostications and literally wishing the country would go under just to prove a point! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
lots of people want to give trump a chance before making all kinds of prognostications about him too.....

He's already proved to be FOS! Trump talks about "America First," but has his suits, ties, furniture and heaven knows what else produced somewhere else in the world! His casinos have gone bust, he doesn't pay up, and he's a bigot! What gives him the right to run anything much less the country? It comes out of his own mouth when he contradicts or changes his mind within the same sentence if not days! The Clintons are quite successful at what they do and people are just jealous of that! Get over it! ;-/ :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
yea they are successful at getting people like yourself to believe how wonderful they are....want me to tell you why that is?...

If you like Trump - you should know.
i think you know what i think of trump.....want me to tell you why you think hillary is so wonderful?...

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