What do Hillary haters want:

I don't follow anyone blindly, but I'd rather have any Democrat over a Republican since I've only seen austerity, partisanship, warmongering, and vindictiveness when conservatives are in charge! The economy has a brief blip of improvement and they think all right with the world before it all collapses with banks failing, Wall Street malfeasance due to lack of regulation, and ballooning unemployment when they swear jobs will be created with higher salaries! It's always a big, fat lie and I'm sick of the vicious cycle! Let's give Hillary a chance before making all kinds of prognostications and literally wishing the country would go under just to prove a point! :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
lots of people want to give trump a chance before making all kinds of prognostications about him too.....

He's already proved to be FOS! Trump talks about "America First," but has his suits, ties, furniture and heaven knows what else produced somewhere else in the world! His casinos have gone bust, he doesn't pay up, and he's a bigot! What gives him the right to run anything much less the country? It comes out of his own mouth when he contradicts or changes his mind within the same sentence if not days! The Clintons are quite successful at what they do and people are just jealous of that! Get over it! ;-/ :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
yea they are successful at getting people like yourself to believe how wonderful they are....want me to tell you why that is?...

If you like Trump - you should know.
I think you know what i think of Trump.....want me to tell you why you think Hillary is so wonderful?...

No one said she was that wonderful; just preferred over a sleaze like Trump! :argue: :ahole-1:
lots of people want to give trump a chance before making all kinds of prognostications about him too.....

He's already proved to be FOS! Trump talks about "America First," but has his suits, ties, furniture and heaven knows what else produced somewhere else in the world! His casinos have gone bust, he doesn't pay up, and he's a bigot! What gives him the right to run anything much less the country? It comes out of his own mouth when he contradicts or changes his mind within the same sentence if not days! The Clintons are quite successful at what they do and people are just jealous of that! Get over it! ;-/ :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
yea they are successful at getting people like yourself to believe how wonderful they are....want me to tell you why that is?...

If you like Trump - you should know.
I think you know what i think of Trump.....want me to tell you why you think Hillary is so wonderful?...

No one said she was that wonderful; just preferred over a sleaze like Trump! :argue: :ahole-1:
you think she is,otherwise you would not be defending her and calling me an asshole for saying shit you dont want to hear....
To answer the OP question, I'm a Hillary hater who wants you violent, anti-free-speech thugs to crawl back under your rocks......or in the case of you injuns, crawl back into your bottle. Entitled minority crybabies with an eternal inferiority complex about white society accomplishments.
He's already proved to be FOS! Trump talks about "America First," but has his suits, ties, furniture and heaven knows what else produced somewhere else in the world! His casinos have gone bust, he doesn't pay up, and he's a bigot! What gives him the right to run anything much less the country? It comes out of his own mouth when he contradicts or changes his mind within the same sentence if not days! The Clintons are quite successful at what they do and people are just jealous of that! Get over it! ;-/ :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
yea they are successful at getting people like yourself to believe how wonderful they are....want me to tell you why that is?...

If you like Trump - you should know.
I think you know what i think of Trump.....want me to tell you why you think Hillary is so wonderful?...

No one said she was that wonderful; just preferred over a sleaze like Trump! :argue: :ahole-1:
you think she is,otherwise you would not be defending her and calling me an asshole for saying shit you dont want to hear....

I think all Republicans are arse-hole because of the way they treated Obama and his family before he even took office! You guys had already decided to obstruct, undermine, and make it as difficult as possible to get anything done; even mundane chores like the budget! His patriotism, religion, and even his citizenship was questioned! I can't have any respect for people like that! :9: :anj_stfu:
Since Hillary's FBI interview was "voluntary" - you can bet she was extremely well prepared. Go Hillary!!!!!
Shes the lesser of two evils.
evil is evil.....Satan or Dracula you are still going to get fucked.....
In an election there is no none of the above option. If I am going to pick someone, then I'm going to pick someone that wont try and bring back Jim Crow.
there are always other people running.....some of them are far better choices than the 2 dipshits we have been presented with.....its up to the voter to cut the cord.....
I think I'll be smart and make sureTrump loses before I make a pointless point.
you lose either way....
I lose much less with Clinton. I understand these things go in cycles and I cant win all the time.
yea they are successful at getting people like yourself to believe how wonderful they are....want me to tell you why that is?...

If you like Trump - you should know.
I think you know what i think of Trump.....want me to tell you why you think Hillary is so wonderful?...

No one said she was that wonderful; just preferred over a sleaze like Trump! :argue: :ahole-1:
you think she is,otherwise you would not be defending her and calling me an asshole for saying shit you dont want to hear....

I think all Republicans are arse-hole because of the way they treated Obama and his family before he even took office! You guys had already decided to obstruct, undermine, and make it as difficult as possible to get anything done; even mundane chores like the budget! His patriotism, religion, and even his citizenship was questioned! I can't have any respect for people like that! :9: :anj_stfu:
you guys?.....you think i am a republican?....hold on.....
.....ok i needed that....now that that is out of the way,your buddy lakota cant do it,maybe you can,show me a post of mine undermining obama or questioning his patriotism, religion, and citizenship ....the only consistent criticism i have of him is that i think he is a piss poor leader here at home....
What fool wouldn't vote for the lesser of two evil - other than not voting?
what fool votes for the same shit over and over again?...and you have the typical 2 party mindset....."if they aint a democrat or a republican they aint worth voting for"...so you and all the other "fools" will vote for people,even if you think they are terrible people,because its who my precious little party says i should vote for....hence we get what we have right now,2 people with questionable character and not well liked by MANY,and i mean MANY people.....one of them will be President....aint we fucking lucky.....
Since Hillary's FBI interview was "voluntary" - you can bet she was extremely well prepared. Go Hillary!!!!!
she is tainted and thanks to her husband and the Att.Gen having that very stupid meeting like they did.....she is even more tainted,more "baggage" thrown on to her pile....
evil is evil.....Satan or Dracula you are still going to get fucked.....
In an election there is no none of the above option. If I am going to pick someone, then I'm going to pick someone that wont try and bring back Jim Crow.
there are always other people running.....some of them are far better choices than the 2 dipshits we have been presented with.....its up to the voter to cut the cord.....
I think I'll be smart and make sureTrump loses before I make a pointless point.
you lose either way....
I lose much less with Clinton. I understand these things go in cycles and I cant win all the time.
you dont know that,she isnt president yet.....
What fool wouldn't vote for the lesser of two evil - other than not voting?
What fool votes for the same shit over and over again?...and you have the typical 2 party mindset....."if they ain't a Democrat or a Republican they ain't worth voting for"...so you and all the other "fools" will vote for people,even if you think they are terrible people because it's who my precious little party says I should vote for....hence we get what we have right now, 2 people with questionable character and not well liked by MANY, and I mean MANY people.....one of them will be President....ain't we fucking lucky.....

You're kidding right? Talk to the nimrods that send old geezers back continually every 2, 4 or 6 years like McCain & McConnell who've been in office over 30 years! Need I say more? :argue: :blahblah: :banghead:
What fool wouldn't vote for the lesser of two evil - other than not voting?
What fool votes for the same shit over and over again?...and you have the typical 2 party mindset....."if they ain't a Democrat or a Republican they ain't worth voting for"...so you and all the other "fools" will vote for people,even if you think they are terrible people because it's who my precious little party says I should vote for....hence we get what we have right now, 2 people with questionable character and not well liked by MANY, and I mean MANY people.....one of them will be President....ain't we fucking lucky.....

You're kidding right? Talk to the nimrods that send old geezers back continually every 2, 4 or 6 years like McCain & McConnell who've been in office over 30 years! Need I say more? :argue: :blahblah: :banghead:
are you kidding?....can you read with comprehension?...need i say more?....
In an election there is no none of the above option. If I am going to pick someone, then I'm going to pick someone that wont try and bring back Jim Crow.
there are always other people running.....some of them are far better choices than the 2 dipshits we have been presented with.....its up to the voter to cut the cord.....
I think I'll be smart and make sureTrump loses before I make a pointless point.
you lose either way....
I lose much less with Clinton. I understand these things go in cycles and I cant win all the time.
you dont know that,she isnt president yet.....
She doesnt have to be POTUS yet. I can see from Harrumphs verbal barfing he is a much worse option.
Hillary stands against their anti-government garbage and believes in America remaining a first world country. Like I always say, infrastructure, science, r&d and education is at the heart of it and the loserterians want to cut, cut and cut some more. This is why they're angry! They hate those things with a passion.
Hillary stands against their anti-government garbage and believes in America remaining a first world country. Like I always say, infrastructure, science, r&d and education is at the heart of it and the loserterians want to cut, cut and cut some more. This is why they're angry! They hate those things with a passion.

Like I always say, infrastructure, science, r&d and education is at the heart of it and the loserterians want to cut,

And Hillary just wants HER CUT. Derp

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