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What do liberals think about Trump's statement he was spied on now?

again, for the stupid...... CARTER PAGE had FISA warrants because he was being groomed as a Russian assert. others showed up in that surveillance

They forget the F stands for foreign.

You can't get a FISC warrant for the communications of an american talking to another american.

Of course you can. The system contains virtually EVERY electronic communication on any citizen. They are MASKED, but they are there. And can be UNMASKED. Ask the ACLU, this same system has been used to spy on domestic slavery, prostitution, child porn investigations. And the REAL Civil Libertarians are rightly pissed about it.

Now the deal is -- they can't use this data in a Civil/Criminal court because of it's classification. But they can get the keys to Big Brother to find out where to start the normal gumshoe criminal investigations.

I love the 1st line of this ACLU memo. It's only because TRUMP has the keys to Big Brother that we need to worry now. Folks like Lakhota and Faun who think this is funny ought to pay attention to that.

Trying to Keep the Internet Safe From Warrantless NSA Surveillance - ACLU of Tennessee

On Thursday, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral argument in Wikimedia v. NSA, our case challenging “Upstream” surveillance. First revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden in June 2013, Upstream surveillance involves the NSA’s bulk searching of Americans’ international internet communications with the assistance of companies like AT&T and Verizon. If you email friends abroad, chat with family members overseas, or browse websites hosted outside of the United States, the NSA has almost certainly searched through the contents of your communications — and it has done so without a warrant.

Upstream surveillance takes place in the internet “backbone” — the network of high-capacity cables, switches, and routers that carries Americans’ domestic and international internet communications. The NSA has installed surveillance equipment at dozens of points along the internet backbone, allowing the government to copy and then search the contents of vast quantities of internet traffic as it flows past.

One of the most glaring problems with Upstream surveillance is that it is not targeted at all — at least not in any ordinary sense of the word. Instead, the government is systematically examining online communications in bulk, scanning their full contents to see which ones merely mention its targets.

The ACLU brought this lawsuit on behalf of a coalition of legal, media, educational, and human rights organizations, including the Wikimedia Foundation (which runs Wikipedia), Amnesty International USA, The Nation magazine, PEN American Center, Human Rights Watch, the Rutherford Institute, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Global Fund for Women, and the Washington Office on Latin America.
What does the FISC warrant say?

Does it authorize the surveillance of every Carter Page communication on record- or for a specific period?

You think Mueller is gonna find Russian collusion in the Trump campaign WITHOUT THAT FISC order? Not bloody likely...

Well I actually hope that Mueller doesn't find any Russian collusion with the Trump campaign- that frankly would be terrible for our country. The only thing worse is if it happened- and is covered up.

Could the FBI find evidence without THAT FISC order? Sure- if they have the ability to get a FISC on anyone- they could have requested one for each of Trump's campaign inner circle.

But they didn't.

Nor did they do it in June, or July, or August, or September- they requested a warrant in October- weeks before the election.

Again- if this was a "Deep State Conspiracy" to deny the election to Trump- it was incredibly incompetent.

Hell all the FBI needed to do to accomplish that during the election was for Comey to hold a press conference and announce that Trump's campaign was being investigated by the FBI for collusion with Russia.

Comey never told us that Trump has been under investigation since July 2016 - until March 20, 2017. After Trump had been president for three months. Shame on Comey!
What does the FISC warrant say?

Does it authorize the surveillance of every Carter Page communication on record- or for a specific period?

No reason for a FISC warrant if you didn't want to look backwards in time at all his past associations and contacts and communications. You could just tap his phones and collect his computers remotely.

That is what the FISC warrant allowed the FBI to do- conduct surveillance of his communications and physical searches.
Can't legally do any of that without a warrant.

Which the FBI got.

NOT JUST HIS. The entire purpose of the system is to uncover the map of relationships and associations of the target and monitor THEM as well. If YOU'RE a target, your barber, your accountant, your business partners can all be monitored as well. BACK in time as well as forward.

BEFORE NSA was given authority to do Domestic Spying again --- they WERE limited to collecting and archiving ONLY communications that they got from overseas facilities. Now with Big Brother -- they sit on the UPSTREAM streams from phone companies and ISPs and financial institutions and vacuum up and PRESERVE it. That's why the FISA court PREDATES the Big Brother 702 collection system and hence the "Foreign" in its name.

Once they got the green light to collect upstream and domestically ---- EVERYONE's data is somewhere on that system. It's the only way to bust up 9/11 type conspiracy plots and THATS how it was sold to Congress and the American people. But it's already got a track record of being abused for purely DOMESTIC crimes.
again, for the stupid...... CARTER PAGE had FISA warrants because he was being groomed as a Russian assert. others showed up in that surveillance

They forget the F stands for foreign.

You can't get a FISC warrant for the communications of an american talking to another american.

Of course you can. The system contains virtually EVERY electronic communication on any citizen. They are MASKED, but they are there. And can be UNMASKED. Ask the ACLU, this same system has been used to spy on domestic slavery, prostitution, child porn investigations. And the REAL Civil Libertarians are rightly pissed about it.

Now the deal is -- they can't use this data in a Civil/Criminal court because of it's classification. But they can get the keys to Big Brother to find out where to start the normal gumshoe criminal investigations.

I love the 1st line of this ACLU memo. It's only because TRUMP has the keys to Big Brother that we need to worry now. Folks like Lakhota and Faun who think this is funny ought to pay attention to that.

Trying to Keep the Internet Safe From Warrantless NSA Surveillance - ACLU of Tennessee

On Thursday, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral argument in Wikimedia v. NSA, our case challenging “Upstream” surveillance. First revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden in June 2013, Upstream surveillance involves the NSA’s bulk searching of Americans’ international internet communications with the assistance of companies like AT&T and Verizon. If you email friends abroad, chat with family members overseas, or browse websites hosted outside of the United States, the NSA has almost certainly searched through the contents of your communications — and it has done so without a warrant.

Upstream surveillance takes place in the internet “backbone” — the network of high-capacity cables, switches, and routers that carries Americans’ domestic and international internet communications. The NSA has installed surveillance equipment at dozens of points along the internet backbone, allowing the government to copy and then search the contents of vast quantities of internet traffic as it flows past.

One of the most glaring problems with Upstream surveillance is that it is not targeted at all — at least not in any ordinary sense of the word. Instead, the government is systematically examining online communications in bulk, scanning their full contents to see which ones merely mention its targets.

The ACLU brought this lawsuit on behalf of a coalition of legal, media, educational, and human rights organizations, including the Wikimedia Foundation (which runs Wikipedia), Amnesty International USA, The Nation magazine, PEN American Center, Human Rights Watch, the Rutherford Institute, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Global Fund for Women, and the Washington Office on Latin America.

Has? Maybe. Doesn’t look at unless key words come up.

Again has nothing to do with the fact that carter page was a valid target and his surveillance was approved multiple times by multiple judges.

I’ll also point out that baby bush and the GOP loved FISA. We told you you wouldn’t like it if your own got caught up.

And now you’re all whining?
Could the FBI find evidence without THAT FISC order? Sure- if they have the ability to get a FISC on anyone- they could have requested one for each of Trump's campaign inner circle.

No. Actually they couldn't do that. The topic was "collusion with the Russians" and Page was their best bet on that play. Except that his contribution to the Trump Campaign was very near zero. Never attended a committee meeting. Never talked to the upper reaches of the Campaign staff.

No way the FISC would approve a request based on Russian collusion for just ANY member of the team..

Page lived in Russia while he opened Merrill Lynch over there. Is a Russian expert on their energy reserves and had COOPERATED with the FBI many times in the past. They USED him as an "unwitting" informant in their zest to get dirt on the Republican campaign staff.
THis is a MUST READ for Lakhota, Faun and all the other partisan ostriches with their heads up CNN/WashPo asses. And it comes from one of the leading LEFTIST investigative orgs in the country. The deal that you jokers don't realize is that any SERIOUS Civil Libertarians are equally distributed in the far left and Libertarian wings of American politics. And we ALL completely agree that the lack of PANIC amongst most Americans has GOT to be fixed...

FAQ: What You Need to Know About the NSA's Surveillance Programs — ProPublica

Massive amounts of raw Internet traffic The NSA intercepts huge amounts of raw data, and stores billions of communication records per day in its databases. Using the NSA’s XKEYSCORE software, analysts can see “nearly everything a user does on the Internet” including emails, social media posts, web sites you visit, addresses typed into Google Maps, files sent, and more. Currently the NSA is only authorized to intercept Internet communications with at least one end outside the U.S., though the domestic collection program used to be broader. But because there is no fully reliable automatic way to separate domestic from international communications, this program also captures some amount of U.S. citizens’ purely domestic Internet activity, such as emails, social media posts, instant messages, the sites you visit and online purchases you make.

Does the NSA need an individualized warrant to listen to my calls or look at my emails?
It’s complicated, but not in all cases. Leaked court orders set out the "minimization" procedures that govern what the NSA can do with the domestic information it has intercepted. The NSA is allowed to store this domestic information because of the technical difficulties in separating foreign from domestic communications when large amounts of data are being captured.

However, if the intercepted information is “reasonably believed to contain evidence of a crime” then the NSA is allowed to turn it over to federal law enforcement. Unless there are other (still secret) restrictions on how the NSA can use this data this means the police might end up with your private communications without ever having to get approval from a judge, effectively circumventing the whole notion of probable cause.

This is significant because thousands or millions of people might fall into the extended social network of a single known target, but it is not always possible to determine whether someone is a U.S. person before looking at their data. For example, it’s not usually possible to tell just from someone’s email address, which is why the NSA maintains a database of known U.S. email addresses and phone numbers. Internal documents state that analysts need only “51% confidence” that someone is a non-U.S. person before looking at their data, and if the NSA does not have “specific information” about someone, that person is “presumed to be a non-United States person.”

Footnote:::: I''m NOT a ProPublica or ACLU fanatic. But we're on the exact same side on this one. And that's what's gotta happen to STOP this abuse before some other group commandeers Big Brother to do MORE damage.

BEFORE NSA was given authority to do Domestic Spying again --- they WERE limited to collecting and archiving ONLY communications that they got from overseas facilities. Now with Big Brother -- they sit on the UPSTREAM streams from phone companies and ISPs and financial institutions and vacuum up and PRESERVE it. That's why the FISA court PREDATES the Big Brother 702 collection system and hence the "Foreign" in its name..

FAQ: What You Need to Know About the NSA's Surveillance Programs — ProPublica

What You Need to Know About the NSA's Surveillance Programs
A record of most calls made in the U.S., including the telephone number of the phones making and receiving the call, and how long the call lasted. This information is known as “metadata” and doesn’t include a recording of the actual call

Email, Facebook posts and instant messages for an unknown number of people, via PRISM, which involves the cooperation of at least nine different technology companies. Google, Facebook, Yahoo and others

Massive amounts of raw Internet traffic The NSA intercepts huge amounts of raw data, and stores billions of communication records per day in its databases. Using the NSA’s XKEYSCORE software, analysts can see “nearly everything a user does on the Internet” including emails, social media posts, web sites you visit, addresses typed into Google Maps, files sent, and more. Currently the NSA is only authorized to intercept Internet communications with at least one end outside the U.S.

There have beenseveral reports that the NSA records the audio contents of some phone calls and a leaked document confirms this. This reportedly happens “on a much smaller scale” than the programs above, after analysts select specific people as “targets.” Calls to or from U.S. phone numbers can be recorded, as long as the other end is outside the U.S. or one of the callers is involved in "international terrorism".

This is a massive amount of data. The full contents of intercepted Internet traffic can only be stored for up to a few days,

The NSA is allowed to record the conversations of non-Americans without a specific warrant for each person monitored, if at least one end of the conversation is outside of the U.S. It is also allowed to record the communications of Americans if they are outside the U.S. and the NSA first gets a warrant for each case. It’s not known exactly how many people the NSA is currently targeting, but according to a leaked report the NSA intercepted content from 37,664 telephone numbers and email addresses from October 2001 to January 2007. Of these, 8% were domestic: 2,612 U.S. phone numbers and 406 U.S. email addresses.

'phony documentation' for Carter Page?

Obama government investigators [Inquisitors] grew suspicious of Page's Russian contacts and a trip he took to Moscow during the campaign, so they wiretapped him in late October 2016.

The Obama DOJ sought permission to surveil Page largely based on information from the infamous and discredited Clinton Steele dossier. That’s the document filled with bogus ludicrous blatantly false allegations re: Team Trump. This dossier was funded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer, on paper at least, meaning that Page was being surveilled in part because of a campaign’s bogus opposition research

"DOJ's October 21, 2016 FISA application and three subsequent renewals carefully outlined for the Court a multi-pronged rationale for surveilling Page, who, at the time of the first application, was no longer with the Trump campaign. DOJ detailed Page's past relationships with Russian spies and interaction with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, (REDACTED). DOJ cited multiple sources to support the case for surveilling Page a but made only narrow use of information from Steele's sources about Page's specific activities in 2016, chiefly his suspected July 2016 meetings in Moscow with Russian officials (REDACTED)."


Don't know what your point is .. Don't think you have one here. They GOT the warrant. The fact that the Dossier was highlighted doesn't mean jack. They GOT the approval and that approval meant full access to the domestic spy system.
BEFORE NSA was given authority to do Domestic Spying again --- they WERE limited to collecting and archiving ONLY communications that they got from overseas facilities. Now with Big Brother -- they sit on the UPSTREAM streams from phone companies and ISPs and financial institutions and vacuum up and PRESERVE it. That's why the FISA court PREDATES the Big Brother 702 collection system and hence the "Foreign" in its name..

FAQ: What You Need to Know About the NSA's Surveillance Programs — ProPublica

What You Need to Know About the NSA's Surveillance Programs
A record of most calls made in the U.S., including the telephone number of the phones making and receiving the call, and how long the call lasted. This information is known as “metadata” and doesn’t include a recording of the actual call

Email, Facebook posts and instant messages for an unknown number of people, via PRISM, which involves the cooperation of at least nine different technology companies. Google, Facebook, Yahoo and others

Massive amounts of raw Internet traffic The NSA intercepts huge amounts of raw data, and stores billions of communication records per day in its databases. Using the NSA’s XKEYSCORE software, analysts can see “nearly everything a user does on the Internet” including emails, social media posts, web sites you visit, addresses typed into Google Maps, files sent, and more. Currently the NSA is only authorized to intercept Internet communications with at least one end outside the U.S.

There have beenseveral reports that the NSA records the audio contents of some phone calls and a leaked document confirms this. This reportedly happens “on a much smaller scale” than the programs above, after analysts select specific people as “targets.” Calls to or from U.S. phone numbers can be recorded, as long as the other end is outside the U.S. or one of the callers is involved in "international terrorism".

This is a massive amount of data. The full contents of intercepted Internet traffic can only be stored for up to a few days,

The NSA is allowed to record the conversations of non-Americans without a specific warrant for each person monitored, if at least one end of the conversation is outside of the U.S. It is also allowed to record the communications of Americans if they are outside the U.S. and the NSA first gets a warrant for each case. It’s not known exactly how many people the NSA is currently targeting, but according to a leaked report the NSA intercepted content from 37,664 telephone numbers and email addresses from October 2001 to January 2007. Of these, 8% were domestic: 2,612 U.S. phone numbers and 406 U.S. email addresses.

It's all archived. It would be useless for breaking up Jihadi terrorist threats if it wasn't. Look at the picture I posted of the facility. I know a bit about massive data base archiving and collection. The system wouldn't be worth the risks to Civil Liberties or the dollars involved if it's all flushed in a few days.

What you got here is a leftist investigation group buying UNCLASSIFIED bullshit excuses that have been leaked to the public.
again, for the stupid...... CARTER PAGE had FISA warrants because he was being groomed as a Russian assert. others showed up in that surveillance

They forget the F stands for foreign.

You can't get a FISC warrant for the communications of an american talking to another american.

Of course you can. The system contains virtually EVERY electronic communication on any citizen. They are MASKED, but they are there. And can be UNMASKED. Ask the ACLU, this same system has been used to spy on domestic slavery, prostitution, child porn investigations. And the REAL Civil Libertarians are rightly pissed about it.

Now the deal is -- they can't use this data in a Civil/Criminal court because of it's classification. But they can get the keys to Big Brother to find out where to start the normal gumshoe criminal investigations.

I love the 1st line of this ACLU memo. It's only because TRUMP has the keys to Big Brother that we need to worry now. Folks like Lakhota and Faun who think this is funny ought to pay attention to that.

Trying to Keep the Internet Safe From Warrantless NSA Surveillance - ACLU of Tennessee

On Thursday, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral argument in Wikimedia v. NSA, our case challenging “Upstream” surveillance. First revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden in June 2013, Upstream surveillance involves the NSA’s bulk searching of Americans’ international internet communications with the assistance of companies like AT&T and Verizon. If you email friends abroad, chat with family members overseas, or browse websites hosted outside of the United States, the NSA has almost certainly searched through the contents of your communications — and it has done so without a warrant.

Upstream surveillance takes place in the internet “backbone” — the network of high-capacity cables, switches, and routers that carries Americans’ domestic and international internet communications. The NSA has installed surveillance equipment at dozens of points along the internet backbone, allowing the government to copy and then search the contents of vast quantities of internet traffic as it flows past.

One of the most glaring problems with Upstream surveillance is that it is not targeted at all — at least not in any ordinary sense of the word. Instead, the government is systematically examining online communications in bulk, scanning their full contents to see which ones merely mention its targets.

The ACLU brought this lawsuit on behalf of a coalition of legal, media, educational, and human rights organizations, including the Wikimedia Foundation (which runs Wikipedia), Amnesty International USA, The Nation magazine, PEN American Center, Human Rights Watch, the Rutherford Institute, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Global Fund for Women, and the Washington Office on Latin America.

Has? Maybe. Doesn’t look at unless key words come up.

Again has nothing to do with the fact that carter page was a valid target and his surveillance was approved multiple times by multiple judges.

I’ll also point out that baby bush and the GOP loved FISA. We told you you wouldn’t like it if your own got caught up.

And now you’re all whining?

EVERYONE loves Big Brother when they are in power. That's the fucking problem. Even the asshat Republicans COMPLAINING about THIS FISA abuse --- voted for reauthorization without adding protections.

And you're right. The massive mountain of crap just SITS THERE ( except for automatic quality control) until some highly placed and authorized wingnut requests an analysis based on key words and timing and sources. And names can then requested to be unmasked.

Whether the FBI/DNI/STate/CIA SHOULD have gotten court approval for surveilling Team Trump is still debatable without PUBLIC RELEASE of the FISA requests. You should be in favor of that. Because we ALL need to know how a large section of the govt was able to spy on an opposition political campaign.

If there were valid reasons --- and apparently we'd know that by now --- fine. If it was Bullshit having to do with purchasing propaganda from dubious Intel agents --- peoples asses need to be marched to jail....
It's all archived. It would be useless for breaking up Jihadi terrorist threats if it wasn't. Look at the picture I posted of the facility. I know a bit about massive data base archiving and collection. The system wouldn't be worth the risks to Civil Liberties or the dollars involved if it's all flushed in a few days.

The amount of internet traffic, the number of domestic phone calls is huge. So big that no computer system has the capacity to hold everything for years.

Aug 19, 2013 - What, Percent, Quantity. Daily internet traffic, 1,826 petabytes, or 1,826,000 terabytes. Amount the NSA "touches" (.016 * 1826000), 1.6%, 29,216 terabytes. Amount selected for review (.00025 * 29216) .025%, 7.304 terabytes. Review amount as percentage of daily (7.304 / 1826000) .0004% ...

Blueprints Of NSA's Ridiculously Expensive Data Center In Utah Suggest It Holds Less Info Than Thought
Blueprints Of NSA's Ridiculously Expensive Data Center In Utah Suggest It Holds Less Info Than Thought

It's all archived. It would be useless for breaking up Jihadi terrorist threats if it wasn't. Look at the picture I posted of the facility. I know a bit about massive data base archiving and collection. The system wouldn't be worth the risks to Civil Liberties or the dollars involved if it's all flushed in a few days.

The amount of internet traffic, the number of domestic phone calls is huge. So big that no computer system has the capacity to hold everything for years.

Aug 19, 2013 - What, Percent, Quantity. Daily internet traffic, 1,826 petabytes, or 1,826,000 terabytes. Amount the NSA "touches" (.016 * 1826000), 1.6%, 29,216 terabytes. Amount selected for review (.00025 * 29216) .025%, 7.304 terabytes. Review amount as percentage of daily (7.304 / 1826000) .0004% ...

Blueprints Of NSA's Ridiculously Expensive Data Center In Utah Suggest It Holds Less Info Than Thought
Blueprints Of NSA's Ridiculously Expensive Data Center In Utah Suggest It Holds Less Info Than Thought

Not all that information is USEFUL to spying is it? You can prioritize the chunks that help the most. I'll remind you about the "internet of things" or IOT is the hottest tech fad now-adays. NSA doesn't need your refrigerator or thermostat traffic. Nor your car. Nor weather monitoring or TV transmission or UTUBE cat videos. The brains have figured that out..

A lot of lower level financial transactions are also NOT interesting. Thats why NSA is the best in the world at what they've done for FOREIGN surveillance. It's an island of competency in a SWAMP of mental midgets.
know a bit about massive data base archiving and collection. T
I sure hope it's more than you know about climate science! :dance:

I'm the Forest Gump of everything scientific or technical. You'll eventually understand. :113:
Try to remember...Forrest went far, because he kept his mouth shut...

you planning on reporting me to my Security officer for dumping national secrets or sumthin"... :113:
Not all that information is USEFUL to spying is it? You can prioritize the chunks that help the most.

Mind if I say BINGO.

It means they don't keep everything, there is just too much. So phone calls that aren't on the watch list, and that are between two domestic american sources, are NOT kept more than a few days. So Trumps claims he was "wiretaped" would only hold for two or three days. After that it's erased, and no FISC warrant could access the non-existent data.
They're both true, douchebag. You're hanging your claim on the use of the word "wiretap." That's antiquainted terminology for what the NSA does when it wants to spy on you, but what Trump said is a fact.

And we KNOW -- they got that warrant with phony documentation for Carter Page and RENEWED IT several times.. Hence ---- they were SPYING on Team Trump. With help of much of the Obama Admin appointees at FBI/DNI/CIA/STATE departments. It's a fact.

What was the 'phony documentation' for Carter Page?
Who on the Trump campaign were they 'spying on'?
Who authorized the renewal of the FISA warrant?

Because I don't think 'fact' means what you think it means.

I just told you all that... WHY was that new Big Brother Patriotic Act spy system developed?
If that’s your idea of Obama spying on Trump then Trump is now spying on Obama because the Patriot Act is still in place.

Well remember- anything that happened at the FBI or Justice during President Obama's administration- according to them- he was directing and is personally responsible for.

You know- just like now Trump is directing and personally responsible for the Mueller investigation.

According to their idiocy about the Patriot Act, Trump is spying on Mueller. :ack-1: That’s an impeachable offense.
know a bit about massive data base archiving and collection. T
I sure hope it's more than you know about climate science! :dance:

I'm the Forest Gump of everything scientific or technical. You'll eventually understand. :113:
Try to remember...Forrest went far, because he kept his mouth shut...

you planning on reporting me to my Security officer for dumping national secrets or sumthin"... :113:
Heck no! Watching you guys parade about your delusions is comic relief . When is the big day in court, guys? Haha....just kidding...

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