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What do liberals think about Trump's statement he was spied on now?

Bullshit. Not only was Page NOT on “Team Trump” when he was wiretapped, he was barely ever connected to the campaign when he was “with” them.

You're looking pretty foolish for repeating this shit and not reading what I told you about the capabilities you GET from NSA when you obtain a FISA warrant. It's NOT a phone wire tap. You can look BACKWARDS IN TIME with that warrant. That's the ENTIRE PURPOSE of that new Spy Palace in Utah..

Quit parroting the faulty information you get from CNN and the WashPo... They KNOW this.. They dont want YOU to know this.
Moron, how can you read what I wrote and even begin to think I was talking about the technique used to spy on Page??


My post could not have been any clearer — Page had virtually no connection to the Trump Campaign.

And what “faulty information???”

I fucking quoted Trump and other members of his campaign.

Your post is so disconnected from mine, it’s as if you were responding to somebody else’s post.
Could the FBI find evidence without THAT FISC order? Sure- if they have the ability to get a FISC on anyone- they could have requested one for each of Trump's campaign inner circle.

No. Actually they couldn't do that. The topic was "collusion with the Russians" and Page was their best bet on that play. Except that his contribution to the Trump Campaign was very near zero. Never attended a committee meeting. Never talked to the upper reaches of the Campaign staff.

No way the FISC would approve a request based on Russian collusion for just ANY member of the team..

Page lived in Russia while he opened Merrill Lynch over there. Is a Russian expert on their energy reserves and had COOPERATED with the FBI many times in the past. They USED him as an "unwitting" informant in their zest to get dirt on the Republican campaign staff.

Page had almost no connection to the Trump campaign. There are 100 other people they could have spied on if their goal was to spy on Trump. His doorman would have yielded more information than Page.
THis is a MUST READ for Lakhota, Faun and all the other partisan ostriches with their heads up CNN/WashPo asses. And it comes from one of the leading LEFTIST investigative orgs in the country. The deal that you jokers don't realize is that any SERIOUS Civil Libertarians are equally distributed in the far left and Libertarian wings of American politics. And we ALL completely agree that the lack of PANIC amongst most Americans has GOT to be fixed...

FAQ: What You Need to Know About the NSA's Surveillance Programs — ProPublica

Massive amounts of raw Internet traffic The NSA intercepts huge amounts of raw data, and stores billions of communication records per day in its databases. Using the NSA’s XKEYSCORE software, analysts can see “nearly everything a user does on the Internet” including emails, social media posts, web sites you visit, addresses typed into Google Maps, files sent, and more. Currently the NSA is only authorized to intercept Internet communications with at least one end outside the U.S., though the domestic collection program used to be broader. But because there is no fully reliable automatic way to separate domestic from international communications, this program also captures some amount of U.S. citizens’ purely domestic Internet activity, such as emails, social media posts, instant messages, the sites you visit and online purchases you make.

Does the NSA need an individualized warrant to listen to my calls or look at my emails?
It’s complicated, but not in all cases. Leaked court orders set out the "minimization" procedures that govern what the NSA can do with the domestic information it has intercepted. The NSA is allowed to store this domestic information because of the technical difficulties in separating foreign from domestic communications when large amounts of data are being captured.

However, if the intercepted information is “reasonably believed to contain evidence of a crime” then the NSA is allowed to turn it over to federal law enforcement. Unless there are other (still secret) restrictions on how the NSA can use this data this means the police might end up with your private communications without ever having to get approval from a judge, effectively circumventing the whole notion of probable cause.

This is significant because thousands or millions of people might fall into the extended social network of a single known target, but it is not always possible to determine whether someone is a U.S. person before looking at their data. For example, it’s not usually possible to tell just from someone’s email address, which is why the NSA maintains a database of known U.S. email addresses and phone numbers. Internal documents state that analysts need only “51% confidence” that someone is a non-U.S. person before looking at their data, and if the NSA does not have “specific information” about someone, that person is “presumed to be a non-United States person.”

Footnote:::: I''m NOT a ProPublica or ACLU fanatic. But we're on the exact same side on this one. And that's what's gotta happen to STOP this abuse before some other group commandeers Big Brother to do MORE damage.
Again, for the hard of learning...

If that ^^^ is your idea of Obama spying on Trump in Trump Tower, then Trump should be impeached because he’s now spying on the Clinton’s.
'phony documentation' for Carter Page?

Obama government investigators [Inquisitors] grew suspicious of Page's Russian contacts and a trip he took to Moscow during the campaign, so they wiretapped him in late October 2016.

The Obama DOJ sought permission to surveil Page largely based on information from the infamous and discredited Clinton Steele dossier. That’s the document filled with bogus ludicrous blatantly false allegations re: Team Trump. This dossier was funded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer, on paper at least, meaning that Page was being surveilled in part because of a campaign’s bogus opposition research

"DOJ's October 21, 2016 FISA application and three subsequent renewals carefully outlined for the Court a multi-pronged rationale for surveilling Page, who, at the time of the first application, was no longer with the Trump campaign. DOJ detailed Page's past relationships with Russian spies and interaction with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, (REDACTED). DOJ cited multiple sources to support the case for surveilling Page a but made only narrow use of information from Steele's sources about Page's specific activities in 2016, chiefly his suspected July 2016 meetings in Moscow with Russian officials (REDACTED)."


Don't know what your point is .. Don't think you have one here. They GOT the warrant. The fact that the Dossier was highlighted doesn't mean jack. They GOT the approval and that approval meant full access to the domestic spy system.
Oh, there’s a point there alright. Too bad you lack the ability to comprehend though.
They're both true, douchebag. You're hanging your claim on the use of the word "wiretap." That's antiquainted terminology for what the NSA does when it wants to spy on you, but what Trump said is a fact.

And we KNOW -- they got that warrant with phony documentation for Carter Page and RENEWED IT several times.. Hence ---- they were SPYING on Team Trump. With help of much of the Obama Admin appointees at FBI/DNI/CIA/STATE departments. It's a fact.

What was the 'phony documentation' for Carter Page?
Who on the Trump campaign were they 'spying on'?
Who authorized the renewal of the FISA warrant?

Because I don't think 'fact' means what you think it means.

I just told you all that... WHY was that new Big Brother Patriotic Act spy system developed?
If that’s your idea of Obama spying on Trump then Trump is now spying on Obama because the Patriot Act is still in place.

That has to be the dumbest excuse for logic posted in this thread. The fact that the patriot act exists isn't proof that Trump is spying on Obama.
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'phony documentation' for Carter Page?

Obama government investigators [Inquisitors] grew suspicious of Page's Russian contacts and a trip he took to Moscow during the campaign, so they wiretapped him in late October 2016.

The Obama DOJ sought permission to surveil Page largely based on information from the infamous and discredited Clinton Steele dossier. That’s the document filled with bogus ludicrous blatantly false allegations re: Team Trump. This dossier was funded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer, on paper at least, meaning that Page was being surveilled in part because of a campaign’s bogus opposition research

"DOJ's October 21, 2016 FISA application and three subsequent renewals carefully outlined for the Court a multi-pronged rationale for surveilling Page, who, at the time of the first application, was no longer with the Trump campaign. DOJ detailed Page's past relationships with Russian spies and interaction with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, (REDACTED). DOJ cited multiple sources to support the case for surveilling Page a but made only narrow use of information from Steele's sources about Page's specific activities in 2016, chiefly his suspected July 2016 meetings in Moscow with Russian officials (REDACTED)."


So you believe we are supposed to believe Obama's DOJ? Really?
Yah you've been spewing that crap forever too, now the chicken are coming home to roost as the true Trump\GOP agenda takes shape. Don worry we'll bury the Attempted Coup by you Russian Right Wingers.

It's fact BlindFool, you supported the USSR in the 80's, part of Ortega's 5th column.

Now you Communists are emboldened once again.

We will defeat you traitors again, just as we did last time.

Most here don't grasp that Brian, you, and I go back 40 years.

I always thought you would grow up, but you've merely grown old.

Yah. You guys support right wing dictators then and you support them now. The curtain has been drawn back with the election of "Benedict Donald". We support democratically elected governments not waging subversive wars against them because they ousted your dictator in Managua.

I never thought you'd change.
At some point you people have caused everything that we in America are dealing with in this country to date. If a dictator cometh, then you people readily assured his power, where as he knows he has to try and stop the bullcrap going on before it's too late.

Everything this nation stood for is being tarnished by you crazies for whom have begun some kind of weird journey to over throw this nation in every way possible instead of working to unify it.

The nation might be primed by the Demon-crat pump to readily accept a dictator for the first time in history. Keep pushing, and you might just get to see first hand what a dictator looks and operates like in a nation that allows such a thing to take place. Many nations, especially Germany in the late 30's ushered in a dictator, and we don't want to experience that situation ever.

People get fed up with the bullcrap, and they might tolerate things never thought to be tolerated before.
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Not only do we have evidence- there Mueller has indictments against Russians who attempted to illegally influence our election.

Ohh, Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada had indictments against foreign nationals who are in a country with no extradition treaty with us. Isn't the witch hunter just so very impressive...

But of course- Trumpsters don't believe Russia did anything.......because Russia is our friend.....

Now you're a fucking liar, which is expected given that you are a Stalinist. Vlad Putin is a KGB thug, nearly half as dangerous as Iran. But remember, ISIS Barry cuddled up with the Mullahs in Iran to whisper sweet nothings in their ear and give them nuclear weapons to use against America, and you thought it was great. Obama sucked Putins cock and told him that after the election he'd be Vlad's bitch, and you thought it was great. But Trump expelling 60 Russian, and you spew about how he is a "puppet."
They're both true, douchebag. You're hanging your claim on the use of the word "wiretap." That's antiquainted terminology for what the NSA does when it wants to spy on you, but what Trump said is a fact.

And we KNOW -- they got that warrant with phony documentation for Carter Page and RENEWED IT several times.. Hence ---- they were SPYING on Team Trump. With help of much of the Obama Admin appointees at FBI/DNI/CIA/STATE departments. It's a fact.

What was the 'phony documentation' for Carter Page?
Who on the Trump campaign were they 'spying on'?
Who authorized the renewal of the FISA warrant?

Because I don't think 'fact' means what you think it means.

I just told you all that... WHY was that new Big Brother Patriotic Act spy system developed?
If that’s your idea of Obama spying on Trump then Trump is now spying on Obama because the Patriot Act is still in place.

That has to be the dumbest excuse for logic posted in this thread. The fact that the patriot act exists isn't proof the Trump is spying on Obama.
You're right, that is the dumbest excuse for logic posted in this thread.

The funniest part? You're too stupid to know where I got that logic from.

Well that is the Manafort Party line. Just another Trumpster lie of course.

Manafort has a party, Comrade?

The Manafort Party line is just what you are parroting.

Being the good little Trumpster you are.

You have a list of lies from the Soros International Communist cabal that you spew each day. This is one of the more stupid lies from you.

So Comrade shit fer brains, WHO was Manafort in business with? Who is this "Podesta Group" he was partnered with? Say Comrade, wasn't the chief of staff for Mafia Don Hillary named Podesta?

Funny how the Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada failed to indict the Podesta brothers. It's almost as if there are two different laws, depending on what party one is in?

You dodged this, being the good little Stalinist you are...
Could the FBI find evidence without THAT FISC order? Sure- if they have the ability to get a FISC on anyone- they could have requested one for each of Trump's campaign inner circle.

No. Actually they couldn't do that. The topic was "collusion with the Russians" and Page was their best bet on that play. Except that his contribution to the Trump Campaign was very near zero. Never attended a committee meeting. Never talked to the upper reaches of the Campaign staff.

No way the FISC would approve a request based on Russian collusion for just ANY member of the team..

Page lived in Russia while he opened Merrill Lynch over there. Is a Russian expert on their energy reserves and had COOPERATED with the FBI many times in the past. They USED him as an "unwitting" informant in their zest to get dirt on the Republican campaign staff.

Page had almost no connection to the Trump campaign. There are 100 other people they could have spied on if their goal was to spy on Trump. His doorman would have yielded more information than Page.
They needed an excuse to get the FISA warrant approved. Page went to Russia. That was their excuse.
Could the FBI find evidence without THAT FISC order? Sure- if they have the ability to get a FISC on anyone- they could have requested one for each of Trump's campaign inner circle.

No. Actually they couldn't do that. The topic was "collusion with the Russians" and Page was their best bet on that play. Except that his contribution to the Trump Campaign was very near zero. Never attended a committee meeting. Never talked to the upper reaches of the Campaign staff.

No way the FISC would approve a request based on Russian collusion for just ANY member of the team..

Page lived in Russia while he opened Merrill Lynch over there. Is a Russian expert on their energy reserves and had COOPERATED with the FBI many times in the past. They USED him as an "unwitting" informant in their zest to get dirt on the Republican campaign staff.

Page had almost no connection to the Trump campaign. There are 100 other people they could have spied on if their goal was to spy on Trump. His doorman would have yielded more information than Page.
They needed an excuse to get the FISA warrant approved. Page went to Russia. That was their excuse.
Bullshit. Page had virtually no connection to the Trump campaign.
And we KNOW -- they got that warrant with phony documentation for Carter Page and RENEWED IT several times.. Hence ---- they were SPYING on Team Trump. With help of much of the Obama Admin appointees at FBI/DNI/CIA/STATE departments. It's a fact.

What was the 'phony documentation' for Carter Page?
Who on the Trump campaign were they 'spying on'?
Who authorized the renewal of the FISA warrant?

Because I don't think 'fact' means what you think it means.

I just told you all that... WHY was that new Big Brother Patriotic Act spy system developed?
If that’s your idea of Obama spying on Trump then Trump is now spying on Obama because the Patriot Act is still in place.

That has to be the dumbest excuse for logic posted in this thread. The fact that the patriot act exists isn't proof the Trump is spying on Obama.
You're right, that is the dumbest excuse for logic posted in this thread.

The funniest part? You're too stupid to know where I got that logic from.
That logic is from your own head, dumbfuck.

Well that is the Manafort Party line. Just another Trumpster lie of course.

Manafort has a party, Comrade?

Is it the same party as his unidicted and uninvestigated partner in these crimes, John Podesta? You know, the chief of staff for Mafia Don Hillary Clinton?

Oddly, while the Grand Inquisitor seeks to crucify Manafort over SEC violations, which by all indications he is flat out guilty of; Mewler-Torquemada seems entirely uninterested in the two Podesta brothers who were 100% as involved in the deal as their equal partner Manafort.

Why is that? Why is this corrupt fucking shit Mewler applying different standards of law for the identical act?

Could it be that this corrupt pile of shit is nothing other than a hack attempting to stage a coup against the government of the United States>

Fascinating that you don't care about Generals illegally lying during an investigation.

Is it that you Trumpsters think that anyone associated with Trump just is above the law?

You're damed right that I don't care about Flynn lying to corrupt traitor Peter Strzok.

Strzok should be lined up in front of a wall and shot.

We'll have to be satisfied with the scumbag spending the rest of his life in prison, but he should be shot for his attempted coup.

Now tell me how it is "illegal" to lie to FSB scum who are conspiring with the Kremlin to rig the presidential election the way Strzok and McCabe did?

Wasn't McCabe fired because the IG found he had repeatedly lied to the FSB and had engaged in perjury on multiple occasions?
Do you ever pause to wonder why you are ALWAYS wrong about this stuff? Let me guess:it's a vast conspiracy.

One of our more impulsive and less thoughtful posters that - Sad :(

Thank's DeRpHate, you know how much your opinion means to we normals....
Could the FBI find evidence without THAT FISC order? Sure- if they have the ability to get a FISC on anyone- they could have requested one for each of Trump's campaign inner circle.

No. Actually they couldn't do that. The topic was "collusion with the Russians" and Page was their best bet on that play. Except that his contribution to the Trump Campaign was very near zero. Never attended a committee meeting. Never talked to the upper reaches of the Campaign staff.

No way the FISC would approve a request based on Russian collusion for just ANY member of the team..

Page lived in Russia while he opened Merrill Lynch over there. Is a Russian expert on their energy reserves and had COOPERATED with the FBI many times in the past. They USED him as an "unwitting" informant in their zest to get dirt on the Republican campaign staff.

Page had almost no connection to the Trump campaign. There are 100 other people they could have spied on if their goal was to spy on Trump. His doorman would have yielded more information than Page.
They needed an excuse to get the FISA warrant approved. Page went to Russia. That was their excuse.
Bullshit. Page had virtually no connection to the Trump campaign.

How does that change the fact that they needed an excuse to spy on someone in the Trump campaign?
Literally none of what you posted is factually correct. That is why no court will ever rule that any of it is correct. That is why none of the nonsense you are drooling on yourself will ever come true. You are delusional moron, living in fantasyland.

Fucking stalinists, such stupid, stupid shits...
View attachment 186380

Kimberly Strassel?



You don't know who she is, do you stupid fuck?

Wow, just wow....
The American Revolutionaries didn't obtain power democratically either . They waged a French supported revolution against the UK. They developed a new constitution, following the principles and practices of representative democracy. The first elections under the new constitution were held in 1984. They lost in 1990 and there was a non-violent transfer of power.

Is that how you justify your treason?
What was the 'phony documentation' for Carter Page?
Who on the Trump campaign were they 'spying on'?
Who authorized the renewal of the FISA warrant?

Because I don't think 'fact' means what you think it means.

I just told you all that... WHY was that new Big Brother Patriotic Act spy system developed?
If that’s your idea of Obama spying on Trump then Trump is now spying on Obama because the Patriot Act is still in place.

That has to be the dumbest excuse for logic posted in this thread. The fact that the patriot act exists isn't proof the Trump is spying on Obama.
You're right, that is the dumbest excuse for logic posted in this thread.

The funniest part? You're too stupid to know where I got that logic from.
That logic is from your own head, dumbfuck.

No, it's not.

See that? I knew you were too stupid to know where I got it from.

I got it from the idiots on the right citing the NSA scooping up every phone call under the Patriot Act. If that's what Obama did, then so does Trump.
So you believe we are supposed to believe Obama's DOJ? Really?
If Obama's DOJ said the sky is blue, we're supposed to take that as a lie?

Is that your point?

If Loretta Lynch said the sky is blue, then there is some angle to commit treason involved.

Lynch is a true believer, dedicated to putting an end to the United States Constitution and establishing the Marxist dictatorship that you dream of.

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