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What do liberals think about Trump's statement he was spied on now?

Of course he was under surveillance.
There was credible evidence he was a Russian plant.
Now there is more evidence than ever of it.
No...he wasn't.

Yes there was suspicion that he was an asset of Putin but the FBI and DOJ are way too careful and worried about what they might be accused of...to spy on a President or even a Presidential candidate.

They're talking about Carter fucking Page...who had no contact with Trump afer August of 2016
Did what?
The Alfa Bank server that had some weird communications almost exclusively with Alfa Bank in Russia.

It was not "tapped". The FBI looked at suspicious activity mentioned above and ONLY "saw" addresses...they never read actual communications from that weird server in Trump Tower...sadly
No...he wasn't.

Yes there was suspicion that he was an asset of Putin but the FBI and DOJ are way too careful and worried about what they might be accused of...to spy on a President or even a Presidential candidate.

They're talking about Carter fucking Page...who had no contact with Trump afer August of 2016
No there wasn't. The FBI denied that. It's a flat out lie. deluded progs are the only ones who believe it.
Of course he was under surveillance.
There was credible evidence he was a Russian plant.
Now there is more evidence than ever of it.

So, those assholes who attacked him for saying he was under surveillance, were idiots or lying assholes and owe him an apology.

And your justification is bullshit too.
Of course he was under surveillance.
There was credible evidence he was a Russian plant.
Now there is more evidence than ever of it.
If you were any more full of shit your name would be Pampers. You're the same lying, deliberately ignorant bed wetter who insists illegal aliens can not vote though so it's no surprise to see you promote the same bullshit that has been completely debunked years ago. Next you'll insist GW Bush stole the 2000 election or that hitlary actually won in 2016 and did absolutely nothing illegal.

Fucking loon.


Last edited:
The very title of this thread is flawed....


They believe the bullshit they read on leftist agitprop websites and parrot it all over the internet like the apparatchiks they are.
No...he wasn't.

Yes there was suspicion that he was an asset of Putin but the FBI and DOJ are way too careful and worried about what they might be accused of...to spy on a President or even a Presidential candidate.

They're talking about Carter fucking Page...who had no contact with Trump afer August of 2016
You lie just like all DemNazi Fascist Globalist Lie.

Because you are lazy, I reposted what I wrote based on the below linked article here:


MORE LIES.. Read between The Lines Kiddies. We know for a Fact The Clinton Campaign met with Ukrainian Agents in The Ukraine Embassy to kick off their smear campaign against The President.


Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents (Portions of The Fusion GPS Dossier) implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

“It was clear that they were supporting Hillary Clinton’s candidacy,” Artemenko said. “They did everything from organizing meetings with the Clinton team, to publicly supporting her, to criticizing Trump.


Ukraine’s minister of internal affairs, Arsen Avakov, even joined in, trashing Trump on Twitter in July as a “clown” and asserting that Trump is “an even bigger danger to the US than terrorism.”

So did Leshchenko, who daily made accusations against the Trump Campaign after meeting with Clinton Campaign Officials.

At the time, Leshchenko suggested that his motivation was partly to undermine Trump.

“For me, it was important to show not only the corruption aspect, but that he is [a] pro-Russian candidate who can break the geopolitical balance in the world,” Leshchenko told the Financial Times about two weeks after his news conference. The newspaper noted that Trump’s candidacy had spurred “Kiev’s wider political leadership to do something they would never have attempted before: intervene, however indirectly, in a U.S. election,” and the story quoted Leshchenko asserting that the majority of Ukraine’s politicians are “on Hillary Clinton’s side.”


A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials (THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN & UKRAINIAN AGENTS) in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Ukrainian antipathy for Trump’s team — and alignment with Clinton’s — can be traced back to late 2013. That’s when the country’s president, Viktor Yanukovych, whom Manafort had been advising, abruptly backed out of a European Union pact linked to anti-corruption reforms. Instead, Yanukovych entered into a multibillion-dollar bailout agreement with Russia, sparking protests across Ukraine and prompting Yanukovych to flee the country to Russia under Putin’s protection.

In the ensuing crisis, Russian troops moved into the Ukrainian territory of Crimea, and Manafort dropped off the radar.

Manafort’s work for Yanukovych caught the attention of a veteran Democratic operative named Alexandra Chalupa, who had worked in the White House Office of Public Liaison during the Clinton administration. Chalupa went on to work as a staffer, then as a consultant, for Democratic National Committee. The DNC paid her $412,000 from 2004 to June 2016, according to Federal Election Commission records, though she also was paid by other clients during that time, (FUSION GPS & COIE Lawfirm) including Democratic campaigns and the DNC’s arm for engaging expatriate Democrats around the world.

A daughter of Ukrainian immigrants who maintains strong ties to the Ukrainian-American diaspora and the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, Chalupa, a lawyer by training, in 2014 was doing pro bono work for another client (Steele's Orbis Intelligence Firm) interested in the Ukrainian crisis and began researching Manafort’s role in Yanukovych’s rise, as well as his ties to the pro-Russian oligarchs who funded Yanukovych’s political party.

A former DNC staffer described their exchange initially with Chalupa as an “informal conversation,” saying “‘briefing’ makes it sound way too formal,” and adding, “We were not directing or driving her work on this.” Yet, the former DNC staffer and the operative familiar with the situation agreed that with the DNC’s encouragement, Chalupa asked embassy staff to try to arrange an interview in which Poroshenko might discuss Manafort’s ties to Yanukovych.

While the embassy declined that request, officials there became “helpful” in Chalupa’s efforts, she said, explaining that she traded information and leads with them. “If I asked a question, they would provide guidance, or if there was someone I needed to follow up with.” But she stressed, “There were no documents given, nothing like that.”


But Andrii Telizhenko, who worked as a political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy under Shulyar, said she instructed him to help Chalupa research connections between Trump, Manafort and Russia. “Oksana said that if I had any information, or knew other people who did, then I should contact Chalupa,” recalled Telizhenko, who is now a political consultant in Kiev. “They were coordinating an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa,” he said, adding “Oksana was keeping it all quiet,” but “the embassy worked very closely with” Chalupa.

In fact, sources familiar with the effort say that Shulyar specifically called Telizhenko into a meeting with Chalupa to provide an update on an American media outlet’s ongoing investigation into Manafort.

Telizhenko recalled that Chalupa told him and Shulyar that, “If we can get enough information on Paul [Manafort] or Trump’s involvement with Russia, she can get a hearing in Congress by September.”

Chalupa confirmed that, a week after Manafort’s hiring was announced, she discussed the possibility of a congressional investigation with a foreign policy legislative assistant in the office of Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), who co-chairs the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus. But, Chalupa said, “It didn’t go anywhere.”

Asked about the effort, the Kaptur legislative assistant called it a “touchy subject” in an internal email to colleagues that was accidentally forwarded to Politico.

Kaptur’s office later emailed an official statement explaining that the lawmaker is backing a bill to create an independent commission to investigate “possible outside interference in our elections.” The office added “at this time, the evidence related to this matter points to Russia, but Congresswoman Kaptur is concerned with any evidence of foreign entities interfering in our elections.”

A DNC official (WASSERMAN SCHULTZ OF PAKISTANI HACKER FAME) stressed that Chalupa was a consultant paid to do outreach for the party’s political department, not a researcher. She undertook her investigations into Trump, Manafort and Russia on her own, and the party did not incorporate her findings in its dossiers on the subjects, the official said, stressing that the DNC had been building robust research books on Trump and his ties to Russia long before Chalupa began sounding alarms.

Clinton’s campaign seized on the Manafort Ukraine Russia Narrative to advance Democrats’ argument that Trump’s campaign was closely linked to Russia. The ledger represented “more troubling connections between Donald Trump’s team and pro-Kremlin elements in Ukraine,” Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, said in a statement. He demanded that Trump “disclose campaign chair Paul Manafort’s and all other campaign employees’ and advisers’ ties to Russian or pro-Kremlin entities, including whether any of Trump’s employees or advisers are currently representing and or being paid by them.”


A former Ukrainian investigative journalist and current parliamentarian named Serhiy Leshchenko, who was elected in 2014 as part of Poroshenko’s party, held a news conference to highlight the ledgers, and to urge Ukrainian and American law enforcement to aggressively investigate Manafort.

Manafort denied receiving any off-books cash from Yanukovych’s Party of Regions, and said that he had never been contacted about the ledger by Ukrainian or American investigators, later telling POLITICO “I was just caught in the crossfire.”


According to a series of memos reportedly compiled for Trump’s opponents by a former British intelligence agent (Christopher Steele & Skirpal), Yanukovych, in a secret meeting with Putin on the day after the Times published its report, admitted that he had authorized “substantial kickback payments to Manafort.” But according to the report, which was published Tuesday by BuzzFeed but remains unverified. Yanukovych assured Putin “that there was no documentary trail left behind which could provide clear evidence of this” — an alleged statement that seemed to implicitly question the authenticity of the ledger.


Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, a Ukrainian former diplomat who served as the country’s head of security under Poroshenko but is now affiliated with a leading opponent of Poroshenko, said it was fishy that “only one part of the black ledger appeared.” He asked, “Where is the handwriting analysis?” and said it was “crazy” to announce an investigation based on the ledgers.

Some Poroshenko critics have gone further, suggesting that the bureau is backing away from investigating because the ledgers might have been doctored or even forged.

The scrutiny around the ledgers — combined with that from other stories about his Ukraine work — proved too much for Manafort, and he stepped down from the Trump campaign less than a week after the Times story.


Clinton, with The Help of Obama, The DNC, a British and Russian Spy, & Ukrainian Agents Loyal to Russia set the whole thing up all along.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

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