What do liberals want the US to be?

Thanks to everyone who has posted so far on this thread. I was very serious with the question in the OP. But so far not one liberal has been able to provide a specific cogent response. Billo came the closest.

It seems to me that liberals want everyone to have the same material things, for the government to care for everyone, and for everyone to love everyone else. The want a crime free nation that takes care of the poor and destitute of the entire world.

Simply stated, liberals live in a fantasy world where everyone puts flowers in their hair and dances around the may pole singing "I'd like to buy the world a coke" and "imagine".
Are your reading skills that poor?

Show where any liberal advocated everyone have the same material skills or that the government take care of everyone including the whole world

Provide the post numbers
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?

Ask them..they just threw your ass out of the senate.
just a mere handful did....it was the lowest participation in an election in 40 years.... all liberals have to do in 2016 is show up to vote, then your ass is grass again.... but you all know that, this is why the republicans always focus on reducing the numbers that vote, like gvt picture voter id laws and reducing the number of days early voting is available and reducing the hours of early voting, and reducing the number of voting machines in crowded democratic districts, and telling students they should stay home election day, and promoting that women shouldn't vote etc etc etc etc....

IT'S ALL ABOUT trying to STOP citizens from voting for Republicans....they know it is the only way they can win...

totally wrong. Are you so stupid that you think all the people who did not bother to vote would have voted dem?
I've never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the room, but I am not stupid.

No I don't think ALL would vote democratic, but the majority would, as history has shown repeatedly.
Israel is an ally just like the UK is an ally.

Really? How many troops did Israel send to Afghanistan and Iraq?

What defensive treaty obligations does Israel have with the US?

I don't have access to the US/Israel treaties, do you? If so, what do they say?

Israel is a small nation surrounded by enemies that want to destroy it. If you hate jews, that does not change that reality. Should we let the arabs murder all jews in Israel and make that land part of Syria?

Do you support what Germany did in the 1930s?
Thanks to everyone who has posted so far on this thread. I was very serious with the question in the OP. But so far not one liberal has been able to provide a specific cogent response. Billo came the closest.

It seems to me that liberals want everyone to have the same material things, for the government to care for everyone, and for everyone to love everyone else. The want a crime free nation that takes care of the poor and destitute of the entire world.

Simply stated, liberals live in a fantasy world where everyone puts flowers in their hair and dances around the may pole singing "I'd like to buy the world a coke" and "imagine".
Are your reading skills that poor?

Show where any liberal advocated everyone have the same material skills or that the government take care of everyone including the whole world

Provide the post numbers

I don't know what you mean by 'material skills'. I never said that. Unless I missed it, it is quite clear that liberals want some form of taxation and rebates that effectively make all citizens equal in terms of income. Liberals want single payer healthcare, is that not wanting the govt to take care of everyone?
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?

Ask them..they just threw your ass out of the senate.
just a mere handful did....it was the lowest participation in an election in 40 years.... all liberals have to do in 2016 is show up to vote, then your ass is grass again.... but you all know that, this is why the republicans always focus on reducing the numbers that vote, like gvt picture voter id laws and reducing the number of days early voting is available and reducing the hours of early voting, and reducing the number of voting machines in crowded democratic districts, and telling students they should stay home election day, and promoting that women shouldn't vote etc etc etc etc....

IT'S ALL ABOUT trying to STOP citizens from voting for Republicans....they know it is the only way they can win...

totally wrong. Are you so stupid that you think all the people who did not bother to vote would have voted dem?
I've never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the room, but I am not stupid.

No I don't think ALL would vote democratic, but the majority would, as history has shown repeatedly.

Were Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 democrats? was Ike? There is no historical proof that a majority would vote democrat as you erroneously claimed. How many states did Reagan win over Mondale? Answer 49
Thanks to everyone who has posted so far on this thread. I was very serious with the question in the OP. But so far not one liberal has been able to provide a specific cogent response. Billo came the closest.

It seems to me that liberals want everyone to have the same material things, for the government to care for everyone, and for everyone to love everyone else. The want a crime free nation that takes care of the poor and destitute of the entire world.

Simply stated, liberals live in a fantasy world where everyone puts flowers in their hair and dances around the may pole singing "I'd like to buy the world a coke" and "imagine".
Are your reading skills that poor?

Show where any liberal advocated everyone have the same material skills or that the government take care of everyone including the whole world

Provide the post numbers

I don't know what you mean by 'material skills'. I never said that. Unless I missed it, it is quite clear that liberals want some form of taxation and rebates that effectively make all citizens equal in terms of income. Liberals want single payer healthcare, is that not wanting the govt to take care of everyone?

Show me the post where anyone on this thread said everyone should have the same material things? Now you claim we are saying everyone should have the same income

You are not lying to us are you?
Thanks to everyone who has posted so far on this thread. I was very serious with the question in the OP. But so far not one liberal has been able to provide a specific cogent response. Billo came the closest.

It seems to me that liberals want everyone to have the same material things, for the government to care for everyone, and for everyone to love everyone else. The want a crime free nation that takes care of the poor and destitute of the entire world.

Simply stated, liberals live in a fantasy world where everyone puts flowers in their hair and dances around the may pole singing "I'd like to buy the world a coke" and "imagine".
Are your reading skills that poor?

Show where any liberal advocated everyone have the same material skills or that the government take care of everyone including the whole world

Provide the post numbers

I don't know what you mean by 'material skills'. I never said that. Unless I missed it, it is quite clear that liberals want some form of taxation and rebates that effectively make all citizens equal in terms of income. Liberals want single payer healthcare, is that not wanting the govt to take care of everyone?

Show me the post where anyone on this thread said everyone should have the same material things? Now you claim we are saying everyone should have the same income

You are not lying to us are you?

nope, that underlying theme is in every liberal want list. But specifically see posts 163,172,175,176,190
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?

Ask them..they just threw your ass out of the senate.
just a mere handful did....it was the lowest participation in an election in 40 years.... all liberals have to do in 2016 is show up to vote, then your ass is grass again.... but you all know that, this is why the republicans always focus on reducing the numbers that vote, like gvt picture voter id laws and reducing the number of days early voting is available and reducing the hours of early voting, and reducing the number of voting machines in crowded democratic districts, and telling students they should stay home election day, and promoting that women shouldn't vote etc etc etc etc....

IT'S ALL ABOUT trying to STOP citizens from voting for Republicans....they know it is the only way they can win...

totally wrong. Are you so stupid that you think all the people who did not bother to vote would have voted dem?
I've never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the room, but I am not stupid.

No I don't think ALL would vote democratic, but the majority would, as history has shown repeatedly.

Were Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 democrats? was Ike? There is no historical proof that a majority would vote democrat as you erroneously claimed. How many states did Reagan win over Mondale? Answer 49
Surely you don't think that Presidents are the only ones we vote for...?I mean, shoot, Liberal Massachusetts has voted for Republican Governors, which is like the president's position at the State level, several times.... does that make the majority in Massachusetts Republican/conservative?

You were talking about a sweep in congress and the Senate, were you not, or are you trying to change your position now and move the goal posts elsewhere?

Yes, history has repeatedly shown when more citizens come out to vote, more Democratic members are elected than Republican members....
Show me the post where anyone on this thread said everyone should have the same material things? Now you claim we are saying everyone should have the same income

You are not lying to us are you?

I love these posts where extreme partisans ask insincere questions, ignore the responses that actually address their questions, and then proceed to tell you what you believe, instead.

Having been conditioned to see the world in black and white, they see anything that is not in 100% lockstep as representing the polar opposite.
Show me the post where anyone on this thread said everyone should have the same material things? Now you claim we are saying everyone should have the same income

You are not lying to us are you?

I love these posts where extreme partisans ask insincere questions, ignore the responses that actually address their questions, and then proceed to tell you what you believe, instead.

Having been conditioned to see the world in black and white, they see anything that is not in 100% lockstep as representing the polar opposite.
He already had his conclusion before he asked the question and then ignored every response in stating his conclusion
Ultimately we will destroy liberals, live with that.
Hasn't worked in over 200 years

Most libs are short sighted, you fools will fade into history.
Surprisingly, it is conservatives who are always on the wrong side of history

Here's a history lesson for you, 70 years...that's how long its been since you had this few reps in the House AHAHAHAHA!
Gerrymandering sure pays off

Yet Democrats still receive more votes in the House

LOL excuse #41 from the left on why the American people rejected them and their agenda, Gerrymandering, not Obamacare, not thousands of illegals pouring across the border, not the lefts lies lmao the left unhinged and in denial.
Show me the post where anyone on this thread said everyone should have the same material things? Now you claim we are saying everyone should have the same income

You are not lying to us are you?

I love these posts where extreme partisans ask insincere questions, ignore the responses that actually address their questions, and then proceed to tell you what you believe, instead.

Having been conditioned to see the world in black and white, they see anything that is not in 100% lockstep as representing the polar opposite.

Nope, the OP was a serious question and I wanted serious responses. I had my suspicions as to how you libs would respond and you confirmed them.

You libs have no idea what you really want. You deal in theory, emotion, and feeeeeeeeeeelings, not reality.

thanks for the confirmation.
Ask them..they just threw your ass out of the senate.
just a mere handful did....it was the lowest participation in an election in 40 years.... all liberals have to do in 2016 is show up to vote, then your ass is grass again.... but you all know that, this is why the republicans always focus on reducing the numbers that vote, like gvt picture voter id laws and reducing the number of days early voting is available and reducing the hours of early voting, and reducing the number of voting machines in crowded democratic districts, and telling students they should stay home election day, and promoting that women shouldn't vote etc etc etc etc....

IT'S ALL ABOUT trying to STOP citizens from voting for Republicans....they know it is the only way they can win...

totally wrong. Are you so stupid that you think all the people who did not bother to vote would have voted dem?
I've never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the room, but I am not stupid.

No I don't think ALL would vote democratic, but the majority would, as history has shown repeatedly.

Were Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 democrats? was Ike? There is no historical proof that a majority would vote democrat as you erroneously claimed. How many states did Reagan win over Mondale? Answer 49
Surely you don't think that Presidents are the only ones we vote for...?I mean, shoot, Liberal Massachusetts has voted for Republican Governors, which is like the president's position at the State level, several times.... does that make the majority in Massachusetts Republican/conservative?

You were talking about a sweep in congress and the Senate, were you not, or are you trying to change your position now and move the goal posts elsewhere?

Yes, history has repeatedly shown when more citizens come out to vote, more Democratic members are elected than Republican members....

OK, you made the claim twice, now provide the history. Or you could just admit that you made it up.
Show me the post where anyone on this thread said everyone should have the same material things? Now you claim we are saying everyone should have the same income

You are not lying to us are you?

I love these posts where extreme partisans ask insincere questions, ignore the responses that actually address their questions, and then proceed to tell you what you believe, instead.

Having been conditioned to see the world in black and white, they see anything that is not in 100% lockstep as representing the polar opposite.

Nope, the OP was a serious question and I wanted serious responses. I had my suspicions as to how you libs would respond and you confirmed them.

You libs have no idea what you really want. You deal in theory, emotion, and feeeeeeeeeeelings, not reality.

thanks for the confirmation.

Still looking for you to back your claim that liberals on this thread want everyone to have the same material things and income

Why don't you just admit you lied?
Show me the post where anyone on this thread said everyone should have the same material things? Now you claim we are saying everyone should have the same income

You are not lying to us are you?

I love these posts where extreme partisans ask insincere questions, ignore the responses that actually address their questions, and then proceed to tell you what you believe, instead.

Having been conditioned to see the world in black and white, they see anything that is not in 100% lockstep as representing the polar opposite.

Nope, the OP was a serious question and I wanted serious responses. I had my suspicions as to how you libs would respond and you confirmed them.

You libs have no idea what you really want. You deal in theory, emotion, and feeeeeeeeeeelings, not reality.

thanks for the confirmation.

Still looking for you to back your claim that liberals on this thread want everyone to have the same material things and income

Why don't you just admit you lied?

I gave you a list of posts that confirm what I said about you libs. Did you bother to read them? The only liar here is you.
Nope, the OP was a serious question and I wanted serious responses. I had my suspicions as to how you libs would respond and you confirmed them.

You libs have no idea what you really want. You deal in theory, emotion, and feeeeeeeeeeelings, not reality.

thanks for the confirmation.

"You libs", "You libs", "You libs"

Are you a child?

The world is not as simplistic as you wish to make it. Now, I realize you are not particularly bright and so need to reduce all the complexity of the world down to your ability to comprehend it, this tendency fed, no doubt by all the A.M. radio demagogues who keep drumming home the message, but the world is not a simple binary system. Sure, you have been conditioned to see politics in terms of just two competing tribes, and you react accordingly by playing the part of right, proper little ideological warrior for yours, but grow the fuck up, child, and try actually learning a little bit about politics instead of just parroting all the simple-minded good guy/bad guy crap. .
Show me the post where anyone on this thread said everyone should have the same material things? Now you claim we are saying everyone should have the same income

You are not lying to us are you?

I love these posts where extreme partisans ask insincere questions, ignore the responses that actually address their questions, and then proceed to tell you what you believe, instead.

Having been conditioned to see the world in black and white, they see anything that is not in 100% lockstep as representing the polar opposite.

Nope, the OP was a serious question and I wanted serious responses. I had my suspicions as to how you libs would respond and you confirmed them.

You libs have no idea what you really want. You deal in theory, emotion, and feeeeeeeeeeelings, not reality.

thanks for the confirmation.

Still looking for you to back your claim that liberals on this thread want everyone to have the same material things and income

Why don't you just admit you lied?

I gave you a list of posts that confirm what I said about you libs. Did you bother to read them? The only liar here is you.
You made a claim that liberals want everone to have the same material things and income
To back it up you offer what YOU said?
Show where any liberal said what you claim or admit you are either lying or stupid
- Who has less anti-Semitism, US, Saudi Arabia, Greece, or Europe?
- Which Country has the best Environmental Regulations, US, Russia, India, Or China?
- Which Country is most tolerant of homosexuals? US, Saudi Arabia, Syria, India, or China?
- Which Country has the strongest Middle Class? US, Cuba, Venezuela, or Mexico?
- Which Country has the least slavery? US, China, India, or Kenya?

US is quite an Exceptional Country. Clearly, US is the most progressive Country in the World. Stop hating America, goddamnit!

False premises, distortions and lies, the ONLY thing right wingers EVER have

So Germany? Denmark? Norway? ETC lol


80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

Third World countries. One of the things they all had in common was a small, very rich elite, small middle class, and a large lower class. They also shared very low economic growth as a result. This has been known for at least 50 years. The US has been going in this direction for at least the last 30 years as we have gradually de-industrialized and government policies (such as trickle down economics) have promoted the shift of wealth from the lower and middle classes to the economic elite
Show me the post where anyone on this thread said everyone should have the same material things? Now you claim we are saying everyone should have the same income

You are not lying to us are you?

I love these posts where extreme partisans ask insincere questions, ignore the responses that actually address their questions, and then proceed to tell you what you believe, instead.

Having been conditioned to see the world in black and white, they see anything that is not in 100% lockstep as representing the polar opposite.

Nope, the OP was a serious question and I wanted serious responses. I had my suspicions as to how you libs would respond and you confirmed them.

You libs have no idea what you really want. You deal in theory, emotion, and feeeeeeeeeeelings, not reality.

thanks for the confirmation.

Still looking for you to back your claim that liberals on this thread want everyone to have the same material things and income

Why don't you just admit you lied?

I gave you a list of posts that confirm what I said about you libs. Did you bother to read them? The only liar here is you.
You made a claim that liberals want everone to have the same material things and income
To back it up you offer what YOU said?
Show where any liberal said what you claim or admit you are either lying or stupid

I already did, see post #208

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