What do liberals want the US to be?

this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

From a political perspective, I want America to be a nation wherein people like you are perpetually unhappy.

Ultimately we will destroy liberals, live with that.
Hasn't worked in over 200 years

Most libs are short sighted, you fools will fade into history.
Like Social Security, Medicare, and gay marriage?
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

From a political perspective, I want America to be a nation wherein people like you are perpetually unhappy.

Ultimately we will destroy liberals, live with that.

Bring it on, Sunshine.

LMAO you want another dose of Nov 2014? Libs are nothing if not funny. lol
Speaking only for myself, I'd like to see cons get logic training. I really can't believe cons are as stupid as they appear. It has to be upbringing.
Modern day conservatism is the political equivalent of selfishness.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

From a political perspective, I want America to be a nation wherein people like you are perpetually unhappy.

Ultimately we will destroy liberals, live with that.
Hasn't worked in over 200 years

Most libs are short sighted, you fools will fade into history.
Surprisingly, it is conservatives who are always on the wrong side of history
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

From a political perspective, I want America to be a nation wherein people like you are perpetually unhappy.

Ultimately we will destroy liberals, live with that.
Hasn't worked in over 200 years

Most libs are short sighted, you fools will fade into history.
Like Social Security, Medicare, and gay marriage?

You people will eventually run out of money, at $30 trillion in debt, $40 trillion, $50 trillion. All those who think you can go on borrowing money forever without paying any of it back raise your hand? And there's no such think as gay marriage, maybe there's pretend gay marriage.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

From a political perspective, I want America to be a nation wherein people like you are perpetually unhappy.

Ultimately we will destroy liberals, live with that.

Bring it on, Sunshine.

LMAO you want another dose of Nov 2014? Libs are nothing if not funny. lol

I'm a liberal not a Democrat. Don't kid yourself. Thus far, you got nuttin' and nuttin' so when 2016 rolls around you will still have nuttin'.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

From a political perspective, I want America to be a nation wherein people like you are perpetually unhappy.

Ultimately we will destroy liberals, live with that.
Hasn't worked in over 200 years

Most libs are short sighted, you fools will fade into history.
Surprisingly, it is conservatives who are always on the wrong side of history

Here's a history lesson for you, 70 years...that's how long its been since you had this few reps in the House AHAHAHAHA!
From a political perspective, I want America to be a nation wherein people like you are perpetually unhappy.

Ultimately we will destroy liberals, live with that.
Hasn't worked in over 200 years

Most libs are short sighted, you fools will fade into history.
Surprisingly, it is conservatives who are always on the wrong side of history

Here's a history lesson for you, 70 years...that's how long its been since you had this few reps in the House AHAHAHAHA!
Gerrymandering sure pays off

Yet Democrats still receive more votes in the House
Why all the whining from cons, btw? They are currently on top of the world.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Solution oriented.

1.Bring the R&D back in house.
2. Recognize that there is no STEM shortage. Therefore, it isn't necessary for Mr. Gates to keep upping the number of H-1b visas. All they are doing is coming here learning the company and returning to places like India and reopening the company. Sorry folks, Americans cannot survive on $2.00 an hour. They shouldn't have to even try and you shouldn't be trying to force them.
3. Affordable Housing. The changes that have been made to the Community Reinvestment Act have created a situation that you cannot get a loan for less than 50K. You have an entire group of people that could buy a house but can't. If the house is $30,000 and you have to get a $50,000 loan to buy the house then it doesn't make the house worth $50,000. It's still only worth $30,000. See what I'm sayin' here? It's rigged for house flippers not for the actual people.
4. Affordable housing. You have people that work full time and cannot afford the rent because the rent has increased to such an extent and the wages have not increased. They are homeless.
5. Beat the living shit Vote out the folks that insist on making it a crime to feed the homeless. In fact, nail the silly bastards that keep trying to run them out of town instead of working towards a viable solution.
Get them off the street. Get your elderly people that are now stuck on social security after having lost everything in the past crisis off the street.
6. States need to increase funding to higher education. This will lower tuition.
7. Universal health care. Can I get an amen?
8. Send the undocumented workers home. Send them home. Don't screw around with the amendment. Treat these people with dignity but send them home. American workers first.
9. Beat back the World Bank and IMF. Get rid of them
10. Bring back the long term mental health facilities.
11. End faux privatization of the public education system, ANY aspect of the criminal justice system and all attempts on USPS and the IRS.

I can roll right into foreign policy if you like.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Solution oriented.

1.Bring the R&D back in house.
2. Recognize that there is no STEM shortage. Therefore, it isn't necessary for Mr. Gates to keep upping the number of H-1b visas. All they are doing is coming here learning the company and returning to places like India and reopening the company. Sorry folks, Americans cannot survive on $2.00 an hour. They shouldn't have to even try and you shouldn't be trying to force them.
3. Affordable Housing. The changes that have been made to the Community Reinvestment Act have created a situation that you cannot get a loan for less than 50K. You have an entire group of people that could buy a house but can't. If the house is $30,000 and you have to get a $50,000 loan to buy the house then it doesn't make the house worth $50,000. It's still only worth $30,000. See what I'm sayin' here? It's rigged for house flippers not for the actual people.
4. Affordable housing. You have people that work full time and cannot afford the rent because the rent has increased to such an extent and the wages have not increased. They are homeless.
5. Beat the living shit Vote out the folks that insist on making it a crime to feed the homeless. In fact, nail the silly bastards that keep trying to run them out of town instead of working towards a viable solution.
Get them off the street. Get your elderly people that are now stuck on social security after having lost everything in the past crisis off the street.
6. States need to increase funding to higher education. This will lower tuition.
7. Universal health care. Can I get an amen?
8. Send the undocumented workers home. Send them home. Don't screw around with the amendment. Treat these people with dignity but send them home. American workers first.
9. Beat back the World Bank and IMF. Get rid of them
10. Bring back the long term mental health facilities.
11. End faux privatization of the public education system, ANY aspect of the criminal justice system and all attempts on USPS and the IRS.

what you have posted is not in concert with most liberals, but fine.

1. agree
2. agree
3. not everyone is able or entitled to own, or buy, a house. the housing crisis was caused by that kind of thinking.
4. not true
56.no one wants the homeless to not be fed. where do you get this shit?
6. Where will the money come from? someone has to pay.
7. we already had it before obozocare. no one in the USA was denied medical care
8. agree
9. agree
10. where did they go? they are not gone
11, disagree. if private industry can do it cheaper and/or more efficiently, let them do it.
I can roll right into foreign policy if you like.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Solution oriented.

1.Bring the R&D back in house.
2. Recognize that there is no STEM shortage. Therefore, it isn't necessary for Mr. Gates to keep upping the number of H-1b visas. All they are doing is coming here learning the company and returning to places like India and reopening the company. Sorry folks, Americans cannot survive on $2.00 an hour. They shouldn't have to even try and you shouldn't be trying to force them.
3. Affordable Housing. The changes that have been made to the Community Reinvestment Act have created a situation that you cannot get a loan for less than 50K. You have an entire group of people that could buy a house but can't. If the house is $30,000 and you have to get a $50,000 loan to buy the house then it doesn't make the house worth $50,000. It's still only worth $30,000. See what I'm sayin' here? It's rigged for house flippers not for the actual people.
4. Affordable housing. You have people that work full time and cannot afford the rent because the rent has increased to such an extent and the wages have not increased. They are homeless.
5. Beat the living shit Vote out the folks that insist on making it a crime to feed the homeless. In fact, nail the silly bastards that keep trying to run them out of town instead of working towards a viable solution.
Get them off the street. Get your elderly people that are now stuck on social security after having lost everything in the past crisis off the street.
6. States need to increase funding to higher education. This will lower tuition.
7. Universal health care. Can I get an amen?
8. Send the undocumented workers home. Send them home. Don't screw around with the amendment. Treat these people with dignity but send them home. American workers first.
9. Beat back the World Bank and IMF. Get rid of them
10. Bring back the long term mental health facilities.
11. End faux privatization of the public education system, ANY aspect of the criminal justice system and all attempts on USPS and the IRS.

I can roll right into foreign policy if you like.

can't wait for your foreign policy ideas.

BTW, most of what you said is not what most liberals would agree with. are you a closet conservative?
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Solution oriented.

1.Bring the R&D back in house.
2. Recognize that there is no STEM shortage. Therefore, it isn't necessary for Mr. Gates to keep upping the number of H-1b visas. All they are doing is coming here learning the company and returning to places like India and reopening the company. Sorry folks, Americans cannot survive on $2.00 an hour. They shouldn't have to even try and you shouldn't be trying to force them.
3. Affordable Housing. The changes that have been made to the Community Reinvestment Act have created a situation that you cannot get a loan for less than 50K. You have an entire group of people that could buy a house but can't. If the house is $30,000 and you have to get a $50,000 loan to buy the house then it doesn't make the house worth $50,000. It's still only worth $30,000. See what I'm sayin' here? It's rigged for house flippers not for the actual people.
4. Affordable housing. You have people that work full time and cannot afford the rent because the rent has increased to such an extent and the wages have not increased. They are homeless.
5. Beat the living shit Vote out the folks that insist on making it a crime to feed the homeless. In fact, nail the silly bastards that keep trying to run them out of town instead of working towards a viable solution.
Get them off the street. Get your elderly people that are now stuck on social security after having lost everything in the past crisis off the street.
6. States need to increase funding to higher education. This will lower tuition.
7. Universal health care. Can I get an amen?
8. Send the undocumented workers home. Send them home. Don't screw around with the amendment. Treat these people with dignity but send them home. American workers first.
9. Beat back the World Bank and IMF. Get rid of them
10. Bring back the long term mental health facilities.
11. End faux privatization of the public education system, ANY aspect of the criminal justice system and all attempts on USPS and the IRS.

what you have posted is not in concert with most liberals, but fine.

1. agree
2. agree
3. not everyone is able or entitled to own, or buy, a house. the housing crisis was caused by that kind of thinking.
4. not true
56.no one wants the homeless to not be fed. where do you get this shit?
6. Where will the money come from? someone has to pay.
7. we already had it before obozocare. no one in the USA was denied medical care
8. agree
9. agree
10. where did they go? they are not gone
11, disagree. if private industry can do it cheaper and/or more efficiently, let them do it.
I can roll right into foreign policy if you like.

3. Mortgage Whistleblower Stands Alone as U.S. Won t Join Lawsuit - Bloomberg
4. Very true
Is Giving Food to the Homeless Illegal in Your City Too Mother Jones
Addicting Info 8211 Homeless Woman Gloriously Shames Those Who Call Her Dangerous 8216 Don 8217 t Be Scared Of Us 8217
We already pay.
6. You will find the money from the property taxes after smacking the shit out of the hospitals that do not pay or other non profits that make profits and have finagled their way into exemptions.
7. Didn't have it before.
10. Deinstitutionalization. They have been gone for a long time.
11. Except they don't.
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this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.
I'm a liberal and this is what I want...

I want the US to be true to its American heritage.
I want the US to live by the principles of the Founding Fathers.
I want us to honor the rule of law.
I want us to give everyone, citizen or not, due process of law.
I want everyone to be considered innocent, until proven guilty.
I want cops and government officials to pay for the crimes they've committed.
I want the US to stop starting wars of aggression.
I want corporations to have no voice in government whatsoever.​

This is what I don't want...

I don't want us torturing people.
I don't want us going for world domination.
I don't want us supporting Israel un-conditionally.
I don't want us going to war with Iran or the Russians.
I don't want Americans letting the right tell them who (and who is not) is a patriot.
I don't want the derivatives market to be legal.
That's the short list.
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- Who has less anti-Semitism, US, Saudi Arabia, Greece, or Europe?
- Which Country has the best Environmental Regulations, US, Russia, India, Or China?
- Which Country is most tolerant of homosexuals? US, Saudi Arabia, Syria, India, or China?
- Which Country has the strongest Middle Class? US, Cuba, Venezuela, or Mexico?
- Which Country has the least slavery? US, China, India, or Kenya?

US is quite an Exceptional Country. Clearly, US is the most progressive Country in the World. Stop hating America, goddamnit!
Why should one race be given special consideration to fill an opportunity over another even though they're LESS QUALIFIED?

Are you saying blacks are too STUPID to compete on a level playing field?

How in the FUCK did obama ever become president?
Good question

Let's look at the society that existed in the 60s
White males possessed all the leadership positions and skilled positions. They claimed it was because they were best qualified. Blacks were best suited for menial labor and women could be secretaries and nurses.
In deciding who was best qualified for a managerial position, white male executives universally decided that white males were best suited for managerial positions. After all, they had never seen a woman or a black in that position
Affirmative action gave women and minorities a chance to fill skilled positions and they proved they were able to handle it
Thank affirmative action if your wife or daughter is able to get a position that is not teacher, secretary, nurse or cashier

how did affirmative action help the following: Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Beyonce, Bill Cosby, Sammy Davis Jr, Whitney Houston, MLK jr, obama, Oprah.

you are wrong jake, those people succeeded because of their talents, skills, and hard work.
Good list

All have been helped by affirmative action. There was a time when black entertainers were relegated to the roles of servants and shuffling fools.

Cosby, Sammy Davis and later Whitney and Oprah benefitted from changing morals that allowed them to be looked at as real people and not stereotypes

bullshit, they were successful because they had talents, not because of the AA laws. Yes, societal change had something to do with it, but not one of the people I listed were helped by AA laws.
You think there were not talented blacks before Bill Cosby and Oprah? Twenty years earlier they would have been relegated to roles saying Yassa, Yassa I shore is hungry.

Right, like Satchmo, Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin, Dianna Ross, Otis Redding, Ray Charles, James Brown, Nat King Cole, Sammy David Jr., Jimmy Hendrix, Little Richard, Johny Mathis, and Smokey Robinson?
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

A country of intelligent, well informed, morally descent people. All else will follow.
Good question

Let's look at the society that existed in the 60s
White males possessed all the leadership positions and skilled positions. They claimed it was because they were best qualified. Blacks were best suited for menial labor and women could be secretaries and nurses.
In deciding who was best qualified for a managerial position, white male executives universally decided that white males were best suited for managerial positions. After all, they had never seen a woman or a black in that position
Affirmative action gave women and minorities a chance to fill skilled positions and they proved they were able to handle it
Thank affirmative action if your wife or daughter is able to get a position that is not teacher, secretary, nurse or cashier

how did affirmative action help the following: Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Beyonce, Bill Cosby, Sammy Davis Jr, Whitney Houston, MLK jr, obama, Oprah.

you are wrong jake, those people succeeded because of their talents, skills, and hard work.
Good list

All have been helped by affirmative action. There was a time when black entertainers were relegated to the roles of servants and shuffling fools.

Cosby, Sammy Davis and later Whitney and Oprah benefitted from changing morals that allowed them to be looked at as real people and not stereotypes

bullshit, they were successful because they had talents, not because of the AA laws. Yes, societal change had something to do with it, but not one of the people I listed were helped by AA laws.
You think there were not talented blacks before Bill Cosby and Oprah? Twenty years earlier they would have been relegated to roles saying Yassa, Yassa I shore is hungry.

Right, like Satchmo, Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin, Dianna Ross, Otis Redding, Ray Charles, James Brown, Nat King Cole, Sammy David Jr., Jimmy Hendrix, Little Richard, Johny Mathis, and Smokey Robinson?
This woman's guts brought glory....
Marian Anderson
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Marion Anderson (disambiguation).

Marian Anderson in 1940, by Carl Van Vechten
Marian Anderson (February 27, 1897 – April 8, 1993)[1] was an African-American contralto and one of the most celebrated singers of the twentieth century. Music critic Alan Blyth said: "Her voice was a rich, vibrant contralto of intrinsic beauty."[2] Most of her singing career was spent performing in concert and recital in major music venues and with famous orchestras throughout the United States and Europe between 1925 and 1965. Although offered roles with many important European opera companies, Anderson declined, as she had no training in acting. She preferred to perform in concert and recital only. She did, however, perform opera arias within her concerts and recitals. She made many recordings that reflected her broad performance repertoire of everything from concert literature to lieder to opera to traditional American songs and spirituals.[2] Between 1940 and 1965 the German-American pianist Franz Rupp was her permanent acompanist.[3]

Anderson became an important figure in the struggle for black artists to overcome racial prejudice in the United States during the mid-twentieth century. In 1939, the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) refused permission for Anderson to sing to an integrated audience in Constitution Hall. The incident placed Anderson into the spotlight of the international community on a level unusual for a classical musician.
With the aid of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and her husband Franklin D. Roosevelt, Anderson performed a critically acclaimed open-air concert on Easter Sunday, April 9, 1939, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. She sang before a crowd of more than 75,000 people and a radio audience in the millions. Anderson continued to break barriers for black artists in the United States, becoming the first black person, American or otherwise, to perform at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City on January 7, 1955. Her performance as Ulrica in Giuseppe Verdi's Un ballo in maschera at the Met was the only time she sang an opera role on stage.
Marian Anderson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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