What do Modern women offer…

That is all a Progressive man is looking for.

On the other hand, any woman who views men as oppressors is 100% likely to be a verbal abuser. Can any man be happy living with a woman who openly says that she hates men and men are trash/pigs?

A Progressive woman is also very likely to be a physical abuser.
Many lib women are independent because real men cant stand to be around them
Out with four olds, huh, New Redguard?

Egalite, Liberte, like the French Revolution, the 1st commies?
1) Old Gender Roles are unviable in this day and age. They are never coming back.

2) Progressives are imposing much more rigid gender roles then old ones. For example

-- men must accept their innate guilt for alleged Historical and Present oppression of women

-- men must accept hate speech and verbal abuse from women without complaining

-- men can lose their careers on unproven and often uninvestigated allegations
Out with four olds, huh, New Redguard?

Egalite, Liberte, like the French Revolution, the 1st commies?
Yes, I agree 100% with Egalitarian version of Liberalism!!! All Humans are Created Equal. All Races are Equal. All Genders are Equal.

Leon Trotsky stood for Freedom and Equality.

Sadly, many Progressive and Socialist movements turned Liberalism into a tool of Totalitarianism.
What do Modern women offer Tradutional Men, realationship-wise?

This topic of conversation has come up several times recently in the social circles I travel in. Especially among the twenty-something’s I interact with from time to time.

I’m interested to see if the USMB crowd can come up with any positive traits that modern women offer more traditionally oriented males when it comes to relationships. I’ve been pretty much stumped, personally.

What a bizarre question.

I'm 60 years old. My smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend is 52. She retired from NASA back in 2015. She's literally a rocket scientist. I like to think I'm a pretty intelligent guy, but her IQ is off the chart. She possesses an analytical ability which is dumbfounding and awe-inspiring. Her ability to look at almost any situation and assess it is mind-boggling, and her ability to solve a problem; any problem, is flat-out scary.

So, her predominant positive trait (aside from being smokin' hot) is that she's unbelievably intelligent. I'm forced to question her sanity, though, considering she ended up with me.

She and I are a perfect fit. My personality is complimented by hers and vise versa. My dry sense of humor has all but met its match with hers. We're a pretty formidable force when it come to team darts. She likes to cook and I like to eat, and we're both very talented in our own regard.

As I said, I think this is a pretty bizarre question. I think before it can be effectively answered you need to define "modern woman"...
What a bizarre question.

I'm 60 years old. My smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend is 52. She retired from NASA back in 2015. She's literally a rocket scientist. I like to think I'm a pretty intelligent guy, but her IQ is off the chart. She possesses an analytical ability which is dumbfounding and awe-inspiring. Her ability to look at almost any situation and assess it is mind-boggling, and her ability to solve a problem; any problem, is flat-out scary.

So, her predominant positive trait (aside from being smokin' hot) is that she's unbelievably intelligent. I'm forced to question her sanity, though, considering she ended up with me.

She and I are a perfect fit. My personality is complimented by hers and vise versa. My dry sense of humor has all but met its match with hers. We're a pretty formidable force when it come to team darts. She likes to cook and I like to eat, and we're both very talented in our own regard.

As I said, I think this is a pretty bizarre question. I think before it can be effectively answered you need to define "modern woman"...
Best luck to your girlfriend and you! She is definitely an outstanding woman -- maybe a genius.

Sadly, many modern Progressive women openly state that they hate men, that men are pigs, that men are oppressors. This kind of a modern woman is simply an abuser. Many verbal abusers become physically abusive with time.
Yes, I agree 100% with Egalitarian version of Liberalism!!! All Humans are Created Equal. All Races are Equal. All Genders are Equal.

Leon Trotsky stood for Freedom and Equality.

Sadly, many Progressive and Socialist movements turned Liberalism into a tool of Totalitarianism.
They also have a very different definition of equality leaning more toward 'equity.'
It's actually a question I used to ponder when I was on the dating scene.

I hate to say it, but the answer I came up with was that the younger the woman, the more she had to offer a traditional man. If you truly are a traditional man, by which I mean a man who takes care of business, prefers action to complaining, keeps opinions to yourself until you get to know people, and approach women with an attitude of respectful protectiveness, the woman you are looking for may be the woman you are looking past due to her youth compared to your own age.

If you live near a college, I recommend you either get a job there, or better yet, take classes there. Who cares if you need the classes or not, take freshman courses like a foreign language 101, or something that interests you.
Such women will eventually mature and the relationship will end.

I certainly have no answers. I am not the relationship kind. Some long years ago I had a male roommate. Not a relationship although he might have had wishful thinking. In exploring a possible relationship, he once said "a ship has but one captain who charts the course." I answered "yes. And you are crew. Go man a lifeboat someplace."
What do Modern women offer Tradutional Men, realationship-wise?

This topic of conversation has come up several times recently in the social circles I travel in. Especially among the twenty-something’s I interact with from time to time.

I’m interested to see if the USMB crowd can come up with any positive traits that modern women offer more traditionally oriented males when it comes to relationships. I’ve been pretty much stumped, personally.

It's like plugs and sockets. Most people have people who fit them, but the vast majority don't fit them at all.
As I said, I think this is a pretty bizarre question. I think before it can be effectively answered you need to define "modern woman"...
I’m going to suggest that you’ve already answered the question from your anecdote. Unless these Men are looking for women who will compete with and challenge them, they don’t offer much.
It's like plugs and sockets. Most people have people who fit them, but the vast majority don't fit them at all
Definitely. The problem is that in this case the new sockets are only compatible with the new plugs, rather than both the old and new plugs. Likewise the old sockets are definitely not compatible with the new plugs without some sort of adaptor.
Best luck to your girlfriend and you! She is definitely an outstanding woman -- maybe a genius.

Sadly, many modern Progressive women openly state that they hate men, that men are pigs, that men are oppressors. This kind of a modern woman is simply an abuser. Many verbal abusers become physically abusive with time.

I like to think I've got enough experience in my 60 years that I've been able to successfully weed such people out of my life...
I’m going to suggest that you’ve already answered the question from your anecdote. Unless these Men are looking for women who will compete with and challenge them, they don’t offer much.

Of course, the same could be said regarding what men have to offer women...
1) Old Gender Roles are unviable in this day and age. They are never coming back.

2) Progressives are imposing much more rigid gender roles then old ones. For example

-- men must accept their innate guilt for alleged Historical and Present oppression of women

-- men must accept hate speech and verbal abuse from women without complaining

-- men can lose their careers on unproven and often uninvestigated allegations







One of them may be just what you want.
One of them may be just what you need.
One of them may be more trouble than she is worth.


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