What do Modern women offer…

Definitely. The problem is that in this case the new sockets are only compatible with the new plugs, rather than both the old and new plugs. Likewise the old sockets are definitely not compatible with the new plugs without some sort of adaptor.

Well, I think age matters, people going through similar experiences find it more comforting. An 80 year old with a 20 year old isn't going to work because they have different experiences.
No. It’s not. Unfortunately it’s considered a crime to PUT a woman in her proper place these days.

It took me 25 years to find the woman who is now my wife. I fear it will be an even longer search for these young Men, if they’re able to find a suitable women who isn’t a feminist bitch at all.
Many men want a partner...not the live-in maid, cook, and punching bag you want.
Huh? Protection? Where the hell do you live?

Women can easily be breadwinners. There are many, many women who are incredibly intelligent and capable, more so than many, many men. Why would you want to keep them out of the workforce?

Tell them to get going, then. I have seen plenty of well-paid jobs locally: a grocery warehouse wants trailer loaders, local trash company wants helpers, and my company is hiring a box truck driver, who also loads the truck.

They can get out there right now and dig ditches, pump septic tank, harvest timber, corrals cattle, pave asphalt, mine iron, truck goods coast to coast, roof houses, pour cement, purify water… What are they waiting for…?
You sound like a Cuck hoping to get some blue haired sympathy pussy. You won’t get it. Because even “feminist” women… biologically are driven toward alpha males. Not ass kissing sycophants. But enjoy your time in orbit.

My wife has done plenty of that...she works as a truck driver (delivering milk) now. She has also done landscaping, run skid-steers, did as much work as me on our house, and does her own car work.
More than a few men in this forum who are generally terrified by intelligent, secure, competent women, huh? I say this as a woman, not as a feminist.

Lot of male blustering, which is always the dead giveaway.

Anyway, I found the read snort-worthy for the most part. Also, sad.
More and more women are learning the truth that we don't need a "man" to get along in life quite well.
More to the point men have learned the same lesson. We no longer have to wine and dine women and cater to their every desire for happiness. We can do our own cleaning and cooking.
More to the point men have learned the same lesson. We no longer have to wine and dine women and cater to their every desire for happiness. We can do our own cleaning and cooking.

No wonder earlier marriages are making a comeback. Find someone you love early and partner up, rather than wade through this dating cesspool for any longer than you have to. Whoa
The public incident wasn’t my wife. That was a woman I was dating many years ago. She earned what she got and while it was in a public place there was no audience.

What do 100,000 battered women have in common?

None of them knew when to shut the fuck up.

What do you tell a woman who has two black eyes?

Nothing. She's been told twice already.

What did this woman "earn"?
More than a few men in this forum who are generally terrified by intelligent, secure, competent women, huh? I say this as a woman, not as a feminist.

My smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend is one of the most frighteningly intelligent people I've ever known.

I'm not terrified by that. I'm turned on by it...
I agree 100%. The 1850 norms are absolutely unviable in 2022.

There were certainly competent, intelligent, secure women in 1850. Some of them were undoubtedly early suffragettes and some of them not.

I think there's a misconception all through this thread that being "traditional", especially as a woman, means you haven't a thought in your head beyond the next Home Goods sale. That seems short-sighted to me.
My smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend is one of the most frighteningly intelligent people I've ever known.

I'm not terrified by that. I'm turned on by it...

Yeah, not you. Some of these suggestions and posts though--geez. Cringe, as the kids say.
Answer: Nothing... Except making them think I really want them as they want to believe I do...which is what they depend on for daily ego validation from all man even though they wouldn't f***. I enjoy kicking self-annointed (c-word)'s to the gutter while flirting with and exchanging pleasantries with much plainer tasted women, who may actually be far more enjoyable in bed than they are, in spite of all their posturing and posing. I live for exposing women like that and putting them against other women that they are in competition with. I enjoy turning other men against them. I despise people who think they can control me sexually. You might be very surprised what I can do back to you that you never anticipated and never was on your list of "toxic male" things you can retaliate against. I hate you and I regularly put my time in to turn other males against women like you. Not because I want to control you. But because I want to eliminate you and castrate you of the one power you thought you had over all males. I don't want you in my society and I want to see your kind here less and less.
Exhibit A to my last post: Mr Build All the Things

Sure. How many things would get built in a world of all men? What motivates men to build things?

Read a story. Any story. Geez.
What would get built? Pretty much everything that has, and does get built. What motivates men? At a base level, the opportunity to procreate..
That was epic. Hats off, hats off.

Men who need those kind of women will reveal themselves eventually. But as ever you did a masterful job of revealing.

Calling him, and people like him "men" is a bit questionable.

I have known some truly great men that are solid, engaged in their families. and are the rocks their households are built on.
I just laugh at scared little boys who hide from themselves and their insecurities, because they suck and must rely on other people being weak to survive.

Thanks for the kind words ... But all I did was challenge him to step up and be a man.
If the only way he can see do to that is to beat a woman down emotionally, physically and within the structure of his insecurities ... He isn't a man at all.

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More than a few men in this forum who are generally terrified by intelligent, secure, competent women, huh? I say this as a woman, not as a feminist
You misspelled “disgusted”.
No wonder earlier marriages are making a comeback. Find someone you love early and partner up, rather than wade through this dating cesspool for any longer than you have to
What the Hell does love have to do with anything? That was one of my biggest issues when I was single… the ridiculous emotional crap so many women expect in a relationship.

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