What do Modern women offer…

I doubt you’d be able to get within 20 yards of the door with the fences and such, but enjoy your story.

Oh, I've no doubt you've got gates and fences and walls and locks to isolate you from the outside world.

You have such things because you're a FUCKING PUSSY who, by his own admission, beats women...
No, a Traditional Man is not likely to want a Modern woman. However, with the severe lack of Traditional women in todays society, Traditional Men and being forced to see if there’s any hope of being able to find something acceptable amongst the Modern women. The few Traditional women are largely able to pick from the highest quality Traditional Men and often look only inside their own community, making the options for Traditional Men very limited.

Oh. Well, I don't want to be Captain Obvious, but for a long-term relationship to work, there needs to be similar values and beliefs, especially about the important things like raising a family, etc. So in regard to what you're talking about, in most cases it just wouldn't work. It could only work if at least one person in the equation is willing to change their entire perspective on these things. Again, I feel like I'm being Captain Obvious here.

I will say this. If those young "traditional men" out there think the same way you do, I would say they're the ones who need a change of mind and heart. It's not even about "modern women" --- no decent sane woman wants or deserves to be treated like a child (I can't find the post now, but I'm pretty sure I saw you talking about physically "disciplining" your woman), and some of the other things you said were also are not rooted in truth. Those
"traditional" men will have better luck finding a woman and a better future if they learn to truly love and respect women, as opposed to thinking of them as second class citizens. (if that is how they think.)
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for a long-term relationship to work, there needs to be similar values and beliefs, especially about the important things like raising a family, etc
I totally agree. Unfortunately that rules out most Modern women from the potential dating pool for these gentlemen.
in regard to what you're talking about, in most cases it just wouldn't work. It could only work if at least one person in the equation is willing to change their entire perspective on these things
Again, they’re not looking to change anyone and their attitudes and ideology are not likely to change.
I will say this. If those young "traditional men" out there think the same way you do, I would say they're the ones who need a change of mind and heart
That is not going to happen. Nor do I believe should it, if they truly believe these things.
no self-respecting woman wants or deserves to be treated like a child (I can't find the post now, but I'm pretty sure I saw you talking about physically "disciplining" your woman), and some of the other things you said were also are not rooted in truth.
Discipline is a necessary part of every household and relationship. Without it there is no Order. Without Order there is only Chaos, and Decency cannot exist in a place of Chaos.
"traditional" men will have better luck finding a woman and a better future if they learn to truly love and respect women, as opposed to thinking of them as second class citizens
Then they would no longer be Traditional Men, and their entire Ideology and lives would have been wasted. A couple are considering looking outside the country for potential wives. Others are considering permanent bachelorhood. I was hoping that someone else here might have another option for them, but it appears not.
That is not going to happen. Nor do I believe should it, if they truly believe these things.

You don't know that, unless you personally know every single one of those young "traditional men" out there. But in regard to what you said, it doesn't matter if someone "truly believes" something if that belief is false. In other words, truth is more important than sincerity.

Discipline is a necessary part of every household and relationship. Without it there is no Order. Without Order there is only Chaos, and Decency cannot exist in a place of Chaos.

You completely ignored my point. A woman is not the same as a 5 year old, and no decent sane woman wants or deserves to be treated like a child. There won't be chaos if a man and a woman treat each other the right way... with genuine love and respect, as well as honesty.

Then they would no longer be Traditional Men, and their entire Ideology and lives would have been wasted. A couple are considering looking outside the country for potential wives. Others are considering permanent bachelorhood. I was hoping that someone else here might have another option for them, but it appears not.

According to your definition of traditional men, maybe. In any event, tradition is not what is most important. Why, because sometimes what is tradition is not rooted in truth.
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Then they would no longer be Traditional Men, and their entire Ideology and lives would have been wasted.

Their lives will only be wasted if they are trapped by an ideology that forbids them any opportunity to explore, discover and make something of their lives.
Anathema is too afraid to do that and will rob others of their dreams and ambitions if he gets a chance.

You don't know that, unless you personally know every single one of those young "traditional men" out there
I know each of the six young Men that I talk to and give advice to. Those are the only ones I’m concerned about.
A woman is not the same as a 5 year old, and no decent sane woman wants or deserves to be treated like a child. There won't be chaos if a man and a woman treat each other the right way... with genuine love and respect, as well as honesty.
There must be a heirarchy in ANY relationship, otherwise nothing ever gets decided. I don’t believe in love. Nor does my wife.
In any event, tradition is not what is most important
That’s not necessarily true for everyone out there. I waited 25 years to find a woman of the same mindset as me.
Oh. Well, I don't want to be Captain Obvious, but for a long-term relationship to work, there needs to be similar values and beliefs, especially about the important things like raising a family, etc. So in regard to what you're talking about, in most cases it just wouldn't work. It could only work if at least one person in the equation is willing to change their entire perspective on these things. Again, I feel like I'm being Captain Obvious here.

I will say this. If those young "traditional men" out there think the same way you do, I would say they're the ones who need a change of mind and heart. It's not even about "modern women" --- no decent sane woman wants or deserves to be treated like a child (I can't find the post now, but I'm pretty sure I saw you talking about physically "disciplining" your woman), and some of the other things you said were also are not rooted in truth. Those
"traditional" men will have better luck finding a woman and a better future if they learn to truly love and respect women, as opposed to thinking of them as second class citizens. (if that is how they think.)
Anathema perverts the very meaning of the word "traditional" as it is but a cruel fantasy of domination existing only in his head.

I am the product of a traditional marriage. Dad worked. Mom raised the kids. My father did not OWN my mother, however, as they were equal partners, and not once did he ever hit her. Heck, he never even raised his voice to her.

They were married for 68 years until Dad died a purple of years ago.

Calling him, and people like him "men" is a bit questionable.

I have known some truly great men that are solid, engaged in their families. and are the rocks their households are built on.
I just laugh at scared little boys who hide from themselves and their insecurities, because they suck and must rely on other people being weak to survive.

Thanks for the kind words ... But all I did was challenge him to step up and be a man.
If the only way he can see do to that is to beat a woman down emotionally, physically and within the structure of his insecurities ... He isn't a man at all.

100% agree. I am blessed--two of the best men I have known are my father and my husband. Worlds and worlds different from some of the men on this thread for the reasons you state. Thank God for that.
Calling him, and people like him "men" is a bit questionable.

I have known some truly great men that are solid, engaged in their families. and are the rocks their households are built on.
I just laugh at scared little boys who hide from themselves and their insecurities, because they suck and must rely on other people being weak to survive.

Thanks for the kind words ... But all I did was challenge him to step up and be a man.
If the only way he can see do to that is to beat a woman down emotionally, physically and within the structure of his insecurities ... He isn't a man at all.​
I do not disagree.

Not a single Conservative woman would agree to be viewed as someone less then equal to men.

Most Progressive men view themselves as innately guilty, worthy of abuse, and less then women.
I don't believe any of those things, idiot.

I have been reading Anathema's posts since before he joined this forum, and know what HE is referring to as traditional. It is more in line with the Taliban than 1950s America.
Men are simple. They want a few things from a woman and those things don't change whether he is traditional or modern, religious or irreligious, part of the Taliban or not, rich or poor, smart or not so smart..

They want a woman who is:

1. Kindhearted
a) nurturing, gentle, empathetic

2. Beautiful
a) happy and smiling

3. Intelligent

4. Respectful

No man wants an unintelligent wife, a disrespectful wife, an unhappy wife or an ugly wife.

Unfortunately a lot of women confuse intelligent with proud, stubborn, quarrelsome and career driven.

Many also think that having looked good for a time relieves them of the obligation of trying to look beautiful at all times — because men want a woman who is beautiful at all times.

Respect is like oxygen to a man. And it's no wonder so many marriages are suffocated to death these days.

Had you ever read what the guy posted, you would know he doesn't see a woman as being smart,
creative, capable, worthy or able to do anything other than what he tells them to ... And he will punish them if they don't.
He treats women like children and not with respect ... And because he cannot get any respect any other way.

No self-respecting woman would ever put up with his shit.
Damn, my dog wouldn't put up with his shit and earns more respect than he does.

This is none of my concern and I detest defamation.

I reiterate, men are all the same by nature. Everyone wants a good wife. Few think they can have one and maybe few deserve one taking into consideration that he would then have to be a good husband as well.
My niece mentionedthat it's too bad that she's sexually attracted to men, since life would be much easier if she was gay.

It's a common attitude among young women. And it's a testament to just how little traditional men have to offer modern women.

Young men need to up their game if they want to land a woman, because women know they don't need men. Young men can no longer coast on "Well I'm male, so I'm entitled to have a bangmaid. Who looks like a supermodel. And is a virgin. And works full time to support me."

It's especially bad for young conservative men, since young women tend to find them repulsive, due to their openly misogynist nature. So many conservative boys are doomed to incelhood. And rather than up their own game, they go Nazi. Jihadists also like to recruit from unmarried young men.
My niece mentionedthat it's too bad that she's sexually attracted to men, since life would be much easier if she was gay.

It's a common attitude among young women. And it's a testament to just how little traditional men have to offer modern women.

Young men need to up their game if they want to land a woman, because women know they don't need men. Young men can no longer coast on "Well I'm male, so I'm entitled to have a bangmaid. Who looks like a supermodel. And is a virgin. And works full time to support me."

It's especially bad for young conservative men, since young women tend to find them repulsive, due to their openly misogynist nature. So many conservative boys are doomed to incelhood. And rather than up their own game, they go Nazi. Jihadists also like to recruit from unmarried young men.
Go Muslim then if you are a young conservative male or marry Asian…
My niece mentionedthat it's too bad that she's sexually attracted to men, since life would be much easier if she was gay.

It's a common attitude among young women. And it's a testament to just how little traditional men have to offer modern women.
I agree with you and with Progressives 80% of time. Guns enable murder and suicide. USA was never great. Racism and White Supremacy are wrong. USA is a Nation of Immigrants. Society must help all people in poverty. Men and women are equal.

But as a man I view Misandrists as the enemy. YY chromosomes do not make us inferior or innately guilty. You are not the enemy -- you are their captive.

Those who view men as oppressors, or pigs, or trash are not egalitarian. Most Progressive men can find a partner, but more likely then not such partner would be an abuser.
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I have been reading Anathema's posts since before he joined this forum, and know what HE is referring to as traditional. It is more in line with the Taliban than 1950s America.
And that is impossible in 2022. The best relationship is egalitarian one.

In 1960s and before, many marriages were unhappy. Many men abused their wives prior to 1970s. Many women abused their children prior to 1974.
It's a common attitude among young women. And it's a testament to just how little traditional men have to offer modern women.
They’re right. Traditional men are not going to put up with the BS of a Modern woman, so they don’t really have much that the Feminists (let’s call them what they are) want.,
Young men need to up their game if they want to land a woman, because women know they don't need men. Young men can no longer coast on "Well I'm male, so I'm entitled to have a bangmaid. Who looks like a supermodel. And is a virgin. And works full time to support me."
I don’t know ANY Traditional Man who expects a woman to support Him. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite.
It's especially bad for young conservative men, since young women tend to find them repulsive, due to their openly misogynist nature. So many conservative boys are doomed to incelhood. And rather than up their own game, they go Nazi
Trust me, the repulsion is equal from both sides. I truly believe those young Men are better off as bachelors permanently than changing their ideology for ANY woman.

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