What do Modern women offer…

The single income, Breadwinner/Homemaker type relationship that we see stylized in tv shows and movies.
When did this mythically exist? Mom worked. Her mom didn't, but was effectively a single mom most of the time with her Dad on ships. Dad's mom worked. My wife's Mom was a nurse.

When did this shit happen except on TV?
We were far better off in the past. Our loss of morality, values, and just general decency has ruined everything we create
Ok Boomer.

Meanwhile you're pining for a past that didn't exist except for the wealthy.
Women are the beneficiaries of legions of mens hard work, and sacrifice. Until they are the ones cutting the lumber, drilling the oil, running the wiring to make the power grid function, transporting the goods to the stores and manning the watchtowers… They are just spoiled children; waiting at the finish line eager to claim victory for the last couple steps.
Wow, with a viewpoint like that, how are you keeping the potential wives off of you?

Also, is your avatar a NeoNazi symbol?
Discipline is a necessary part of every household and relationship. Without it there is no Order. Without Order there is only Chaos, and Decency cannot exist in a place of Chaos.
Nowdays they call that a felony, and in most jurisdictions you have to take the ride even if no charges are being filed.
Wow, with a viewpoint like that, how are you keeping the potential wives off of you?

Also, is your avatar a NeoNazi symbol?
I don’t keep them off of me. I just won’t marry them, or knock them up. Here in the West anyway.
So are you a NeoNazi? Asking for a friend. First line in your avatar is old school Nazi.
Ok Boomer.

Meanwhile you're pining for a past that didn't exist except for the wealthy.
I'm a boomer.

My wife earned a P.H.D and had a good job. I owned a business. We both did everything with no clear cut roles. If anything, I did more of the kid stuff than she did, as I was the one who took both boys on play dates, to museums, and to the parks, etc.

Why people have to reduce everything to such a simplistic level as they do is beyond me. I find all this "men are this, women are that" stuff stupid and ridiculous.

People are people. We are all unique. This entire need to divide people into groups gets gets tedious.
You continue to have a serious misunderstanding of what a Traditional woman is. They’re not slaves, property, or anything if the sort. But I’m not going to waste my time explaining that to you again.

Traditional Men tend to believe that marriage and family are a vital part of having a full and good life. These young Men (with maybe one exception) aren’t “full of themselves “. They’re focused on their lives and their careers. They believe in personal responsibility and living a proper life. They would like to find someone to share their lives and good fortune with. They’re not emotionless monsters like me.
She is a Lesbian she is playing with you,
When did this mythically exist?
On both sides of my family, within the last two generations. Neither of my grandmothers worked, had a driver’s license, voted, or had their own bank accounts. Between them they raised 7 children.
Meanwhile you're pining for a past that didn't exist except for the wealthy
Not only the wealthy. The frugal as well.
Nowdays they call that a felony, and in most jurisdictions you have to take the ride even if no charges are being filed
It has to be reported before any of thst can occur.
So are you a NeoNazi? Asking for a friend. First line in your avatar is old school Nazi
No, though I do believe that we could learn from certain parts of that Governmental system. Not the genocide or colonial aspects, obviously.
I ended up with a Puerto Rican woman.

Same here.

Difference is that the smokin' hot Puerto Rican woman I'm with would kick your teeth in if you ever raised a hand to her, which is something we know you have a propensity to do.

My woman is more than capable of taking care of herself. She doesn't need a man, just as I don't need a woman. She's got plenty of money and is a confident (some would say "cocky") person who's emotionally secure and sane. I've got plenty of money and I'm a confident (some would say "cocky" person who's emotionally secure and sane.

But we enjoy the intangibles that we each bring to the table, though, and find that life is more enjoyable with each other than without...
What do Modern women offer Tradutional Men, realationship-wise?

This topic of conversation has come up several times recently in the social circles I travel in. Especially among the twenty-something’s I interact with from time to time.

I’m interested to see if the USMB crowd can come up with any positive traits that modern women offer more traditionally oriented males when it comes to relationships. I’ve been pretty much stumped, personally.
Young people are smarter more tolerant and better informed than ever, so there aren't that many GOP ones lol. Too bad they are screwed a bit in this giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP economy.... So many are able to live wherever they want because of computer jobs so it's a brave new world out there buddy lol. I wish it was that way when I was a younger man damn it as usual...
On both sides of my family, within the last two generations. Neither of my grandmothers worked, had a driver’s license, voted, or had their own bank accounts. Between them they raised 7 children.
Is this in the US? You believe not voting is something to be proud of?

Not only the wealthy. The frugal as well.
No mostly the wealthy. Before industrialization, most everyone was a farmer, and the women worked too.

It has to be reported before any of thst can occur.
So you're relying on the "snitches get stitches" rule? Wonderful values in a husband. Neighbors call too you know. there are hotlines and everything.
Because it gives you an excuse to hit them?
No, actually. Very rarely do she and I fight or even argue. It’s useful in public because she’s able to keep people away from me and thereby reduce the chance of unpleasantness in public.
Is this in the US? You believe not voting is something to be proud of?
Yes, to both. One family was in the Northern Midwest, the other in Southern New England. Both very religious families.

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