What do Modern women offer…

Not what these young Men are looking for. They compete with each other and in their work lives already. They’re not looking to be challenged at home as well.
Yes, that is very insightful and well put.

Men get enough conflict at work, and a real man deals with that, and enjoys making the best of it. But when he gets home, he doesn't need a lot of static, because he's in the relax mode. Meanwhile, wifey is likely bored if she hasn't had kids yet, frazzled if she has young kids, or bored again if the kids are old enough to be doing their own thing. If you don't provide some entertainment for her, she may make her own, by arguing with you.

It reminds me of a Family Circus cartoon I saw back when I was in high school, that struck me as true and I later found out how true. The dad is at the door walking in from work and imagining sitting at the table relaxing while mom serves supper. Meanwhile, mom is picturing a nice dinner in a restaurant. A train wreck in the making.

Doesn't mean one is right and one is wrong. It means that there are differences between traditional men and traditional women that they will need to work out to make the marriage work.
No. It’s not. Unfortunately it’s considered a crime to PUT a woman in her proper place these days.

Incorrect again ... I specifically stated that it is the only choice you have with a Modern Woman.

If you think your unmanly, insecure, cheating ass can put her in her proper place ...
Then your sorry ass is still going to have to step up to the Challenge and embrace the Competition.

There are no two ways about it ... You better sack up or hit the trail, you sissy ... :thup:

There are no two ways about it ... You better sack up or hit the trail, you sissy
This isn’t about me. I found a proper, decent woman. A Traditional woman. She understands, accepts and embraces her place in the world. It just took me 25 years and cost both of us the chance to have better lives, including children.

Unfortunately Traditional women are few and far between in the younger generations of this modern world. That likely means these good young Men that I know will end up living a less than full life, a solitary life, an incomplete life because of it.
What do Modern women offer Tradutional Men, realationship-wise?

This topic of conversation has come up several times recently in the social circles I travel in. Especially among the twenty-something’s I interact with from time to time.

I’m interested to see if the USMB crowd can come up with any positive traits that modern women offer more traditionally oriented males when it comes to relationships. I’ve been pretty much stumped, personally.
If we are talking about 20 somethings, I think there is plenty of shallowness and selfishness on both sides.
This isn’t about me. I found a proper, decent woman. A Traditional woman. She understands, accepts and embraces her place in the world. It just took me 25 years and cost both of us the chance to have better lives, including children.

Unfortunately Traditional women are few and far between in the younger generations of this modern world. That likely means these good young Men that I know will end up living a less than full life, a solitary life, an incomplete life because of it.

Of course it isn't about you ... But I only answered your question of what a Modern Woman has to offer a Traditional Man.

I didn't even try to suggest your idea of a Traditional Man was a man at all.
I don't care what your desires are, and I am not really interested in Traditional Women (by your definition).
You wouldn't know what the possibilities are enough to consider what would be better, other than what is better for you.

That's why Modern Women Compete with and Challenge men.
They want their lives to be as full and meaningful as the men they are competing with and challenging,
They want respect and the ability to share the burden, responsibility and rewards of going above and beyond.

Modern Women don't need you, and are not just your slaves or playthings ... I am sorry if that threatens you and your patriarchal ideology.

There are plenty of good secure men who don't mind sharing in partnership with spouse,
Are willing to embrace the challenge of risking something on a more fulfilling experience in a much bigger world.

Some men want to go to work, and come home to happy family and well-prepared meal.

Some men, want to laugh when their wife took her bonus from work, booked them a scuba trip to Lighthouse Reef in Belize,
with a night in a romantic villa on the beach ... He'd be stupid to tell her she was doing it wrong.

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I don’t believe in options. Not when it comes to something as important as relationships. Honestly, I think we should go back to arranged marriage.,

You don't believe in options because you are an insecure twat with control issues and don't have clue what you are missing.
Just be thankful she doesn't know either, or you would be eating frozen dinners or take out ... :thup:

You don't believe in options because you are an insecure twat with control issues and don't have clue what you are missing
I’m not missing anything that I would want anyway. Hell, I was content in the idea of being a permanent bachelor when I met her ten and a half years ago.

My concern is for a group of young Men who apparently are never going to know the joy and completeness of having a good woman in their lives.
Nonsense. Women had all the power. They didn't have to work, stayed home all day and typically handled all the money the man made. Men worked their lives away, had heart attacks and ulcers and bore the burden of supporting her and the family. But, congratulations, now you women have to work while pregnant, send your kids off to daycare, or just abort them and be childless so you can 'climb the useless ladder of cooperate 'success.'
What a bunch of garbage.

You losers can find reasons to subjugate women and pretend like it was in their best interest. This is exactly how authoritarian thugs think.
I’m not missing anything that I would want anyway.

My concern is for a group of young Men who apparently are never going to know the joy and completeness of having a good woman in their lives.

You are missing it because you don't even know what it is.
You're only missing it because your insecurities and control issues don't allow you to embrace the challenges of the unknown.

You are afraid you will fail, and you cannot compete.

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You're only missing it because your insecurities and control issues don't allow you embrace the challenges of the unknown
I don’t do the unknown anymore. I’ve been bitten too many times to count and I’m not willing to risk that anymore with ANYTHING in my life.

I’m trying to help these young men not make the mistakes I did. Not have to suffer the embarrassments and pain I did. To help them have a better life than I have. God knows they deserve it more than I do.
I don’t do the unknown anymore. I’ve been bitten too many times to count and I’m not willing to risk that anymore with ANYTHING in my life.

Dude ... You don't have to tell me that ...
I just told you that you are an insecure twat with control issues who is afraid and cannot compete.

You do understand that we have looped all the way through the woods and back around to where you just agreed with me ... :auiqs.jpg:

What a bunch of garbage.

You losers can find reasons to subjugate women and pretend like it was in their best interest. This is exactly how authoritarian thugs think.
Where did I mention subjugating women? Seems more like men were subjugated to working their lives away if you want to look at it that way. If a man likes to work and the woman likes to stay at home it's none of your damn business anyway. You are the one pretending here and, YOU are more like the 'authoritarian thug' if you ask me. Leave people alone and stop your androphobia.
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Sex is all modern lib biden voting women have to offer
That is all a Progressive man is looking for.

On the other hand, any woman who views men as oppressors is 100% likely to be a verbal abuser. Can any man be happy living with a woman who openly says that she hates men and men are trash/pigs?

A Progressive woman is also very likely to be a physical abuser.
The traditional western nuclear family. The Husband is the head of the household and breadwinner. The wife is the homemaker and child raiser.
1) Old Patriarchal family values are inapplicable and unviable in Modern World. Egalitarian family and Society is the best arrangement for everyone.

2) Progressive women are not Egalitarian -- they are imposing very rigid gender roles on men.
Think about this. Men are trying to exclude women. Women are not trying to exclude men. That’ll tell you who is the bad guys.
Not all women but mostly women campaigned for the laws and policies which are discriminatory towards men. One example is exclusion of male victims of abuse from help.

Exclusion goes both ways.
What do Modern women offer Tradutional Men, realationship-wise?

This topic of conversation has come up several times recently in the social circles I travel in. Especially among the twenty-something’s I interact with from time to time.

I’m interested to see if the USMB crowd can come up with any positive traits that modern women offer more traditionally oriented males when it comes to relationships. I’ve been pretty much stumped, personally.
Instagram eyebrows and tattoos.
1) Old Patriarchal family values are inapplicable and unviable in Modern World. Egalitarian family and Society is the best arrangement for everyone.

2) Progressive women are not Egalitarian -- they are imposing very rigid gender roles on men.
Out with four olds, huh, New Redguard?

Egalite, Liberte, like the French Revolution, the 1st commies?

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