What do the left actually control or contribute to the betterment of society?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA that is one of the funniest things I have read in this websites many pages . you couldn't get in a conservatives face with a polished mountain. Liberals are incapable of multiplanic thought, that makes them too limited to formulate any type of credible affront to anyone above a kindergarten starter.
Then test me and we'll see who has more "multi's".

In a limestone watercourse network as you come into a chamber with three openings one of which is slightly above the other two after you have been going in what you perceive to be a slightly upward plane with the objective to find an exit, which of the openings would you choose as the most likely possibility to your objective.
The opening on the left.

Now your question...

You have a 480/277 volt, 3 phase, 4 wire, 2000 amp main switchboard. Do you need GFI?
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.
They do have the media & Hollywood but their ratings are nearly as low as DC's.
They were getting swamped in social media so they've started cracking down on conservative contributors. From demonotizing videos on YouTube to speech THEY deem controversial to outright banning people from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other popular social media outlets.

I just see NOTHING of substance coming from the left. Their power seems to be dwindling nation wide and as a result the radical aspects of their party seem to be the only voices being heard.

Your life would have no meaning without them, what else do you have?
A successful business.
Awesome kids.
Fun grandkids.
0 debt.
Great friends.
An amazingly entertaing social life.
The attention of every dumbass leftist in this thread.
"The attention of every dumbass leftist on this thread"......so he was right.
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.
They do have the media & Hollywood but their ratings are nearly as low as DC's.
They were getting swamped in social media so they've started cracking down on conservative contributors. From demonotizing videos on YouTube to speech THEY deem controversial to outright banning people from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other popular social media outlets.

I just see NOTHING of substance coming from the left. Their power seems to be dwindling nation wide and as a result the radical aspects of their party seem to be the only voices being heard.


It only takes a relatively small number of people to cause chaos and manipulate perception. Left are great at that. They have to be. They're not winning any plurality of hearts and minds; and the ones they are winning are rat finks who are not of much help except when they're rioting to create narratives.
See: Nazis.
On economics the corrupt and racist Democratic Party just grows poverty and debt and ultimately bankrupts the government……see Venezuela
The Democratic Party’s far left wing extremist agenda, incredible corruption, total dishonesty and hate based politics has alienated educated middle class voters
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.
They do have the media & Hollywood but their ratings are nearly as low as DC's.
They were getting swamped in social media so they've started cracking down on conservative contributors. From demonotizing videos on YouTube to speech THEY deem controversial to outright banning people from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other popular social media outlets.

I just see NOTHING of substance coming from the left. Their power seems to be dwindling nation wide and as a result the radical aspects of their party seem to be the only voices being heard.


It only takes a relatively small number of people to cause chaos and manipulate perception. Left are great at that. They have to be. They're not winning any plurality of hearts and minds; and the ones they are winning are rat finks who are not of much help except when they're rioting to create narratives.
See: Nazis.

Do you think if you just say buzzwords that's supposed to mean something?
OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...
Fuck that!
That's what banana republics do... jack weed
Your propaganda/hate machine can't stand up up to a few minutes an hour of facts? Very impressive...

You have no facts. just lies and propaganda, We all know it just as you know it yourself. Hell we have been watching you pump the same shit around and around for a year and it has been proved wrong every time you pump it back to the top HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAhahahAhAahha oh hell it would take 10000000 pages of HAs to show how laughable you lie vomiters are.
Truth IS repetitive, superdupe. Funny how in the whole world, only Fox Rush etc have your version...

That's funny b/c never watch Rush. I'm not even sure what channel hes on. I'm speaking from 65 yrs of experience. Seeing Democrat and Republican presidents come and go. Watching the county, see the good and the bad of each side. And having to endure the stupid insult of people like you WHO think you know what I'm all about from one paragraph. Now that is REAL nazi style, Joseph Goebbels propaganda. you need to join the Saul Alinsky fan club, Where on earth did you get such powers of insight? I was just stating a fact that Dems are loosing ground across the board and wanted to know what you are going to do about it? Let face it Obama or any democrat could not win another term, Dems had a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts. SO now tell me what are you going to do about it. because starting riots, destroying statues of old racist ( most of whom were Dems), and yelling insults just wont cut it!

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