What do the left actually control or contribute to the betterment of society?

They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.


Well the "Left"- and I assume for this purpose you mean Democrats- have the governorship of only 15 states- but those 15 states have:
39.76% of the total GDP in the United States, 3 out of 5 of the highest GDP per capita in the United States.

'bleeding legal residents'?
U.S. unauthorized immigration population estimates
Funny thing that- Texas is one of the fastest growing states(#2)- and the state that has the highest percentage of illegal residents. Florida- is #5- and also one of the states that has the highest percentage of illegal residents. Yes- they are both growing faster than California- and our illegal residents.

Meanwhile- Colorado and Washington are in the top 10 of growing states.

Oh well- just fun to respond with facts to your hemorhoid ridden rant.

Bullshit again the illegal population of Florida has rapidly dwindled since trump became president their outlay of funds for illegals has fallen by a large percentage. In fact a lot of places have seen their bottom lines start to fatten up since trump has been elected because their "Great Sucking sound has gotten a lot quieter. As for your growing states It is funny that you stupid twits call massively overpriced hovels, drastic indebtedness and insurmountable deficits an economy, HA it is so sad it is hilarious. Deficit is not a credit, it is only listed as an asset for the purpose of credit accounting, not hard assets. So you little cook the books play does not play in the REAL world. Your facts are like all liberal facts, only talking points lies fabricated by adjusting the definitions to include lies and fantasy. Like the age old question "What IS sex?" related to "I did not have sex with that woman, that Miss Lewinski" HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH your shit flies like all liberal lies LEAD FILLED BALLOONS >>>>>>HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.
They do have the media & Hollywood but their ratings are nearly as low as DC's.
They were getting swamped in social media so they've started cracking down on conservative contributors. From demonotizing videos on YouTube to speech THEY deem controversial to outright banning people from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other popular social media outlets.

I just see NOTHING of substance coming from the left. Their power seems to be dwindling nation wide and as a result the radical aspects of their party seem to be the only voices being heard.

The left gave you Bob Dylan.

Yer welcome!
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.
They do have the media & Hollywood but their ratings are nearly as low as DC's.
They were getting swamped in social media so they've started cracking down on conservative contributors. From demonotizing videos on YouTube to speech THEY deem controversial to outright banning people from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other popular social media outlets.

I just see NOTHING of substance coming from the left. Their power seems to be dwindling nation wide and as a result the radical aspects of their party seem to be the only voices being heard.

Kansas is broke and had to raise taxes hard on citizens to cover corporate tax breaks, yeah that's really helping contribute to society, then there is Oklahoma, did the same thing now can't balance a budget...
BZZZZZ in your dreams. your DAMN mess-I-ah IS THE CAUSE OF FINANCIAL PROBLEMS IN MANY STATES. HIS AND THE SHITOCRATS LITTLE ACA, AND THEIR SOCIAL ENGINEERING AND THEFT green energy initiatives and all kinds of theft programs. HA you shit aren't fooling anyone we know what shit you are and we are trying to get you into the toilet and flush you once and for all.
The left is angry, they have been angry for nearly my entire life. They always have a gripe, there is always something they hate, they never do not have something to protest.
I wonder when they find time to have fun.
The left is angry, they have been angry for nearly my entire life. They always have a gripe, there is always something they hate, they never do not have something to protest.
I wonder when they find time to have fun.
I have fun fucking with conservatives. Getting in their face and giving them a dose of reality is my Disneyland.
OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...

Yes that is exactly what the left has done for 60 years give us hate, terror, lies, theft, treason, murder, dishonor, military cluster fucks, and extreme deficits. That adds up to doing NOTHING at ALL for AMERICANS, AND all kinds of things to help our enemies.
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.
They do have the media & Hollywood but their ratings are nearly as low as DC's.
They were getting swamped in social media so they've started cracking down on conservative contributors. From demonotizing videos on YouTube to speech THEY deem controversial to outright banning people from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other popular social media outlets.

I just see NOTHING of substance coming from the left. Their power seems to be dwindling nation wide and as a result the radical aspects of their party seem to be the only voices being heard.

We saved the country after Bush and the GOP tried to destroy it. And that was only the beginning.
The left is angry, they have been angry for nearly my entire life. They always have a gripe, there is always something they hate, they never do not have something to protest.
I wonder when they find time to have fun.
I have fun fucking with conservatives. Getting in their face and giving them a dose of reality is my Disneyland.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA that is one of the funniest things I have read in this websites many pages . you couldn't get in a conservatives face with a polished mountain. Liberals are incapable of multiplanic thought, that makes them too limited to formulate any type of credible affront to anyone above a kindergarten starter.
I have fun fucking with conservatives. Getting in their face and giving them a dose of reality is my Disneyland
At your detriment health wise. Finding pleasure in soothing anger really soothes nothing. You go to bed every night with an anchor on your soul and a misbeat in your heart. Soul and heart is all we have, maybe you should take up paddle boarding or something and leave politics up to the big boys that can handle it without gleeful meanness.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA that is one of the funniest things I have read in this websites many pages . you couldn't get in a conservatives face with a polished mountain. Liberals are incapable of multiplanic thought, that makes them too limited to formulate any type of credible affront to anyone above a kindergarten starter.
Then test me and we'll see who has more "multi's".
OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...
Fuck that!
That's what banana republics do... jack weed
Your propaganda/hate machine can't stand up up to a few minutes an hour of facts? Very impressive...

You have no facts. just lies and propaganda, We all know it just as you know it yourself. Hell we have been watching you pump the same shit around and around for a year and it has been proved wrong every time you pump it back to the top HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAhahahAhAahha oh hell it would take 10000000 pages of HAs to show how laughable you lie vomiters are.
At your detriment health wise. Finding pleasure in soothing anger really soothes nothing. You go to bed every night with an anchor on your soul and a misbeat in your heart. Soul and heart is all we have, maybe you should take up paddle boarding or something and leave politics up to the big boys that can handle it without gleeful meanness.
But I'm not angry. This is fun.
I think, what we are seeing today is the death of the current Democratic party and eventually the birth of a new one. They thought they had it made with all the immigrant voters, global warming scare and Clinton brand name, but apparently the rest of the country did not fall for it. Everyone notices how obvious they have become in their pay to play politics, false criticisms of Trump, calling every one a racist. Their ANTFA solders are scaring the crap out of every Democrat who just wants a job and to raise a family. So they will have to get back to work and start helping the real American working class again. If they have not all turned Republican.
OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...
Fuck that!
That's what banana republics do... jack weed
Your propaganda/hate machine can't stand up up to a few minutes an hour of facts? Very impressive...

You have no facts. just lies and propaganda, We all know it just as you know it yourself. Hell we have been watching you pump the same shit around and around for a year and it has been proved wrong every time you pump it back to the top HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAhahahAhAahha oh hell it would take 10000000 pages of HAs to show how laughable you lie vomiters are.
Truth IS repetitive, superdupe. Funny how in the whole world, only Fox Rush etc have your version...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA that is one of the funniest things I have read in this websites many pages . you couldn't get in a conservatives face with a polished mountain. Liberals are incapable of multiplanic thought, that makes them too limited to formulate any type of credible affront to anyone above a kindergarten starter.
Then test me and we'll see who has more "multi's".

In a limestone watercourse network as you come into a chamber with three openings one of which is slightly above the other two after you have been going in what you perceive to be a slightly upward plane with the objective to find an exit, which of the openings would you choose as the most likely possibility to your objective.
OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...

Yes that is exactly what the left has done for 60 years give us hate, terror, lies, theft, treason, murder, dishonor, military cluster fucks, and extreme deficits. That adds up to doing NOTHING at ALL for AMERICANS, AND all kinds of things to help our enemies.
Reagan and W had the huge deficits, W allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, then started the stupidest wars EVER , AND a world depression that caused 90% of Obama's deficit. Dems gave us SS, UE, Medicare/aid, ACA- everything that makes us civilized, dupe.

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