What do the left actually control or contribute to the betterment of society?

Lo' and behold libberhoid:


Yup, we know, bogus wars all over the globe, just like empires in decline always do, while hollowing out at home.

Mirror Mirror - Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current News, Provocative Columnists
Thanks to Trump, soon they'll be real wars. And they can all bend the knee or die.
Sure pard, sure, that's how the world works isn't it. Such a poor stupid fuckwit. We now partner with ISIS, al Nusra, al Qaida, and the Wahabist Saudis.
Trump will bring those usurpers fire and blood, unless they bend the knee.
He better not bend his knee.
In North Korea Trump got 3 aircraft carriers, scores of unsullied Navy Seals, and a horde of infantrymen to cross the sea for him. Trump will make the North Koreans bend the knee, or die.
Yup, we know, bogus wars all over the globe, just like empires in decline always do, while hollowing out at home.

Mirror Mirror - Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current News, Provocative Columnists
Thanks to Trump, soon they'll be real wars. And they can all bend the knee or die.
Sure pard, sure, that's how the world works isn't it. Such a poor stupid fuckwit. We now partner with ISIS, al Nusra, al Qaida, and the Wahabist Saudis.
Trump will bring those usurpers fire and blood, unless they bend the knee.
He better not bend his knee.
In North Korea Trump got 3 aircraft carriers, scores of unsullied Navy Seals, and a horde of infantrymen to cross the sea for him. Trump will make the North Koreans bend the knee, or die.
I thought you meant that Trump would back down. My fault.
OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.
They do have the media & Hollywood but their ratings are nearly as low as DC's.
They were getting swamped in social media so they've started cracking down on conservative contributors. From demonotizing videos on YouTube to speech THEY deem controversial to outright banning people from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other popular social media outlets.

I just see NOTHING of substance coming from the left. Their power seems to be dwindling nation wide and as a result the radical aspects of their party seem to be the only voices being heard.

Your life would have no meaning without them, what else do you have?
A successful business.
Awesome kids.
Fun grandkids.
0 debt.
Great friends.
An amazingly entertaing social life.
The attention of every dumbass leftist in this thread.

If I remember correctly, you said you were an ex con, right? So, nobody's perfect.
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.


Well the "Left"- and I assume for this purpose you mean Democrats- have the governorship of only 15 states- but those 15 states have:
39.76% of the total GDP in the United States, 3 out of 5 of the highest GDP per capita in the United States.

'bleeding legal residents'?
U.S. unauthorized immigration population estimates
Funny thing that- Texas is one of the fastest growing states(#2)- and the state that has the highest percentage of illegal residents. Florida- is #5- and also one of the states that has the highest percentage of illegal residents. Yes- they are both growing faster than California- and our illegal residents.

Meanwhile- Colorado and Washington are in the top 10 of growing states.

Oh well- just fun to respond with facts to your hemorhoid ridden rant.
Conservatives control the land, energy and food bearing counties. jack ass
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.
They do have the media & Hollywood but their ratings are nearly as low as DC's.
They were getting swamped in social media so they've started cracking down on conservative contributors. From demonotizing videos on YouTube to speech THEY deem controversial to outright banning people from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other popular social media outlets.

I just see NOTHING of substance coming from the left. Their power seems to be dwindling nation wide and as a result the radical aspects of their party seem to be the only voices being heard.


Marriage equality, decriminalization of marijuana, reining in abusive law enforcement as well as Constitutional abuses via civil asset forfeiture.
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.


Well the "Left"- and I assume for this purpose you mean Democrats- have the governorship of only 15 states- but those 15 states have:
39.76% of the total GDP in the United States, 3 out of 5 of the highest GDP per capita in the United States.

'bleeding legal residents'?
U.S. unauthorized immigration population estimates
Funny thing that- Texas is one of the fastest growing states(#2)- and the state that has the highest percentage of illegal residents. Florida- is #5- and also one of the states that has the highest percentage of illegal residents. Yes- they are both growing faster than California- and our illegal residents.

Meanwhile- Colorado and Washington are in the top 10 of growing states.

Oh well- just fun to respond with facts to your hemorhoid ridden rant.
Conservatives control the land, energy and food bearing counties. jack ass
OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...

Censorship is what you want. And politicians on the Left or Democrats are not feeding on the same thing?

Remember we have a viable news source, the President.
OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...
Fuck that!
That's what banana republics do... jack weed
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.
They do have the media & Hollywood but their ratings are nearly as low as DC's.
They were getting swamped in social media so they've started cracking down on conservative contributors. From demonotizing videos on YouTube to speech THEY deem controversial to outright banning people from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other popular social media outlets.

I just see NOTHING of substance coming from the left. Their power seems to be dwindling nation wide and as a result the radical aspects of their party seem to be the only voices being heard.

Kansas is broke and had to raise taxes hard on citizens to cover corporate tax breaks, yeah that's really helping contribute to society, then there is Oklahoma, did the same thing now can't balance a budget...
State Fiscal Rankings
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.


Well the "Left"- and I assume for this purpose you mean Democrats- have the governorship of only 15 states- but those 15 states have:
39.76% of the total GDP in the United States, 3 out of 5 of the highest GDP per capita in the United States.

'bleeding legal residents'?
U.S. unauthorized immigration population estimates
Funny thing that- Texas is one of the fastest growing states(#2)- and the state that has the highest percentage of illegal residents. Florida- is #5- and also one of the states that has the highest percentage of illegal residents. Yes- they are both growing faster than California- and our illegal residents.

Meanwhile- Colorado and Washington are in the top 10 of growing states.

Oh well- just fun to respond with facts to your hemorhoid ridden rant.
Conservatives control the land, energy and food bearing counties. jack ass
The racist rube Fox/Rush etc misinformation areas lol...
OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...
Fuck that!
That's what banana republics do... jack weed
Your propaganda/hate machine can't stand up up to a few minutes an hour of facts? Very impressive...
OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...

Censorship is what you want. And politicians on the Left or Democrats are not feeding on the same thing?

Remember we have a viable news source, the President.
Hilarious, dupe. He's an ignoramus who believes discredited RW BS, or else he's a total hypocrite who lies to keep his base happy. Still hoping he reverts to a smart NYC businessman, if he ever was...
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.


Well the "Left"- and I assume for this purpose you mean Democrats- have the governorship of only 15 states- but those 15 states have:
39.76% of the total GDP in the United States, 3 out of 5 of the highest GDP per capita in the United States.

'bleeding legal residents'?
U.S. unauthorized immigration population estimates
Funny thing that- Texas is one of the fastest growing states(#2)- and the state that has the highest percentage of illegal residents. Florida- is #5- and also one of the states that has the highest percentage of illegal residents. Yes- they are both growing faster than California- and our illegal residents.

Meanwhile- Colorado and Washington are in the top 10 of growing states.

Oh well- just fun to respond with facts to your hemorhoid ridden rant.
People move to Colorado & Washington for the beauty. AND a good chunk of their new residents are from shitholes like California who are happy to export legal citizens to make room for more foreigners.

Yeah- my 'shithole' city in California is almost unaffordable now because so many people want to live- and legally work here.

And of course we have no 'beauty' in California......its a shame....thats why we don't get any tourists here.....

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It's either los Angeles or San Francisco that they let people shit shit in the streets. Real beautiful.

I live in San Francisco- and I know this will disappoint you- but I have never seen anyone shit in the streets.

We do have some ugly parts of town- but more beautiful ones.

I walk 20 minutes to the nearest beach, and I ride my bicycle across the Golden Gate Bridge. I enjoy free concerts in Golden Gate Park, enjoy a walk along our beautiful waterfront, eat pizza in North Beach(go to Tony's or if the line is too long- North Beach Pizza)- eat great Chinese and Vietnamese food in my neighborhood.

Sorry- just had visitors in town again so I am waxing on about the last few weeks. The problem living in a place like San Francisco, is we constantly are having visitors come to visit........
Some pictures of America before progressives nagged governments to "interfere".
This was America when most of the wealth went to the top and the "public be damned" was the motto of Vanderbilt and the other super rich. Could it happen here again? Maybe.

jacob riis pictures - Google Search
Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes.

You have been brainwashed. The city folks think the shitholes are in rural America.
I live in a conservative controlled suburb of KC. We've had one murder in the last few years. KC proper is setting records for murders. Schools are a shamble. Can't keep a superintendent. Crime is out of control in certain areas.

Your statement defies reality.

'crime is out of control in certain areas'

Yet crime is actually lower than it was 20 years ago.

The nation's crime rate ticked up slightly in 2015 compared to the year before, but it still remains at historic lows, the FBI said in its latest Crime in the United States report released Monday.

The estimated number of violent crimes rose 3.9 percent from 2014, while the estimated number of property crimes fell 2.6 percent.

Violent crime, however, is about 0.7 percent lower than five years ago, and 16.5 percent lower than a decade ago. The violent crime rate – nearly 373 violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants in the U.S. – is almost half the 20-year high reached in 1996.

5 facts about crime in the U.S.

View attachment 143160

What about Kansas City?

But those alarming reports don’t always show the big picture. Over the past two decades, homicide rates have actually declined in Kansas City, as they have across the U.S.

That’s the good news.

The bad news? Kansas City’s stubbornly high homicide rate is decreasing at a slower rate and is still worse than most of the country — including Chicago, which is notorious for its violence.

Read more here: Crime statistics reveal Kansas City’s disturbing homicide trend

Crime statistics reveal Kansas City’s disturbing homicide trend

OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...

Censorship is what you want. And politicians on the Left or Democrats are not feeding on the same thing?

Remember we have a viable news source, the President.
Hilarious, dupe. He's an ignoramus who believes discredited RW BS, or else he's a total hypocrite who lies to keep his base happy. Still hoping he reverts to a smart NYC businessman, if he ever was...

What you hope is to tear apart the country a little more until the system breaks down. Thanks for nothing.
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.
They do have the media & Hollywood but their ratings are nearly as low as DC's.
They were getting swamped in social media so they've started cracking down on conservative contributors. From demonotizing videos on YouTube to speech THEY deem controversial to outright banning people from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other popular social media outlets.

I just see NOTHING of substance coming from the left. Their power seems to be dwindling nation wide and as a result the radical aspects of their party seem to be the only voices being heard.

What exactly do you mean by "Left"? The political spectrum of "Left" and "Right" is very wide. The far left includes communism, abolition of free markets, and overthrow of governments that support such, support for Utopian total equality, rejection of nationalism in favor world government, support for an extensive welfare state, and rejection or de-emphasis of religion. The moderate left politics tends to supports social equality and accepts free markets as necessary but insist on regulated capitalism, supports nationalism but also global cooperation, and a limited welfare state.

There are few people that qualify as true Leftest or Rightest because they have mixed beliefs. I for one, believe in capitalism and free enterprise but with adequate regulations, a limited welfare state, only limited gun control, a strong national government, very limited religious participation in government, a strong national defense, sensible drug laws, immigration reform, a women's right to choose, gay marriage, and abolishment of affirmative action. If you look closely, I think you will find the stereotype leftist and rightest is a rare bird and the difference between the moderate left and right is far closer than you might believe.
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OP- All the factual information, and the actual solutions to the country's problems, dupes. Obstructed since 1968, except for basic ObamaCare and the stimulus. Basically we need higher taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, investment in the nonrich and the country, and some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine ( a little true debate on talk radio and Fox prime time gabfests)- because most GOPers live on an imaginary planet of misinformed hate and character assassination...

Censorship is what you want. And politicians on the Left or Democrats are not feeding on the same thing?

Remember we have a viable news source, the President.
Hilarious, dupe. He's an ignoramus who believes discredited RW BS, or else he's a total hypocrite who lies to keep his base happy. Still hoping he reverts to a smart NYC businessman, if he ever was...

What you hope is to tear apart the country a little more until the system breaks down. Thanks for nothing.
What dems are for is a healthy country. Not this crap. See sig.
They only have 15 governors. Very few state legislatures. Their cities are largely crime ridden shitholes. Their states are bleeding cash & LEGAL residents.
They do have the media & Hollywood but their ratings are nearly as low as DC's.
They were getting swamped in social media so they've started cracking down on conservative contributors. From demonotizing videos on YouTube to speech THEY deem controversial to outright banning people from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other popular social media outlets.

I just see NOTHING of substance coming from the left. Their power seems to be dwindling nation wide and as a result the radical aspects of their party seem to be the only voices being heard.


Troll thread. Blatant baiting. Belongs in Badlands.

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