what do you expect to see in the first year of a trump presidency?

You just described the last 8 years.
You are blinded by partisanship.

Our economy has improved since Obama took over. Our standing with the rest of the world has improved: Bush left it in a shambles. And Obama did not spend his time and energy seeking revenge on anyone. What I described, in fact, bears absolutely no relationship to Obama. He has already been listed by presidential historians as the 18th best president we have had, as opposed to GW Bush who is 30 something. You need to get off the acid and get a real life

End of Term Presidential Approval Ratings

Reagan 63
Clinton 60
Kennedy 58
Eisenhower 58
Ford 53
GHW Bush 44
Johnson 44
George W Bush 32
Truman 32
Carter 31
Nixon 24

Obama is in no way one of the worst presidents we have had. In no way.

Right, an you aren't blinded by partisanship? Lol! You are very funny.
Actually, my view includes what half the country thinks and what most of the world thinks: it isn't a partisan view, it's a view based in realism. Are you paying any attention the world press and stock markets around the world?

Does that make them right? Are you saying might makes right? Interesting.
What does might makes right have to do with what I said?

Why are we supposed to care what the rest of the world thinks about our choice in leaders? Just because the majority of the world thinks one way, why should we care or follow. Actually the majority of the world doesn't care who the leader of the US is.
How long are they going to drag those 4 bodies around purely for political purposes? Meanwhile the bodies of the 4,500 Iraq dead are swept under the rug and that`s where they`ll stay.

Seriously? They're loons. And dumb as posts. I was being serious when I said Trump's base were uneducated white males. They are. There are plenty of them on this board.
And statements like this is why you lost the election. America is tired of your insults. Those uneducated white males are pissed because you elites flooded the nation with illegals and gave away their jobs, you shut down the coal industry. As far as you snooty leftists are concerned the white male in America can go pound sand. Well, not yet. They are Americans and deserve the right to Perdue life, liberty and the pursuit. Of happiness. Many of those uneducated white males you sneer at have gone to war and fought for this country, they volunteered to do it, it pisses them off to see the constituency of the left burning and shitting on the flag. I am one of Trump's supporters, I am neither uneducated or male. So you on the left keep sneering, keep believing that only you have a brain, keep calling the rest of us homophobes, racists, xenophobes, keep acting as if we have no brain, no eyes, no emotions. You worked hard for division and you got it.
Yes Willow they`ve gone to war and came back only to be insulted by the new president and in case you haven`t heard, the war on coal is being waged by the natural gas drillers. You do indeed have a brain but you choose to let it sit idle.
He insulted on guy, john McCain and I already said that pissed me off. Right?
Insulting John McCain was just a start. He`s said the military is a disaster, our generals have been reduced to rubbish and HE knows more about ISIS than they do. Now your up to speed on the GOP`s love for the military. He is the leader of your party is he not?
I cannot help that you misinterpret. The military is a disaster, made so but obama butt cutting their numbers so drastically and by his stupid rules of engagement.
You are blinded by partisanship.

Our economy has improved since Obama took over. Our standing with the rest of the world has improved: Bush left it in a shambles. And Obama did not spend his time and energy seeking revenge on anyone. What I described, in fact, bears absolutely no relationship to Obama. He has already been listed by presidential historians as the 18th best president we have had, as opposed to GW Bush who is 30 something. You need to get off the acid and get a real life

End of Term Presidential Approval Ratings

Reagan 63
Clinton 60
Kennedy 58
Eisenhower 58
Ford 53
GHW Bush 44
Johnson 44
George W Bush 32
Truman 32
Carter 31
Nixon 24

Obama is in no way one of the worst presidents we have had. In no way.

Right, an you aren't blinded by partisanship? Lol! You are very funny.
Actually, my view includes what half the country thinks and what most of the world thinks: it isn't a partisan view, it's a view based in realism. Are you paying any attention the world press and stock markets around the world?

Does that make them right? Are you saying might makes right? Interesting.
What does might makes right have to do with what I said?

Why are we supposed to care what the rest of the world thinks about our choice in leaders? Just because the majority of the world thinks one way, why should we care or follow. Actually the majority of the world doesn't care who the leader of the US is.
This is one of the most stupid comments you Reps make over and over again. It is monumentally important to the rest of the world who our leader is. He/she is the leader of the Free World. He/she is the leader of the most powerful and influential country on earth. To say it is no one else's business is fantastically stupid and ignorant. What the US does affects people all over the world. Our respect and influence world wide affects us in all kinds of way, including security, trade, immigration, and many other ways. How absulutely ignorant to say who our leader is has no bearing on any other country. No wonder you people voted for the all time jackass for president. You have no idea how absurd he is to the rest of the world, how they have no respect for him, how he will be lame as a leader of the free world and leader of the most powerful country on earth. You are so incredibly stupid.
Right, an you aren't blinded by partisanship? Lol! You are very funny.
Actually, my view includes what half the country thinks and what most of the world thinks: it isn't a partisan view, it's a view based in realism. Are you paying any attention the world press and stock markets around the world?

Does that make them right? Are you saying might makes right? Interesting.
What does might makes right have to do with what I said?

Why are we supposed to care what the rest of the world thinks about our choice in leaders? Just because the majority of the world thinks one way, why should we care or follow. Actually the majority of the world doesn't care who the leader of the US is.
This is one of the most stupid comments you Reps make over and over again. It is monumentally important to the rest of the world who our leader is. He/she is the leader of the Free World. He/she is the leader of the most powerful and influential country on earth. To say it is no one else's business is fantastically stupid and ignorant. What the US does affects people all over the world. Our respect and influence world wide affects us in all kinds of way, including security, trade, immigration, and many other ways. How absulutely ignorant to say who our leader is has no bearing on any other country. No wonder you people voted for the all time jackass for president. You have no idea how absurd he is to the rest of the world, how they have no respect for him, how he will be lame as a leader of the free world and leader of the most powerful country on earth. You are so incredibly stupid.

Well, then you should not have spent the last eight years tearing her down now should you?
just curious as to where people think the us will go from here? i would love to see the predictions....

mine: i do not think trump will do much of what he has said he will do....i think he is just as shocked as everyone else at this turn of events...i do think he will toss out obamacare without replacing it with anything......i think he will cripple the economy ...and appoint a cabinet of his peers and let the avenge he has promised begin....and he will appoint ussc justices who will overturn roe vs wade but not stop the pharm companies from making a fortune off chemical abortions.....get ready for the 1% to run...

your turn....

He can't "toss out" The Affordable Care Act on his own. He won't have that power.

He will totally FU the economy, I agree.

He has made many, many promises he won't keep because he actually has no grounded plan to make them happen. He was just saying what his people wanted to hear. How they couldn't hear that it was all a lot of rubbish he was spouting just to con them into believing him, I don't know. What a load of morons.

He can only appoint one Supreme Court justice. He can't appoint any others unless one of the current ones die: and there is no guarantee that any will in the near future.

He won't get Roe vs Wade overturned.

He will seek revenge on anyone he can, if he can get away with it.

He will antagonize our allies and make love to our enemies, like Putin.

He will ruin our standing world wide...no one will respect us or trust us.

He will shame and embarrass the Americans who have a brain and sensibilities.

What an absulute, fucking nightmare.

In 4 years, a Democrat will run against him and win the presidency back because Tramp won't be hard to beat: he'll be among the absolute worst presidents we have ever had. In fact, the very worst. Unless, of course, someone takes him out first.
You just described the last 8 years.
You are blinded by partisanship.

Our economy has improved since Obama took over. Our standing with the rest of the world has improved: Bush left it in a shambles. And Obama did not spend his time and energy seeking revenge on anyone. What I described, in fact, bears absolutely no relationship to Obama. He has already been listed by presidential historians as the 18th best president we have had, as opposed to GW Bush who is 30 something. You need to get off the acid and get a real life

End of Term Presidential Approval Ratings

Reagan 63
Clinton 60
Kennedy 58
Eisenhower 58
Ford 53
GHW Bush 44
Johnson 44
George W Bush 32
Truman 32
Carter 31
Nixon 24

Obama is in no way one of the worst presidents we have had. In no way.
Approval ratings have nothing to do with how good a president was.

It has more to do with how effective the propagandists in the media have been in supporting or trashing a president.
Seriously? They're loons. And dumb as posts. I was being serious when I said Trump's base were uneducated white males. They are. There are plenty of them on this board.
And statements like this is why you lost the election. America is tired of your insults. Those uneducated white males are pissed because you elites flooded the nation with illegals and gave away their jobs, you shut down the coal industry. As far as you snooty leftists are concerned the white male in America can go pound sand. Well, not yet. They are Americans and deserve the right to Perdue life, liberty and the pursuit. Of happiness. Many of those uneducated white males you sneer at have gone to war and fought for this country, they volunteered to do it, it pisses them off to see the constituency of the left burning and shitting on the flag. I am one of Trump's supporters, I am neither uneducated or male. So you on the left keep sneering, keep believing that only you have a brain, keep calling the rest of us homophobes, racists, xenophobes, keep acting as if we have no brain, no eyes, no emotions. You worked hard for division and you got it.
Yes Willow they`ve gone to war and came back only to be insulted by the new president and in case you haven`t heard, the war on coal is being waged by the natural gas drillers. You do indeed have a brain but you choose to let it sit idle.
He insulted on guy, john McCain and I already said that pissed me off. Right?
Insulting John McCain was just a start. He`s said the military is a disaster, our generals have been reduced to rubbish and HE knows more about ISIS than they do. Now your up to speed on the GOP`s love for the military. He is the leader of your party is he not?
I cannot help that you misinterpret. The military is a disaster, made so but obama butt cutting their numbers so drastically and by his stupid rules of engagement.
You`re entitled to your own opinion no matter how stupid it is. What rules of engagement would have made us winners in Iraq? If you didn`t know, every army that has ever lost a battle has blamed politicians. It can`t possibly be because they went somewhere where they weren`t wanted or needed. You think?



I have no problems with them saying not my President. I never called
And statements like this is why you lost the election. America is tired of your insults. Those uneducated white males are pissed because you elites flooded the nation with illegals and gave away their jobs, you shut down the coal industry. As far as you snooty leftists are concerned the white male in America can go pound sand. Well, not yet. They are Americans and deserve the right to Perdue life, liberty and the pursuit. Of happiness. Many of those uneducated white males you sneer at have gone to war and fought for this country, they volunteered to do it, it pisses them off to see the constituency of the left burning and shitting on the flag. I am one of Trump's supporters, I am neither uneducated or male. So you on the left keep sneering, keep believing that only you have a brain, keep calling the rest of us homophobes, racists, xenophobes, keep acting as if we have no brain, no eyes, no emotions. You worked hard for division and you got it.
Yes Willow they`ve gone to war and came back only to be insulted by the new president and in case you haven`t heard, the war on coal is being waged by the natural gas drillers. You do indeed have a brain but you choose to let it sit idle.
He insulted on guy, john McCain and I already said that pissed me off. Right?
Insulting John McCain was just a start. He`s said the military is a disaster, our generals have been reduced to rubbish and HE knows more about ISIS than they do. Now your up to speed on the GOP`s love for the military. He is the leader of your party is he not?
I cannot help that you misinterpret. The military is a disaster, made so but obama butt cutting their numbers so drastically and by his stupid rules of engagement.
You`re entitled to your own opinion no matter how stupid it is. What rules of engagement would have made us winners in Iraq? If you didn`t know, every army that has ever lost a battle has blamed politicians. It can`t possibly be because they went somewhere where they weren`t wanted or needed. You think?

I think obummer was a terrible cic. He was a terrible everything.
Right, an you aren't blinded by partisanship? Lol! You are very funny.
Actually, my view includes what half the country thinks and what most of the world thinks: it isn't a partisan view, it's a view based in realism. Are you paying any attention the world press and stock markets around the world?

Does that make them right? Are you saying might makes right? Interesting.
What does might makes right have to do with what I said?

Why are we supposed to care what the rest of the world thinks about our choice in leaders? Just because the majority of the world thinks one way, why should we care or follow. Actually the majority of the world doesn't care who the leader of the US is.
This is one of the most stupid comments you Reps make over and over again. It is monumentally important to the rest of the world who our leader is. He/she is the leader of the Free World. He/she is the leader of the most powerful and influential country on earth. To say it is no one else's business is fantastically stupid and ignorant. What the US does affects people all over the world. Our respect and influence world wide affects us in all kinds of way, including security, trade, immigration, and many other ways. How absulutely ignorant to say who our leader is has no bearing on any other country. No wonder you people voted for the all time jackass for president. You have no idea how absurd he is to the rest of the world, how they have no respect for him, how he will be lame as a leader of the free world and leader of the most powerful country on earth. You are so incredibly stupid.

Listen idiot, we vote for who we think will best serve the citizens of the United States. I didn't vote for Trump, however I respect the process and we are not responsible for the rest of what the world thinks.

Should we go to the rest of the world to consult with them who we vote for? I think Americans can decide that for themselves.

You are one self serving nutjob.
You`re entitled to your own opinion no matter how stupid it is. What rules of engagement would have made us winners in Iraq? If you didn`t know, every army that has ever lost a battle has blamed politicians. It can`t possibly be because they went somewhere where they weren`t wanted or needed. You think?

Winning battles was not the problem. Thinking we have to rebuild conquered nations has been the problem.
You'll give a free pass to a Daddy's boy who never did a day's work in his life and cost the US billions of dollars
As opposed to a Mama's boy who never did a day's work in his life and doubled the national debt?

due to lies about WMDs
I guess that makes Bill Clinton a liar too then, huh?

a person who has given 30 years of her life to public service
You mean, a person who has spent 30 years enriching herself by selling influence and government access to anyone and everyone willing to pay for it, even countries who sponsor terrorism, throw homosexuals off buildings, and stone women. Public service? She served herself and that's why she'll never occupy the WH.
just curious as to where people think the us will go from here? i would love to see the predictions....

mine: i do not think trump will do much of what he has said he will do....i think he is just as shocked as everyone else at this turn of events...i do think he will toss out obamacare without replacing it with anything......i think he will cripple the economy ...and appoint a cabinet of his peers and let the avenge he has promised begin....and he will appoint ussc justices who will overturn roe vs wade but not stop the pharm companies from making a fortune off chemical abortions.....get ready for the 1% to run...

your turn....

He can't "toss out" The Affordable Care Act on his own. He won't have that power.

He will totally FU the economy, I agree.

He has made many, many promises he won't keep because he actually has no grounded plan to make them happen. He was just saying what his people wanted to hear. How they couldn't hear that it was all a lot of rubbish he was spouting just to con them into believing him, I don't know. What a load of morons.

He can only appoint one Supreme Court justice. He can't appoint any others unless one of the current ones die: and there is no guarantee that any will in the near future.

He won't get Roe vs Wade overturned.

He will seek revenge on anyone he can, if he can get away with it.

He will antagonize our allies and make love to our enemies, like Putin.

He will ruin our standing world wide...no one will respect us or trust us.

He will shame and embarrass the Americans who have a brain and sensibilities.

What an absulute, fucking nightmare.
AIn 4 years, a Democrat will run against him and win the presidency back because Tramp won't be hard to beat: he'll be among the absolute worst presidents we have ever had. In fact, the very worst. Unless, of course, someone takes him out first.
You just described the last 8 years.
You are blinded by partisanship.

Our economy has improved since Obama took over. Our standing with the rest of the world has improved: Bush left it in a shambles. And Obama did not spend his time and energy seeking revenge on anyone. What I described, in fact, bears absolutely no relationship to Obama. He has already been listed by presidential historians as the 18th best president we have had, as opposed to GW Bush who is 30 something. You need to get off the acid and get a real life

End of Term Presidential Approval Ratings

Reagan 63
Clinton 60
Kennedy 58
Eisenhower 58
Ford 53
GHW Bush 44
Johnson 44
George W Bush 32
Truman 32
Carter 31
Nixon 24

Obama is in no way one of the worst presidents we have had. In no way.

Right, an you aren't blinded by partisanship? Lol! You are very funny.
And you're not?
just curious as to where people think the us will go from here? i would love to see the predictions....

mine: i do not think trump will do much of what he has said he will do....i think he is just as shocked as everyone else at this turn of events...i do think he will toss out obamacare without replacing it with anything......i think he will cripple the economy ...and appoint a cabinet of his peers and let the avenge he has promised begin....and he will appoint ussc justices who will overturn roe vs wade but not stop the pharm companies from making a fortune off chemical abortions.....get ready for the 1% to run...

your turn....

Healthcare reform..real reform, not trying to simply take it over to control it and Americans...

Border controlllamd the Wall

Tax cuts to bring back jobs and to create jobs....

Concealed carry reciprocity...

Coal industry turn around...lower energy prices...

Just a few...Trump likes to work a lot...
The economy going down the drain, human rights abuses, and eventually war.

Do you actually believe that stupidity...or do you just repeat it as the democrat party member moves your mouth and speaks for you?
just curious as to where people think the us will go from here? i would love to see the predictions....

mine: i do not think trump will do much of what he has said he will do....i think he is just as shocked as everyone else at this turn of events...i do think he will toss out obamacare without replacing it with anything......i think he will cripple the economy ...and appoint a cabinet of his peers and let the avenge he has promised begin....and he will appoint ussc justices who will overturn roe vs wade but not stop the pharm companies from making a fortune off chemical abortions.....get ready for the 1% to run...

your turn....

He can't "toss out" The Affordable Care Act on his own. He won't have that power.

He will totally FU the economy, I agree.

He has made many, many promises he won't keep because he actually has no grounded plan to make them happen. He was just saying what his people wanted to hear. How they couldn't hear that it was all a lot of rubbish he was spouting just to con them into believing him, I don't know. What a load of morons.

He can only appoint one Supreme Court justice. He can't appoint any others unless one of the current ones die: and there is no guarantee that any will in the near future.

He won't get Roe vs Wade overturned.

He will seek revenge on anyone he can, if he can get away with it.

He will antagonize our allies and make love to our enemies, like Putin.

He will ruin our standing world wide...no one will respect us or trust us.

He will shame and embarrass the Americans who have a brain and sensibilities.

What an absulute, fucking nightmare.

In 4 years, a Democrat will run against him and win the presidency back because Tramp won't be hard to beat: he'll be among the absolute worst presidents we have ever had. In fact, the very worst. Unless, of course, someone takes him out first.

You just listed almost all of obama's fuck ups.........and Trump is already reaching out to our allies...he isn't intentionally offending them like the idiot did....
Perhaps he will look at reforming the electoral system so that the person who gets most votes actually wins ?

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