What Do You Not Understand?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.
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Our symbol of justice wears a blind fold, which, I thought, represented justice being blind- it has, instead, come to mean blinded by- and that, folks, is what Public Education, which is applauded by and funded by BOTH sides, has brought you- you know, like saying a fine is, in fact, a tax- words, especially in rules, for thee, not for me, mean absolutely nothing to pin headed Empty Suits and people who wear black dresses in public- because, you know, interpretation- even though, without definition, interpretation doesn't exist- by a black dress wearing idiot who gives itself the authority, not granted per the rules, to inflict it's will on the masses of stinky tourists-

SMH- a sad state of affairs
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and make no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simple the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

I have always been in charge over here at Pessimist Central.
Our symbol of justice wears a blind fold, which, I thought, represented justice being blind- it has, instead, come to mean blinded by- and that, folks, is what Public Education, which is applauded by and funded by BOTH sides, has brought you- you know, like saying a fine is, in fact, a tax- words, especially in rules, for thee, not for me, mean absolutely nothing to pin headed Empty Suits and people who wear black dresses in public- because, you know, interpretation- even though, without definition, interpretation doesn't exist- by a black dress wearing idiot who gives itself the authority, not granted per the rules, to inflict it's will on the masses of stinky tourists-

SMH- a sad state of affairs

Hard to argue with this.......

....anyway, I'm kinda busy rending my garments.
Upset about the title of Dr Jill Biden
Still hung up on calling Michelle Obama a tranny

But Cherish the foreign whore nude model.

It’s sad how fucked up your beliefs are
The RWI contards are out in full force.
Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

One would imagine that Democrat voters would respond to claims that the party they support is now running on an agenda of the above…
…with informed arguments proving this untrue.

But they don’t….because they can’t: every claim above is true, correct, and accurate.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.
good words.

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