What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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A staff person makes a heartless and cruel comment about a dying hero. The WH silence speaks columns and to further the decay in dignity....Sarah Huckleberry Sanders defends the so called presidents lack of ethics and morals.

And yet....the trump cult members turn their backs and grovel at the feet of their orange dear leader.....SICKENING!
Never underestimate the depths to which this corrupt, immoral, incompetent, joke of an administration, led by the orange baboon, can sink to.
Unfortunately John McCain has spent the last few years of his life trying to destroy the country to professed to love. He made himself an irritant with his devotion to open borders. Now he wants to claim that dying makes him untouchable. Nope.
Captain (Senator) John McCain is a patriot and an American war hero.

He has pissed me off on a half-dozen occasions with his soft-and-fuzzy approach to Illegal Aliens and Illegal Immigration.

Other than that, he has far more Credit than Demerits, in my book.

Again, not sure why you spend so much time hating on undocumented immigrants.

It seems so... pointless.
Repelling an Invasion of 11-12,000,000 foreign nationals residing upon US soil without our express prior consent is not pointless.

Especially when my tax dollars are used to educate and care for their Anchor Babies and Dreamers (Schemers).

McCain's stance on Illegal Aliens pi$$e$ me off.

But, that aside, he is an honorable man, an American hero, and a well-respected servant of the American People.

McCain was directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 sailors on the carrier he flew off of. He got pissed about having to wait for his turn to take off and hit the bomb release on his plane, the resulting fire killed over 100 of the crew. He is NOT a hero or an honorable man.
You sir are a despicable, deplorable, malicious liar and a disgrace to everyone and anything you attempt or claim to represent. Telling that lie makes you one of the lowest of the lowlife slime balls and scum bags who post at USMB.

McCain was sitting in his A-4D Skyhawk on the USS Forrestal when a malfunction on an F-4 caused a Zuni rockets to launch and strike McCain's A-4D in it's undercarriage. Other than being the victim and recipient of the accidental missile strike caused not by another pilots error, but by an electronic malfunction.

Prove me wrong and prove yourself not to be the despicable, deplorable malicious liar and disgrace I have called you, apologize of forever have that description on your reputation and resume.

Your hyperbole aside, you are correct that's an urban myth, never happened. Remember that though with the stupid crap you say like that Trump is a racist and protecting our borders wouldn't matter if it were white criminals crossing our border. Frankly that's a lot worse than Redfish repeating an urban myth
Unfortunately John McCain has spent the last few years of his life trying to destroy the country to professed to love. He made himself an irritant with his devotion to open borders. Now he wants to claim that dying makes him untouchable. Nope.
We're all going there at some point, and I'm sure most of us would prefer not to have our final days being bombarded by hate tweets. When politics has gone so far that a countable # of citizens has lost all human decency, it deserves to be condemned. Not McCain, but politics.
McCain was directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 sailors on the carrier he flew off of. He got pissed about having to wait for his turn to take off and hit the bomb release on his plane, the resulting fire killed over 100 of the crew. He is NOT a hero or an honorable man.

So you have the results of the naval investigation and court-martial, then?
Of course he does not. He is a lying piece of crap.

I doubt Redfish is lying. He didn't do his homework though. You lie all the time about Trump though
A staff person makes a heartless and cruel comment about a dying hero. The WH silence speaks columns and to further the decay in dignity....Sarah Huckleberry Sanders defends the so called presidents lack of ethics and morals.

And yet....the trump cult members turn their backs and grovel at the feet of their orange dear leader.....SICKENING!

Supposedly, she has apologized to McCain and his family for improper humor

She did it in a closed setting and regrets it

Let it go
Any blowjobs in the Oval Office?

Sorry, they're not hiring. Turns out to be too expensive when afterward you have to pay $130,000 a pop.
Uh so to speak.
Captain (Senator) John McCain is a patriot and an American war hero.

He has pissed me off on a half-dozen occasions with his soft-and-fuzzy approach to Illegal Aliens and Illegal Immigration.

Other than that, he has far more Credit than Demerits, in my book.

Again, not sure why you spend so much time hating on undocumented immigrants.

It seems so... pointless.
Repelling an Invasion of 11-12,000,000 foreign nationals residing upon US soil without our express prior consent is not pointless.

Especially when my tax dollars are used to educate and care for their Anchor Babies and Dreamers (Schemers).

McCain's stance on Illegal Aliens pi$$e$ me off.

But, that aside, he is an honorable man, an American hero, and a well-respected servant of the American People.

McCain was directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 sailors on the carrier he flew off of. He got pissed about having to wait for his turn to take off and hit the bomb release on his plane, the resulting fire killed over 100 of the crew. He is NOT a hero or an honorable man.
You sir are a despicable, deplorable, malicious liar and a disgrace to everyone and anything you attempt or claim to represent. Telling that lie makes you one of the lowest of the lowlife slime balls and scum bags who post at USMB.

McCain was sitting in his A-4D Skyhawk on the USS Forrestal when a malfunction on an F-4 caused a Zuni rockets to launch and strike McCain's A-4D in it's undercarriage. Other than being the victim and recipient of the accidental missile strike caused not by another pilots error, but by an electronic malfunction.

Prove me wrong and prove yourself not to be the despicable, deplorable malicious liar and disgrace I have called you, apologize of forever have that description on your reputation and resume.

Your hyperbole aside, you are correct that's an urban myth, never happened. Remember that though with the stupid crap you say like that Trump is a racist and protecting our borders wouldn't matter if it were white criminals crossing our border. Frankly that's a lot worse than Redfish repeating an urban myth
I may have called Trump racist in a post over the last few years, but I do not recall ever objecting to border protection or saying the thing you are attributing to me about immigration. So, now you are lying in an attempt to defend another liar. You liars have t stick together. But, hey, maybe you can back up your claims and I will have to apologize.
A staff person makes a heartless and cruel comment about a dying hero. The WH silence speaks columns and to further the decay in dignity....Sarah Huckleberry Sanders defends the so called presidents lack of ethics and morals.

And yet....the trump cult members turn their backs and grovel at the feet of their orange dear leader.....SICKENING!
This moral certitude would be much more effective if you hadn't run Crooked Hillary in 2016.

You have no traction because of the Clintons.
Unfortunately John McCain has spent the last few years of his life trying to destroy the country to professed to love. He made himself an irritant with his devotion to open borders. Now he wants to claim that dying makes him untouchable. Nope.

Ah, here's clue number one --- whatever the topic of this thread is appears to have something to do with John McCain.

What, was he captured again? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A staff person makes a heartless and cruel comment about a dying hero. The WH silence speaks columns and to further the decay in dignity....Sarah Huckleberry Sanders defends the so called presidents lack of ethics and morals.

And yet....the trump cult members turn their backs and grovel at the feet of their orange dear leader.....SICKENING!

Hey, douchenozzle, do you have a link to what you are babbling about?
McCain was directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 sailors on the carrier he flew off of. He got pissed about having to wait for his turn to take off and hit the bomb release on his plane, the resulting fire killed over 100 of the crew. He is NOT a hero or an honorable man.

So you have the results of the naval investigation and court-martial, then?
Of course he does not. He is a lying piece of crap.

I doubt Redfish is lying. He didn't do his homework though. You lie all the time about Trump though
He posted a lie. That makes him a liar. Now you are calling me a liar. So, what did I lie about. I quoted the lie Redfish told. I used his post to prove he lied. Now you do the same to prove I have lied. Otherwise, if you can not, you are the liar. Just a couple of liars hopelessly trying to defend each other.
"cult leader" and 'groveling' and etc are good terms for Trump and his trumplings.
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