What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

John McCain was a fucking retard in his militarey days. The only reason he wasn’t drummer out was because his daddy had juice. When he started his political freeloading they turned his history of bent a fuck up into being a free spirit who tends to be a mavrick. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Gore used his daddy's juice to sit the war out taking pictures and surrounded by body guards while he took pictures. McCain put his life at risk
Gore isn’t smearing veterans. Trump is.

You used plural. There's McCain and ...
I think he is a good man. He spoke his mind, and he is an independent thinker. He valued the institutions he represented, the Constitution, and common decency. I didn't always...or often agree with him (I"m a fucking liberal after all)...but I truly respect him.

Both parties need folks like him, to remind them that party doesn't trump everything. IMO.
So you like your career politicians spineless... because that is what career politicians are
You mean having an independent view is spineless? You prefer someone who toes the party line no matter what?
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

John McCain was a fucking retard in his militarey days. The only reason he wasn’t drummer out was because his daddy had juice. When he started his political freeloading they turned his history of bent a fuck up into being a free spirit who tends to be a mavrick. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Gore used his daddy's juice to sit the war out taking pictures and surrounded by body guards while he took pictures. McCain put his life at risk
Gore isn’t smearing veterans. Trump is.

You used plural. There's McCain and ...
I think he is a good man. He spoke his mind, and he is an independent thinker. He valued the institutions he represented, the Constitution, and common decency. I didn't always...or often agree with him (I"m a fucking liberal after all)...but I truly respect him.

Both parties need folks like him, to remind them that party doesn't trump everything. IMO.
So you like your career politicians spineless... because that is what career politicians are
You mean having an independent view is spineless? You prefer someone who toes the party line no matter what?
Spineless McCain independent? He’s butt buddies with every progressive career politician in DC...
You used plural. There's McCain and ...

the family of Captain Khan
The family of Sgt. La David Johnson...

You know, anyone who hurts his little ego.

And you don't give a shit about the military or veterans unless it's politically expedient. The military love Trump. Leftists undercut them and blame them all the time.

I suspect the military considers him a buffoon like any other thinking people do.

Can you show a quote where you blasted Kerry for calling our military terrorists? Leftists knee jerk believe every accusation and blow off any success

Um, okay, now you are kind of babbling here.

I think Kerry was probably right when he criticized what we were doing in Vietnam. His mistake was pretending to be this gung-ho war hero instead of someone who protested the war..

If he had been honest about his past, he'd have probably beaten Bush in 2004 and we'd have been spared a lot of greif.
You used plural. There's McCain and ...

the family of Captain Khan
The family of Sgt. La David Johnson...

You know, anyone who hurts his little ego.

And you don't give a shit about the military or veterans unless it's politically expedient. The military love Trump. Leftists undercut them and blame them all the time.

I suspect the military considers him a buffoon like any other thinking people do.

Can you show a quote where you blasted Kerry for calling our military terrorists? Leftists knee jerk believe every accusation and blow off any success

Um, okay, now you are kind of babbling here.

I think Kerry was probably right when he criticized what we were doing in Vietnam. His mistake was pretending to be this gung-ho war hero instead of someone who protested the war..

If he had been honest about his past, he'd have probably beaten Bush in 2004 and we'd have been spared a lot of greif.
It should tell you something, military folk prefered bush jr over McCain and Kerry.
Military folk prefered trump over McCain...
There is a reason for it, Progressives fuck over military folk every chance they get.
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Captain (Senator) John McCain is a patriot and an American war hero.

He has pissed me off on a half-dozen occasions with his soft-and-fuzzy approach to Illegal Aliens and Illegal Immigration.

Other than that, he has far more Credit than Demerits, in my book.

Again, not sure why you spend so much time hating on undocumented immigrants.

It seems so... pointless.
Repelling an Invasion of 11-12,000,000 foreign nationals residing upon US soil without our express prior consent is not pointless.

Especially when my tax dollars are used to educate and care for their Anchor Babies and Dreamers (Schemers).

McCain's stance on Illegal Aliens pi$$e$ me off.

But, that aside, he is an honorable man, an American hero, and a well-respected servant of the American People.
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Repelling an Invasion of 11-12,000,000 foreign nationals residing upon US soil without our express prior consent is not pointless.

Except they were invited by the people who gave them jobs and places to live. Take your little bigotry problems up with them.

Especially when my tax dollars are used to educate and care for their Anchor Babies and Dreamers (Schemers).

Again, we all have to pay for things we don't like. I don't much care for the hundreds of billions we spend fucking around in the Middle East and subsidizing the Zionist Shitstains.

The Dreamers and Anchor babies are here to stay, so we'd better make sure they have basic life skills.
Captain (Senator) John McCain is a patriot and an American war hero.

He has pissed me off on a half-dozen occasions with his soft-and-fuzzy approach to Illegal Aliens and Illegal Immigration.

Other than that, he has far more Credit than Demerits, in my book.

Again, not sure why you spend so much time hating on undocumented immigrants.

It seems so... pointless.
Repelling an Invasion of 11-12,000,000 foreign nationals residing upon US soil without our express prior consent is not pointless.

Especially when my tax dollars are used to educate and care for their Anchor Babies and Dreamers (Schemers).

McCain's stance on Illegal Aliens pi$$e$ me off.

But, that aside, he is an honorable man, an American hero, and a well-respected servant of the American People.

McCain was directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 sailors on the carrier he flew off of. He got pissed about having to wait for his turn to take off and hit the bomb release on his plane, the resulting fire killed over 100 of the crew. He is NOT a hero or an honorable man.
McCain was directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 sailors on the carrier he flew off of. He got pissed about having to wait for his turn to take off and hit the bomb release on his plane, the resulting fire killed over 100 of the crew. He is NOT a hero or an honorable man.

So you have the results of the naval investigation and court-martial, then?
...McCain was directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 sailors on the carrier he flew off of. He got pissed about having to wait for his turn to take off and hit the bomb release on his plane, the resulting fire killed over 100 of the crew...
Put down the TrumpBot Kool-Aid pitcher, son... that's complete and total hor$e$hit.
A staff person makes a heartless and cruel comment about a dying hero. The WH silence speaks columns and to further the decay in dignity....Sarah Huckleberry Sanders defends the so called presidents lack of ethics and morals.

And yet....the trump cult members turn their backs and grovel at the feet of their orange dear leader.....SICKENING!
Honor, dignity, Trump and Republicans do not belong in the same sentence unless the words "do not have" are included. That's the only way to make the sentence work.
A staff person makes a heartless and cruel comment about a dying hero. The WH silence speaks columns and to further the decay in dignity....Sarah Huckleberry Sanders defends the so called presidents lack of ethics and morals.

And yet....the trump cult members turn their backs and grovel at the feet of their orange dear leader.....SICKENING!
They are not good people.
A staff person makes a heartless and cruel comment about a dying hero. The WH silence speaks columns and to further the decay in dignity....Sarah Huckleberry Sanders defends the so called presidents lack of ethics and morals.

And yet....the trump cult members turn their backs and grovel at the feet of their orange dear leader.....SICKENING!

Honor, dignity, Trump and Republicans do not belong in the same sentence unless the words "do not have" are included. That's the only way to make the sentence work.

crying gif.gif
Except it didn't lose it's "Base". Man, are you some dumb fucking shit or what.


Stalin, you are one dumb motherfucker.

While you wage civil war on the United States in your quest to bring about a Soviet style dictatorship, the party you hijacked is literally tearing itself apart.

Between 1968 and 2008, the establishment democrats brought in you Stalinist traitors to shore up democrat power. You traitors were always there, but always the fringe.

But then in 2007, the Stalinist faction pushed the establishment to the side. Their guy Obama displaced establishment Hillary. During the 8 years of Bolshevik Obama, you Stalinists have solidified your grip and taken control of the democrats. The democrats are now a full on Stalinist party.

BUT, about 25% of democrat voters are not on board with the march to Communist dictatorship that you promote.

{When asked if they like socialism, 43% of Democratic primary voters say yes and 30% say no. Asked if they like capitalism 47% say yes and 30% say no. So it seems at first glance that capitalism has a slight edge. However, when asked which system of government they agree with most in a head-to-head match-up, socialism gets 40% and capitalism just 25 percent.}

Poll: Democratic voters support socialism, nationalizing major industries

So you Communists have control of your evil and traitorous party - BUT 25% of your own still support America.

So as you wage your Bolshevik revolution against America, you face not only the loyal Americans but also 25% of your own filthy party.

The thing is, between 1996 and 2016, the GOP percentage of the vote has fluctuated between 43% (a lot having an alternative in Perot) and 51%. (Bush scaring just enough people to win the only time they've won the popular vote in the last seven elections) But really, the number is between 47 and 45 in the last three elections, and declining.

There simply aren't enough old angry white guys to keep your dumb movement afloat. Trump won because enough hipsters voted third party thinking Hillary had this in the bag, and they wanted to be "cool" and be able to say they didn't vote for her.
A staff person makes a heartless and cruel comment about a dying hero. The WH silence speaks columns and to further the decay in dignity....Sarah Huckleberry Sanders defends the so called presidents lack of ethics and morals.

And yet....the trump cult members turn their backs and grovel at the feet of their orange dear leader.....SICKENING!
They are not good people.

The understatement of the decade..
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