What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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Not true

Literally, you're right. Figuratively, they were a total obstructionist party. Off the top of my head, a watered down jobs bill that took Obama 2 or 3 times to get through Congress. The ACA, without the public option. Other than that, I can't think of any major piece of legislation, that they took part of.

They refused to work with Obama on basically everything. Just ask Merrick Garland.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
John McCain is a typical career politician and a poster boy for term limits. Gerrymandering gives incumbent congressmen a huge advantage. And the longer someone is in congress the more likely they are to be compromised and corrupted.

Personally, the only reason I voted for him was because I was hoping he would die in office and Sarah Palin would become president.

And I certainly don't think McCain is a military hero. He got shot down while on a bombing run to destroy critical civilian infrastructure. People who opposed slavery by burning their draft cards are heroes.
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McCain was the last man standing between Obama and the White House. McCain had kid gloves on in debates and the liberals and their lapdog media made McCain out to be the biggest racist. I was at a sporting event in DC a year after the election and McCain was on the floor at intermission and most of the arena booed him. The faux fake love for McCain from the Left today is pathetic.
Nobody was going to beat Obama in 2008

If that was the case, then why paint McCain as a racist? Why no defense of Bush when he was being inihilated by Trump. I criticized Trump for that. Did you?

McCain was not painted a racist. I thought he ran an honorable campaign
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
WHATEVER he was and is the pos in our WH should have never open his shit filled mouth speaking of some one who served while he punked out

It's classic how you morons say that about Trump after not giving a shit about Slick doing the same for eight years or Gore taking pictures protected by a contingent of body guards.

Your shit reeks, liar

Did they support those wars? You don't think there is a difference between opposing the war and avoiding the draft and supporting the war while avoiding it?
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

John McCain was a fucking retard in his militarey days. The only reason he wasn’t drummer out was because his daddy had juice. When he started his political freeloading they turned his history of bent a fuck up into being a free spirit who tends to be a mavrick. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Gore used his daddy's juice to sit the war out taking pictures and surrounded by body guards while he took pictures. McCain put his life at risk
Gore isn’t smearing veterans. Trump is.

You used plural. There's McCain and ...

And you don't give a shit about the military or veterans unless it's politically expedient. The military love Trump. Leftists undercut them and blame them all the time.

Can you show a quote where you blasted Kerry for calling our military terrorists? Leftists knee jerk believe every accusation and blow off any success
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

John McCain was a fucking retard in his militarey days. The only reason he wasn’t drummer out was because his daddy had juice. When he started his political freeloading they turned his history of bent a fuck up into being a free spirit who tends to be a mavrick. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Gore used his daddy's juice to sit the war out taking pictures and surrounded by body guards while he took pictures. McCain put his life at risk
Gore isn’t smearing veterans. Trump is.
Manbearpig Has no idea what a veteran Is...
you are right. Trump doesn’t.

Not a Southpark fan, huh? A lot of the shows suck. But wow, some are really funny. Like manbearpig ...
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

I think McCain is good man. A rare mold of politician that truly attempts to reach across the political isle to try and get things done for his constituency. More of a moderate that sees both viewpoints and tries to find a rational, bipartisan solution to our problems. Sometimes this has worked to his detriment, but it is usually when dealing with clueless politicos from his own party.

His military experience concludes to him being nothing short of a hero. It is only questioned by ignorant haters and generally deplorable human beings that envy his successes. Society doesn't really pay these assholes much attention anyway, so it's kind of a wash, I suppose.

He's a super down-to-earth person to talk with. He possesses a quick sense of humor and a bite of sarcasm you wouldn't expect from a senator. I think it will truly be a shame when a man of his stature eventually passes on. His legacy will be preserved for years to come.

Not my opinion, but thank you for sharing yours since I asked. I think he's thin skinned and an ego maniac who loves being worshiped by the leftist media
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

I think McCain is good man. A rare mold of politician that truly attempts to reach across the political isle to try and get things done for his constituency. More of a moderate that sees both viewpoints and tries to find a rational, bipartisan solution to our problems. Sometimes this has worked to his detriment, but it is usually when dealing with clueless politicos from his own party.

His military experience concludes to him being nothing short of a hero. It is only questioned by ignorant haters and generally deplorable human beings that envy his successes. Society doesn't really pay these assholes much attention anyway, so it's kind of a wash, I suppose.

He's a super down-to-earth person to talk with. He possesses a quick sense of humor and a bite of sarcasm you wouldn't expect from a senator. I think it will truly be a shame when a man of his stature eventually passes on. His legacy will be preserved for years to come.

Not my opinion, but thank you for sharing yours since I asked. I think he's thin skinned and an ego maniac who loves being worshiped by the leftist media

Except for the "leftist media" part, that's describing Trump to a "T". The Oompa Loompa Oligarch just loves being worshipped. He doesn't care who is doing the worshipping.
I was trying to thank you for your reply. But I just couldn't with the stupid shit that you said you were upset he was a war hawk then you kept blowing the black guy who was a war hawk. Pathetic
I'm anti-war. Period. I don't know what you mean by "blowing the black guy".

You're blowing the black guy because you only mention this anti-war position to Republicans. Obama was the drone king. He expanded W's military policy. He finished his timeline in Iraq, expanded Afghanistan, got us into Syria, bombed the government out of Libya, meddled in Egypt, went into Haiti, and that whole time ...

Billo_Really: {crickets}

I never saw you in any of those discussions criticizing Obama ever. Then when Trump takes over, suddenly you peek your head out of your Hobbit hole and your anti-war standard emerges from an eight year slumber.

I'm anti-war now under Trump just like I was under Obama and W. My standard doesn't change by party like yours does. I wish the left in this country would adopt an actual anti-war stance that isn't flexible based on whether you're in power or not
Not true

Literally, you're right. Figuratively, they were a total obstructionist party. Off the top of my head, a watered down jobs bill that took Obama 2 or 3 times to get through Congress. The ACA, without the public option. Other than that, I can't think of any major piece of legislation, that they took part of.

They refused to work with Obama on basically everything. Just ask Merrick Garland.

they refused to work with Obama because everything he wanted to do was wrong for America. Now the fricken dems are refusing to work with Trump because what he wants to do is right for America.

conclusion: dems and libs hate the USA.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
John McCain is a typical career politician and a poster boy for term limits. Gerrymandering gives incumbent congressmen a huge advantage. And the longer someone is in congress the more likely they are to be compromised and corrupted.

Personally, the only reason I voted for him was because I was hoping he would die in office and Sarah Palin would become president.

And I certainly don't think McCain is a military hero. He got shot down while on a bombing run to destroy critical civilian infrastructure. People who opposed slavery by burning their draft cards are heroes.

I voted for Badnarik. McCain was just too awful
I was trying to thank you for your reply. But I just couldn't with the stupid shit that you said you were upset he was a war hawk then you kept blowing the black guy who was a war hawk. Pathetic
I'm anti-war. Period. I don't know what you mean by "blowing the black guy".

You're blowing the black guy because you only mention this anti-war position to Republicans. Obama was the drone king. He expanded W's military policy. He finished his timeline in Iraq, expanded Afghanistan, got us into Syria, bombed the government out of Libya, meddled in Egypt, went into Haiti, and that whole time ...

Billo_Really: {crickets}

I never saw you in any of those discussions criticizing Obama ever. Then when Trump takes over, suddenly you peek your head out of your Hobbit hole and your anti-war standard emerges from an eight year slumber.

I'm anti-war now under Trump just like I was under Obama and W. My standard doesn't change by party like yours does. I wish the left in this country would adopt an actual anti-war stance that isn't flexible based on whether you're in power or not
The Great Obama got us out of nation building and encouraged our allies to do the heavy lifting
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
Mcain is one of the most honorable men who has ever lived. An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.

read about james Stockdale , he would have choked mccain
I worked for Stockdale for about two weeks stashed at the Newport War College, what you say is BS.
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