What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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How about trying to disarm those found mentally incapable of owning weapons? Might help ? People with priors ?

right, go to the inner city of any large American city and take guns from the thugs that you decide are mentally incapable, they all have priors and none of them got their guns legally. you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
So we just let it keep on happening ? How many school shootings so far this year ? I heard 20

which new gun law would have stopped any of these lunatics from shooting? tell us specifically what new laws would do it. I'll wait.
I'm far from an expert on this matter Maybe one of the NRA brains can come up with a solution OR even you

1. arm teachers and school officials
2. post armed guards at all schools
3.teach kids right from wrong from birth
4. allow teachers to discipline kids
5. stop passing legislation that destroys families
6. stop the PC bullshit
7. put mentally ill people in secure institutions where they cannot hurt themselves or others
8. stop blaming the gun and blame the shooter
9. stop blaming the NRA, conservatives, republicans, Trump, video games, TV, movies, etc, blame the shooter
10. teach American history and world history in all schools from first grade up
11. stop the "participation thophy" bullshit, only the winners get trophies.
12. mandate that the media tell the truth in "news" broadcasts
13. stop the racial victimization
14, enforce our immigration laws
15. enforce the gun laws that are already on the books.

there, 15 solutions since you couldn't come up with even one

I'd never give government employees the power to discipline my kid, but the rest of the list looks pretty good
You can disagree with someone and know that they did what they thought was best.

Unlike the trumpscum who hate this country.

It's hysterical you say that given that it's something you don't ever do. You're a whack job

No. YOU don’t get it from me, init because you’re a trumptard parrot.

McCain and others get it from me because they are the opposite of lowlife uneducated parrot trumptards

And here’s a hint: what people like you with fifth grade educations say to me is as meaningless as anything else your swampdwelling bottom feeding Ilk say

what caused you to be so full of hate? is it just because Hillary lost? explain if you can.

She was full of hate way before that. Some people like Jillian and JoeB and Bluster Clayton are just born that way. They see through how self centered Democrats really are because they want that and become Democrats
You suggest I shoot myself??

Ah, a self hating Jew. Nothing unusual about that in the Democrat party, unfortunately.
Better than a self hating American

Again, no idea what that means. Are you saying you're both?
Progressives are an confused sort...
Russ I don't know what's making you folks so crazy ,,but it's really working
Getting along is overrated… Fuck the village
You'll never allow peace until every JOOOOO is dead and Israel destroyed.

The agenda of the democrats is the same one that Hitler had.
You suggest I shoot myself??

Ah, a self hating Jew. Nothing unusual about that in the Democrat party, unfortunately.
Better than a self hating American

Again, no idea what that means. Are you saying you're both?
No I love my country Service and all I do despise republicans that speak about lowering our standards
Like i said your an confused sort... Conservatives and Republicans cannot be any more different...
Trump is not only a sex predator. He has to buy it.
A billionaire buying it ?? You are kidding right ?? ROTFLMBO
Only 130,000 a shot
And all of this out rage, you do realize we had slick Willy as president for eight years? The pervert all other perverts are measured by…
Maybe But at least he knew how to govern ,quite unlike the imbecile in our WH now
Clinton can’t govern a lemonade stand, everything about him is fake… Daughter which is not his daughter and wife all which were formed for political gain....
He will be remembered for his child molesting/raping... And lying under oath. Depends on what the definition of is... is

You have any more Right Wing lies to post? Do you ever think for yourself?
An entire political party has abandoned years of principles and ideals...not to mention moral character....all the support a charlatan....
You’re talking about the federal government, they have no principles, no morals only fucked up ideals...

And certainly no moral character… The federal government is the definition of a charlatan
That's why the left wants their charlatan back so bad. They can't make it without the feds on their side and being in control of their charlatan..
Last edited:
You'll never allow peace until every JOOOOO is dead and Israel destroyed.

The agenda of the democrats is the same one that Hitler had.
You suggest I shoot myself??

Ah, a self hating Jew. Nothing unusual about that in the Democrat party, unfortunately.
Better than a self hating American

Again, no idea what that means. Are you saying you're both?
No I love my country Service and all I do despise republicans that speak about lowering our standards

You're just blathering now. What standards are Republicans lowering? Our educational standards are being lowered by you, not Republicans
Trump is not only a sex predator. He has to buy it.
A billionaire buying it ?? You are kidding right ?? ROTFLMBO
Only 130,000 a shot
And all of this out rage, you do realize we had slick Willy as president for eight years? The pervert all other perverts are measured by…

You are the one still outraged after, what 25 years?
You’re the outraged the ones... Bill Clinton been there done that 25 years ago. Yes we had a child molester/rapist as president for eight years, long before Trump. And by the way Trump did not do any these things while in office… So shut the fuck up

Careful there, watch that blood pressure!
A billionaire buying it ?? You are kidding right ?? ROTFLMBO
Only 130,000 a shot
And all of this out rage, you do realize we had slick Willy as president for eight years? The pervert all other perverts are measured by…
Maybe But at least he knew how to govern ,quite unlike the imbecile in our WH now
Clinton can’t govern a lemonade stand, everything about him is fake… Daughter which is not his daughter and wife all which were formed for political gain....
He will be remembered for his child molesting/raping... And lying under oath. Depends on what the definition of is... is

You have any more Right Wing lies to post? Do you ever think for yourself?
Hey it’s on record, Bill Clinton will forever be known as slick Willy the child molester/rapist who lied under oath...
A billionaire buying it ?? You are kidding right ?? ROTFLMBO
Only 130,000 a shot
And all of this out rage, you do realize we had slick Willy as president for eight years? The pervert all other perverts are measured by…

You are the one still outraged after, what 25 years?
You’re the outraged the ones... Bill Clinton been there done that 25 years ago. Yes we had a child molester/rapist as president for eight years, long before Trump. And by the way Trump did not do any these things while in office… So shut the fuck up

Careful there, watch that blood pressure!

More leftist obsession with emotion. That's where you go wrong with political policy, you don't act with brains, just how you feel. Unfortunately you can do great harm, like preventing poor blacks from getting jobs, and you do it anyway because for some reason that makes you feel good
A billionaire buying it ?? You are kidding right ?? ROTFLMBO
Only 130,000 a shot
And all of this out rage, you do realize we had slick Willy as president for eight years? The pervert all other perverts are measured by…

You are the one still outraged after, what 25 years?
You’re the outraged the ones... Bill Clinton been there done that 25 years ago. Yes we had a child molester/rapist as president for eight years, long before Trump. And by the way Trump did not do any these things while in office… So shut the fuck up

Careful there, watch that blood pressure!
Actually I think it’s kind of funny, Career politicians will always show their true colors when the chips are down.
Their compromising nature shows they have no backbone... I’ll put it in layman’s terms for you... they have no morals whatsoever.
A billionaire buying it ?? You are kidding right ?? ROTFLMBO
Only 130,000 a shot
And all of this out rage, you do realize we had slick Willy as president for eight years? The pervert all other perverts are measured by…
Maybe But at least he knew how to govern ,quite unlike the imbecile in our WH now
Clinton can’t govern a lemonade stand, everything about him is fake… Daughter which is not his daughter and wife all which were formed for political gain....
He will be remembered for his child molesting/raping... And lying under oath. Depends on what the definition of is... is

You have any more Right Wing lies to post? Do you ever think for yourself?
Rustic appears to be an obsessive pathological serial liar. Even when caught, exposed and hammered about his lying, he will simple run away for a while like a slimy coward and comeback a little later to repost and promote the same lies he has already been caught telling. He is just a mean spirited lonely hateful random poster on a random message board.
You suggest I shoot myself??

Ah, a self hating Jew. Nothing unusual about that in the Democrat party, unfortunately.
Better than a self hating American

Again, no idea what that means. Are you saying you're both?
No I love my country Service and all I do despise republicans that speak about lowering our standards

You're just blathering now. What standards are Republicans lowering? Our educational standards are being lowered by you, not Republicans
And I’m really talking here only about the evangelicals who are so politicized that they’re really synonymous with Republicans. They no longer care about adultery or even the most basic family values, like not cheating on your wife while she’s nursing. They clearly don’t care about business ethics, basic competency, civility, honesty, or even the possibility that the president is compromised by a foreign power. And it’s because he’s on the right team and punching the right people.And now more foreign powers are said to come to trumps election victory Help from another nation is against the law in our election process

The other example in the news today is the revelation that Trump asked his acting Attorney General who he voted for and then criticized him because his wife ran for office as a Democrat and accepted political help from a Clinton-connected political action committee.

Shortly after President Trump fired his FBI director in May, he summoned to the Oval Office the bureau’s acting director for a get-to-know-you meeting.

The two men exchanged pleasantries, but before long, Trump, according to several current and former U.S. officials, asked Andrew McCabe a pointed question: Whom did he vote for in the 2016 election?

McCabe said he didn’t vote, according to the officials, who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk candidly about a sensitive matter.
Only 130,000 a shot
And all of this out rage, you do realize we had slick Willy as president for eight years? The pervert all other perverts are measured by…
Maybe But at least he knew how to govern ,quite unlike the imbecile in our WH now
Clinton can’t govern a lemonade stand, everything about him is fake… Daughter which is not his daughter and wife all which were formed for political gain....
He will be remembered for his child molesting/raping... And lying under oath. Depends on what the definition of is... is

You have any more Right Wing lies to post? Do you ever think for yourself?
Rustic appears to be an obsessive pathological serial liar. Even when caught, exposed and hammered about his lying, he will simple run away for a while like a slimy coward and comeback a little later to repost and promote the same lies he has already been caught telling. He is just a mean spirited lonely hateful random poster on a random message board.
And those are his good points
right, go to the inner city of any large American city and take guns from the thugs that you decide are mentally incapable, they all have priors and none of them got their guns legally. you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
So we just let it keep on happening ? How many school shootings so far this year ? I heard 20

which new gun law would have stopped any of these lunatics from shooting? tell us specifically what new laws would do it. I'll wait.
I'm far from an expert on this matter Maybe one of the NRA brains can come up with a solution OR even you

1. arm teachers and school officials
2. post armed guards at all schools
3.teach kids right from wrong from birth
4. allow teachers to discipline kids
5. stop passing legislation that destroys families
6. stop the PC bullshit
7. put mentally ill people in secure institutions where they cannot hurt themselves or others
8. stop blaming the gun and blame the shooter
9. stop blaming the NRA, conservatives, republicans, Trump, video games, TV, movies, etc, blame the shooter
10. teach American history and world history in all schools from first grade up
11. stop the "participation thophy" bullshit, only the winners get trophies.
12. mandate that the media tell the truth in "news" broadcasts
13. stop the racial victimization
14, enforce our immigration laws
15. enforce the gun laws that are already on the books.

there, 15 solutions since you couldn't come up with even one

I'd never give government employees the power to discipline my kid, but the rest of the list looks pretty good
Well not today you wouldn't, because government employees are mostly liberal leftist. Then again that's the problem, they won't disipline your child even if you wanted them to. Back in the day the teachers were a reflection of the community, and if the community was conservatives, then the teachers and staff were also. Not anymore.
Only 130,000 a shot
And all of this out rage, you do realize we had slick Willy as president for eight years? The pervert all other perverts are measured by…
Maybe But at least he knew how to govern ,quite unlike the imbecile in our WH now
Clinton can’t govern a lemonade stand, everything about him is fake… Daughter which is not his daughter and wife all which were formed for political gain....
He will be remembered for his child molesting/raping... And lying under oath. Depends on what the definition of is... is

You have any more Right Wing lies to post? Do you ever think for yourself?
Rustic appears to be an obsessive pathological serial liar. Even when caught, exposed and hammered about his lying, he will simple run away for a while like a slimy coward and comeback a little later to repost and promote the same lies he has already been caught telling. He is just a mean spirited lonely hateful random poster on a random message board.
Says a control freak...
The collective is proud of you
Ah, a self hating Jew. Nothing unusual about that in the Democrat party, unfortunately.
Better than a self hating American

Again, no idea what that means. Are you saying you're both?
No I love my country Service and all I do despise republicans that speak about lowering our standards

You're just blathering now. What standards are Republicans lowering? Our educational standards are being lowered by you, not Republicans
And I’m really talking here only about the evangelicals who are so politicized that they’re really synonymous with Republicans. They no longer care about adultery or even the most basic family values, like not cheating on your wife while she’s nursing. They clearly don’t care about business ethics, basic competency, civility, honesty, or even the possibility that the president is compromised by a foreign power. And it’s because he’s on the right team and punching the right people.And now more foreign powers are said to come to trumps election victory Help from another nation is against the law in our election process

The other example in the news today is the revelation that Trump asked his acting Attorney General who he voted for and then criticized him because his wife ran for office as a Democrat and accepted political help from a Clinton-connected political action committee.

Shortly after President Trump fired his FBI director in May, he summoned to the Oval Office the bureau’s acting director for a get-to-know-you meeting.

The two men exchanged pleasantries, but before long, Trump, according to several current and former U.S. officials, asked Andrew McCabe a pointed question: Whom did he vote for in the 2016 election?

McCabe said he didn’t vote, according to the officials, who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk candidly about a sensitive matter.
Well if true what you say, then it's just a situation where as if (the conservatives) can't beat them (the leftist demons), then just become them in order to fight fire with fire I guess.. lol
And all of this out rage, you do realize we had slick Willy as president for eight years? The pervert all other perverts are measured by…
Maybe But at least he knew how to govern ,quite unlike the imbecile in our WH now
Clinton can’t govern a lemonade stand, everything about him is fake… Daughter which is not his daughter and wife all which were formed for political gain....
He will be remembered for his child molesting/raping... And lying under oath. Depends on what the definition of is... is

You have any more Right Wing lies to post? Do you ever think for yourself?
Rustic appears to be an obsessive pathological serial liar. Even when caught, exposed and hammered about his lying, he will simple run away for a while like a slimy coward and comeback a little later to repost and promote the same lies he has already been caught telling. He is just a mean spirited lonely hateful random poster on a random message board.
Says a control freak...
The collective is proud of you
Show the evidence with a link that supports your lie about Clinton being a child molester.
So we just let it keep on happening ? How many school shootings so far this year ? I heard 20

which new gun law would have stopped any of these lunatics from shooting? tell us specifically what new laws would do it. I'll wait.
I'm far from an expert on this matter Maybe one of the NRA brains can come up with a solution OR even you

1. arm teachers and school officials
2. post armed guards at all schools
3.teach kids right from wrong from birth
4. allow teachers to discipline kids
5. stop passing legislation that destroys families
6. stop the PC bullshit
7. put mentally ill people in secure institutions where they cannot hurt themselves or others
8. stop blaming the gun and blame the shooter
9. stop blaming the NRA, conservatives, republicans, Trump, video games, TV, movies, etc, blame the shooter
10. teach American history and world history in all schools from first grade up
11. stop the "participation thophy" bullshit, only the winners get trophies.
12. mandate that the media tell the truth in "news" broadcasts
13. stop the racial victimization
14, enforce our immigration laws
15. enforce the gun laws that are already on the books.

there, 15 solutions since you couldn't come up with even one

I'd never give government employees the power to discipline my kid, but the rest of the list looks pretty good
Well not today you wouldn't, because government employees are mostly liberal leftist. Then again that's the problem, they won't disipline your child even if you wanted them to. Back in the day the teachers were a reflection of the community, and if the community was conservatives, then the teachers and staff were also. Not anymore.
Back then teachers were looked up to now thanks to republicans they're underpaid and under respected
Trump is not only a sex predator. He has to buy it.
A billionaire buying it ?? You are kidding right ?? ROTFLMBO
Only 130,000 a shot
You figure Stormy wasn't worth it ?? That's pocket change to a man like Trump, although there is no proof Trump was being charged on the spot, but blackmailed later on maybe ? Could be...
It was just a business deal where he seriously wasn't even involved, fake news.
Funny thing is, he was not in the office at the time. Who gives a fuck?
Conservatives obviously don't, and they love cheatin and fuckin. You want a freaky chick that lets you cheat go for the conservative chicks.
Muller a republican is no politican yet repubs are squealing about him
Muller is a pussy whipped deep state guy...
War hero Bronze star Purple heart VS WHAT ? a pussy grabbing vile cheat ?
Since Mueller became part of the deep state, it pretty much nullifies everything he did before much like McCain...
Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire…
57 states ??? And your AH can't even spell his wifes name???
Obama thinks there’s 57 states...
You can always tell when there is a spelling Nazi around... because they are always losing an argument or debate.

Really? Is that the best you can do?
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