What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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Trump is a sexual predator.

Says the Clinton supporter.

Do you even read your own posts?

Sigh, there is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy....

Trump is not only a sex predator. He has to buy it.
A billionaire buying it ?? You are kidding right ?? ROTFLMBO
Only 130,000 a shot
You figure Stormy wasn't worth it ?? That's pocket change to a man like Trump, although there is no proof Trump was being charged on the spot, but blackmailed later on maybe ? Could be...
It was just a business deal where he seriously wasn't even involved, fake news.
An entire political party has abandoned years of principles and ideals...not to mention moral character....all the support a charlatan....
You’re talking about the federal government, they have no principles, no morals only fucked up ideals...

And certainly no moral character… The federal government is the definition of a charlatan
McCain served honorably, gave many more hours of service in the Senate. He seemed to use his conscience on what he decided to do. Like most of us he is a mixture of good and bad.

I did not agree with him on everything, but now he is ill, going through awful treatments and should be allowed to live in dignity.
He’s a career politician, that means he is the lowest of life forms...
Muller a republican is no politican yet repubs are squealing about him
Muller is a pussy whipped deep state guy...
War hero Bronze star Purple heart VS WHAT ? a pussy grabbing vile cheat ?
Since Mueller became part of the deep state, it pretty much nullifies everything he did before much like McCain...
Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire…
57 states ??? And your AH can't even spell his wifes name???
Says the Clinton supporter.

Do you even read your own posts?

Sigh, there is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy....

Trump is not only a sex predator. He has to buy it.
A billionaire buying it ?? You are kidding right ?? ROTFLMBO
Only 130,000 a shot
You figure Stormy wasn't worth it ?? That's pocket change to a man like Trump, although there is no proof Trump was being charged on the spot, but blackmailed later on maybe ? Could be...
It was just a business deal where he seriously wasn't even involved, fake news.
Funny thing is, he was not in the office at the time. Who gives a fuck?
Trump is not only a sex predator. He has to buy it.
A billionaire buying it ?? You are kidding right ?? ROTFLMBO
Only 130,000 a shot
You figure Stormy wasn't worth it ?? That's pocket change to a man like Trump, although there is no proof Trump was being charged on the spot, but blackmailed later on maybe ? Could be...
It was just a business deal where he seriously wasn't even involved, fake news.
Funny thing is, he was not in the office at the time. Who gives a fuck?
If I had a fuck I wouldn't give it
He’s a career politician, that means he is the lowest of life forms...
Muller a republican is no politican yet repubs are squealing about him
Muller is a pussy whipped deep state guy...
War hero Bronze star Purple heart VS WHAT ? a pussy grabbing vile cheat ?
Since Mueller became part of the deep state, it pretty much nullifies everything he did before much like McCain...
Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire…
57 states ??? And your AH can't even spell his wifes name???
Obama thinks there’s 57 states...
You can always tell when there is a spelling Nazi around... because they are always losing an argument or debate.
Right. We have so many gun laws and they don't work. Your solution is to double down on stupid and disarm their victims even further
How about trying to disarm those found mentally incapable of owning weapons? Might help ? People with priors ?

right, go to the inner city of any large American city and take guns from the thugs that you decide are mentally incapable, they all have priors and none of them got their guns legally. you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
So we just let it keep on happening ? How many school shootings so far this year ? I heard 20

which new gun law would have stopped any of these lunatics from shooting? tell us specifically what new laws would do it. I'll wait.
I'm far from an expert on this matter Maybe one of the NRA brains can come up with a solution OR even you

1. arm teachers and school officials
2. post armed guards at all schools
3.teach kids right from wrong from birth
4. allow teachers to discipline kids
5. stop passing legislation that destroys families
6. stop the PC bullshit
7. put mentally ill people in secure institutions where they cannot hurt themselves or others
8. stop blaming the gun and blame the shooter
9. stop blaming the NRA, conservatives, republicans, Trump, video games, TV, movies, etc, blame the shooter
10. teach American history and world history in all schools from first grade up
11. stop the "participation thophy" bullshit, only the winners get trophies.
12. mandate that the media tell the truth in "news" broadcasts
13. stop the racial victimization
14, enforce our immigration laws
15. enforce the gun laws that are already on the books.

there, 15 solutions since you couldn't come up with even one
How about trying to disarm those found mentally incapable of owning weapons? Might help ? People with priors ?

right, go to the inner city of any large American city and take guns from the thugs that you decide are mentally incapable, they all have priors and none of them got their guns legally. you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
So we just let it keep on happening ? How many school shootings so far this year ? I heard 20

which new gun law would have stopped any of these lunatics from shooting? tell us specifically what new laws would do it. I'll wait.
I'm far from an expert on this matter Maybe one of the NRA brains can come up with a solution OR even you

1. arm teachers and school officials
2. post armed guards at all schools
3.teach kids right from wrong from birth
4. allow teachers to discipline kids
5. stop passing legislation that destroys families
6. stop the PC bullshit
7. put mentally ill people in secure institutions where they cannot hurt themselves or others
8. stop blaming the gun and blame the shooter
9. stop blaming the NRA, conservatives, republicans, Trump, video games, TV, movies, etc, blame the shooter
10. teach American history and world history in all schools from first grade up
11. stop the "participation thophy" bullshit, only the winners get trophies.
12. mandate that the media tell the truth in "news" broadcasts
13. stop the racial victimization
14, enforce our immigration laws
15. enforce the gun laws that are already on the books.

there, 15 solutions since you couldn't come up with even one
...basically don’t act and think like a progressive
You can disagree with someone and know that they did what they thought was best.

Unlike the trumpscum who hate this country.

It's hysterical you say that given that it's something you don't ever do. You're a whack job

No. YOU don’t get it from me, init because you’re a trumptard parrot.

McCain and others get it from me because they are the opposite of lowlife uneducated parrot trumptards

And here’s a hint: what people like you with fifth grade educations say to me is as meaningless as anything else your swampdwelling bottom feeding Ilk say[/QUOTE]

what caused you to be so full of hate? is it just because Hillary lost? explain if you can.
How about trying to disarm those found mentally incapable of owning weapons? Might help ? People with priors ?

right, go to the inner city of any large American city and take guns from the thugs that you decide are mentally incapable, they all have priors and none of them got their guns legally. you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
So we just let it keep on happening ? How many school shootings so far this year ? I heard 20

which new gun law would have stopped any of these lunatics from shooting? tell us specifically what new laws would do it. I'll wait.
I'm far from an expert on this matter Maybe one of the NRA brains can come up with a solution OR even you

1. arm teachers and school officials
2. post armed guards at all schools
3.teach kids right from wrong from birth
4. allow teachers to discipline kids
5. stop passing legislation that destroys families
6. stop the PC bullshit
7. put mentally ill people in secure institutions where they cannot hurt themselves or others
8. stop blaming the gun and blame the shooter
9. stop blaming the NRA, conservatives, republicans, Trump, video games, TV, movies, etc, blame the shooter
10. teach American history and world history in all schools from first grade up
11. stop the "participation thophy" bullshit, only the winners get trophies.
12. mandate that the media tell the truth in "news" broadcasts
13. stop the racial victimization
14, enforce our immigration laws
15. enforce the gun laws that are already on the books.

there, 15 solutions since you couldn't come up with even one
Run for office I might even vote for you,,,I like 1,3,5,7,13,14 and 15
You can disagree with someone and know that they did what they thought was best.

Unlike the trumpscum who hate this country.

It's hysterical you say that given that it's something you don't ever do. You're a whack job

No. YOU don’t get it from me, init because you’re a trumptard parrot.

McCain and others get it from me because they are the opposite of lowlife uneducated parrot trumptards

And here’s a hint: what people like you with fifth grade educations say to me is as meaningless as anything else your swampdwelling bottom feeding Ilk say

what caused you to be so full of hate? is it just because Hillary lost? explain if you can.[/QUOTE]

don't know why it posted like that, only the last line is mine
Only when leftists ensure that he's identified, like the security guard at the Washington Navy yard. You do like to murder people for your cause
MURDER?? Like the moron moving our embassy in Israel >>Results 60 dead Pals 0 israelis---- And the POS son in law looking for peace?

You'll never allow peace until every JOOOOO is dead and Israel destroyed.

The agenda of the democrats is the same one that Hitler had.
You suggest I shoot myself??

Ah, a self hating Jew. Nothing unusual about that in the Democrat party, unfortunately.
Better than a self hating American

Again, no idea what that means. Are you saying you're both?
You're right about Gary Johnson. I was so disappointed in the Libertarian Party. This is three elections in a row they didn't even nominate an actual libertarian.

However, you think the major parties are nominating better? That's so inane. Hillary was one of the worst candidates ever nominated by any party ever. She lost to a guy with an approval rating in the 30s ... during the election ... And she thoroughly earned it ...

I couldn’t vote for Johnson, this last election was a total failure of parties nominating the right people. Dems thought Clinton was entitled, so no real candidate ran against her, the GOP realized Clinton was a weak candidate so every establishment Republican ran which left that vote divided and Trump came out on top. The Libertarian Party seems to have lost their way.

Yes, the Libertarian Party not nominating an actual libertarian three times in a row is a pretty good example of a party losing it's way.

This was the worst election to vote ever. Previously for me it was 2008 when the Republicans nominated a leftist, Democrats nominated a Marxist and Libertarians nominated a conservative. I could have voted for Bob Barr as a Republican, but not as a Libertarian. So I voted for Ralph Nader who at least said accurately there was no difference between the parties.

This election I had nothing. I considered Jill Stein, but her vandalism to fight energy independence was worse than Gary Johnson being a faux libertarian
Since when are libertarians either far right or not accepted?
Left-libertarianism - Wikipedia
Gary Johnson is not a left libertarian.

I didn't say he's not a "left libertarian," I said he's not a libertarian. He wasn't libertarian as New Mexico's governor. All you have to do is listen to him speak and hear how he doesn't even really grasp what libertarian means.

Unfortunately, he chose to be the most stereotypical pot head libertarian he could come up with. He's as libertarian as John McCain is conservative
I think he is a real libertarian, and Rand Paul would be a better example of faux libertarian. To be fair Rand is a republican but he obviously portrays himself as libertarian like his father did.

I didn't say anything about Rand Paul, you did.

And no, Gary Johnson isn't a libertarian. He can't speak to libertarian views and know why libertarians think that. And he only joined the party after going nowhere in the Republican primaries
right, go to the inner city of any large American city and take guns from the thugs that you decide are mentally incapable, they all have priors and none of them got their guns legally. you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
So we just let it keep on happening ? How many school shootings so far this year ? I heard 20

which new gun law would have stopped any of these lunatics from shooting? tell us specifically what new laws would do it. I'll wait.
I'm far from an expert on this matter Maybe one of the NRA brains can come up with a solution OR even you

1. arm teachers and school officials
2. post armed guards at all schools
3.teach kids right from wrong from birth
4. allow teachers to discipline kids
5. stop passing legislation that destroys families
6. stop the PC bullshit
7. put mentally ill people in secure institutions where they cannot hurt themselves or others
8. stop blaming the gun and blame the shooter
9. stop blaming the NRA, conservatives, republicans, Trump, video games, TV, movies, etc, blame the shooter
10. teach American history and world history in all schools from first grade up
11. stop the "participation thophy" bullshit, only the winners get trophies.
12. mandate that the media tell the truth in "news" broadcasts
13. stop the racial victimization
14, enforce our immigration laws
15. enforce the gun laws that are already on the books.

there, 15 solutions since you couldn't come up with even one
Run for office I might even vote for you,,,I like 1,3,5,7,13,14 and 15

not running, but since you like some of them, why didn't you offer them as solutions? afraid of pissing off your democrat comrades?
MURDER?? Like the moron moving our embassy in Israel >>Results 60 dead Pals 0 israelis---- And the POS son in law looking for peace?

You'll never allow peace until every JOOOOO is dead and Israel destroyed.

The agenda of the democrats is the same one that Hitler had.
You suggest I shoot myself??

Ah, a self hating Jew. Nothing unusual about that in the Democrat party, unfortunately.
Better than a self hating American

Again, no idea what that means. Are you saying you're both?
Progressives are an confused sort...
  • Thanks
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MURDER?? Like the moron moving our embassy in Israel >>Results 60 dead Pals 0 israelis---- And the POS son in law looking for peace?

You'll never allow peace until every JOOOOO is dead and Israel destroyed.

The agenda of the democrats is the same one that Hitler had.
You suggest I shoot myself??

Ah, a self hating Jew. Nothing unusual about that in the Democrat party, unfortunately.
Better than a self hating American

Again, no idea what that means. Are you saying you're both?
No I love my country Service and all I do despise republicans that speak about lowering our standards
You can disagree with someone and know that they did what they thought was best.

Unlike the trumpscum who hate this country.

It's hysterical you say that given that it's something you don't ever do. You're a whack job

No. YOU don’t get it from me, init because you’re a trumptard parrot.

McCain and others get it from me because they are the opposite of lowlife uneducated parrot trumptards

And here’s a hint: what people like you with fifth grade educations say to me is as meaningless as anything else your swampdwelling bottom feeding Ilk say

Oh stop making lame excuses for why you voted for Trump you stupid twit. You did it because you are a racist
You'll never allow peace until every JOOOOO is dead and Israel destroyed.

The agenda of the democrats is the same one that Hitler had.
You suggest I shoot myself??

Ah, a self hating Jew. Nothing unusual about that in the Democrat party, unfortunately.
Better than a self hating American

Again, no idea what that means. Are you saying you're both?
Progressives are an confused sort...
Russ I don't know what's making you folks so crazy ,,but it's really working
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