What do you think Jesus meant...,


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
When he said my father's kingdom is not of this Earth. I believe he was attempting to describe the parallel universe where Heaven and God exist, only he didn't have access to modern language to explain it better. What do you think he meant ?
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When he said my father's kingdom is not of this Earth. I believe he was attempting to describe the parallel universe where Heaven and God exist, only he didn't have access to modern language to explain it better. What do you think he meant ?
Note: I do realize he was talking to primitive peoples, so even if he could express it in technical terms, the people wouldn't understand what he was talking about, he said it in words that they could understand. We understand a lot more now, we understand that concept.
Wonder where he put the emphasis if he did.

My kingdom is not of this earth or My kingdom is not of THIS earth.
When he said my father's kingdom is not of this Earth. I believe he was attempting to describe the parallel universe where Heaven and God exist, only he didn't have access to modern language to explain it better. What do you think he meant ?

Good topic! I partially agree with you, He's definitely talking about heaven, but I don't know if I'd use the word "universe", I would say it's a different realm or dimension. But before anyone takes that the wrong way, it's an actual place, in fact far more real than this current world because it is eternal.

I was just talking to someone about this recently, and I was saying that this world is temporarily run by the spiritual enemy of God, that's why there are so many corrupt powers, so much evil, deception, and upside-down ideas in this world. But as it just so happens to say in my current sig, Jesus is the rightful ruler of this world, and He will return to take his place as the true power, that is what the Bible says and that's what I firmly believe.

It's not a matter of if, but when. And I think a lot of people overlook this, but Jesus even stated that, in John 18:36, notice the word in bold:

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”​
John 18:36​

One of my favorite topics that I find fascinating is the future reign of Christ. It will be on this earth, but it will be very different than this current age. The Bible talks about it, but I think that is also something that many Christians overlook. It will be a kingdom of peace and justice, the way things were always supposed to be, and the way things will be, ultimately, after evil is dealt with once and for all.
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When he said my father's kingdom is not of this Earth. I believe he was attempting to describe the parallel universe where Heaven and God exist, only he didn't have access to modern language to explain it better. What do you think he meant ?
Dear Stann the thinking level it takes to forgive and detach from material perception and bias comes from a higher collective level, like focusing on the BEST ideals of humanity over all time, place and history and future combined. Instead of dwelling on any one thing that biases you from thinking universally and unconditionally.

That level of higher holistic love and thought is considered out of this world and above social norms and conditions that anchor us down to earth and physical reality.

Faith in humanity and love of justice is seen as a higher level compared with the world we live in that has never seen lasting justice or peace established for all humanity for all time. Not yet.

Those who truly believe in the power of forgiveness and grace to create this "Kingdom of God" already live in that mindset. So it is like living in a "different world" or dimension from everyone else. Being at peace in a world full of suffering and war. That is what it means to be in the world, but not of the world.
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Judgment, I'm not worried, but but maybe you should start being concerned for yourself.
I have nothing to worry about, for i am at peace with myself and follow the commandments presented to me by God every chance i get. Yes i err once in a while, and i ask for forgiveness, and i learn from my mistakes which makes me even better.

But a damn democrat will never say they are wrong, will not follow the commandments and never ask for forgiveness. Until their last dying breath.

The kingdom would not be a worldly kingdom with any geographical constraints. Construction crews would not build it. The Praetorian Guard would not police it. Written edicts would not regulate it. It was a mystery, by and large, as Jesus taught it, but would crystallize in short order as the apostles began preaching it and realizing their place within it.

And in the world, this body would manifest like no other. Christianity has inspired the proliferation of art, literature, music, and architecture as well as a culture of privilege, prosperity, free enterprise, and a work ethic that has built in the West civilizations of unprecedented welfare, equality, and family cohesion. Christianity has been a catalyst for tremendous progress and growth that has improved the quality of life worldwide. In the Christians’ world, righteousness reigns, and the rest of the world sees the good works therein and benefits from them, and hence the Father receives glory (Mt 5:16).

Nothing about some parallel universe. How popular would the Bible have been if it were about something no one understood?
I have nothing to worry about, for i am at peace with myself and follow the commandments presented to me by God every chance i get. Yes i err once in a while, and i ask for forgiveness, and i learn from my mistakes which makes me even better.

But a damn democrat will never say they are wrong, will not follow the commandments and never ask for forgiveness. Until their last dying breath.

For God's sake. Trump has said he never apologizes and never asks for forgiveness.
When he said my father's kingdom is not of this Earth. I believe he was attempting to describe the parallel universe where Heaven and God exist, only he didn't have access to modern language to explain it better. What do you think he meant ?
you are joking, surly or realize the futility of the christian bible -

most likely, without referring to the fathers kingdom they meant from whence all have come is what is being described, the metaphysical Everlasting. and the quest for a return trip.
When he said my father's kingdom is not of this Earth. I believe he was attempting to describe the parallel universe where Heaven and God exist, only he didn't have access to modern language to explain it better. What do you think he meant ?
He explained it in detail......the "kingdom of Good" and the kingdom Christ was speaking of "the kingdom of Heaven" are one and the same. The kingdom is Christ's church. Jesus tells us "exactly" where this kingdom is located, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say 'See Here!' or 'See There!' For indeed the kingdom of God is within you." -- Luke 17:20

You have 4 gospel accounts covering the same time period; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John....when you look among those gospel accounts in reference to "kingdom of God", "kingdom of Heaven"......you find one phrase can be used to replace another...meaning they are one and the same. Example: "Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand" (Matt. 4:17). "....the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand, repent, and believe in the gospel ....i.e., (the good news) -- Mark 1:14-15

"Blessed are the poor, for the kingdom of Heaven is theirs....." -- Matt. 5:3 "The kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed.........." -- Matt. 13:31 "Blessed are the poor, for yours is the kingdom of God." -- Luke 6:20

The kingdom of God...i.e, Heaven is compared to a mustard seed.......its planted in the ground as one of the smallest examples of life and it grows .....proving that it is an existing kingdom, simply unlike any kingdom previously found on earth. (Mark 4:30-31).

The Jews were expecting a literal, physical kingdom to be established on earth....with a descendent of David setting on its throne. Jesus, makes it clear that He was speaking of a "spiritual kingdom".......My kingdom is not of this world....or My servants would fight........." -- John 18:36

The goal of this kingdom was to unite all the peoples of the world......Jew and Gentile into one nation, one kingdom......to "reconcile" the world's religious differences.........to remove the wall of separation........to place them into ONE BODY...........THE CHURCH. (Eph. 1:22-23)

The scriptures prove that the kingdom is THE CHURCH that CHRIST constructed being the chief cornerstone.

Christ stated, "I will build My CHURCH" and said to Peter, "I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven." In one breath the Christ calls it THE CHURCH........in the next........'THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. -- Matt. 16:18,19

Peter called it, ".........the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." -- 2 Peter 1:11.

When did this kingdom of God come to earth? "There are some standing here (standing where? in the 1st century) who shall not taste of death until they see the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:27). The kingdom of God was AT HAND in the 1st century......it was not some kingdom to come at some distant point in the future. Unless you believe there are 2000 year old men still walking the earth from the time of the Christ's physical existence.

The reign of Christ as king of the kingdom of God will last until the "resurrection".........then He turns the kingdom over to Father God. (1 Cor. 15)

Paul explains it as such, God has, ".......delivered us from the power of darkness and CONVEYED us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin." -- Col. 1:13-14.
It will be a kingdom of peace and justice, the way things were always supposed to be, and the way things will be, ultimately, after evil is dealt with once and for all.

I think you nailed the answer to the question about what Jesus meant.

Jesus said, "my kingdom is not of this world,' during a time of brutal Roman oppression in a world where the things you mentioned, peace and justice, were absent, not of the world that he lived in.

The world he lived in was insane, a violent world that was without shape or form and void, lawless, and darkness, superstition and ignorance, covered the face of the deep, the unknown.

Jesus always spoke of his kingdom coming to the earth in the future.

And of course heaven is a place, the realm of eternal life, whether on this planet or any other
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When he said my father's kingdom is not of this Earth. I believe he was attempting to describe the parallel universe where Heaven and God exist, only he didn't have access to modern language to explain it better. What do you think he meant ?
"He didn't have access to modern language to explain it better."?

Look up Colossians 1:16c,17:

" ...all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

He is the Glue that holds our world together. At least according to The Word. That means he is outside of our sphere and not in one that is merely Parallel to it. He is also outside of the flex of time. And if he is, that means He Does have Access. Full access.
Good topic! I partially agree with you, He's definitely talking about heaven, but I don't know if I'd use the word "universe", I would say it's a different realm or dimension. But before anyone takes that the wrong way, it's an actual place, in fact far more real than this current world because it is eternal.

I was just talking to someone about this recently, and I was saying that this world is temporarily run by the spiritual enemy of God, that's why there are so many corrupt powers, so much evil, deception, and upside-down ideas in this world. But as it just so happens to say in my current sig, Jesus is the rightful ruler of this world, and He will return to take his place as the true power, that is what the Bible says and that's what I firmly believe.

It's not a matter of if, but when. And I think a lot of people overlook this, but Jesus even stated that, in John 18:36, notice the word in bold:

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”​
John 18:36​

One of my favorite topics that I find fascinating is the future reign of Christ. It will be on this earth, but it will be very different than this current age. The Bible talks about it, but I think that is also something that many Christians overlook. It will be a kingdom of peace and justice, the way things were always supposed to be, and the way things will be, ultimately, after evil is dealt with once and for all.
Exactly. It is better to think of "heaven" or God's Kingdom as existing in another dimension where OUR laws of physics do not apply.

I've often likened it to US being part of a computer game and He is the creator of the universe in which we exist.

But He has given us the opportunity to leave THIS world and join Him in His
Good topic! I partially agree with you, He's definitely talking about heaven, but I don't know if I'd use the word "universe", I would say it's a different realm or dimension. But before anyone takes that the wrong way, it's an actual place, in fact far more real than this current world because it is eternal.

I was just talking to someone about this recently, and I was saying that this world is temporarily run by the spiritual enemy of God, that's why there are so many corrupt powers, so much evil, deception, and upside-down ideas in this world. But as it just so happens to say in my current sig, Jesus is the rightful ruler of this world, and He will return to take his place as the true power, that is what the Bible says and that's what I firmly believe.

It's not a matter of if, but when. And I think a lot of people overlook this, but Jesus even stated that, in John 18:36, notice the word in bold:

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”​
John 18:36​

One of my favorite topics that I find fascinating is the future reign of Christ. It will be on this earth, but it will be very different than this current age. The Bible talks about it, but I think that is also something that many Christians overlook. It will be a kingdom of peace and justice, the way things were always supposed to be, and the way things will be, ultimately, after evil is dealt with once and for all.
if your kid demanded money for cleaning his room you might get upset so how do you think god feels when you demand heaven for doing what you should b doing anyhow

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