What do you think will happen if Trump wins, or Clinton wins

I'd like to hear what you think will happen with a Trump presidency. I'd also like to hear what you think will happen if Clinton becomes president.

I don't see any positives from from either. But it will also depend on the outcome of the congress election. 88% of congress is up for grabs. I think that the same stupid voters will vote for their same stupid representatives....There might be a 10% change, because voters are so fed up with the incompetence of congress.

But Obama's approval rating is over 50%, so that could put Clinton in. But it will be four more years of obstruct, obstruct, obstruct unless the dems get control.
Four years of cons trying to convict Clinton for emails and Benghazi, will do nothing to help fix anything in this country.

I think if Trump becomes president, it will mean America is finished. Hard, hard right. The American Nazi party has said it will be good for them. I think the Ku Klux Klan will feel they have a green light to make America white again. And Blacks will lose all hope. I think it could be another Civil war.

Either way, it looks real ugly. Probably the worst four years in history.

Anybody got rose colored glasses on?

It's pretty simple, if Trump wins, the republic might survive. If the hildabtich wins the republic won't survive, her appointments to the court will finish us off.
Trump as President would be a mess. It'd be a disaster for US Diplomacy as he's way to easy to bait and way to bombastic to subtly hand a crisis in a managed way. I suspect that the day to day would be run by Pence given what he reportedly offered Kasich. He's not interested in the Day to Day stuff. That would mean if the GOP can hold the House and Senate, you'd likely see a lot of GOP initiatives implemented quietly. Come four years time I'd expect he'd be voted out. The scariest part of a Trump Presidency would be the way he empowers the #AltRight and other fringe nationalistic, racist groups. You'd see them become a lot more prominent in the GOP.

Hillary as President is more of the same. Likely more gridlock, etc. She's a better diplomat than Trump so she'd manage as a caretaker President just fine but I doubt she'd have any big initiatives actually signed into law or be memorable at all. I'm fairly certain she'd be a one term President.

All told, I'll probably vote Hillary.
I'd like to hear what you think will happen with a Trump presidency. I'd also like to hear what you think will happen if Clinton becomes president.

I don't see any positives from from either. But it will also depend on the outcome of the congress election. 88% of congress is up for grabs. I think that the same stupid voters will vote for their same stupid representatives....There might be a 10% change, because voters are so fed up with the incompetence of congress.

But Obama's approval rating is over 50%, so that could put Clinton in. But it will be four more years of obstruct, obstruct, obstruct unless the dems get control.
Four years of cons trying to convict Clinton for emails and Benghazi, will do nothing to help fix anything in this country.

I think if Trump becomes president, it will mean America is finished. Hard, hard right. The American Nazi party has said it will be good for them. I think the Ku Klux Klan will feel they have a green light to make America white again. And Blacks will lose all hope. I think it could be another Civil war.

Either way, it looks real ugly. Probably the worst four years in history.

Anybody got rose colored glasses on?
You don't seem to be too clear on why there was obstruction for the past 6 years.

The answer is Boehner.

Boehner's goal was to make BHO a 1 term president.

Boehner succeeded in making himself a retired Speaker Of The House.

With Boehner gone, I suspect more will now get done in Congress.

Has nothing to do with Trump or Hillary.

You have been brainwashed and you apparently guzzled down the koolaid .
I'd like to hear what you think will happen with a Trump presidency. I'd also like to hear what you think will happen if Clinton becomes president.

I don't see any positives from from either. But it will also depend on the outcome of the congress election. 88% of congress is up for grabs. I think that the same stupid voters will vote for their same stupid representatives....There might be a 10% change, because voters are so fed up with the incompetence of congress.

But Obama's approval rating is over 50%, so that could put Clinton in. But it will be four more years of obstruct, obstruct, obstruct unless the dems get control.
Four years of cons trying to convict Clinton for emails and Benghazi, will do nothing to help fix anything in this country.

I think if Trump becomes president, it will mean America is finished. Hard, hard right. The American Nazi party has said it will be good for them. I think the Ku Klux Klan will feel they have a green light to make America white again. And Blacks will lose all hope. I think it could be another Civil war.

Either way, it looks real ugly. Probably the worst four years in history.

Anybody got rose colored glasses on?

It's pretty simple, if Trump wins, the republic might survive. If the hildabtich wins the republic won't survive, her appointments to the court will finish us off.

Yeah, after eight long years of Anti-American Left Globalism, the country can't afford to give four years to Clinton. You're right, it could finish the Republic off.
I'd like to hear what you think will happen with a Trump presidency. I'd also like to hear what you think will happen if Clinton becomes president.

I don't see any positives from from either. But it will also depend on the outcome of the congress election. 88% of congress is up for grabs. I think that the same stupid voters will vote for their same stupid representatives....There might be a 10% change, because voters are so fed up with the incompetence of congress.

But Obama's approval rating is over 50%, so that could put Clinton in. But it will be four more years of obstruct, obstruct, obstruct unless the dems get control.
Four years of cons trying to convict Clinton for emails and Benghazi, will do nothing to help fix anything in this country.

I think if Trump becomes president, it will mean America is finished. Hard, hard right. The American Nazi party has said it will be good for them. I think the Ku Klux Klan will feel they have a green light to make America white again. And Blacks will lose all hope. I think it could be another Civil war.

Either way, it looks real ugly. Probably the worst four years in history.

Anybody got rose colored glasses on?

America is finished either way.

If Hillary wins she'll crash whatever is left of society and we'll have a civil war; if Trump wins the elites will crash the economy, blaming Trump and we'll have civil war
You have the sh!ttiest of track records for predictions of anyone on this board.

Therefore anything you predict will NOT happen.

That is good news, since this is what you are predicting.
If Donald Trump wins, he will set a new record for vacation days and golf games.

Interesting. Clinton is perched feet up snorting Diazapam and ignoring all calls for a press conference.

Trump is running 2-3 campaign events per day.
Hey dumb fuck: Scheduled Events

Cozy little tours and fundraising dinners.

Like I said, perched and snortin'. :laugh:
And what is Trump doing, boxing matches?

Does anyone besides me, see a Trump supporter wearing those rose colored glasses?

I didn't notice any Clinton Supporters with a rosy outlook.

Didn't notice anyone giving any thought to the makeup of congress after the election. Looks like more of the same, huh.
We are not yet out of The Great Recession and there are at least 2 to 5 years to go.

This one was really bad starting with the crash of Lehman Brothers.

As far as Congress, the DEMs are likely to take over the Senate.

It is hard to imagine the GOP losing the House, but they could.

I like divided government so I hope neither party wins both houses of Congress.
If Hillary wins, we will all be paying more taxes. Rich people will be taxed an additional surcharge every time they show their faces in public.
I don't think Hillary will go after rich people.

But she has promised to go after rich corporations.
If Donald Trump wins, lightning will strike him the moment he touches a Bible to take the oath, and he will be on the express line to hell.

Mike Pence will be sworn in five minutes later.
If Hillary wins, we will all be paying more taxes. Rich people will be taxed an additional surcharge every time they show their faces in public.
I don't think Hillary will go after rich people.

But she has promised to go after rich corporations.
Are you kidding me? She's already declared she is going to tax the rich more.

Clinton seeks surcharge tax on wealthiest tier of Americans

Of course her stock transaction tax won't hurt the little guys with 401Ks a bit, will it?
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If Hillary wins, we will all be paying more taxes. Rich people will be taxed an additional surcharge every time they show their faces in public.
I don't think Hillary will go after rich people.

But she has promised to go after rich corporations.
Are you kidding me? She's already declared she is going to tax the rich more.

Clinton seeks surcharge tax on wealthiest tier of Americans

Of course her stock transaction tax won't hurt the little guys with 401Ks a bit, will it?
Trump said his financial experience was right for such troubled times.

"I'm really good at that stuff," he said. "I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff
If Hillary wins, we will all be paying more taxes. Rich people will be taxed an additional surcharge every time they show their faces in public.
I don't think Hillary will go after rich people.

But she has promised to go after rich corporations.
Are you kidding me? She's already declared she is going to tax the rich more.

Clinton seeks surcharge tax on wealthiest tier of Americans

Of course her stock transaction tax won't hurt the little guys with 401Ks a bit, will it?
Trump said his financial experience was right for such troubled times.

"I'm really good at that stuff," he said. "I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

Didn't see a single thing in your OLD link that supports a transaction tax.
If Hillary wins, we will all be paying more taxes. Rich people will be taxed an additional surcharge every time they show their faces in public.
I don't think Hillary will go after rich people.

But she has promised to go after rich corporations.
Are you kidding me? She's already declared she is going to tax the rich more.

Clinton seeks surcharge tax on wealthiest tier of Americans

Of course her stock transaction tax won't hurt the little guys with 401Ks a bit, will it?
Trump said his financial experience was right for such troubled times.

"I'm really good at that stuff," he said. "I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

Didn't see a single thing in your OLD link that supports a transaction tax.
By "OLD", I take it you are acknowledging Trump flip flops more than a dying fish? And what difference does it make which method is used to tax Wall Street more?

Have you also notice that when Trump says shit, he doesn't specify how he will do something?

How can anyone take this retard seriously?
I'd like to hear what you think will happen with a Trump presidency. I'd also like to hear what you think will happen if Clinton becomes president.

Anybody got rose colored glasses on?

Sure I do.

Say what you want about Paul Ryan but I think he recognizes that Congress has a role to play that is constructive. If he were Senator, I don’t think you’d see him pulling the same sort of shit the Senate is pulling. You’ll see the President Clinton find common ground with the Speaker on some things and they remain far apart on others.

There is no reason to speculate about a Trump presidency. It won’t happen.
If Trump wins concentration camps for blacks, Hispanics, Mexicans, Muslims and the disabled will be enacted, so that evil rich old white men could make more money.

If Hillary wins a liberal utopia of equality for all will be reached, no one will have to face scarcity again. Evil white old men or simply "the boogeymen" have to do with less.

Clearly you haven't read enough regressive ideology.

Ain't it the truth? All the Modern Republican party has done is cut tax rates for the rich and run up the national debt......oh well, there is their war dead to worry about.
I don't think Hillary will go after rich people.

But she has promised to go after rich corporations.
Are you kidding me? She's already declared she is going to tax the rich more.

Clinton seeks surcharge tax on wealthiest tier of Americans

Of course her stock transaction tax won't hurt the little guys with 401Ks a bit, will it?
Trump said his financial experience was right for such troubled times.

"I'm really good at that stuff," he said. "I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

Didn't see a single thing in your OLD link that supports a transaction tax.
By "OLD", I take it you have realized that Trump makes shit up as he goes along? And what difference does it make which method is used to tax Wall Street more?

Have you also notice that when Trump says shit, he doesn't specify how he will do something?

How can anyone take this retard seriously?

A transaction tax hurts everyone who has any money in stocks or bonds, including little guys with 401Ks. That's the difference, also the hildabitch wants to tax capital gains as regular income, which will also hurts the little guy. Of course you know this already.
Are you kidding me? She's already declared she is going to tax the rich more.

Clinton seeks surcharge tax on wealthiest tier of Americans

Of course her stock transaction tax won't hurt the little guys with 401Ks a bit, will it?
Trump said his financial experience was right for such troubled times.

"I'm really good at that stuff," he said. "I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

Didn't see a single thing in your OLD link that supports a transaction tax.
By "OLD", I take it you have realized that Trump makes shit up as he goes along? And what difference does it make which method is used to tax Wall Street more?

Have you also notice that when Trump says shit, he doesn't specify how he will do something?

How can anyone take this retard seriously?

A transaction tax hurts everyone who has any money in stocks or bonds, including little guys with 401Ks. That's the difference, also the hildabitch wants to tax capital gains as regular income, which will also hurts the little guy. Of course you know this already.
The "little guy" doesn't own stocks.

By "OLD", you are acknowledging Trump is a flip flopper.

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