What Do You Want GONE?

What MOST do you want Eliminated?

  • Telemarketing Calls

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Email Spam

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Hackers

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Junk USPS Mail

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Luggage Charges

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
The people who hate Pinochet are all commie traitors. He's a hero to the people of Chile. He saved them from liberalism.

Bed wetters like Puddly Neonazi prefer despots who ride in to power during civil wars, clamps down on human rights, disarms and purges millions of people and then maintains tyrannical control until they die. Of course the new regime is usually just as murderous and sometimes even more so, but that's how liberals like things done. No dissent, no compromise, and no tolerance.

The rest of us prefer a constitutional republic.

Unfortunately we have an abundance of bed wetting parasites like Puddly and his gaggle of C-FAG imbeciles who seem delighted by the moonbat messiah's incremental usurpation, and would probably gleefully dump Zyklon-B on anyone they're programmed to hate if only obozo could get our guns.

That's why we need a guy like Pinochet to take control as the head of state, purge a few thousand of the most influential leftwing criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths, and run several thousand more out of this hemisphere. Then relinquish power and establish a new elected government free from the detrimental influence of regressive libtards.

We may as well accept that sometimes violence is the only way to combat evil. I'm merely weighing the human cost here because I'm a humanitarian. A few thousand dead criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths or millions of innocent people systematically murdered, purged, and starved to death in forced labor camps. The choice should be easy, and it seems clear that the left is pushing for the later, so I'm willing to accept the former.


We need a hero in this country.


Very telling that Pinochet is your hero.

What we need is fewer of you RW traitors in this country.
The people who hate Pinochet are all commie traitors. He's a hero to the people of Chile. He saved them from liberalism.
If you could eliminate one of the following, which would it be?
Would you vote for a Presidential Candidate that would promise it's elimination?

How come it sez "if you could eliminate ONE" and then the poll allows multiple votes? :booze:

I voted for telemarketing. I have filters for the other stuff. Phone robots need to die. :death:

Because Unkotare keeps bitching at me about limiting it to one

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

RWs love fascist dictators who torture and murder.

I don't.
The people who hate Pinochet are all commie traitors. He's a hero to the people of Chile. He saved them from liberalism.

Bed wetters like Puddly Neonazi prefer despots who ride in to power during civil wars, clamps down on human rights, disarms and purges millions of people and then maintains tyrannical control until they die. Of course the new regime is usually just as murderous and sometimes even more so, but that's how liberals like things done. No dissent, no compromise, and no tolerance.

The rest of us prefer a constitutional republic.

Unfortunately we have an abundance of bed wetting parasites like Puddly and his gaggle of C-FAG imbeciles who seem delighted by the moonbat messiah's incremental usurpation, and would probably gleefully dump Zyklon-B on anyone they're programmed to hate if only obozo could get our guns.

That's why we need a guy like Pinochet to take control as the head of state, purge a few thousand of the most influential leftwing criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths, and run several thousand more out of this hemisphere. Then relinquish power and establish a new elected government free from the detrimental influence of regressive libtards.

We may as well accept that sometimes violence is the only way to combat evil. I'm merely weighing the human cost here because I'm a humanitarian. A few thousand dead criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths or millions of innocent people systematically murdered, purged, and starved to death in forced labor camps. The choice should be easy, and it seems clear that the left is pushing for the later, so I'm willing to accept the former.

You're certifiable.

Why are you in the US? You would be much happier in Russia or N Korea.
You're certifiable.

Why are you in the US? You would be much happier in Russia or N Korea.

You see puddly, this is why I ignore you sniveling douchebags unless I find an opportunity to ridicule the vast depth of your ignorance.


I realize you're afflicted with a particularly acute case of Weapons Grade Stupidity, so you probably don't know that North Korea is a place you would be much more comfortable in. In NK only the government officials can have guns. Bed wetting pukes like you never have to be terrified that there might be an armed citizen in your coffee shop. There are no restrictions on marijuana. There are no Christians to tell you sucking cock and fucking other men in the ass is wrong. There are no rich CEO's to make you feel envious about not having shit you're not willing to earn. Everyone is "equal". There are no conservatives making fun of the utter incompetence and stupidity of your dear leader. In NK no one is talking about building fences to keep people out. There is no racial bigotry because there is only one race.

I'm not sure why you're still here to be honest, utopia awaits.

Imbecile. That's why I want liberalism gone.


I don't ride a bike, but here is what gets me....
there is a PERFECTLY GOOD sidewalk available, yet, they prefer to ride on the road and risk getting hit by a 1,000 lb. vehicle.. explain please!

I don't ride a bike, but here is what gets me....
there is a PERFECTLY GOOD sidewalk available, yet, they prefer to ride on the road and risk getting hit by a 1,000 lb. vehicle.. explain please!

Because that's the law.

I live in the country...that you get to on idyllic mountain roads...that those fuckers don't seem to think were made for cars.

Single file, people.

I don't ride a bike, but here is what gets me....
there is a PERFECTLY GOOD sidewalk available, yet, they prefer to ride on the road and risk getting hit by a 1,000 lb. vehicle.. explain please!

Because that's the law.

I live in the country...that you get to on idyllic mountain roads...that those fuckers don't seem to think were made for cars.

Single file, people.

Interesting, I didn't know you could not bicycle on sidewalks... guess I need to start bashing the lawmakers now....
Stupidity is the only explanation I can think of. It's not even as if there aren't better roads to ride on, or that most of these people have no choice in transportation. They ride in traffic for recreation and then have the gall to demand more rights on the road than the vehicles the roads were built for.

Kinda reminds me of something else that needs to be gone...



We need a hero in this country.


Very telling that Pinochet is your hero.

What we need is fewer of you RW traitors in this country.
The people who hate Pinochet are all commie traitors. He's a hero to the people of Chile. He saved them from liberalism.
If you could eliminate one of the following, which would it be?
Would you vote for a Presidential Candidate that would promise it's elimination?

How come it sez "if you could eliminate ONE" and then the poll allows multiple votes? :booze:

I voted for telemarketing. I have filters for the other stuff. Phone robots need to die. :death:

Because Unkotare keeps bitching at me about limiting it to one

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

RWs love fascist dictators who torture and murder.

I don't.

As long as they torture and murder commie traitors.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
I have a business and rarely get telemarketing or spam emails. I throw the junk mail in the recycle bin, it helps to fund the post office so I don't mind. You have to be careful about what you sign up for or provide personal info. I give info on a need to know basis.
Stupidity is the only explanation I can think of. It's not even as if there aren't better roads to ride on, or that most of these people have no choice in transportation. They ride in traffic for recreation and then have the gall to demand more rights on the road than the vehicles the roads were built for.

Kinda reminds me of something else that needs to be gone...


Really? You couldn't think that maybe it's against the law?

Legal to Ride a Bike on a Sidewalk?
The people who hate Pinochet are all commie traitors. He's a hero to the people of Chile. He saved them from liberalism.

Bed wetters like Puddly Neonazi prefer despots who ride in to power during civil wars, clamps down on human rights, disarms and purges millions of people and then maintains tyrannical control until they die. Of course the new regime is usually just as murderous and sometimes even more so, but that's how liberals like things done. No dissent, no compromise, and no tolerance.

The rest of us prefer a constitutional republic.

Unfortunately we have an abundance of bed wetting parasites like Puddly and his gaggle of C-FAG imbeciles who seem delighted by the moonbat messiah's incremental usurpation, and would probably gleefully dump Zyklon-B on anyone they're programmed to hate if only obozo could get our guns.

That's why we need a guy like Pinochet to take control as the head of state, purge a few thousand of the most influential leftwing criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths, and run several thousand more out of this hemisphere. Then relinquish power and establish a new elected government free from the detrimental influence of regressive libtards.

We may as well accept that sometimes violence is the only way to combat evil. I'm merely weighing the human cost here because I'm a humanitarian. A few thousand dead criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths or millions of innocent people systematically murdered, purged, and starved to death in forced labor camps. The choice should be easy, and it seems clear that the left is pushing for the later, so I'm willing to accept the former.


We need a hero in this country.


Very telling that Pinochet is your hero.

What we need is fewer of you RW traitors in this country.
The people who hate Pinochet are all commie traitors. He's a hero to the people of Chile. He saved them from liberalism.
If you could eliminate one of the following, which would it be?
Would you vote for a Presidential Candidate that would promise it's elimination?

How come it sez "if you could eliminate ONE" and then the poll allows multiple votes? :booze:

I voted for telemarketing. I have filters for the other stuff. Phone robots need to die. :death:

Because Unkotare keeps bitching at me about limiting it to one

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

RWs love fascist dictators who torture and murder.

I don't.

As long as they torture and murder commie traitors.

Neither bripat9643 nor Pete7469 have a clue about what it would be like if he got their fascist dictator who simply murders and disappears those with whom he disagrees.

Anyone who does not know and agree that the rabid right are traitors to the US and to our constitution have not been paying attention to fools like these two.

The people who hate Pinochet are all commie traitors. He's a hero to the people of Chile. He saved them from liberalism.

Bed wetters like Puddly Neonazi prefer despots who ride in to power during civil wars, clamps down on human rights, disarms and purges millions of people and then maintains tyrannical control until they die. Of course the new regime is usually just as murderous and sometimes even more so, but that's how liberals like things done. No dissent, no compromise, and no tolerance.

The rest of us prefer a constitutional republic.

Unfortunately we have an abundance of bed wetting parasites like Puddly and his gaggle of C-FAG imbeciles who seem delighted by the moonbat messiah's incremental usurpation, and would probably gleefully dump Zyklon-B on anyone they're programmed to hate if only obozo could get our guns.

That's why we need a guy like Pinochet to take control as the head of state, purge a few thousand of the most influential leftwing criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths, and run several thousand more out of this hemisphere. Then relinquish power and establish a new elected government free from the detrimental influence of regressive libtards.

We may as well accept that sometimes violence is the only way to combat evil. I'm merely weighing the human cost here because I'm a humanitarian. A few thousand dead criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths or millions of innocent people systematically murdered, purged, and starved to death in forced labor camps. The choice should be easy, and it seems clear that the left is pushing for the later, so I'm willing to accept the former.


We need a hero in this country.


Very telling that Pinochet is your hero.

What we need is fewer of you RW traitors in this country.
The people who hate Pinochet are all commie traitors. He's a hero to the people of Chile. He saved them from liberalism.
How come it sez "if you could eliminate ONE" and then the poll allows multiple votes? :booze:

I voted for telemarketing. I have filters for the other stuff. Phone robots need to die. :death:

Because Unkotare keeps bitching at me about limiting it to one

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

RWs love fascist dictators who torture and murder.

I don't.

As long as they torture and murder commie traitors.

Neither bripat9643 nor Pete7469 have a clue about what it would be like if he got their fascist dictator who simply murders and disappears those with whom he disagrees.

Anyone who does not know and agree that the rabid right are traitors to the US and to our constitution have not been paying attention to fools like these two.


For anyone who wasn't selling out the country to Cuban communists and trying to impose a communist police state on the country, life was quite pleasant for the people of Chile after Pinochet took over.

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