What Do You Want to Happen After You Die?

What Do You Want to Happen After You Die?

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I was having this discussion earlier and I just thought that it would be an interesting poll. Me personally, I want to go to Heaven to be with the Lord and my past lost family members who I really miss and once I get there I do not want to come back to earth either. What about you? I guess with Spooktember coming up next month and starting to get into the Halloween season already, I start thinking about death a little bit more lol
I want a massive tax bill unpaid with no way for the government to collect.
There was this billionaire who was getting very sick. All his life he had been philanthropic, generous, benevolent and donating to good causes. One night he was visited by the Angel of the Lord who told him that the Heavenly Father was calling him home and he was allowed to make one wish. He thought a minute and said, "I would really like to convert all my wealth to gold and take it with me." The Angel said it was highly unusual but he would check with the Boss and let him know. He came back a little while later and said," I have never seen this happen before but the Boss said OK"

Next day the man had his agents convert all his assets to gold bars and put in 2 big suitcases. The Angel returned and loaded the guy and his suitcases onto the Stairway to Heaven. When they arrived at the Pearly Gates and was checked in, Saint Peter asked, "What do you have in the bags? The man opened the suitcases, Saint Peter looked in and said to the guy, ''Paving stones?"
I just had a horrible thought. What if they modernized and upgraded the system in heaven? Say that Saint Peter doesn't man the Pearly Gates any more and they've installed machines to check in. Imagine what could go wrong if you attempted to check in and you get a message that reads: "Your user name or password is incorrect. Please try again." You could be in a world of hurt, people.
I was having this discussion earlier and I just thought that it would be an interesting poll. Me personally, I want to go to Heaven to be with the Lord and my past lost family members who I really miss and once I get there I do not want to come back to earth either. What about you? I guess with Spooktember coming up next month and starting to get into the Halloween season already, I start thinking about death a little bit more lol
Read Colton Burpo. He went to heaven and got to sit on Jesus' lap. They kicked him out. He's still here
The cynicism and ignorance of atheists hurts them all the days of their lives here on earth and that will be compounded mightily after they die.
The evidence of their nonsense is all around them, a tiny fraction of which I explore in my book, but atheists refuse to see.

I hope and pray that my books will continue to educate and encourage many thousands and my Brilliant Medical Alert will save many hundreds of lives and millions of their dollars in the process.

While I am here, I continue to pray to do all the good I can every day and I ask for more work, more responsibility
, more ways I can help more people
We have heard it said that "God doesn't give you more than you can handle."

God must think I'm a real badass what with my full plate.....

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I was having this discussion earlier and I just thought that it would be an interesting poll. Me personally, I want to go to Heaven to be with the Lord and my past lost family members who I really miss and once I get there I do not want to come back to earth either. What about you? I guess with Spooktember coming up next month and starting to get into the Halloween season already, I start thinking about death a little bit more lol

Nothing !! All your chemical / electrical signals stop and you don’t exist
This is the great mystery isn't it? All is revealed and we can't share it with anyone on earth. I had.the most intense.dream last week and it was religious in nature. Brief but VERY intense. I'm hoping it was G_d reaching out to me. I wonder if the evil ones who have harmed me also have dreams. I fear the Lord even as I want to be welcomed into the next life.
You don’t exist
"More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than the answering of any other basic question. The whole tenor of human life is affected by whether men regard themselves as the supreme being in the universe or acknowledge a super-human being whom they conceive as an object of fear or love, a force to be defined or a Lord to be obeyed." - Mortimer Adler, PhD, Former President of the University of Chicago and Editor of the Great Books of the Western World
For me - Reincarnation. That’s what I believe happens to probably about 80% of Souls with only the best 10% allowed to move on to. a Higher Place for eternity and the worst 10% condemned to a Lower Place for eternity.

I know I’m not in that top group. I can only hope I’m not in the lower group.
I was having this discussion earlier and I just thought that it would be an interesting poll. Me personally, I want to go to Heaven to be with the Lord and my past lost family members who I really miss and once I get there I do not want to come back to earth either. What about you? I guess with Spooktember coming up next month and starting to get into the Halloween season already, I start thinking about death a little bit more lol
Everyone would WANT to go to heaven, but since there is no afterlife you just cease to exist. Kind of like you were before you were born.

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