What does AI think about the Democrat party?

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020

Remember that these are created 'people' and their views are based on majority thinking on social media.

"The results are surprising and also for those constitutional lovers of liberty, the result is somewhat inspiring. Spread the word."
I spent a couple of months working on a Data Science model of 12 of the most free countries and I found interesting correlations between various policies and what it means for economic success. Two fairly large and broad datasets while applying different mathematical models.

There was a time I was going to reach out to the Canadian government with what I found, but I figured "they have the resources and can figure it out themselves". Then the pandemic hit of course and it was clear the race to insolvency was on.

Based on the results of our economy since I first did that work it doesn't appear that they have done their homework, not that anyone from any Party would listen to me anyways.

Models are just models, only as precise as the underlying assumptions anyways. It's always interesting to map information out though.
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The left doesn't want to see what AI thinks about the democrat party. If they don't see it, and don't comment on it other than insult the right, then it doesn't exist...or it's a lie. LoL
I had a Sociology teacher that was in a group that was defining what was going to happen in the next 50 years in this country. This group she was in was made up of Sociology professors, Sociology experts, and Sociology teachers. This was in 1978.

She told us about this "club" she was in, what they were doing, and what they had derived so far. Everything that has happened since I was in high school, was predicted exactly to the "T" by her Sociology group. Some of the dates were a bit off, but everything that HAS happened, she told us WOULD happen and why.

Anybody that uses their brains and intelligence, doesn't need a group of Sociology experts to determine whats going to happen in the future.
Remember that these are created 'people' and their views are based on majority thinking on social media.

"The results are surprising and also for those constitutional lovers of liberty, the result is somewhat inspiring. Spread the word."
That "AI" research is balderdash. I have worked in AI for a decade. One necessity of AI is to train it with data so it is able to handle a specific real world problem. The algorithm is no more reliable than the data set you supervise it with. It is very obvious that the "research" was biased toward far right memes. Bringing up Hitler and democrats being jealous of Taliban is simply idiocy.

In short the researcher was really fully brainwashing the AI, if the research was actually done at all.
I have worked in AI for a decade.
Believe me, no one here thinks you worked in AI. That is a career for college grads and smart people.

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The christian troll does his ad hominem again.
Only to counter the atheists trolls. That's a smart strategy.


Anyway, I remembered watching a classic HG Wells sci-fi movie on tv called War of the Worlds (1953). It had Martians who used electromagnetic energy to conquer Earth. You can see that HG Wells was a devout Christian watching the film (until Darwin?).
Remember that these are created 'people' and their views are based on majority thinking on social media.

"The results are surprising and also for those constitutional lovers of liberty, the result is somewhat inspiring. Spread the word."

Right. To bad some seem to lack the "Intelligence" to realize that this is all a giant joke.

First, as usual I decided to see what the site was that posted this. "Americaoutloud.Com", created by "Malcolm". And it is all created to spread his own webcast. Right, Malcolm. WHat, is he like Cher and Madonna, and never use a last name?

Then the writer of this "article". Dr. Joel S Holmes.

Dr. Joel S Holmes is an engineer, previously working in hydropower, and working since 2009 in antimicrobial electrochemistry. Non-medical technology helping business and industry achieve safer surfaces and safer air.

 He has written several books on the pandemic, and also on Democrat cooperation with Russian efforts to subvert the US political process, and now subverting the pandemic remediation process.

Who also on other sites claims to be a computer security expert, and has published over a dozen different books, on everything from COVID and other topics. And is an engineer in hydropower, microbes, and so many other topics it is absolutely amazing.

Dr. Joel S. Holmes is an engineer, working in intelligence analysis for private industry. He helps protect American companies technology secrets from industrial espionage.

But want to know the most amazing thing? I just finished looking at dozens of "biographies" about him. And amazingly, not a single one says where "he" went to school, or what his actual degrees are in. Not a single institution. It is almost as if, he does not really exist.

And the article itself, is worthy of a chuckle in and of itself.

It’s worth trying because the messages might be encouraging, so our computer programming team decided to give it a try. Using an old but still functioning supercomputer from a state college.

To our surprise, the messages, the picture of the American people rang true, loud and clear.

The videos of the message are here. If the reception is good to this method and this idea, we can do it again. Here are the first two results, early September 2021, videos on Rumble created by our Artificial Intelligence computer:

Uh, what "State College"? What "Supercomputer"?

In other words, I am calling this entire thing a hoax, and bullcrap. I do not believe this person exists, nor does the college, computer, or "programming team". Is just a guy in his mother's basement that learned how to use some basic computer graphics software.

Some of you all need to learn how to tell real information from garbage. And this would have to move up a step or two before it even became garbage. This is absolute coprolite.

You are aware are you not, that Darwin wrote "The Origin of Man" in 1859.

And Herbert Wells was born in 1866.

So he was a devout Christian, until 7 years before he was born?
When was the film War of the Worlds made? That's way after Darwin. I'm referring to the film. I recommend that you watch the film and you'll see what I am referring to.

For example, the Martians use electromagnetic energy (which God created first) while the humans use nuclear powered weapons. Electromagnetic energy is way more powerful.
Right. To bad some seem to lack the "Intelligence" to realize that this is all a giant joke.

First, as usual I decided to see what the site was that posted this. "Americaoutloud.Com", created by "Malcolm". And it is all created to spread his own webcast. Right, Malcolm. WHat, is he like Cher and Madonna, and never use a last name?

Then the writer of this "article". Dr. Joel S Holmes.

Who also on other sites claims to be a computer security expert, and has published over a dozen different books, on everything from COVID and other topics. And is an engineer in hydropower, microbes, and so many other topics it is absolutely amazing.


But want to know the most amazing thing? I just finished looking at dozens of "biographies" about him. And amazingly, not a single one says where "he" went to school, or what his actual degrees are in. Not a single institution. It is almost as if, he does not really exist.

And the article itself, is worthy of a chuckle in and of itself.

Uh, what "State College"? What "Supercomputer"?

In other words, I am calling this entire thing a hoax, and bullcrap. I do not believe this person exists, nor does the college, computer, or "programming team". Is just a guy in his mother's basement that learned how to use some basic computer graphics software.

Some of you all need to learn how to tell real information from garbage. And this would have to move up a step or two before it even became garbage. This is absolute coprolite.
Right. Thanks for your detailed investigation. I first thought that he used some AI app and fed it biased data. But now I agree it's nothing more than made up crap. He's the kind of person who is destroying America by further creating deep seated hatred between the right and left.
No...the left has created that deep seated hatred and continues it. Then the left gets its panties in a wad when people have had enough and start giving it back.
No...the left has created that deep seated hatred and continues it. Then the left gets its panties in a wad when people have had enough and start giving it back.
I understand why you feel that way. You have fallen for a hoax in you OP. And you have probably fallen for others. QAnon is one big hoax for example.
When was the film War of the Worlds made? That's way after Darwin. I'm referring to the film. I recommend that you watch the film and you'll see what I am referring to.

For example, the Martians use electromagnetic energy (which God created first) while the humans use nuclear powered weapons. Electromagnetic energy is way more powerful.


You are making absolutely no sense.
No...the left has created that deep seated hatred and continues it. Then the left gets its panties in a wad when people have had enough and start giving it back.

Look, I do not really care which side is to "blame". But the way to address things is not to make crap up. Because even if you are 100% correct, does not doing so make you just as bad if not worse than the other side?

Do you want to be able to hold the high ground by posting based on facts, or do you aim to sink yourself as low as the side you seem to be fighting against?
you oughta care which side has started. If you won't admit that then you won't come up with any solutions to the problem. You'll just be spinning wheels. People have got to admit the truth . YES> Both sides are jerks...but it is the left that started this whole thing. The socialists infiltrated THE LEFT...and continue to this day. Recognize it admit it and FIX IT.
Right. Thanks for your detailed investigation. I first thought that he used some AI app and fed it biased data. But now I agree it's nothing more than made up crap. He's the kind of person who is destroying America by further creating deep seated hatred between the right and left.

Well, "fake news" is real, and it comes from both sides politically.

But it is not hard to spot it most times, especially when it is as bad as this is. I just did some simple things I always do when by "BS alert" goes off.

First, I check the site itself. Most somewhere have an "about" page, to explain how the site came about, and what their goal is. THis is how that started on that site:

The America Out Loud Story begins with Malcolm’s vision of a platform that would bring together the country’s best voices and minds. Voices that would be as passionate as he is about Constitutional America and the values that built the foundation of this amazing nation. That vision gave birth to a unique multimedia platform that would combine classic talk radio, great writers, and memorable podcasts and videos.

In April 2016, Malcolm created America Out Loud to express his Out Loud love of country and bring together like-minded patriots to discuss the issues, the policies, the politics, the crises, and the future of America in relation to the rest of the world. The America Out Loud website uses the written and spoken word – in articles, on talk radio, and on podcasts – to share its message of love and honor for America and its founding principles.

OK, so right away it makes me think it is just a one man operation, and I suspect this all might be the work of "Malcolm".

Then I read the story again. Noticing the things that should be there, but are not. No school name being mentioned is the largest one. Now how many articles like this are ever published, without the name of the school being mentioned? I honestly can't think of a single one, schools love publicity. That there is a huge strike against the reliability of the article.

And finally, I decided to check the reputation of the author. And holy crap! Apparently the author does not even really exist, other than as a name on some really out there books, and articles like this one. I saw specialties that changed radically, depending on what was being written about that time. This "Doctor" is a computer specialist, an engineer, he does cryptography, medical research, international finance, and a dozen other things. All being critical in some way in what he had just published.

And once again, something almost unheard of/ A person with a "Doctorate", that never discusses where they got it. And not one school claims to have given it to him. And yes, I did a fair amount of research into this, because I got curious. And finding nothing, I did more looking. And it all points in circles.

But I added "americaoutloud" to my mental list of garbage fake websites, along with the duffleblog and babylonbee. And to be honest, I tend to be rather shocked that in 2021 people are still so easily fooled by such. The red flags are all over this article, if one just reads it with a little common sense and healthy disbelief.

And I do not mean that like "I believe nothing", but I want any article to show enough facts to convince me it is accurate. There was a argument between tow Senators in the halls of Congress? Well, better give me both sides of the argument, not just one. Give me witnesses, and do not appear to be heavily biased. What most call "fake news" is really just biased news. But this is without a doubt 100% fake. In fact, I am pretty sure I saw this exact same claim before a few years ago, so it is not even new.

I wonder if I made a post of this, how many would believe it.

WASHINGTON — In a stunning reversal of policy this morning, the Biden administration announced it has offered to trade back former Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl to the Taliban in exchange for the safe passage of American citizens and interpreters attempting to flee Afghanistan.

“We do not normally trade back war prisoners after securing their freedom, but let’s be honest, we got a pretty bad deal when we released the five guys currently running the Taliban in exchange for Bergdahl,” said one senior administration official.

“We thought Bergdahl would have at least gathered some intel in the five years he spent with the Taliban, but no. He just kept complaining how scratchy the blindfolds were and whining that deserting wasn’t ‘as much fun’ as he thought it would be.”

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