What does HC ruling mean for Obama in November?

Unemployment down
Gas Prices down
Obamacare, law of the land
BinLaden dead

Not much Romney has left

Gas prices down?? really?...oh you are ignoring the previous 3 years...


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All the polls I have seen over 60 percent of the voters do not like this law.. If they vote like they are voting for the poll Obama is done
It likely means he will lose.

Had Obamacare been ruled unconstitutional, I would have voted third party.

Now the election is a clear choice between obamacare and no obamacare.

I can no longer in good conscience vote for anything but 'no obamacare'...that means Romney.

Listen everyone............do you hear that sound?

That's the sound of libertarians and independents marching into Camp Romney knowing that they must now defeat Obama and Obamacare.

All the polls I have seen over 60 percent of the voters do not like this law.. If they vote like they are voting for the poll Obama is done

Who will they vote for? Romney? Are people really that fucking stupid?

It sort of reminds me of battered-spouse syndrome. "This time he's changed... He promised. He really, really loves me and he's never ever gonna hit me again, if I just take him back one more time ..."
All the polls I have seen over 60 percent of the voters do not like this law.. If they vote like they are voting for the poll Obama is done

Who will they vote for? Romney? Are people really that fucking stupid?

It sort of reminds me of battered-spouse syndrome. "This time he's changed... He promised. He really, really loves me and he's never ever gonna hit me again, if I just take him back one more time ..."

Isn't that what you would say if you were voting for Obama? I'm confused.
So if the court had ruled against the law, he would lose. But since they upheld it, he will lose....:badgrin:

Damned if you do, damned if you don't...happens all the time.

Same on the GOP side, had it been ruled unconstitutional, the Republicans would have won the battle...getting rid of the mandate, but lost the war...four more years of Obama.

Fwiw, I think Roberts was right...the commerce clause was limited, but the legislature has the right to tax. It is not the courts job the rule on the wisdom of a law...or even to allow those variables to taint their deliberations...their only objective is to judge what the Constitution allows and what it doesn't allow.
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All the polls I have seen over 60 percent of the voters do not like this law.. If they vote like they are voting for the poll Obama is done

Who will they vote for? Romney? Are people really that fucking stupid?

It sort of reminds me of battered-spouse syndrome. "This time he's changed... He promised. He really, really loves me and he's never ever gonna hit me again, if I just take him back one more time ..."

Isn't that what you would say if you were voting for Obama? I'm confused.

Yep. What are you confused about?
Unemployment down numbers issued by obama's labor department
Gas Prices down Not a shocker it's election years and obama threaten to open up the strategic reserve
Obamacare, law of the land 25% of the undecided just made up their minds today small battle won by obama but you just lost the war.
BinLaden dead bin ladin never was wanted by the FBI for 911

Not much Romney has left

You were saying?
Oh the dow dropped sharply after the ruling today.

ObamaCare Decision: Dow Falls Sharply After SCOTUS Ruling, Romney Speaks, Pelosi: “Victory for the American people”
ObamaCare Decision: Dow Falls Sharply After SCOTUS Ruling, Romney Speaks, Pelosi:
This is Obama's worst nightmare. His signature accomplishment in 3.5 years has been ruled a tax. It was a bad piece of legislation to start with and now the spotlight will be on how much this thing will cost when fully implemented. Those dancing with glee either don't understand health policy or believe that we do not.

I would prefer a public option, but a mandate is ok too.

The Swiss have had one for 20 years and it works fine.

Well, fuck off and live in Switzerland.
Obama has defeated America's two greatest enemies....Al Qaeda and the Republican Party.

Republicans are one of America's greatest enemies? You might want to have a look in the mirror for that one.

The GOP needs to be sent a truckload of diapers and pacifiers, while the tea party needs to be charged under RICO

You may want to keep the diapers and pacifiers for November. You're going to need them for yourself.

As to RICO, on what grounds?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJVMWjTQh_Y]Obama Pledges to Not Raise Middle Class Taxes - YouTube[/ame]

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Obama will gain big time. The GOP thugs have been throwing a pissy fit over the healthcare plan for years, it was the #1 thing they were going after and it blew up in their faces, giving a crushing defeat for the R's.

Most people know that raising taxes during a recession is not a good idea. Obama and the Democrats passed Obameacare that is the largest tax increase in history. I suggest that they will lose in November.
It likely means he will lose.

Had Obamacare been ruled unconstitutional, I would have voted third party.

Now the election is a clear choice between obamacare and no obamacare.

I can no longer in good conscience vote for anything but 'no obamacare'...that means Romney.

HAHA ... right. The one guy who's actually done more to force people to buy health insurance than Obama.

We've been had folks. Unless people wake up and ... well nevermind that. Sheep to the slaughter.

Allow me to break this down for you logically, and then you may point out the flaw in my reasoning.

If Obama wins the chances of Obamacare being repealed is zero percent.

If you vote third party, the probability of your candidate winning is zero percent...plus it increases the probability of an Obama victory, which we have already stipulated reduces the probability of repeal to zero.

Therefore, voting for Romney is undeniably the best course of action if your goal is the repeal of Obamacare, as the probability of repeal is greater than zero percent.

Can you find a flaw in my reasoning?
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It likely means he will lose.

Had Obamacare been ruled unconstitutional, I would have voted third party.

Now the election is a clear choice between obamacare and no obamacare.

I can no longer in good conscience vote for anything but 'no obamacare'...that means Romney.

HAHA ... right. The one guy who's actually done more to force people to buy health insurance than Obama.

We've been had folks. Unless people wake up and ... well nevermind that. Sheep to the slaughter.

Allow me to break this down for you logically, and then you may point out the flaw in my reasoning.

If Obama wins the chances of Obamacare being repealed is zero percent.

If you vote third party, the probability of your candidate winning is zero percent...plus it increases the probability of an Obama victory, which we have already stipulated reduces the probability of repeal to zero.

Therefore, voting for Romney is undeniably the best course of action if your goal is the repeal of Obamacare, as the probability of repeal is greater than zero percent.

Can you find a flaw in my reasoning?

I was more concerned about the precedent than the law itself.

Now that's been shot I really don't give a fuck about the law. We were always gonna get stuck with the bill either way yo.

I was planning to vote for Johnson before and this ruling hasn't changed my mind.
It likely means he will lose.

Had Obamacare been ruled unconstitutional, I would have voted third party.

Now the election is a clear choice between obamacare and no obamacare.

I can no longer in good conscience vote for anything but 'no obamacare'...that means Romney.

HAHA ... right. The one guy who's actually done more to force people to buy health insurance than Obama.

We've been had folks. Unless people wake up and ... well nevermind that. Sheep to the slaughter.

Allow me to break this down for you logically, and then you may point out the flaw in my reasoning.

If Obama wins the chances of Obamacare being repealed is zero percent.

At this point it all depends on Congress. We'll need to elect reps and senators who will fight the mandate.

When it comes to the president, we're screwed pretty much equally whether Obama or Romney gets in. Which makes the rest of your argument sort of irrelevant,

but this part is an obvious error, so, for completeness sake:
If you vote third party ... it increases the probability of an Obama victory
Nope. Doesn't work that way. The only way for me to increase the chances of Obama winning is to vote for Obama.

Therefore, voting for Romney is undeniably the best course of action if your goal is the repeal of Obamacare

It's undeniably the worst. Romney has no principled objects to using government to herd people into the insurance industry pens. Even if he makes some token attempt to repeal PPACA, he'll pursue the same policy goals. I can't delude myself enough to make that obvious observation go away.

The reason it's actually slightly worse to vote for Romney is the aforementioned congressional opposition. The strongest opposition to the mandate will come from predominantly Republican reps. They'll be less likely to oppose Romney, whereas they will fight Obama at every turn.
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