What does "Let's go Brandon" mean to you?

In what way is this about Trump, Mac? The American people think Joe Biden is an idiot! "Let's Go Brandon" is them mocking his incompetence. That isn't something that's being done by just "Trumpsters"! Joe Biden has become a laughingstock to many Independents as well. It's what happens when you are woefully bad at your job...people start saying things about you behind your back...then it reaches the point where they don't even respect you enough to do that. They tell you right to your face what an idiot they think you are. Joe Biden has reached that point.
:thankusmile:Mac as always everyday gets his ass handed to him on a platter.:biggrin:
When I hear people bring up the topic, it's almost always an insult to the media.

It is the Right's version of this...

When I hear people bring up the topic, it's almost always an insult to the media. In fact several days ago we had really warm weather and one of the guys around the coffee pot said he could have sworn the weatherman said it would be colder and another guy responded "let's go Brandon" which drew a bunch of laughs. At no time was anyone discussing anything political, nor did politics, the potato or anything possibly related come up. People just commented on the fact that weather in Texas couldn't be predicted that well, and if you didn't like the current weather, wait a few minutes and it would change.

Then bitching about management began being mumbled about.

lgbt seemed to be the "inspiration" for the "let's go brandon" deal, which is like a euphemism for something so sickening to people from the beginnings, when the practices it represents were worthy of death by stoning, a pretty brutal end for a human being who was not moved by the need for more babies being born so wars wouldn't wind up being genocide of one's continuance through having children and spending 18 years, more or less, taking care of the little tyke until that person could take care of himself and others through agreeing to go to battle if a male and for replenishing the race if a fecund female. Realities aside, lgbt may still mean a mother's heart broken when the son rejected his traditional roll of paternity of children and leadership and protection of the family he participated in creating.

Let's go "Brandon" is just another way of expressing frustration of a non-productive relationship that makes some straight people wanna hurl, when an upstart son decides he is disinterested in being dumped by girlfriend after girlfriend until the right one comes along, or if he carries anger at a pretty woman he wanted in the worst way. It's then convenient to trash the wisdom of his elders whom he also bears anger that is residual with the ultimate frustration of not getting what he wanted and not realizing what pain he would bring to those whom he brought into the world. And there's not a thing his parents can do about it except to give their fortune to charity at the end of their lives as they went without the satisfaction of having decency of children taking their place in what society considers safety for the right one he passed up before he met her and fell to satisfying natural urges by alternative means. Some people never get over seeing the parents they love beaten up by the humility their child brought against their family's honor which is society's way of blaming someone for that child being driven to the alternative lifestyle he chose, often well into maturity. Instead of taking responsibility for the error, it's easier just to satisfy that longing in a way his family disapproves, so he shuts himself off from society and doubles down his dependency on Brandon. Eh, don't kill the messenger, plz. Thx.

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