What does living within your means really mean?

The people that support the government are the ones who crashed the economy.
Those people who do not live within their means is why the economy was crashed.

Correct. The crash was enabled by both parties when they capitalized on getting everyone one into homes even if they couldn't afford it as a way to buy votes. Once the economy crashed due to the Democrats and Republicans, they now try and capitalize on blaming the other party to win votes as can be seen by TM.

To buy votes? You're joking, right?

Making it possible to get people in homes they can't afford, or keep people in homes they can't afford by using tax payer money is buying votes. Also, helping to create a bubble because it makes the economy look good when you know it's going to blow up is buying votes as well because it was made possible by DUN DUN DUN... massive Government spending.

If the Government (federal) would just follow the constitution we wouldn't have many of the issues we have today, like unsustainable debt mainly caused by one system or another of welfare that people are hooked on. All done to buy votes.
I have no debt. I have no credit. I will keep it that way.

I have no debt and the only credit card I have is the one on my debit card.

I don't owe anybody a dime.

I live within my means.

Same. And I refuse to play the bank "good credit/bad credit" game. If I'm off the grid, so be it. I honor my taxes, pay cash for everything. If I ever decide I need to drive again, I'll pay $1k out of pocket for a junker, and run it into the ground.
how does that get done when you guys crashed the economy and so many cant get ONE job.

heartless fucking cons

Don't be silly, there are plenty of jobs out there just waiting for people to do them. Have you EVERY gone past a McDonalds and not seen a "Help Wanted" sign out front?

Just because people are unwilling to go out and do the jobs that are open doesn't mean that there aren't jobs out there to be had.


She's more than just silly. She's pretty damned generous with other peoples money.

She thinks everyone should be overjoyed to take care of the freeloaders and how those same freeloaders DESERVE to be taken care of by the taxpayers. If you don't think like her then your heartless.

The poor babies would all starve in the streets. Not likely.

She doesn't seem to realize that if the free ride came to a screeching halt these same people would get off their assses and take care of themselves because they would HAVE to. Right now they don't have to and thats exactly how they like it. Nothing like FREE money to buy your food, pay your rent and make sure your kids get to the doctor and the best thing about it is they don't have to work at all to have all that accomplied for them.

Thank god for other peoples money.

so we have no economic problem then huh?

Obama must have fixed it all according to you guys.

People just need to take all those jobs that are just wating and everything is fine?
I have no debt and the only credit card I have is the one on my debit card.

I don't owe anybody a dime.

I live within my means.

You own your home outright?

Absolutely. Bought and payed for. I also own both cars sitting in my driveway.

I pay cash for everything that I purchase with one exception.

Both My current vehicles are payed for and have been for many years. I will however have to get another at some point and the will be financed. The exception.

Love having no car payment.

i have two cars and no payments either.

Did you buy your house with cash?

the cars?
See aid to the hungry works.

lets keep doing it

Glenn Beck and his GBTV audience this past week gathered enough funds to fill 11 tractor-trailers [and growing] to feed over 1,000,000 people.

He had a nationwide lemonade/bake sale yesterday in over 300 cities across the nation to go toward the effort.

It's called 'Restoring Love'.

The point is that we don't need government. WE the people can do these things on our own.
I'll pay $1k out of pocket for a junker, and run it into the ground.

The manditory license, sales tax, personal property tax, inspection, insurance & first tank of gas will cost you more than the $1k car.

Junkers are fun for demolition derby racing.
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See aid to the hungry works.

lets keep doing it

Glenn Beck and his GBTV audience this past week gathered enough funds to fill 11 tractor-trailers [and growing] to feed over 1,000,000 people.

He had a nationwide lemonade/bake sale yesterday in over 300 cities across the nation to go toward the effort.

It's called 'Restoring Love'.

The point is that we don't need government. WE the people can do these things on our own.

you plan has NEVER in history filled the void.

stop lying
I'll pay $1k out of pocket for a junker, and run it into the ground.

The manditory license, tax, inspection, insurance & first tank of gas will cost you more than the $1k car.

Junkers are fun for demolition derby racing.

No it won't. I'm old, and insurance costs next to nothing. I also rarely leave home.

And I've driven two junkers for three and five years respectively. They never needed repairs. Toyota - long may they wave.

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