What does living within your means really mean?

Goes without saying.

Truthsplatters believes in the producers paying for the poor and downtrodden. We should be overjoyed to pay our own bills along with theirs.

God forbid they take care of themselves. God forbid they actually work two jobs to take care of themselves. Shit. Might be nice if they had even one job.

how does that get done when you guys crashed the economy and so many cant get ONE job.

heartless fucking cons

My GOD... the IGNORANCE of the things you say is BEYOND DESCRIPTION or normal COMPREHENSION.


You HAVE to be under the care of a hospice or NUT FARM.


Oh the "your a poopy pants" in the face of facts.

Your party crashed the entire world economy for the second time in one lifetime.

Now you want to employ the same damned historically failed ideas.

your silly childish insults dont change the facts
how does that get done when you guys crashed the economy and so many cant get ONE job.

heartless fucking cons

My GOD... the IGNORANCE of the things you say is BEYOND DESCRIPTION or normal COMPREHENSION.


You HAVE to be under the care of a hospice or NUT FARM.


Oh the "your a poopy pants" in the face of facts.

Your party crashed the entire world economy for the second time in one lifetime.

Now you want to employ the same damned historically failed ideas.

your silly childish insults dont change the facts

Pale Rider was pretty much spot on about you.:eusa_hand:
Got into a discussion with The Rabbi about this, he thinks a credit card of $3500 is still living within your means. That is apparently the average these days; I say it depends on your ability to pay it off. If you have an average income X, and you spend on average X, then you are living within your means. Some months you go over, some months you don't, it evens out over time. But if you're exceeding X in spending on a regular basis and your debt is growing, then you are not living within your means.

The use of credit is living within your means IF the value of your assets is increasing as much or more than the amout you owe. For instance, I may owe $10,000 on an automobile that I need for work, but the work itself substantially exceeds the amount owed on the automobile and the other expenses that I have, that is a debt that is well without our means. Ditto for mortgages on real estate of value that equals or exceeds the amount of the down payment and the mortgage so long as our income allows us to make the mortgage payments.

But if your debt is increasing when the value of your assets is not, you are not living within your means.
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Who would Jesus let die ?

Heartless fucking cons.

make that your platform

Quote Jesus and then use the F word...... wow, I do not think Jesus would do that

Man has free will, he makes choices, some right some wrong, but to demonize someone or a group of people for something you may not be willing to do yourself is silly.

People are starving all over the world, it is regrettable but life is tough.

Have you sold everything you own TM and given it to the poor and starving?, per your reference this is what Jesus said to do.

It is not heartless to say we cannot solve all the problems, even starving.

Why do you Libs give Billions to other Countries, why not keep it here in the US to feed our dieing?

Until you Libs want to sell all your possessions, get rid of the 300k house and live in a 40k house then use all that extra money to help the poor, then get off your holier than tho band-wagon and leave the rest of us alone.

You keep ribbing the Cons about not having a heart, why is it a documented fact that Conservatives give more to charity than Libs?

I grew up dirt poor farmer family was sharecroppers didn't even own the dirt or the house they lived on.

And I'm sure you and your familily rose above it and prevailed as any American when they are afforded the oppritunity and government isn't in your way.

Hell yes we did. I was the first in my family that went to college. My mother finally got her GED a few years ago because she had to quit school when she was a kid father did the same thing. Funny thing they were smarter than most educated people even without the paper.

God Bless you!
how does that get done when you guys crashed the economy and so many cant get ONE job.

heartless fucking cons

My GOD... the IGNORANCE of the things you say is BEYOND DESCRIPTION or normal COMPREHENSION.


You HAVE to be under the care of a hospice or NUT FARM.


Oh the "your a poopy pants" in the face of facts.

Your party crashed the entire world economy for the second time in one lifetime.

Now you want to employ the same damned historically failed ideas.

your silly childish insults dont change the facts

I rest my case ... :eusa_hand:

The whole damn board should have your lamebrain, simpleton ass on IGNORE. I would if I wasn't a mod. Unfortunately I HAVE to read your CRAP.

You are, beyond a SHADOW OF A DOUBT, the DUMBEST person on the board.
Dear fucking idiots,

you crashed the economy and MANY cant even find one job

The people that support the government are the ones who crashed the economy.
Those people who do not live within their means is why the economy was crashed.

Correct. The crash was enabled by both parties when they capitalized on getting everyone one into homes even if they couldn't afford it as a way to buy votes. Once the economy crashed due to the Democrats and Republicans, they now try and capitalize on blaming the other party to win votes as can be seen by TM.
Dear fucking idiots,

you crashed the economy and MANY cant even find one job

The people that support the government are the ones who crashed the economy.
Those people who do not live within their means is why the economy was crashed.

Correct. The crash was enabled by both parties when they capitalized on getting everyone one into homes even if they couldn't afford it as a way to buy votes. Once the economy crashed due to the Democrats and Republicans, they now try and capitalize on blaming the other party to win votes as can be seen by TM.

To buy votes? You're joking, right?
your correct.

and there are those who if they tried living within their means would starve to death

Name one person who has starved to death in this country.

True. If you don't get fed from the plethora of charities in this nation, or the Government? Then you aren't looking. but even the government in certain cities are making it illegal/difficult for citizens/charities to feed those whom are without having a permit to do so.:eusa_shhh:
Goes without saying.

Truthsplatters believes in the producers paying for the poor and downtrodden. We should be overjoyed to pay our own bills along with theirs.

God forbid they take care of themselves. God forbid they actually work two jobs to take care of themselves. Shit. Might be nice if they had even one job.

how does that get done when you guys crashed the economy and so many cant get ONE job.

heartless fucking cons

Don't be silly, there are plenty of jobs out there just waiting for people to do them. Have you EVERY gone past a McDonalds and not seen a "Help Wanted" sign out front?

Just because people are unwilling to go out and do the jobs that are open doesn't mean that there aren't jobs out there to be had.


She's more than just silly. She's pretty damned generous with other peoples money.

She thinks everyone should be overjoyed to take care of the freeloaders and how those same freeloaders DESERVE to be taken care of by the taxpayers. If you don't think like her then your heartless.

The poor babies would all starve in the streets. Not likely.

She doesn't seem to realize that if the free ride came to a screeching halt these same people would get off their assses and take care of themselves because they would HAVE to. Right now they don't have to and thats exactly how they like it. Nothing like FREE money to buy your food, pay your rent and make sure your kids get to the doctor and the best thing about it is they don't have to work at all to have all that accomplied for them.

Thank god for other peoples money.
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The people that support the government are the ones who crashed the economy.
Those people who do not live within their means is why the economy was crashed.

Correct. The crash was enabled by both parties when they capitalized on getting everyone one into homes even if they couldn't afford it as a way to buy votes. Once the economy crashed due to the Democrats and Republicans, they now try and capitalize on blaming the other party to win votes as can be seen by TM.

To buy votes? You're joking, right?

BOTH parties buy votes at the expense of the taxpayer. Where have you been?
how does that get done when you guys crashed the economy and so many cant get ONE job.

heartless fucking cons

My GOD... the IGNORANCE of the things you say is BEYOND DESCRIPTION or normal COMPREHENSION.


You HAVE to be under the care of a hospice or NUT FARM.


Oh the "your a poopy pants" in the face of facts.

Your party crashed the entire world economy for the second time in one lifetime.

Now you want to employ the same damned historically failed ideas.

your silly childish insults dont change the facts

The second time?

Hold on everybody... Let’s put the discussion on hold so we can make the thread all about TM and her un-un-restrainable hate towards Republicans.

So, TM... Feel free to blame people spending money they don't have by accumulating debt on Republicans somehow... We all really care what you have to say about the matter. Or maybe you can just hijack the thread and just vomit out anything that is on your mind… that has to do with you hating Republicans of course.
your correct.

and there are those who if they tried living within their means would starve to death

Name one person who has starved to death in this country.

True. If you don't get fed from the plethora of charities in this nation, or the Government? Then you aren't looking. but even the government in certain cities are making it illegal/difficult for citizens/charities to feed those whom are without having a permit to do so.:eusa_shhh:

There are soup kitchens in every big city in this country that serve hot meals for free during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If people are really in a bind they can go there, lets not forget you can still get cheeseburgers for 99 cents off the McDonalds dollar menu.
My parents survived the Depression and their advice to us was to get an education, take a civil service job, avoid credit and debt except for a mortgage, invest in nothing but U.S. Savings Bonds and live within your means regardless of any temptation. I have followed that advice to the letter and it's served me well.

I grew up dirt poor farmer family was sharecroppers didn't even own the dirt or the house they lived on.

I also grew up as a dirt poor farmer. It was the hardest work I have ever done for the lowest earnings I ever got. Some years we worked our ass off & lost big. Theres just nothing like seeing & hearing all your friends party while you working hard & losing money. I have to laugh when people talk about the rich farmers. None of them would last a few months at that job & payday only comes once a year if it ever comes at all.

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