What does living within your means really mean?

Who would Jesus let die ?

Heartless fucking cons.

make that your platform

Quote Jesus and then use the F word...... wow, I do not think Jesus would do that

Man has free will, he makes choices, some right some wrong, but to demonize someone or a group of people for something you may not be willing to do yourself is silly.

People are starving all over the world, it is regrettable but life is tough.

Have you sold everything you own TM and given it to the poor and starving?, per your reference this is what Jesus said to do.

It is not heartless to say we cannot solve all the problems, even starving.

Why do you Libs give Billions to other Countries, why not keep it here in the US to feed our dieing?

Until you Libs want to sell all your possessions, get rid of the 300k house and live in a 40k house then use all that extra money to help the poor, then get off your holier than tho band-wagon and leave the rest of us alone.

You keep ribbing the Cons about not having a heart, why is it a documented fact that Conservatives give more to charity than Libs?


because of religion.

YOU give more because of tything.

we vote for what to do in this country.

The country has v oted to feed starving children.

Jesus would have voted to feed starving children.

Why do you want them to starve?
There was a time when a parent who sent his/her child to school without breakfast or without lunch money on a regular basis would lose that child until he or she was willing and able to support that child.

Any child who starves to death in this country does so because his/her caretaker denies him/her food and not because there is no food to feed him/her.

Let's forcus our outrage there and not on the fact that the government isn't providing enough billions to more alcoholic, drugged out, or otherwise inresponsible or don't-give-a-damn parents. I would steal, beg, scrub toilets, or do whatever I had to do to ensure that my child did not miss a single meal

and they dont starve becasue of federal programs
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There was a time when a parent who sent his/her child to school without breakfast or without lunch money on a regular basis would lose that child until he or she was willing and able to support that child.

Any child who starves to death in this country does so because his/her caretaker denies him/her food and not because there is no food to feed him/her.

Let's forcus our outrage there and not on the fact that the government isn't providing enough billions to more alcoholic, drugged out, or otherwise inresponsible or don't-give-a-damn parents. I would steal, beg, scrub toilets, or do whatever I had to do to ensure that my child did not miss a single meal

and they dont starve becasue of federal programs

Can you name one person who ever starved in this country before these programs existed?
not at all... You are stupidly thinking they had all the blame for it.

dear idiot who wrote all the subprime and then rolled it into securites and sold it to unsuspecting buyers?

Don't you mean the ACORN and Congressional Democrat idiots who forced banks to write sub-prime mortgages?

How many sub primes were written and how many were mandated in the laws you speak of?

You see most were not involved with the CRA law
There was a time when a parent who sent his/her child to school without breakfast or without lunch money on a regular basis would lose that child until he or she was willing and able to support that child.

Any child who starves to death in this country does so because his/her caretaker denies him/her food and not because there is no food to feed him/her.

Let's forcus our outrage there and not on the fact that the government isn't providing enough billions to more alcoholic, drugged out, or otherwise inresponsible or don't-give-a-damn parents. I would steal, beg, scrub toilets, or do whatever I had to do to ensure that my child did not miss a single meal

and they dont starve becasue of federal programs

They sure as hell aren't starving due to lack of them.
There was a time when a parent who sent his/her child to school without breakfast or without lunch money on a regular basis would lose that child until he or she was willing and able to support that child.

Any child who starves to death in this country does so because his/her caretaker denies him/her food and not because there is no food to feed him/her.

Let's forcus our outrage there and not on the fact that the government isn't providing enough billions to more alcoholic, drugged out, or otherwise inresponsible or don't-give-a-damn parents. I would steal, beg, scrub toilets, or do whatever I had to do to ensure that my child did not miss a single meal

and they dont starve becasue of federal programs

They sure as hell aren't starving due to lack of them.

The federal programs have worked.

why do you want them gone?
TM is on a Republican hating quest... Looking for answers matters not when you are willing to spin anything.

It's amazing Democrats have not created the perfect society and done away with Republicans all together.
TM is on a Republican hating quest... Looking for answers matters not when you are willing to spin anything.

It's amazing Democrats have not created the perfect society and done away with Republicans all together.

I dont want to get rid of republicans.

i want them to stop fucking lying and trafficing in lies
dear idiot who wrote all the subprime and then rolled it into securites and sold it to unsuspecting buyers?

Don't you mean the ACORN and Congressional Democrat idiots who forced banks to write sub-prime mortgages?

How many sub primes were written and how many were mandated in the laws you speak of?

You see most were not involved with the CRA law

You're right TM, Government played no role in the housing crisis. Bush is off the hook for the recession thanks to you. Seeing as it was all the banks fault according to you.

CHIT!!! you better figure out a clever way outta this one!
tell me how many sub primes those two entities wrote?

how many securities did they sell?

The question is how many sub primes those two entities buy with tax payer backed funds.

In 1972 there was sub-prime housing bubbles caused by Ginni Mae.

you said they wrote and sold them earlier.

you changing your mind?

That was not me saying Fannie & Freddie sold them. They & HUD did buy the majority of them.
Credit is nothing more than a High Interest Loan... Until people realize that, they are bound to fail. I saw a girl buy a Slurpee at 7/11 yesterday with a Credit card, and I wondered how many years it would take, or if she was "ever" going to pay that Slurpee off. And No, it wasn't a Debit card either.
Not quite. Credit is payment of your debt subject to your agreement to reimburse the payor...with interest accrued and to be paid if you do not pay the full principle balance each month.

I pay the full amount each month and do NOT pay interest. It keeps me from having to carry a lot of cash or write a lot of checks.

Anyone that carries credit card debt and lets it ride month after month so they can continue to pay for their lifestyle is living beyond their means.
TM is on a Republican hating quest... Looking for answers matters not when you are willing to spin anything.

It's amazing Democrats have not created the perfect society and done away with Republicans all together.

I dont want to get rid of republicans.

i want them to stop fucking lying and trafficing in lies

Well sadly TM Republicans that hold office lie all the time. They claim to be about small Government and they create huge programs with Democrats and spend hundreds of billions we don't have on welfare. Later the Democrats get in power and manage to start more wars, spend hundreds of billions more on welfare programs and yet both sides claim to want to balance the budget, restrain the other side and repeal crappy policies that were put into place by the other party... Yet there are no cuts in spending, no repealing of policies and the budget only gets talked about when pointing fingers.

So both sides lie TM, unless you want t make the claim Democtars don't lie?

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