What does living within your means really mean?

see the cons want to take a program that has saved coutless lives and allow people to starve to death yet again in this country

What part of "certain aid" is your thick skull not comprehending? The Welfare system is broken and most of us Taxpayer's are tired of arbitrarily throwing money at people who contribute NOTHING to society, yet keep on demanding MORE. Nobody is starving to death...In fact it's the exact opposite. Lazy bums with nothing better to do than bitch about what other people have...And they do not. Sit back and wait for the monthly gift from the Taxpayer's, never wanting to do anything more for themselves to better their own lives... Yet the blame rests with everyone else BUT them. Spare me "your cons want them to starve" Bullshit. And by the way...It's "countless" you ass, not "coutless".

you just spewed a pack of lies

Because my honesty hits too close to home it is a pack of lies. Whatever dingbat.:badgrin:
man you need to study some history.

Ill wait for you to do that before I waste any more time on your stupid ass

In other words, you can't produce the evidence requested.

Thanks for playing!

dude your the one claiming no one was even hungry during the GD

You claimed 10 million people starved to death during the Great Depression. It's your claim. Now support it. I don't have to prove big foot doesn't exist when you're the one claiming he does.
Well sadly TM Republicans that hold office lie all the time. They claim to be about small Government and they create huge programs with Democrats and spend hundreds of billions we don't have on welfare. Later the Democrats get in power and manage to start more wars, spend hundreds of billions more on welfare programs and yet both sides claim to want to balance the budget, restrain the other side and repeal crappy policies that were put into place by the other party... Yet there are no cuts in spending, no repealing of policies and the budget only gets talked about when pointing fingers.

So both sides lie TM, unless you want t make the claim Democtars don't lie?

The republican platform is full of lies.

The democratic one is not.

The republicans platforms gave us both the GD and this crash.

It was not the dems programs that did this

Well... There it is. If BS has a name it's TM.

Yup. The Democratic platform isn't full of lies?? they are as honest as they come. Yeah Right.

Wonder what planet OL'Truthsplatters lives on because it sure ain't this one.

Both parties crashed the economy and both parties are still spending like drunken sailors. Even with us 17 trillion in debt the idiots can't stop spending.
Who would Jesus let die ?

The real question is who would he let remain dead. And that answer to that is nobody. That's why His sacrifice has ensured that all men and women will rise in the Resurrection.

What this has to do with debt is something I cant answer.

what they claim will work has never worked in the history of man.

they are full of lies

Just so we are clear, I'm not going to read your link because I already said Republicans that hold office are liars.

The problem is Republicans today are very similar to Democrats of today so why does it matter? We need a Harding and Coolidge, someone that will cut spending, cut bad regulation and uphold the constitution and not fear people crying when their welfare is not there.

The Democrat platform has never worked in the history of the world TM… It always leads to millions dying, there is ample proof of that.
In other words, you can't produce the evidence requested.

Thanks for playing!

dude your the one claiming no one was even hungry during the GD

You claimed 10 million people starved to death during the Great Depression. It's your claim. Now support it. I don't have to prove big foot doesn't exist when you're the one claiming he does.

10 million turns into "no one" and starving turns into "hungry." Fuck I get hungry everyday.... FUCK YOU OBAMA, MILLIONS ARE HUNGRY, INCLUDING ME!

what they claim will work has never worked in the history of man.

they are full of lies

Just so we are clear, I'm not going to read your link because I already said Republicans that hold office are liars.

The problem is Republicans today are very similar to Democrats of today so why does it matter? We need a Harding and Coolidge, someone that will cut spending, cut bad regulation and uphold the constitution and not fear people crying when their welfare is not there.

The Democrat platform has never worked in the history of the world TM… It always leads to millions dying, there is ample proof of that.

That LINK is the republican party platform you asshole.

they advocate a program that has NEVER in history worked as they claim it will.

Hell it failed just a couple of years ago you fucking idiot
true, Jesus did not advocate in letting people starve to death.
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TM lives in a perfect world. the rest of us have to make do with what we have. If I can't pay for it I don't buy it. I own 2 used cars, live in a modest apartment and eat only what I can pay for. What is wrong with that. By the way I don't have an IPad, big screen anything, movey room or debt. It is not so hard to figure out for most of us

and you will never won a home.

Wow, there's a contest where you can win a home? How do I find that contest? I'd like to add another home to my collection.
dude your the one claiming no one was even hungry during the GD

You claimed 10 million people starved to death during the Great Depression. It's your claim. Now support it. I don't have to prove big foot doesn't exist when you're the one claiming he does.

10 million turns into "no one" and starving turns into "hungry." Fuck I get hungry everyday.... FUCK YOU OBAMA, MILLIONS ARE HUNGRY, INCLUDING ME!

heres an idea.

next time read the links given you and you would realise it wasnt me saying it.

So you are going to back the complete fucking idiot who claims no one went hungry during the GD?
TM lives in a perfect world. the rest of us have to make do with what we have. If I can't pay for it I don't buy it. I own 2 used cars, live in a modest apartment and eat only what I can pay for. What is wrong with that. By the way I don't have an IPad, big screen anything, movey room or debt. It is not so hard to figure out for most of us

and you will never won a home.

Wow, there's a contest where you can win a home? How do I find that contest? I'd like to add another home to my collection.

wow a typo.

maybe that can be your new platform

Most people would NEVER own a home without credit

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