What does living within your means really mean?

Who would Jesus let die ?

Heartless fucking cons.

make that your platform

Quote Jesus and then use the F word...... wow, I do not think Jesus would do that

Man has free will, he makes choices, some right some wrong, but to demonize someone or a group of people for something you may not be willing to do yourself is silly.

People are starving all over the world, it is regrettable but life is tough.

Have you sold everything you own TM and given it to the poor and starving?, per your reference this is what Jesus said to do.

It is not heartless to say we cannot solve all the problems, even starving.

Why do you Libs give Billions to other Countries, why not keep it here in the US to feed our dieing?

Until you Libs want to sell all your possessions, get rid of the 300k house and live in a 40k house then use all that extra money to help the poor, then get off your holier than tho band-wagon and leave the rest of us alone.

You keep ribbing the Cons about not having a heart, why is it a documented fact that Conservatives give more to charity than Libs?


because of religion.

YOU give more because of tything.

we vote for what to do in this country.

The country has v oted to feed starving children.

Jesus would have voted to feed starving children.

Why do you want them to starve?

I don't want anyone to starve.

But then again, I am not for throwing money away either.

How many of the people with starving children blow their money on Cigarettes and Booze?

BTW, Tithing has little to do with many peoples Charity, how about working at a homeless shelter, soup kitchen, buying a drunk or a homeless person you meet a meal?

You keep mention Jesus, again I ask have you sold everything you own to help the poor?

Or are you just in favor of taking everyone else's wealth and giving it away?

TM is on a Republican hating quest... Looking for answers matters not when you are willing to spin anything.

It's amazing Democrats have not created the perfect society and done away with Republicans all together.

I dont want to get rid of republicans.

i want them to stop fucking lying and trafficing in lies

You might ask that of the Obama administration....especially Eric Fuckin' Holder! What a goddamned piece of shit he is!
TM is on a Republican hating quest... Looking for answers matters not when you are willing to spin anything.

It's amazing Democrats have not created the perfect society and done away with Republicans all together.

I dont want to get rid of republicans.

i want them to stop fucking lying and trafficing in lies

Well sadly TM Republicans that hold office lie all the time. They claim to be about small Government and they create huge programs with Democrats and spend hundreds of billions we don't have on welfare. Later the Democrats get in power and manage to start more wars, spend hundreds of billions more on welfare programs and yet both sides claim to want to balance the budget, restrain the other side and repeal crappy policies that were put into place by the other party... Yet there are no cuts in spending, no repealing of policies and the budget only gets talked about when pointing fingers.

So both sides lie TM, unless you want t make the claim Democtars don't lie?

The republican platform is full of lies.

The democratic one is not.

The republicans platforms gave us both the GD and this crash.

It was not the dems programs that did this
If certain aid PROMOTES sloth, then yes... I'm all for changing, or eliminating it.

It doesn't even have to promote sloth. If it encourages, promotes, and entrenches entitlement mentality, dependency, and proverty, then it is a bad thing and we need to do it differently.

And if it is driving us headlong into economic insolvency and bankruptcy from which nobody will have the resources to bail us out, then it is high time that we demand that our government function within its means as well as allowing the people who do not also do that experience the consequences accordingly.

see the cons want to take a program that has saved coutless lives and allow people to starve to death yet again in this country

What part of "certain aid" is your thick skull not comprehending? The Welfare system is broken and most of us Taxpayer's are tired of arbitrarily throwing money at people who contribute NOTHING to society, yet keep on demanding MORE. Nobody is starving to death...In fact it's the exact opposite. Lazy bums with nothing better to do than bitch about what other people have...And they do not. Sit back and wait for the monthly gift from the Taxpayer's, never wanting to do anything more for themselves to better their own lives... Yet the blame rests with everyone else BUT them. Spare me "your cons want them to starve" Bullshit. And by the way...It's "countless" you ass, not "coutless".
Well damn...I missed this thread.
To the OP...living within your means...

1) Little to preferably zero credit card debt.
2) No 2nd mortgages
3) Car payments are less than half of one weeks pay.
4) Absolute MINIMUM of $1000 in a savings account that you DO NOT get into unless emergency.
5) Most important, if you cannot save 10% of your income, then you are living beyond your means.
Goes without saying.

Truthsplatters believes in the producers paying for the poor and downtrodden. We should be overjoyed to pay our own bills along with theirs.

God forbid they take care of themselves. God forbid they actually work two jobs to take care of themselves. Shit. Might be nice if they had even one job.

how does that get done when you guys crashed the economy and so many cant get ONE job.

heartless fucking cons

My GOD... the IGNORANCE of the things you say is BEYOND DESCRIPTION or normal COMPREHENSION.


You HAVE to be under the care of a hospice or NUT FARM.


Tell us what you REALLY think. The way you bottle things up just isn't healthy. ;)

Prove a single American starved to death during the great depression. You can't even produce a photo of an American with his ribs showing.

man you need to study some history.

Ill wait for you to do that before I waste any more time on your stupid ass

In other words, you can't produce the evidence requested.

Thanks for playing!
It doesn't even have to promote sloth. If it encourages, promotes, and entrenches entitlement mentality, dependency, and proverty, then it is a bad thing and we need to do it differently.

And if it is driving us headlong into economic insolvency and bankruptcy from which nobody will have the resources to bail us out, then it is high time that we demand that our government function within its means as well as allowing the people who do not also do that experience the consequences accordingly.

see the cons want to take a program that has saved coutless lives and allow people to starve to death yet again in this country

What part of "certain aid" is your thick skull not comprehending? The Welfare system is broken and most of us Taxpayer's are tired of arbitrarily throwing money at people who contribute NOTHING to society, yet keep on demanding MORE. Nobody is starving to death...In fact it's the exact opposite. Lazy bums with nothing better to do than bitch about what other people have...And they do not. Sit back and wait for the monthly gift from the Taxpayer's, never wanting to do anything more for themselves to better their own lives... Yet the blame rests with everyone else BUT them. Spare me "your cons want them to starve" Bullshit. And by the way...It's "countless" you ass, not "coutless".

you just spewed a pack of lies
Prove a single American starved to death during the great depression. You can't even produce a photo of an American with his ribs showing.

man you need to study some history.

Ill wait for you to do that before I waste any more time on your stupid ass

In other words, you can't produce the evidence requested.

Thanks for playing!

dude your the one claiming no one was even hungry during the GD
I dont want to get rid of republicans.

i want them to stop fucking lying and trafficing in lies

Well sadly TM Republicans that hold office lie all the time. They claim to be about small Government and they create huge programs with Democrats and spend hundreds of billions we don't have on welfare. Later the Democrats get in power and manage to start more wars, spend hundreds of billions more on welfare programs and yet both sides claim to want to balance the budget, restrain the other side and repeal crappy policies that were put into place by the other party... Yet there are no cuts in spending, no repealing of policies and the budget only gets talked about when pointing fingers.

So both sides lie TM, unless you want t make the claim Democtars don't lie?

The republican platform is full of lies.

The democratic one is not.

The republicans platforms gave us both the GD and this crash.

It was not the dems programs that did this

Well... There it is. If BS has a name it's TM.
see they hate democracy.

this is why the sign grovers pledge and want to kill our government

I despise democracy. I've never been shy about saying that.

democracy is rule by the bottom 51%.

This is your typical republican voter

Actually, I'm far from typical. Most Republicans claim to believe in democracy. I think anyone who believes in democracy is incredibly naive or just plain stupid. Democracy has an unbroken record of failure and oppression.
I dont want to get rid of republicans.

i want them to stop fucking lying and trafficing in lies

Well sadly TM Republicans that hold office lie all the time. They claim to be about small Government and they create huge programs with Democrats and spend hundreds of billions we don't have on welfare. Later the Democrats get in power and manage to start more wars, spend hundreds of billions more on welfare programs and yet both sides claim to want to balance the budget, restrain the other side and repeal crappy policies that were put into place by the other party... Yet there are no cuts in spending, no repealing of policies and the budget only gets talked about when pointing fingers.

So both sides lie TM, unless you want t make the claim Democtars don't lie?

The republican platform is full of lies.

The democratic one is not.

The republicans platforms gave us both the GD and this crash.

It was not the dems programs that did this

And there you have it, blind partisanship....

Here, I'll keep it on topic even... Here is a lie from most powerful Democrat currently in power, in the world.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaQUU2ZL6D8]Obama will cut deficit in half FEB 2009 - YouTube[/ame]

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