What does living within your means really mean?

Couple - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Definition of COUPLE

: two; also: few —used with a <a couple drinks>

Usage Discussion of COUPLE

The adjective use of a couple, without of, has been called nonstandard, but it is not. In both British and American English it is standard before a word (as more or less) indicating degree <a couple more examples of Middle English writing — Charles Barber>. Its use before an ordinary plural noun is an Americanism, common in speech and in writing that is not meant to be formal or elevated <the first couple chapters are pretty good — E. B. White (letter)> <still operated a couple wagons for hire — Garrison Keillor>. It is most frequently used with periods of time <a couple weeks> and numbers <a couple hundred> <a couple dozen>.

Yes... "Couple" is generally regarded as TWO. Thanks for admitting you failed. Congrats!:clap2:
Just so we are clear, I'm not going to read your link because I already said Republicans that hold office are liars.

The problem is Republicans today are very similar to Democrats of today so why does it matter? We need a Harding and Coolidge, someone that will cut spending, cut bad regulation and uphold the constitution and not fear people crying when their welfare is not there.

The Democrat platform has never worked in the history of the world TM… It always leads to millions dying, there is ample proof of that.

That LINK is the republican party platform you asshole.

they advocate a program that has NEVER in history worked as they claim it will.

Hell it failed just a couple of years ago you fucking idiot

I know what the link was to.

Their policies under Bush are the same as the policies under Obama and the Republican policies under Bush were very progressive liberal.


the republican platform and Robmoneys ideas are More Bush policy.

You guys CHEERED Bush.

and you Cheer robmoney

yet you hate Obamas ideas.

that iss very telling
you plan has NEVER in history filled the void.

stop lying

It works whenever it's tried. Your plan on the other hand has never "Filled the void" in the history of the world either. Are you suggesting that we just stop doing what's right because it doesnt solve ever problem that will ever exist?
That LINK is the republican party platform you asshole.

they advocate a program that has NEVER in history worked as they claim it will.

Hell it failed just a couple of years ago you fucking idiot

I know what the link was to.

Their policies under Bush are the same as the policies under Obama and the Republican policies under Bush were very progressive liberal.


the republican platform and Robmoneys ideas are More Bush policy.

You guys CHEERED Bush.

and you Cheer robmoney

yet you hate Obamas ideas.

that iss very telling

However OBAMA continues with the SOSDD...and YOU applaud Obama...

Why is that?
I know what the link was to.

Their policies under Bush are the same as the policies under Obama and the Republican policies under Bush were very progressive liberal.


the republican platform and Robmoneys ideas are More Bush policy.

You guys CHEERED Bush.

and you Cheer robmoney

yet you hate Obamas ideas.

that iss very telling

However OBAMA continues with the SOSDD...and YOU applaud Obama...

Why is that?

what program are you speaking of?
Who would Jesus let die ?

Heartless fucking cons.

make that your platform

Quote Jesus and then use the F word...... wow, I do not think Jesus would do that

Man has free will, he makes choices, some right some wrong, but to demonize someone or a group of people for something you may not be willing to do yourself is silly.

People are starving all over the world, it is regrettable but life is tough.

Have you sold everything you own TM and given it to the poor and starving?, per your reference this is what Jesus said to do.

It is not heartless to say we cannot solve all the problems, even starving.

Why do you Libs give Billions to other Countries, why not keep it here in the US to feed our dieing?

Until you Libs want to sell all your possessions, get rid of the 300k house and live in a 40k house then use all that extra money to help the poor, then get off your holier than tho band-wagon and leave the rest of us alone.

You keep ribbing the Cons about not having a heart, why is it a documented fact that Conservatives give more to charity than Libs?


because of religion.

YOU give more because of tything.

we vote for what to do in this country.

The country has v oted to feed starving children.

Jesus would have voted to feed starving children.

Why do you want them to starve?

Then why dont you start tithing your month? if you dont like what the Churches are doing give it to some group you do like.
dear idiot,

just because your not religious dosent mean Jesus advocated letting children starve for poltical reasons

Where did Jesus advocate that the government should support people?
ahhhh, but bripat, WHERE did Jesus NOT advocate it or say He was against it?

hint: He NEVER DID say it was wrong for governments to feed the hungry, help the sick, etc....

NOT once!
dear idiot,

just because your not religious dosent mean Jesus advocated letting children starve for poltical reasons

Where did Jesus advocate that the government should support people?
ahhhh, but bripat, WHERE did Jesus NOT advocate it or say He was against it?

hint: He NEVER DID say it was wrong for governments to feed the hungry, help the sick, etc....

NOT once!

If the government does like Jesus said do then that would be a violation of separation of church and state. Isn't that right anti christian people?
Where did Jesus advocate that the government should support people?
ahhhh, but bripat, WHERE did Jesus NOT advocate it or say He was against it?

hint: He NEVER DID say it was wrong for governments to feed the hungry, help the sick, etc....

NOT once!

If the government does like Jesus said do then that would be a violation of separation of church and state. Isn't that right anti christian people?
nahhhhh....it wouldn't necessarily be a violation....mainly because Jesus is not the only one who believes in helping the neediest....even agnostic, or atheists may have the same moral standard....
Living within your means is paying cash for everything and paying bills on time. Save mon ey each month for that unhappy surprise repair bill on your car or appliance that will undoubtedly come. Pay credit cards in full each month. If you cannot do this, evaluate what you have to reduce so you can follow those rules.
ahhhh, but bripat, WHERE did Jesus NOT advocate it or say He was against it?

hint: He NEVER DID say it was wrong for governments to feed the hungry, help the sick, etc....

NOT once!

If the government does like Jesus said do then that would be a violation of separation of church and state. Isn't that right anti christian people?
nahhhhh....it wouldn't necessarily be a violation....mainly because Jesus is not the only one who believes in helping the neediest....even agnostic, or atheists may have the same moral standard....

The government would be following the dictates of a religion so yes it would be a violation.
If the government does like Jesus said do then that would be a violation of separation of church and state. Isn't that right anti christian people?
nahhhhh....it wouldn't necessarily be a violation....mainly because Jesus is not the only one who believes in helping the neediest....even agnostic, or atheists may have the same moral standard....

The government would be following the dictates of a religion so yes it would be a violation.
no, not really bigreb.....as example, Jesus said murder is wrong, does that mean our gvt can't have a law against murder?
Living within your means is paying cash for everything and paying bills on time. Save mon ey each month for that unhappy surprise repair bill on your car or appliance that will undoubtedly come. Pay credit cards in full each month. If you cannot do this, evaluate what you have to reduce so you can follow those rules.

And if you can't? Shred 'em...don't use 'em. CASH...works all the time.
dear idiot,

just because your not religious dosent mean Jesus advocated letting children starve for poltical reasons

Where did Jesus advocate that the government should support people?
ahhhh, but bripat, WHERE did Jesus NOT advocate it or say He was against it?

hint: He NEVER DID say it was wrong for governments to feed the hungry, help the sick, etc....

NOT once!

No he didn't but neither did he even suggest that the government was responsible for takiing care of anybody. He didn't say it was wrong to jump off a cliff or burn somebody's house down either but that certainly doesn't mean he endorsed such things. He was pretty clear though that people were expected to use their abilities to the best of those abilities and to work for what they received. And for those unable to provide for themselves, he was quite clear we were to dig into our own pockets to take care of that and we did not absolve ourselves of personal responsibility by handing it over to government or anybody else to do.

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