What does living within your means really mean?

Where did Jesus advocate that the government should support people?
ahhhh, but bripat, WHERE did Jesus NOT advocate it or say He was against it?

hint: He NEVER DID say it was wrong for governments to feed the hungry, help the sick, etc....

NOT once!

No he didn't but neither did he even suggest that the government was responsible for takiing care of anybody. He didn't say it was wrong to jump off a cliff or burn somebody's house down either but that certainly doesn't mean he endorsed such things. He was pretty clear though that people were expected to use their abilities to the best of those abilities and to work for what they received. And for those unable to provide for themselves, he was quite clear we were to dig into our own pockets to take care of that and we did not absolve ourselves of personal responsibility by handing it over to government or anybody else to do.
Jesus did not advocate letting children starve for poltical purposes

The Bible says the poor should glean the fields for food after the farmers commercially harvested them or in fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest.

Now we feed them the cream of the crop just like everyone else.

It also teaches that if you want to eat, you need to work
Where did Jesus advocate that the government should support people?
ahhhh, but bripat, WHERE did Jesus NOT advocate it or say He was against it?

hint: He NEVER DID say it was wrong for governments to feed the hungry, help the sick, etc....

NOT once!

No he didn't but neither did he even suggest that the government was responsible for takiing care of anybody. He didn't say it was wrong to jump off a cliff or burn somebody's house down either but that certainly doesn't mean he endorsed such things. He was pretty clear though that people were expected to use their abilities to the best of those abilities and to work for what they received. And for those unable to provide for themselves, he was quite clear we were to dig into our own pockets to take care of that and we did not absolve ourselves of personal responsibility by handing it over to government or anybody else to do.
Firefox, NO WHERE did Jesus even indicate or hint that this would be wrong to do, PERIOD! There is NOTHING you can pull out of that to make this different....

Why would the Jesus I know be against it??????????????????

He wouldn't be against a Government helping the neediest or the sick....He just wouldn't be against it.

He would be against corruption or other things gone haywire, but NOT against gvts helping the neediest. If your priest teaches you otherwise, then i would suggest you change your parish....in my humblest opinion.
Jesus did not advocate letting children starve for poltical purposes

The Bible says the poor should glean the fields for food after the farmers commercially harvested them or in fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest.

Now we feed them the cream of the crop just like everyone else.

It also teaches that if you want to eat, you need to work

so, were the 5000 that he fed all good for nothing, non working free loaders?
ahhhh, but bripat, WHERE did Jesus NOT advocate it or say He was against it?

hint: He NEVER DID say it was wrong for governments to feed the hungry, help the sick, etc....

NOT once!

No he didn't but neither did he even suggest that the government was responsible for takiing care of anybody. He didn't say it was wrong to jump off a cliff or burn somebody's house down either but that certainly doesn't mean he endorsed such things. He was pretty clear though that people were expected to use their abilities to the best of those abilities and to work for what they received. And for those unable to provide for themselves, he was quite clear we were to dig into our own pockets to take care of that and we did not absolve ourselves of personal responsibility by handing it over to government or anybody else to do.
Firefox, NO WHERE did Jesus even indicate or hint that this would be wrong to do, PERIOD! There is NOTHING you can pull out of that to make this different....

Why would the Jesus I know be against it??????????????????

He wouldn't be against a Government helping the neediest or the sick....He just wouldn't be against it.

He would be against corruption or other things gone haywire, but NOT against gvts helping the neediest. If your priest teaches you otherwise, then i would suggest you change your parish....in my humblest opinion.

When Jesus said to take care of the sick an old it was dictate to his followers of his teachings not the government. There for if the government is to take care of the sick the government is doing the dictate of Jesus. Charity has always been a christian thing and no one else
No he didn't but neither did he even suggest that the government was responsible for takiing care of anybody. He didn't say it was wrong to jump off a cliff or burn somebody's house down either but that certainly doesn't mean he endorsed such things. He was pretty clear though that people were expected to use their abilities to the best of those abilities and to work for what they received. And for those unable to provide for themselves, he was quite clear we were to dig into our own pockets to take care of that and we did not absolve ourselves of personal responsibility by handing it over to government or anybody else to do.
Firefox, NO WHERE did Jesus even indicate or hint that this would be wrong to do, PERIOD! There is NOTHING you can pull out of that to make this different....

Why would the Jesus I know be against it??????????????????

He wouldn't be against a Government helping the neediest or the sick....He just wouldn't be against it.

He would be against corruption or other things gone haywire, but NOT against gvts helping the neediest. If your priest teaches you otherwise, then i would suggest you change your parish....in my humblest opinion.

When Jesus said to take care of the sick an old it was dictate to his followers of his teachings not the government. There for if the government is to take care of the sick the government is doing the dictate of Jesus. Charity has always been a christian thing and no one else
we'll just have to disagree and NO WAY is it just Christians that believe in helping thy neighbor....it's religious and non religious that are charitable....just like it is religious and non religious that believe murder is wrong, stealing is wrong etc...
Firefox, NO WHERE did Jesus even indicate or hint that this would be wrong to do, PERIOD! There is NOTHING you can pull out of that to make this different....

Why would the Jesus I know be against it??????????????????

He wouldn't be against a Government helping the neediest or the sick....He just wouldn't be against it.

He would be against corruption or other things gone haywire, but NOT against gvts helping the neediest. If your priest teaches you otherwise, then i would suggest you change your parish....in my humblest opinion.

When Jesus said to take care of the sick an old it was dictate to his followers of his teachings not the government. There for if the government is to take care of the sick the government is doing the dictate of Jesus. Charity has always been a christian thing and no one else
we'll just have to disagree and NO WAY is it just Christians that believe in helping thy neighbor....it's religious and non religious that are charitable....just like it is religious and non religious that believe murder is wrong, stealing is wrong etc...

Name one religion that teaches to take care of the sick and strangers?
It costs 30% more to use a credit card to purchase items than to pay with cash even if you live within your means.

Where do you come up with that? I use a credit card for every purchase, and I don't pay one cent more because of it.

The only way it costs more to use a credit card is if you don't pay it off completely every month. And if you don't do that then you're not using your credit wisely.

When Jesus said to take care of the sick an old it was dictate to his followers of his teachings not the government. There for if the government is to take care of the sick the government is doing the dictate of Jesus. Charity has always been a christian thing and no one else
we'll just have to disagree and NO WAY is it just Christians that believe in helping thy neighbor....it's religious and non religious that are charitable....just like it is religious and non religious that believe murder is wrong, stealing is wrong etc...

Name one religion that teaches to take care of the sick and strangers?
Every single religion that I know of...the Hindu, Buddhists, Jews, Muslim etc.....and all the atheist I know, all advocate helping the neediest among us....and as I said, most non religious believe the same.

It's the golden rule in most every religion....and even among those not religious....Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.
we'll just have to disagree and NO WAY is it just Christians that believe in helping thy neighbor....it's religious and non religious that are charitable....just like it is religious and non religious that believe murder is wrong, stealing is wrong etc...

Name one religion that teaches to take care of the sick and strangers?
Every single religion that I know of...the Hindu, Buddhists, Jews, Muslim etc.....and all the atheist I know, all advocate helping the neediest among us....and as I said, most non religious believe the same.

It's the golden rule in most every religion....and even among those not religious....Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

You have it wrong not one group you mentioned is charitable to someone that is not part of their religion.
Name one religion that teaches to take care of the sick and strangers?
Every single religion that I know of...the Hindu, Buddhists, Jews, Muslim etc.....and all the atheist I know, all advocate helping the neediest among us....and as I said, most non religious believe the same.

It's the golden rule in most every religion....and even among those not religious....Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

You have it wrong not one group you mentioned is charitable to someone that is not part of their religion.

Do Catholic hospitals check your religion when you show up needing care?

How about Jewish hospitals?
ahhhh, but bripat, WHERE did Jesus NOT advocate it or say He was against it?

hint: He NEVER DID say it was wrong for governments to feed the hungry, help the sick, etc....

NOT once!

No he didn't but neither did he even suggest that the government was responsible for takiing care of anybody. He didn't say it was wrong to jump off a cliff or burn somebody's house down either but that certainly doesn't mean he endorsed such things. He was pretty clear though that people were expected to use their abilities to the best of those abilities and to work for what they received. And for those unable to provide for themselves, he was quite clear we were to dig into our own pockets to take care of that and we did not absolve ourselves of personal responsibility by handing it over to government or anybody else to do.
Firefox, NO WHERE did Jesus even indicate or hint that this would be wrong to do, PERIOD! There is NOTHING you can pull out of that to make this different....

Why would the Jesus I know be against it??????????????????

He wouldn't be against a Government helping the neediest or the sick....He just wouldn't be against it.

He would be against corruption or other things gone haywire, but NOT against gvts helping the neediest. If your priest teaches you otherwise, then i would suggest you change your parish....in my humblest opinion.

Well you'll have to ask him. I think he would take a dim view of us shrugging our shoulders and handing it over to the government to take care of and then feeling righteous and that we have done our duty. I'm pretty sure he expected all of us to be more hands on than that. Most especially since there has never been a government in the history of the world with the power to take from some people and give it to others who have not abused that power.
We spend less than what we bring in, we shop wisely, we use coupons!, we take care of what we buy so it lasts - especially the big ticket stuff, we don't splurge much or often, we use credit cards but only sometimes and pay them off in full within the month, we take advantage of 'interest free' periods on credit cards, we comparison shop for the best deal, we don't have the latest and greatest (our tv's are all old, no HD, no flat screen and I gotta tell you I just love my 15 year old 19" GE tv in the bedroom) because we take care of what we have and it works just fine, we don't eat out often. It isn't hard to live within your means but it does require some work.

One of the best things I did was open a Target debit card. You get 5% off your purchases, just like with their credit card, but since it's debit it comes right out of your checking account. No bill at the end of the month. Sweet.
Name one religion that teaches to take care of the sick and strangers?
Every single religion that I know of...the Hindu, Buddhists, Jews, Muslim etc.....and all the atheist I know, all advocate helping the neediest among us....and as I said, most non religious believe the same.

It's the golden rule in most every religion....and even among those not religious....Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

You have it wrong not one group you mentioned is charitable to someone that is not part of their religion.
that's just not true big reb....as an example, just take Catholic hospitals, or Baptist hospitals, Mount Sinai hospitals or the religious institutions that have food banks or homeless shelters accept and are charitable to people of all different faiths and the non religious alike....in fact, I don't know of any religious charity that only takes care of those in the same Faith.
Every single religion that I know of...the Hindu, Buddhists, Jews, Muslim etc.....and all the atheist I know, all advocate helping the neediest among us....and as I said, most non religious believe the same.

It's the golden rule in most every religion....and even among those not religious....Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

You have it wrong not one group you mentioned is charitable to someone that is not part of their religion.
that's just not true big reb....as an example, just take Catholic hospitals, or Baptist hospitals, Mount Sinai hospitals or the religious institutions that have food banks or homeless shelters accept and are charitable to people of all different faiths and the non religious alike....in fact, I don't know of any religious charity that only takes care of those in the same Faith.

Your example is two faith from the same religion try again.
When Jesus said to take care of the sick an old it was dictate to his followers of his teachings not the government. There for if the government is to take care of the sick the government is doing the dictate of Jesus. Charity has always been a christian thing and no one else
we'll just have to disagree and NO WAY is it just Christians that believe in helping thy neighbor....it's religious and non religious that are charitable....just like it is religious and non religious that believe murder is wrong, stealing is wrong etc...

Name one religion that teaches to take care of the sick and strangers?

Besides Christianity?

31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life. ”
Every single religion that I know of...the Hindu, Buddhists, Jews, Muslim etc.....and all the atheist I know, all advocate helping the neediest among us....and as I said, most non religious believe the same.

It's the golden rule in most every religion....and even among those not religious....Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

You have it wrong not one group you mentioned is charitable to someone that is not part of their religion.

Do Catholic hospitals check your religion when you show up needing care?

How about Jewish hospitals?

Aren't Catholics Christians? Judea christian values., and Christians are the only groups that are charitable to anyone of any religion or no religion at all. Which is also a teaching of the head of the christian church Jesus Christ.

Now if the government is supposed to take care of everybody it's using a dictate of the christian faith which is a violation of the Constitution, wouldn't you agree?

Why am I the one arguing this why aren't the separation of church and state people arguing this?

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