What does the California $20 minimum wage law actually do?

I actually think Newson and the Democrats are doing a great job in California. I pat them on the back for passing the $20 minimum wage law, I wish more states would follow. The way to solve the problems in California is to have businesses more controlled by the government. Now your seeing a lot of layoffs, because businesses still have too much power. Now the government needs to dictate to those businesses who they are allowed to hire/ fire. If businesses want to be cheap and just fire workers out of retaliation I say that's fine, hit them where it hurts and tax the living snot out of them. Where does that tax money go? It will go to those who got laid off of course. Businesses will still have to pay those workers money regardless if they keep them hired or fire them. Raise the unemployment benefits and make it even more expensive for businesses to fire employees. Government needs to make COBRA more affordable for the recently fired employee.
Is this a satire account or are you truly this retarded?
I actually think Newson and the Democrats are doing a great job in California. I pat them on the back for passing the $20 minimum wage law, I wish more states would follow. The way to solve the problems in California is to have businesses more controlled by the government. Now your seeing a lot of layoffs, because businesses still have too much power. Now the government needs to dictate to those businesses who they are allowed to hire/ fire. If businesses want to be cheap and just fire workers out of retaliation I say that's fine, hit them where it hurts and tax the living snot out of them. Where does that tax money go? It will go to those who got laid off of course. Businesses will still have to pay those workers money regardless if they keep them hired or fire them. Raise the unemployment benefits and make it even more expensive for businesses to fire employees. Government needs to make COBRA more affordable for the recently fired employee.
There Were No Unions in the Soviet Union

You, just like the bootlickers, refuse to come up with any data on how much the workers produce and how much they get paid out of that, which should be called "take-home pay," just like pay after taxes is. Quantify, don't Antify.

Public opinion should set standards on what is a fair distribution of the revenue. Maybe the owners' take should be the same as corporate taxes. That is, 21% of the revenue produced by the workers.

Second, the government's involvement should be in strengthening the unions through, for example, abolishing "Right to Work" laws. In fact, a business should not be allowed to incorporate unless it has a union. Let the unionized workers themselves have the only power to raise wages, not some outside force, which either Washington or Wall Street has the monopoly power to do so now.
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What about those who were earning $20/hour last week.

They should get a raise this week, right?

If worker A has 1 week experience and is paid $16/hour (minimum wage) and worker B has a year experience and gets paid $20/hour…when minimum wage is raised to $20/hour…what should worker B get paid? $25/hour? 20% raise…right?

Actually they can the 1 week person, hire another 1 year person, and never hire the less experienced people again.
Is this a satire account or are you truly this retarded?
You're in a Nation Whose Economy Is Modeled on Urination

Change a few words so that it advocates for business elitists instead of government elitists and you'll have the trickle-down Investor Supremacy preached at the Bizz Skules.
Actually they can the 1 week person, hire another 1 year person, and never hire the less experienced people again.

Maybe. There are many ways to cut the labor costs…..but the dumb ass cult morons do not consider anything downstream of a law that DOES NOTHING BUT MAKE IT ILLEGAL TO PAY ANYONE $19.99 or less per hour.
Maybe. There are many ways to cut the labor costs…..but the dumb ass cult morons do not consider anything downstream of a law that DOES NOTHING BUT MAKE IT ILLEGAL TO PAY ANYONE $19.99 or less per hour.
It also, indirectly, makes it illegal to accept a job for less than $20/hr.
The main thing minimum wage laws do is propagate the notion that government should have the power to dictate wages. It's long been a bullet point of the socialist agenda.
The government should have the right to dictate wages. This is one of the best things to happen to California. It is about time low wage workers stand up and say "we're not going take this anymore!" Tell employers where they can shove their low wages and demand better wages otherwise they will sick the government on the businesses and force the money out of them by any means necessary. It's about sweet revenge for low wage workers in California.

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The government should have the right to dictate wages. This is one of the best things to happen to California. It is about time low wage workers stand up and say "we're not going take this anymore!" Tell employers where they can shove their low wages and demand better wages otherwise they will sick the government on the businesses and force the money out of them by any means necessary. It's about sweet revenge for low wage workers in California.

Seriously - this is a parody of a left wing nut, right?
We don't need those jobs filled. Let them stay vacant. Then the law will change for the better when employers have a harder time finding people.
When you begin your “career”, it is like Kindergarden.


Same with minimum wage. It is not supposed to be a living wage. You are supposed to learn shit and become more valuable and get promoted and earn more money.

If you have earned minimum wage for 30 years, you are doing something wrong.

Why is this difficult to grasp?
Many immigrants do stay in those entry level jobs as a career. They complain about the money but won't move up.
The government should have the right to dictate wages. This is one of the best things to happen to California. It is about time low wage workers stand up and say "we're not going take this anymore!" Tell employers where they can shove their low wages and demand better wages otherwise they will sick the government on the businesses and force the money out of them by any means necessary. It's about sweet revenge for low wage workers in California.

Not really. Because wages went up, prices go up, the low wage worker is in exactly the same position they were in before they ever got a raise at all. California should have realized this when they raised the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. People lost their jobs and still couldn't afford the very things they couldn't afford before.
Not really. Because wages went up, prices go up, the low wage worker is in exactly the same position they were in before they ever got a raise at all. California should have realized this when they raised the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. People lost their jobs and still couldn't afford the very things they couldn't afford before.

They have to work an hour to pay for 1 meal.

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