What does this even mean?


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
It's a picture from a demonstration in favor of Obama by his sycophantic supporters who are breaching blasphemy to promote their idol.
yah...cause so many obama supporters went to the teabag events....


1. normal people know obama has a birth certificate...

2. only the rabid right compares obama to the messiah.... or thinks he has a G-d complex.


3. try again.
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1. normal people know obama has a birth certificate...

I didn't know all Normal People had a meeting to view it, because I've certainly never seen it. A Certification of Live Birth is not a birth certificate.
I have no idea. I don't expect all protest signs to be accurate or make sense, either.

Get a life folks. Everybody is worried about Obama's birth certificate. I'm more worried about what he's doing to screw this country up than I am in his damned birth certificate. Let's march to the correct drum.
1. normal people know obama has a birth certificate...

I didn't know all Normal People had a meeting to view it, because I've certainly never seen it. A Certification of Live Birth is not a birth certificate.

I'm sure he has a birth certificate. It might be issued by the Kenyan government for all anyone knows, but he sure has one.

dunno...go ask orly taitz...she's created about 100 fake ones. :cuckoo:

and please stop calling yourself rabbi... you make jews look bad.
Get a life folks. Everybody is worried about Obama's birth certificate. I'm more worried about what he's doing to screw this country up than I am in his damned birth certificate. Let's march to the correct drum.

well, at least your priorities are better.

personally, i was more worried about what Bush/Cheney DID to the country for eight years.... than I ever could be even if i were in the throes of righwingnut fantasies.
Only to self-hating liberal Jews like you, sweety.

If his birth certificate is no big deal, then why has his administration blocked its release? This is the central question. I'd be happy to aknowledge that all of this was nothing if he would allow the release of all records, like McCain did. Ditto his academic records.

It is critical because if he actually is not qualified to be president then any action he takes is unlawful.
What does this even mean?

The sign is meant to remind people that, not only are some people questioning the legality of Obama's Presidency, but also that God is not Constitutionally qualified to be our President.
Maybe its a test by English teachers to see if anyone notices the grammatical fallacy.

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