What Everyone Who Voted For Trump Needs To Hear

Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says.
No point in reading any further. Just another whining, squalling liberal who can’t comprehend that his agenda was rejected for a reason. There are a lot of them around now.

You lost. Deal with it.

What agenda? There were two sides too scared to have an agenda because they know it'll scare away too many voters. So both of them just floated vague crap and people decided they said what they wanted to hear.

The system sucks. Get a proper system where people can actually vote for agendas.

Are you saying that we should have a totally open border and that we should be fine with people coming over here to drop "anchor babies"??? That we should make America just like Europe with the flooding of muslim immigrants that have no intention of assimilating into our country and bow to what they want? I have seen this shit already when I was in the DFW area. A bunch of muslim refugees (courtesy of the U.N) went before the Irving, Texas city council DEMANDING that their section of the city be granted to live under Sharia Law....is that what you want? I am not saying that Trump is the "end all be all" but people are waking up to how shitty things have become over the last 40 plus years and how the globalists have used their leftard and neocon minions to shout down anyone that says "WHAT the fuck?"........

Sorry, but people are waking up and it's about fucking time......
Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says.
No point in reading any further. Just another whining, squalling liberal who can’t comprehend that his agenda was rejected for a reason. There are a lot of them around now.

You lost. Deal with it.

What agenda? There were two sides too scared to have an agenda because they know it'll scare away too many voters. So both of them just floated vague crap and people decided they said what they wanted to hear.

The system sucks. Get a proper system where people can actually vote for agendas.

Are you saying that we should have a totally open border and that we should be fine with people coming over here to drop "anchor babies"??? That we should make America just like Europe with the flooding of muslim immigrants that have no intention of assimilating into our country and bow to what they want? I have seen this shit already when I was in the DFW area. A bunch of muslim refugees (courtesy of the U.N) went before the Irving, Texas city council DEMANDING that their section of the city be granted to live under Sharia Law....is that what you want? I am not saying that Trump is the "end all be all" but people are waking up to how shitty things have become over the last 40 plus years and how the globalists have used their leftard and neocon minions to shout down anyone that says "WHAT the fuck?"........

Sorry, but people are waking up and it's about fucking time......

No, I'm not saying that.

What I'm saying is the system needs to change so people actually have a choice, and politicians start representing the people who vote, rather than special interests and their own career.

I can't even find where I was talking about borders. Does it matter if immigrants come in? It's not your country anyway, it's the rich people's country and they'll do whatever it takes to make themselves richer.
Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says.
No point in reading any further. Just another whining, squalling liberal who can’t comprehend that his agenda was rejected for a reason. There are a lot of them around now.

You lost. Deal with it.

What agenda? There were two sides too scared to have an agenda because they know it'll scare away too many voters. So both of them just floated vague crap and people decided they said what they wanted to hear.

The system sucks. Get a proper system where people can actually vote for agendas.

Are you saying that we should have a totally open border and that we should be fine with people coming over here to drop "anchor babies"??? That we should make America just like Europe with the flooding of muslim immigrants that have no intention of assimilating into our country and bow to what they want? I have seen this shit already when I was in the DFW area. A bunch of muslim refugees (courtesy of the U.N) went before the Irving, Texas city council DEMANDING that their section of the city be granted to live under Sharia Law....is that what you want? I am not saying that Trump is the "end all be all" but people are waking up to how shitty things have become over the last 40 plus years and how the globalists have used their leftard and neocon minions to shout down anyone that says "WHAT the fuck?"........

Sorry, but people are waking up and it's about fucking time......

No, I'm not saying that.

What I'm saying is the system needs to change so people actually have a choice, and politicians start representing the people who vote, rather than special interests and their own career.

I can't even find where I was talking about borders. Does it matter if immigrants come in? It's not your country anyway, it's the rich people's country and they'll do whatever it takes to make themselves richer.
No it doesn't matter if immigrants come in...did you think you had a fucking point?
how funny the basement dwelling is rejoicing over trumps win...what will become of him when all the social programs his grandmother uses to support him are over..how will poor (what is his name this week) feel
Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says.
No point in reading any further. Just another whining, squalling liberal who can’t comprehend that his agenda was rejected for a reason. There are a lot of them around now.

You lost. Deal with it.

What agenda? There were two sides too scared to have an agenda because they know it'll scare away too many voters. So both of them just floated vague crap and people decided they said what they wanted to hear.

The system sucks. Get a proper system where people can actually vote for agendas.

Are you saying that we should have a totally open border and that we should be fine with people coming over here to drop "anchor babies"??? That we should make America just like Europe with the flooding of muslim immigrants that have no intention of assimilating into our country and bow to what they want? I have seen this shit already when I was in the DFW area. A bunch of muslim refugees (courtesy of the U.N) went before the Irving, Texas city council DEMANDING that their section of the city be granted to live under Sharia Law....is that what you want? I am not saying that Trump is the "end all be all" but people are waking up to how shitty things have become over the last 40 plus years and how the globalists have used their leftard and neocon minions to shout down anyone that says "WHAT the fuck?"........

Sorry, but people are waking up and it's about fucking time......

No, I'm not saying that.

What I'm saying is the system needs to change so people actually have a choice, and politicians start representing the people who vote, rather than special interests and their own career.

I can't even find where I was talking about borders. Does it matter if immigrants come in? It's not your country anyway, it's the rich people's country and they'll do whatever it takes to make themselves richer.

Perhaps we took a step towards that with Trump's election and maybe....just maybe some white hats within the rogue alphabet agencies are working towards a change for the better because let's face it...things are totally fucked up....fucked up in ways that words can barely describe. I still believe that things are gonna get worse before they get better.

Does it matter if illegals come over? As long as I am helping to pay for them here in a litany of ways? Yeah, it matters a great deal to me and it should to all of us....what is happening now isn't like what happened at Ellis Isalnd.
how funny the basement dwelling is rejoicing over trumps win...what will become of him when all the social programs his grandmother uses to support him are over..how will poor (what is his name this week) feel

What social programs will Trump stop funding that people haven't already paid for? Are you worried that illegals will lose their earned income tax credit for all the anchor babies that they squirt out while working mostly under the table? Will this adversely affect you in some way?????? Work with me here.......please explain......
The young lady in the video makes the point that when the righties candidate wins, all the past bitterness is to be forgotten and that everyone is to get behind the new president. Her words allude to the fact that this was not conservatives' attitude in 2008 or 2012, and she is correct.

Despite the animosity from the Republicans in congress and the GOP sheep who wanted the entire country to suffer prolonged economic hardships due to the Great Republican Recession of 2008, President Obama was cordial and tried to work with the Republicans. Also, even with the total unwillingness of the congressional Republicans to reach any compromise on nearly all issues, and faced with the obstructionism and racial insults that were hurled at the Obamas regularly, they served with dignity.

The right-wingers demanded respect for the idiot Dubya, whose questionable behavior over the decades prior to 2000 proved he was undeserving of the presidency.

Now, the right-wingers demand all Americans pledge allegiance to their admitted rapist, pathological liar, misogynist, and vindictive sociopath that lost the popular vote by over 1.5 million votes.

For all people of reason and conscience to declare the offensive and illegal actions of Donald Trump to be acceptable, and that his choices for transition team and cabinet consisting of racists, anti-Semites, and Wall Street crooks is to be tolerated would reduce us to the disgusting level of the hypocrites who voted for him, which is the point the young woman in the video made so well.

In the video at the following link are some uncomfortable truths Trump voters do NOT want to face. Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says. But listen to her until she is finished anyway, and then tell yourself she is wrong, it will bring you solace until return to reality. Turn the sound up on your computer, the video begins immediately after opening, and you need to hear her every word.
He won. It's over. I don't like it either, but I'm hopeful to be proven wrong.

Complaining, personal insults and name-calling accomplish nothing. And in some ways they illustrate why Trump won.

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The young lady in the video makes the point that when the righties candidate wins, all the past bitterness is to be forgotten and that everyone is to get behind the new president. Her words allude to the fact that this was not conservatives' attitude in 2008 or 2012, and she is correct.

Despite the animosity from the Republicans in congress and the GOP sheep who wanted the entire country to suffer prolonged economic hardships due to the Great Republican Recession of 2008, President Obama was cordial and tried to work with the Republicans. Also, even with the total unwillingness of the congressional Republicans to reach any compromise on nearly all issues, and faced with the obstructionism and racial insults that were hurled at the Obamas regularly, they served with dignity.

The right-wingers demanded respect for the idiot Dubya, whose questionable behavior over the decades prior to 2000 proved he was undeserving of the presidency.

Now, the right-wingers demand all Americans pledge allegiance to their admitted rapist, pathological liar, misogynist, and vindictive sociopath that lost the popular vote by over 1.5 million votes.

For all people of reason and conscience to declare the offensive and illegal actions of Donald Trump to be acceptable, and that his choices for transition team and cabinet consisting of racists, anti-Semites, and Wall Street crooks is to be tolerated would reduce us to the disgusting level of the hypocrites who voted for him, which is the point the young woman in the video made so well.


Allow me to reply.........

"The young lady in the video makes the point that when the righties candidate wins, all the past bitterness is to be forgotten and that everyone is to get behind the new president. Her words allude to the fact that this was not conservatives' attitude in 2008 or 2012, and she is correct"

And the same thing goes for lefties when Reagan won in 1980, Bush Sr won in 1988 and the same thing goes for the neocons that busted on Clinton in 1992 and 1996 and then the lefties in 2000 and 2004 with GW and then the righties in 2008 and 2012...........it's called the "left versus right" paradigm used to keep us divided. Leftwing, rightwing....body in the middle (the banking oligarchs) control them both. Carter was a good man but he lacked the experience to deal with the establishment but he wanted to make changes that were beyond his control. His advisers were picked for him....like Cyrus Vance (CFR) and Zbigniew Brzezenski (Trilateral Commission) all handpicked by the the globalists like the Rockefellers. Reagan was a conservative and anti-communist but as soon as he got the nomination, the establishment stuck him with globalist and Nazi George Bush or the establishment wouldn't fund his campaign because they wanted to ramp up defense spending against the Soviets that were actually being supported by the very same banking oligarchs that were wanting us to spend, spend, spend to bring them down...which did indeed happen and the globalists swooped in to pick over the remains of the USSR like vultures landing on a dead carcass. The Bush crime family piggybacked off of Leo Wanta's Ruble swaps that brought it down and used the opportunity to buy up oil and natural gas futures (which was totally illegal given GH Bush's state position) but I digress. The Clintons and Bush clan were running the CIA cocaine trade out of Nicaragua which was what Iran-Contra was all about...trading arms (which USA.INC prides it's self of doing the best business of) for pure, uncut South American cocaine that was flown into various small airports under CIA control....and like the line from the movie "Shawshank Redemption"...My oh my how the money rolled in".....so spare me the sad song of "woe is me".........

"Despite the animosity from the Republicans in congress and the GOP sheep who wanted the entire country to suffer prolonged economic hardships due to the Great Republican Recession of 2008, President Obama was cordial and tried to work with the Republicans"

#1 You can't lay the blame at the feet of either bought and paid for political party because they are all equally to blame and inept because they are owned by the same oligarchs that caused this to begin with and it was nothing but another huge rip-off by the banking oligarchs that got hard assets for credit extended by nothing but the signature on a Promissory note that was then "monetized" and used as a negotiable instrument....then to rub salt in the wound....while the bankers were sitting on hard assets? They claimed empty pockets and needed their pals at the Fed to "bail them out while putting it on our tab......

#2 Barrypuppet said "Republicans can come along for the ride (on the Barrypuppet Hope and Change Train) but it was their turn to sit in the back........doesn't seem like he was very willing to meet anyone "half-way" because that wasn't why he was put in that position.....

#3 Democrats had a super majority until Ted Kennedy croaked and then they had a 59 to 41 majority in the senate. They back-doored Barrypuppetcare i.e "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" legislation so cry me a river about how you believe that this Fabian socialist that believes in the Jesuit "Liberation Theology" really had the best intentions of the country because it is total bullshit.

" Also, even with the total unwillingness of the congressional Republicans to reach any compromise on nearly all issues, and faced with the obstructionism and racial insults that were hurled at the Obamas regularly, they served with dignity"

When the people overwhelming voted to take back the House? That was a repudiation of the Barrypuppet's agenda...any "racial" accusations that the TEA PARTY came about because of his being half black is nothing but a lame deflection of the incredible socialist positions that he held and how we ALL later learned that he knew all along that Barrypuppetcare was going to negate his lie "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan".......

"The right-wingers demanded respect for the idiot Dubya, whose questionable behavior over the decades prior to 2000 proved he was undeserving of the presidency"

Respect is earned and not a given...if you will notice that the lamestream media supported the Bushpuppet until they were instructed to stop so the table could be set for the "Hope and change" guy that could continue the globalist agenda while blaming any criticism based on the tint of his skin....it was a masterful plan and worked to perfection.

"Now, the right-wingers demand all Americans pledge allegiance to their admitted rapist, pathological liar, misogynist, and vindictive sociopath that lost the popular vote by over 1.5 million votes"

I don't give a shit what the leftard clown posse wants to do and I don't demand "diddly"...you can accept that Trump will take office or not. "Admitted rapist, pathological liar, misogynist and vindictive sociopath"??? We avoided that when the Clintons were denied another pass through the WH.....I wasn't impressed with their first show and I wasn't eager for a sequel....btw, if the NYPD and the rank and file of the FBI gets their way? We are going to find out that the Clintons were up to their armpits in a pedophile ring including satanic rituals that would shake this country to it's very core. It's looking like the Podesta brothers were involved in the kidnapping of Madeline McCann as they were staying at the home of a known pedophile that lived just down the road of the McCann family during the time that she disappeared and they definitely match the police sketch of the two men that abducted her....this isn't good.

"For all people of reason and conscience to declare the offensive and illegal actions of Donald Trump to be acceptable, and that his choices for transition team and cabinet consisting of racists, anti-Semites, and Wall Street crooks is to be tolerated would reduce us to the disgusting level of the hypocrites who voted for him, which is the point the young woman in the video made so well."

I have to laugh loud and long at that because we have Project Veritas,and Wikileaks that indict the DNC and Hitlery as being the real crooks and her ties to Wall Street and the banking oligarchs has been well documented in the last few months. Trump's transition team is "anti-sematic"???? Racist??? Do tell?? Let me fill you in on some home truths, the lies of the lamestream media claiming so is the same lamestream media that tried to carry Hitlery over the finish line.......want to debate this??? Bring it on. I bring honesty to a discussion....you bring conjecture and a "whine factor"..........

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I think everybody needs to calm down and lighten up. Just because we had two A-holes running for office this time (personality-wise) doesn't mean we have to follow their leadership in that regard.
In the video at the following link are some uncomfortable truths Trump voters do NOT want to face.

Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says. But listen to her until she is finished anyway, and then tell yourself she is wrong, it will bring you solace until return to reality.

Turn the sound up on your computer, the video begins immediately after opening, and you need to hear her every word.


Sorry turd. We can't hear anything over the never ending crying whining and screaming the left tard morons are doing.
Who cares what you Libtards think about Trump? You idiots lost because you ran a corrupt, dishonest and incompetent mean bitch against him. Next time listen to us when we tell you that your candidate sucks.

I'll let Catfish explain it to you:

Fuck every one that voted for Donald Trump. I hope you enjoy watching this country be passed by in science, education and nearly every other area. You're a fucking piece of shit.

YOu make me sick, sorry, but I agree with her that you're scum.
Excuse me Matthew but there is no law
That stops you or me from using our income to buy out and build our own schools hospitals even our own parties, and DEDUCT business expenses from taxes.

For God's sake, Matthew, the historic settlement where I live was a thriving housing, church, business, and jazz club district built by Freed Slaves who weren't citizens and had to build the entire town using their own labor. Down to making the clay bricks for the streets.

They had help of churches who hired their labor so they could grow their businesses.

They had zero help of govt that didn't even recognize them but segregated them to go live in swampland, that they filled in and raised using buckets of sand passed down long lines of freed slaves from outside the district.

Are you telling me that Freed Slaves considered nonpersons, 100 years before civil rights ended segregation, we're better off and more independent than you and me today?

Because these residents were wealthy, they they invested in their own community.

But as people moved out and crime moved in, then govt was abused to seize property by eminent domain, and liberal Democrats took over control and destroyed this independent settlement sucking money and property out to hand over to rich developers at the cost of national history and millions in taxpayer money abused to gut graveside and tear down landmarks to civil rights, military, black church and Freed Slave history.

So which way is better Matthew. Depending on govt, or building it yourself so you own your own property development.

Are you going to live like a slave to govt and wait for the next president or the next Congress to legislate reform?

The Freed slaves did their own work and we're wealthier for it. Why are we as liberals paying billions to lobby or elect more corporate politicians with a party censoring and destroying that history???
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Original version here. It's much longer, over 8 minutes compared to the one in the OP.

Sorry got to the point where she claimed WE PAINTED HER with a broad hateful brush. We the "deployables" painted her?

Fuck her.
I hope you enjoy footing the bill for your children to get a education,
I hope you enjoy losing your ssi and medicare
I hope you enjoy watching your parents die as you can't get them medical attention because of your 18th century party.
I hope you enjoy the piss poor air, water and food. Hell, I hope you get food poision, cancer and have to sit on the crapper at least once per week from the water.
I hope you enjoy the shitty private infratructure
I hope you enjoy the hurricane that you couldn't afford to be warned about

Hell, if you died Humanity would be better off.
Dear Matthew the Democrats and Greens in CA TX and NY have enough resources and pull in their respective parties to take back Education
And fund it ourselves.

Nothing stops you or me from organizing our own foundations and building like Rice, Stanford, or even taking over poor school districts or charter schools and investing in science and medicine.

Im pitching this plan to fellow progressives just like us, based on the very campus model for self govt that came out of the historic black district that my lib Dem Congresswoman Shetland Jackson Lee wants to save as a landmark.


SJLee already signed onto the campus plans that were written into federal laws and subtract agreements. They never got funded due to developer politics buying out black church and city officials with threats to cut them out if they didn't sell out.

But with all the left out voters against the federal govt cutting social and educational budgets, why not take over a fund these plans with our taxes and pay for schools and teachers and students tuition by microlemding and not pay for prisons or wars or political infighting.

How much money and resources do all the third parties have combined. Then add Dems and GOP Tea party and occupy saying NO to out of control govt.

You think we can't fund our own health social and educational programs organized per district and state by party? Why not?

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