What exactly are you libs going to "get" by voting Hillary

Well there it is....my son. Doing the same thing DOES NOT KINDA WORK.

Your analysis on Rs and Ds is total bull shit.

Are you aware of who got us in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam...to say nothing of Bubba's and BO's dumb actions in Yugo and Libya, Afghanshitisan, Syria...etc?

No need to reply...I know beforehand it will be ignorance...See? I am clairvoyant.

A Democrat got us into a war 50 years ago? That's your argument?

Again- Republicans- Wars and Recessions.

Democrats- Peace and Prosperity.

Plenty of Democrats said we needed to deal with Saddam Hussein the way Bush did and said so BEFORE Bush was President. Suddenly, it's a lie when Bush says the same thing?

Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.
Well there it is....my son. Doing the same thing DOES NOT KINDA WORK.

Your analysis on Rs and Ds is total bull shit.

Are you aware of who got us in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam...to say nothing of Bubba's and BO's dumb actions in Yugo and Libya, Afghanshitisan, Syria...etc?

No need to reply...I know beforehand it will be ignorance...See? I am clairvoyant.

A Democrat got us into a war 50 years ago? That's your argument?

Again- Republicans- Wars and Recessions.

Democrats- Peace and Prosperity.

Plenty of Democrats said we needed to deal with Saddam Hussein the way Bush did and said so BEFORE Bush was President. Suddenly, it's a lie when Bush says the same thing?

Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger
Well there it is....my son. Doing the same thing DOES NOT KINDA WORK.

Your analysis on Rs and Ds is total bull shit.

Are you aware of who got us in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam...to say nothing of Bubba's and BO's dumb actions in Yugo and Libya, Afghanshitisan, Syria...etc?

No need to reply...I know beforehand it will be ignorance...See? I am clairvoyant.

A Democrat got us into a war 50 years ago? That's your argument?

Again- Republicans- Wars and Recessions.

Democrats- Peace and Prosperity.

Plenty of Democrats said we needed to deal with Saddam Hussein the way Bush did and said so BEFORE Bush was President. Suddenly, it's a lie when Bush says the same thing?

Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

Your lying master Cankles still voted for it. If you were honest, you would condemning her for it, rather than Bush, and commending Bernie for voting against.

But...Leftnutter, we know you are not honest....just like Mrs. BJ.
If she makes get's the nomination, I will be voting against whatever fascist the GOP puts up against her.
Other than social warrior bullshit? You ain't getting more jobs. Or more money. Or more safety.

What are you going to GET for it???

Better quality Supreme Court justices for one.

A president who doesn't insist protesters are ISIS or demand the US military commit war crimes for another.
Better quality Supreme Court justices for one.
that could be a matter of opinion....
Other than social warrior bullshit? You ain't getting more jobs. Or more money. Or more safety.

What are you going to GET for it???
That most on the ignorant, partisan right don't understand comes as no surprise.

It's about appointing judges to the Federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court who aren't hateful reactionary conservative ideologues hostile to the rights of women, gay Americans, and minorities – it's about safeguarding the protected liberty of every American from the bigotry and contempt for the rule of common to most conservatives.

It's about preventing more failed, illegal wars and thousands of dead Americans that were the consequence of the last republican administration.

And it's about defending necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy as authorized by the Commerce Clause – regulatory policy that keeps the air and water clean, keeps Americans safe in their places of employment, and ensures that consumers are free to patronize any business they so desire regardless of who they are.

It's about keeping America great, and not allowing the fear, bigotry, and hate propagated by the right to diminish that greatness.
jones can you explain point no. 4 please?.....thanks....
Because libs will get the satisfaction of yet ANOTHER president sucking the cock of that Islam barbarism that makes these American-hating liberal pigs get all warm & wet downstairs. Liberals are soooo consumed with guilty, morally preening self-hatred I don't believe it's a coincidence that every guilty white liberal on this planet has a muslim penis in their piety-spewing mouths and another muslim penis wedged in their well-trafficked butt cheeks.
Jeezus! Every day Will`s gay fantasies become more graphic! There has to be a better place for gay fascists to hook up than here.

You're the one who mentioned the subject of gay fantasizing, so that shows where you're mind is at and what you like to think about all day. I'm NOT the one sucking the dick of American-haters, liberals are, so why blame me for liberals being groveling little whores?
Well there it is....my son. Doing the same thing DOES NOT KINDA WORK.

Your analysis on Rs and Ds is total bull shit.

Are you aware of who got us in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam...to say nothing of Bubba's and BO's dumb actions in Yugo and Libya, Afghanshitisan, Syria...etc?

No need to reply...I know beforehand it will be ignorance...See? I am clairvoyant.

A Democrat got us into a war 50 years ago? That's your argument?

Again- Republicans- Wars and Recessions.

Democrats- Peace and Prosperity.

Plenty of Democrats said we needed to deal with Saddam Hussein the way Bush did and said so BEFORE Bush was President. Suddenly, it's a lie when Bush says the same thing?

Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

If she makes get's the nomination, I will be voting against whatever fascist the GOP puts up against her.
If she makes get's the nomination, I will be voting against whatever fascist the GOP puts up against her.

You still don't know what a fascist is?
A Democrat got us into a war 50 years ago? That's your argument?

Again- Republicans- Wars and Recessions.

Democrats- Peace and Prosperity.

Plenty of Democrats said we needed to deal with Saddam Hussein the way Bush did and said so BEFORE Bush was President. Suddenly, it's a lie when Bush says the same thing?

Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

Your lying master Cankles still voted for it. If you were honest, you would condemning her for it, rather than Bush, and commending Bernie for voting against.

But...Leftnutter, we know you are not honest....just like Mrs. BJ.
Hillary paid the price for her vote in the 2008

History will forever condemn Bush's blunder
she doesn't have the Reagan boom to run on and no one would approve another housing bubble

so what reason do you have to vote for her?

GUy, what 'Reagan Boom"? When I got out of the Army in 1992, the Economy was fucking DISMAL. The best job I could get was working in a warehouse for $7.25 an hour. that's how fucked up the "Reagan Boom" was. And shit, the only reason I got that was because I had a veteran's preference.

Please, Reagan fucking Boom. Reagan fucking disaster is more like it, but poor old Poppy Bush was stuck picking up the check.

By 2000, guess what. I was making three times that in a much easier job more worthy of my experience and education level. Not that it didn't take long for Dubya Bush to fuck that up for everyone.

So in short, I'll probably vote for Hillary because I know she can run the country. I don't think Trump or Cruz can.
I can't help it that you're ignorant as fuck and after serving in the military you got ~ double min wage

you're bitching about double the min

she doesn't have the Reagan boom to run on and no one would approve another housing bubble

so what reason do you have to vote for her?

GUy, what 'Reagan Boom"? When I got out of the Army in 1992, the Economy was fucking DISMAL. The best job I could get was working in a warehouse for $7.25 an hour. that's how fucked up the "Reagan Boom" was. And shit, the only reason I got that was because I had a veteran's preference.

Please, Reagan fucking Boom. Reagan fucking disaster is more like it, but poor old Poppy Bush was stuck picking up the check.

By 2000, guess what. I was making three times that in a much easier job more worthy of my experience and education level. Not that it didn't take long for Dubya Bush to fuck that up for everyone.

So in short, I'll probably vote for Hillary because I know she can run the country. I don't think Trump or Cruz can.
How do you know this?

her first and only hardship as sos she blamed on a video and vowed to get the producer

Knowing how utterly fucking stewpud that is, how can you conclude she can run the country?
Plenty of Democrats said we needed to deal with Saddam Hussein the way Bush did and said so BEFORE Bush was President. Suddenly, it's a lie when Bush says the same thing?

Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

Your lying master Cankles still voted for it. If you were honest, you would condemning her for it, rather than Bush, and commending Bernie for voting against.

But...Leftnutter, we know you are not honest....just like Mrs. BJ.
Hillary paid the price for her vote in the 2008

History will forever condemn Bush's blunder

Hillary was overlooked in 2008 because Democrats put skin color above vagina.
Well there it is....my son. Doing the same thing DOES NOT KINDA WORK.

Your analysis on Rs and Ds is total bull shit.

Are you aware of who got us in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam...to say nothing of Bubba's and BO's dumb actions in Yugo and Libya, Afghanshitisan, Syria...etc?

No need to reply...I know beforehand it will be ignorance...See? I am clairvoyant.

A Democrat got us into a war 50 years ago? That's your argument?

Again- Republicans- Wars and Recessions.

Democrats- Peace and Prosperity.

Plenty of Democrats said we needed to deal with Saddam Hussein the way Bush did and said so BEFORE Bush was President. Suddenly, it's a lie when Bush says the same thing?

Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

Leading Democrats stated what should be done as what Bush did and did so BEFORE Bush was President. It became a lie when Bush said it but you Democrats puckered up when your own said it.
Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

Your lying master Cankles still voted for it. If you were honest, you would condemning her for it, rather than Bush, and commending Bernie for voting against.

But...Leftnutter, we know you are not honest....just like Mrs. BJ.
Hillary paid the price for her vote in the 2008

History will forever condemn Bush's blunder

Hillary was overlooked in 2008 because Democrats put skin color above vagina.
Not really

Both were exceptional candidates capable of destroying the best the Republicans had to offer

2016? They think TRUMP has a prayer?
A Democrat got us into a war 50 years ago? That's your argument?

Again- Republicans- Wars and Recessions.

Democrats- Peace and Prosperity.

Plenty of Democrats said we needed to deal with Saddam Hussein the way Bush did and said so BEFORE Bush was President. Suddenly, it's a lie when Bush says the same thing?

Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

Leading Democrats stated what should be done as what Bush did and did so BEFORE Bush was President. It became a lie when Bush said it but you Democrats puckered up when your own said it.

Democrats supported their President at a time politicians actually did that
A Democrat got us into a war 50 years ago? That's your argument?

Again- Republicans- Wars and Recessions.

Democrats- Peace and Prosperity.

Plenty of Democrats said we needed to deal with Saddam Hussein the way Bush did and said so BEFORE Bush was President. Suddenly, it's a lie when Bush says the same thing?

Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

If she makes get's the nomination, I will be voting against whatever fascist the GOP puts up against her.
If she makes get's the nomination, I will be voting against whatever fascist the GOP puts up against her.

You still don't know what a fascist is?

Sure I do.

Jacobin Reason: Sneak Peek at the 2016 GOP Platform
Plenty of Democrats said we needed to deal with Saddam Hussein the way Bush did and said so BEFORE Bush was President. Suddenly, it's a lie when Bush says the same thing?

Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

If she makes get's the nomination, I will be voting against whatever fascist the GOP puts up against her.
If she makes get's the nomination, I will be voting against whatever fascist the GOP puts up against her.

You still don't know what a fascist is?

Sure I do.

Jacobin Reason: Sneak Peek at the 2016 GOP Platform

Your link is evidence that you don't have a clue what fascism is.

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