What exactly are you libs going to "get" by voting Hillary

Taking into consideration that it appears to be Trump vs. Hillary, we will get a country not led by Trump. Which is potentially the best thing any candidate has been able to offer us since FDR took office.

A country led by Clinton will be a disaster.
I agree, I think Clinton will offer us more of the same that we already have...which have proven to be ineffective at best, leading us towards something like a slow and painful death.

Unfortunately, when faced between Charybdis and Scylla, one chooses the lesser of the two.

Trump can't do any worse. Butnm, we know Clinton will be a disaster.
Trump would be much worse than Bush proved to be......never thought I could say that

Bush was a better President than Obama.
History has already established Bush as our worst modern president and among the five worst of all time
A country led by Clinton will be a disaster.
I agree, I think Clinton will offer us more of the same that we already have...which have proven to be ineffective at best, leading us towards something like a slow and painful death.

Unfortunately, when faced between Charybdis and Scylla, one chooses the lesser of the two.

Trump can't do any worse. Butnm, we know Clinton will be a disaster.
Trump would be much worse than Bush proved to be......never thought I could say that

Bush was a better President than Obama.
History has already established Bush as our worst modern president and among the five worst of all time

No, history hasn't established that...lol
The satisfaction of saying you voted for a woman. That's all.
This is an interesting post....very similar to the kinds of posts we saw in 2008 and 2012 where people such as yourself put out the theory that voters only voted for Obama because he is black.

Rather shallow, actually.
Hillary will run on she is not Trump

No need to play the woman card
I agree, I think Clinton will offer us more of the same that we already have...which have proven to be ineffective at best, leading us towards something like a slow and painful death.

Unfortunately, when faced between Charybdis and Scylla, one chooses the lesser of the two.

Trump can't do any worse. Butnm, we know Clinton will be a disaster.
Trump would be much worse than Bush proved to be......never thought I could say that

Bush was a better President than Obama.
Well, this proves that either you are too young to actually remember the Bush years, or that you never traveled the world during those years. That response is clearly so false as to be malicious.

Ronald Reagan was president when I graduated from high school, so I'm well old enough to remember. I'm smart enough to know that Obama is the worst President Jimmy Carter.
Nope...if you remember Reagan, you remember Iran-Contra, the Amnesty for Illegals, the Beirut Marine Barracks bombing, the cut n'run.
Other than social warrior bullshit? You ain't getting more jobs. Or more money. Or more safety.

What are you going to GET for it???
Taking into consideration that it appears to be Trump vs. Hillary, we will get a country not led by Trump. Which is potentially the best thing any candidate has been able to offer us since FDR took office.

A country led by Clinton will be a disaster.
Not as bad as a country "led" by Drumpf.
I can't help it that you're ignorant as fuck and after serving in the military you got ~ double min wage

you're bitching about double the min

That's how fucked up the economy was in 1992 due to your boy Bush. It finally took you guy three tries to figure out how fucked up the Bushes make things.

How do you know this?

her first and only hardship as sos she blamed on a video and vowed to get the producer

Knowing how utterly fucking stewpud that is, how can you conclude she can run the country?

We got that producer. We locked his ass in jail and I'm sure he was watching his ass every day. I'd have been personally okay with extraditing him to Egypt and let them deal with him
this proves you're a complete idiot and not longer worth taking seriously
Trump can't do any worse. Butnm, we know Clinton will be a disaster.
Trump would be much worse than Bush proved to be......never thought I could say that

Bush was a better President than Obama.
Well, this proves that either you are too young to actually remember the Bush years, or that you never traveled the world during those years. That response is clearly so false as to be malicious.

Ronald Reagan was president when I graduated from high school, so I'm well old enough to remember. I'm smart enough to know that Obama is the worst President Jimmy Carter.
Nope...if you remember Reagan, you remember Iran-Contra, the Amnesty for Illegals, the Beirut Marine Barracks bombing, the cut n'run.
won the Cold War
brought down the Berlin wall
shut Lybia up until obama
insane, never before seen economic growth
no wars

but ***** to recall that
What do we "get" by voting for Trump?

We get laughed at by the rest of the world

1. An embarrassment from around the world. Middle East, Europe and Asian countries despise Adolf Trump. That's already been proven and calling him a clown.
2. Trump is a racist. Rise of white supremacist and hatred.
3. Constitutional meltdown.
4. We are going to war.
5. Lie to American people.
6. US isolation from the rest of the world.
7. All prices of commodities will be so high that will cripple this country.
8. Unable to sell American products overseas.
9. Divide this country to an unimaginable level.
9. Best to fight ISIS???? Like what? Is he going to do any different from what we are doing now and the Russians?
10. Trade? He is lying.
11. Deport 11 millions? He is lying.
So why would anyone vote for this arrogant asshole? Maybe ignorance and stupidity.

The stupidity is this fear mongering list...lol

Nope..... Wildbill............ Are you scared that I'm telling you the reality? Be very careful what you wish for.
What do we "get" by voting for Trump?

We get laughed at by the rest of the world

1. An embarrassment from around the world. Middle East, Europe and Asian countries despise Adolf Trump. That's already been proven and calling him a clown.
2. Trump is a racist. Rise of white supremacist and hatred.
3. Constitutional meltdown.
4. We are going to war.
5. Lie to American people.
6. US isolation from the rest of the world.
7. All prices of commodities will be so high that will cripple this country.
8. Unable to sell American products overseas.
9. Divide this country to an unimaginable level.
9. Best to fight ISIS???? Like what? Is he going to do any different from what we are doing now and the Russians?
10. Trade? He is lying.
11. Deport 11 millions? He is lying.
So why would anyone vote for this arrogant asshole? Maybe ignorance and stupidity.

The stupidity is this fear mongering list...lol

Nope..... Wildbill............ Are you scared that I'm telling you the reality? Be very careful what you wish for.

Your retarded little list is the last thing I'm afraid of...lol

You people throw "racist" and "fascist" around so much, it doesn't even mean anything. Its especially meaningless, because you either don't know what it means, or can't provide a credible example to prove your point.

At the end of the day, it boils down to the fact that your arguments are so weak and baseless, you have no alternative but to engage in insults and name calling

Read a book, then come talk to us.
Trump can't do any worse. Butnm, we know Clinton will be a disaster.
Trump would be much worse than Bush proved to be......never thought I could say that

Bush was a better President than Obama.
Well, this proves that either you are too young to actually remember the Bush years, or that you never traveled the world during those years. That response is clearly so false as to be malicious.

Ronald Reagan was president when I graduated from high school, so I'm well old enough to remember. I'm smart enough to know that Obama is the worst President Jimmy Carter.
Nope...if you remember Reagan, you remember Iran-Contra, the Amnesty for Illegals, the Beirut Marine Barracks bombing, the cut n'run.

It was Congress that gave amnesty to illegals.
The MSM will do it's job....that being to denigrate the R nominee at every turn (particularly if it is Trump), while doing all they can to make Cankles look presidential.

Trump won't need the media to do those things. He'll do it all by himself.
WHAT choice do they have? the party made sure they only have the Hitlery and that nobody commie lover, the 100 year old Bernie
Hillary will be a vote against Trump. That's really all it is, a vote for an establishment politician in lieu of a lunatic. Republicans really had a good chance of winning the presidency. It was their turn.Then they go for Trump.
Trump would be much worse than Bush proved to be......never thought I could say that

Bush was a better President than Obama.
Well, this proves that either you are too young to actually remember the Bush years, or that you never traveled the world during those years. That response is clearly so false as to be malicious.

Ronald Reagan was president when I graduated from high school, so I'm well old enough to remember. I'm smart enough to know that Obama is the worst President Jimmy Carter.
Nope...if you remember Reagan, you remember Iran-Contra, the Amnesty for Illegals, the Beirut Marine Barracks bombing, the cut n'run.

It was Congress that gave amnesty to illegals.
Amnesty was president Reagan's request and proposal...
What am I going to get for voting Hillary?

To laugh my ass off for 4 to 8 years at people who bark at strawmen and clouds while lighting their hair on fire over Hillary.

She's not my preferred candidate, but Donald Trump is yet another figure on the right who has caused people like who were moderate Republicans 20 years ago to stick with the center-left because there is no center-right left. We've all fled and it'll continue to happen this year with him as their nominee.
Plenty of Democrats said we needed to deal with Saddam Hussein the way Bush did and said so BEFORE Bush was President. Suddenly, it's a lie when Bush says the same thing?

Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

Leading Democrats stated what should be done as what Bush did and did so BEFORE Bush was President. It became a lie when Bush said it but you Democrats puckered up when your own said it.

Democrats supported their President at a time politicians actually did that

I see you missed the point entirely.
What am I going to get for voting Hillary?

To laugh my ass off for 4 to 8 years at people who bark at strawmen and clouds while lighting their hair on fire over Hillary.

She's not my preferred candidate, but Donald Trump is yet another figure on the right who has caused people like who were moderate Republicans 20 years ago to stick with the center-left because there is no center-right left. We've all fled and it'll continue to happen this year with him as their nominee.

Moderate Republican? A term meaning someone not willing to pick a side and who rides the fence.
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

Your lying master Cankles still voted for it. If you were honest, you would condemning her for it, rather than Bush, and commending Bernie for voting against.

But...Leftnutter, we know you are not honest....just like Mrs. BJ.
Hillary paid the price for her vote in the 2008

History will forever condemn Bush's blunder

Hillary was overlooked in 2008 because Democrats put skin color above vagina.
Not really

Both were exceptional candidates capable of destroying the best the Republicans had to offer

2016? They think TRUMP has a prayer?

Exceptional candidates? Only morons who use skin color and reproductive organ as a qualification thought so.
Actually, those Democrats were not saying invade. They were justifying why we needed to maintain tougher sanctions

It was Bush who pushed for invasion NOW and Bush who ordered the invasion
And yet many Dems voted for invasion, including your beloved gangster in a pantsuit.

Most Dems voted against it
Almost all Republicans voted for it and Bush pulled the trigger

Leading Democrats stated what should be done as what Bush did and did so BEFORE Bush was President. It became a lie when Bush said it but you Democrats puckered up when your own said it.

Democrats supported their President at a time politicians actually did that

I see you missed the point entirely.
I know your point

"It's not our fault"
Damn Joe...I know you are not dumb...well I am trying to be optimistic.

What party was Wilson, FDR, Truman, and LBJ...if you need a clue, let me know.

Oh wait...your knowledge of history only goes back to 2000.

Did you not learn how to fucking read in whatever Home School you went to, Cleetus.

FIFTY YEARS. Yes, i know. LBJ was president FIFTY YEARS AGO. Fuck, are you stupid.
So your knowledge of history only goes back 50 years. Sorry to hear that.

When will you learn there is little difference between the two parties. Both are warmongering, corrupt, and criminal? Its time Joey...to grow up and accept this reality.

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