What exactly did they do?

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Still waiting for anyone to tell us exactly what the Russians did, how it influenced the election, where they did it, which votes were affected, and whether whatever they did had any affect on the final outcome.

All we hear is that the Russians got some data from the unsecured DNC servers and Hillary's illegal private unsecured server, and that that data somehow got released by wikileaks. Where is the crime? Where is the collusioin? How did any of this change the election?
I love these threads

OP asks....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?

He gets seven pages telling him what the Russians did and he comes back with.....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?


the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal, so they bought a few thousand dollars of facebook ads---------not illegal. How many votes were changed? Tell us or STFU.

If the Russians had a goal it was to divide us and get us screaming at each other, in that they succeeded---------again not illegal.

What was illegal under US law, however, was Obama trying to influence the brexit vote and the Israeli elections, but you don't care about that because you worship the Kenyan messiah over all else.
the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal,

Another lie.

Hacking is a felony, dope.

breaking into a secure server is a crime, looking at data on an unsecure server is not.

The DNC servers could be looked at by anyone with a little computer savvy. They were virtually open to the world.

No, dope.

Accessing any electronic device and removing data without consent is hacking and a felony.
The FBI did not examine the server. that was left to a firm getting paid by the Hillary campaign. Nothing they say can be believed.

Who says they needed to, dope?
Anyone who doesn't have hole in his head says they needed to.

Obviously you have a rather large hole as the indictments have names, dates, methods, financing and distribution of the hacking operation, none of which would have been garnered from looking at the servers, dope.
indictments are not evidence. just saying you should listen to judges when they speak. ask judge Ellis.

Sure, QTARD.

It's all a hoax.
It's a con, not a hoax.
Some of the craziness that repeated enough times makes people believe it

Hear the one about Hillary and the pizza shop sex slaves?

That is what Hillary had to deal with..........Actual Fake News
I didn't pay much attention to that type of nonsense and I doubt that many others did either. I did however, pay a lot of attention to the emails showing that the democrat primary was rigged and to the fact that the MSM was meeting with HIllary to outline their "strategy".
The primary was not rigged and Hillary actually received the most votes

Something Crooked Donnie cannot say

were you unconscious during 2016? the dem super delegates overrode the votes of the dem primary voters in order to deny Bernie and give the nomination to crooked Hillary.

the entire PV vote delta was in California. 3 million more caliprunians voted for Hillary than for Trump, BFD, Trump got 306 EC votes and that's how we elect presidents.
were you unconscious during 2016? the dem super delegates overrode the votes of the dem primary voters in order to deny Bernie and give the nomination to crooked Hillary.


Clinton won hadily with regular delegates. She didn't need a single super to beat Sanders, loser.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count

the super delegates are included in those delegate counts, doofus, loser, asshole, dipshit

the super delegates are included in those delegate counts, doofus, loser, asshole, dipshit

Look at it again, retard.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
OK...let me try

Russians hacked into the DNC server much like the Watergate break-in broke into DNC headquarters. It was a crime then, it is a crime now

They released that information through Wikileaks and Trump used that information in his campaign.

Russians also engaged in a propaganda smear campaign against Hilary to help the candidate they preferred. That propaganda was readily distributed including on USMB
100k in ads, wow if only we knew that so little could actually sway an election, we could stop spending months amassing millions for ads we don't need.
It turned out that with Russian trolls pushing the facebook ads out ....

They reached 126 MILLION people!!!! yes, 126,000,000 people!!!! :eek:
If FaceBook ads change your vote, you probably shouldn't be voting.
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?

That would be the Russian intelligence operation, retard.
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?

That would be the Russian intelligence operation, retard.
Answer the question, did the truth about Hilary make her lose?
The answer of course is “nothing”. The left just can’t except the fact that they lost. Ironic since they spent so much time pissing their panties because they though Trump wouldn’t except the results if he lost.
And Rigged Their Own Primaries
Before It Even Started

If Hillary funded the dossier, why didn’t she use it?
Trump repeatedly used the information provided by Putin

She is using it, dumbass. Why do you think we have this witchhunt?

The investigation began in july and the warrant wasn't granted until oct, you QTARD fuckwit.

the FISA warrants used the lies in the dossier as their justification, the FISA judge was lied to.


The application has been released. It says quite clealy what the judge was informed about, dope.
Wrong, you lying douchebag, the judge was not told that the Clinton campaign paid for the "dossier."


Carter Page FISA Documents Are Released by Justice Department
Actually, they did. They turned everything over to third-party contractors who already had a working relationship and contracts with US Intelligence agencies. They, in turn, gave their findings to US intelligence and the FBI. Makes no difference how many times you are informed about the facts, you and your ilk will keep parroting the talking point designed to mislead and distort.
The FBI did not examine the server. that was left to a firm getting paid by the Hillary campaign. Nothing they say can be believed.

Who says they needed to, dope?
Anyone who doesn't have hole in his head says they needed to.

Obviously you have a rather large hole as the indictments have names, dates, methods, financing and distribution of the hacking operation, none of which would have been garnered from looking at the servers, dope.
What is garnered by looking at the server is whether it was hacked or not. The FBI has no hard evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC server. Furthermore, we have no idea whether the information in the indictment is true. We have only the FBI's say-so on that. In other words, we got nothing.
The FBI has no hard evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC server.

What stupid thing to say.

What we do know is the reality of the very detailed indictments that very clearly tells you what the FBI knows, dope.
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?

That would be the Russian intelligence operation, retard.
Answer the question, did the truth about Hilary make her lose?

Answer mine, dope.

Was that the purpose of the Russian intelligence operation designed to help Trump win?

I ask because you can't have it both ways. If the "truth" as you say caused her to lose, then the Russian operation was successful.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
/——-/ Hildabeast lost on her own acccord so naturally she had to blame someone and the Russians were an easy target.
Trump got a big assist from Comey and Putin

Otherwise, it was HIllary in a landslide
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?

That would be the Russian intelligence operation, retard.
Answer the question, did the truth about Hilary make her lose?

Answer mine, dope.

Was that the purpose of the Russian intelligence operation designed to help Trump win?

I ask because you can't have it both ways. If the "truth" as you say caused her to lose, then the Russian operation was successful.
The Russians did NOT do anything to help Trump win, they were simply causing chaos and you dumb asses have continued it for 2 years after.
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?

That would be the Russian intelligence operation, retard.
Answer the question, did the truth about Hilary make her lose?

Answer mine, dope.

Was that the purpose of the Russian intelligence operation designed to help Trump win?

I ask because you can't have it both ways. If the "truth" as you say caused her to lose, then the Russian operation was successful.
The Russians did NOT do anything to help Trump win, they were simply causing chaos and you dumb asses have continued it for 2 years after.


Senate Intelligence Committee Agrees That Putin Meddled to Help Trump
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
/——-/ Hildabeast lost on her own acccord so naturally she had to blame someone and the Russians were an easy target.
Trump got a big assist from Comey and Putin

Otherwise, it was HIllary in a landslide

The "assist" may be bigger than we knew...https://www.justice.gov/file/1080281/download

In or around September 2016, the Conspirators also successfully gained access to DNC computers hosted on a third-party cloud-computing service. These computers contained test applications related to the DNC’s analytics. After conducting reconnaissance, the Conspirators gathered data by creating backups, or “snapshots,” of the DNC’s cloud-based systems using the cloud provider’s own technology.​
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?

That would be the Russian intelligence operation, retard.
Answer the question, did the truth about Hilary make her lose?

Answer mine, dope.

Was that the purpose of the Russian intelligence operation designed to help Trump win?

I ask because you can't have it both ways. If the "truth" as you say caused her to lose, then the Russian operation was successful.
The Russians did NOT do anything to help Trump win, they were simply causing chaos and you dumb asses have continued it for 2 years after.
The Russians did NOT do anything to help Trump win
Except tell the "truth" about Clinton, right?

I love when these dopey narratives blow up in their face.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
Indictments aren’t evidence didn’t you hear judge Ellis?

The indictments tell you exactly, in great detail what they did .

Read them and stop asking stupid qiestions, dope.
It’s not evidence. Ask judge Ellis
The FBI did not examine the server. that was left to a firm getting paid by the Hillary campaign. Nothing they say can be believed.

Who says they needed to, dope?
Anyone who doesn't have hole in his head says they needed to.

Obviously you have a rather large hole as the indictments have names, dates, methods, financing and distribution of the hacking operation, none of which would have been garnered from looking at the servers, dope.
indictments are not evidence. just saying you should listen to judges when they speak. ask judge Ellis.

Sure, QTARD.

It's all a hoax.
So now you’re smarter than a judge? Suuuuuuure:auiqs.jpg:
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..

The Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from a FOI act request. The Russians never hacked Clinton’s server and her server WAS examined by the FBI.

WikiLeaks did not say the DNC emails didn’t come from a hack. Assange said they didn’t come from the Russian government. I believe Assange about as much as I believe Putin.
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