What exactly did they do?

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That would be the Russian intelligence operation, retard.
Answer the question, did the truth about Hilary make her lose?

Answer mine, dope.

Was that the purpose of the Russian intelligence operation designed to help Trump win?

I ask because you can't have it both ways. If the "truth" as you say caused her to lose, then the Russian operation was successful.
The Russians did NOT do anything to help Trump win, they were simply causing chaos and you dumb asses have continued it for 2 years after.


Senate Intelligence Committee Agrees That Putin Meddled to Help Trump
LOL the Russians bought ads against both Trump and Hillary dumb ass. They tried to break into the republican server too.

Yes and? That doesn't change the fact that Putin wanted and helped Trump to win.

Just ask Putin...

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?

That would be the Russian intelligence operation, retard.
Answer the question, did the truth about Hilary make her lose?

Answer mine, dope.

Was that the purpose of the Russian intelligence operation designed to help Trump win?

I ask because you can't have it both ways. If the "truth" as you say caused her to lose, then the Russian operation was successful.
The Russians did NOT do anything to help Trump win, they were simply causing chaos and you dumb asses have continued it for 2 years after.
Of course they did...

They provided Trump with leaked emails. Trump used those emails in his “Crooked HIllary” campaign
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?

That would be the Russian intelligence operation, retard.
So you’re saying hitlery’s emails were Russian
Except the emails hacked were between powerless staffers and Meant garbage except to Fox.
Trump gleefully reported on each leaked email
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..

The Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from a FOI act request. The Russians never hacked Clinton’s server and her server WAS examined by the FBI.

WikiLeaks did not say the DNC emails didn’t come from a hack. Assange said they didn’t come from the Russian government. I believe Assange about as much as I believe Putin.

Ah, I see.....so YOU get to decide what is "true" and what isn't. NOW I understand.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..

The Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from a FOI act request. The Russians never hacked Clinton’s server and her server WAS examined by the FBI.

WikiLeaks did not say the DNC emails didn’t come from a hack. Assange said they didn’t come from the Russian government. I believe Assange about as much as I believe Putin.

Of course you can source this....right?

" The Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from a FOI act request'
Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..

The Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from a FOI act request. The Russians never hacked Clinton’s server and her server WAS examined by the FBI.

WikiLeaks did not say the DNC emails didn’t come from a hack. Assange said they didn’t come from the Russian government. I believe Assange about as much as I believe Putin.

Of course you can source this....right?

" The Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from a FOI act request'

State Dept. wants Hillary Clinton email release in 2016 - CNNPolitics

The department is also under pressure from a Freedom of Information Act lawsuits seeking the release of documents related to Clinton that haven't been made public.
For one of those lawsuits -- brought by Vice News -- the State Department on Monday produced a court-requested schedule for publicly releasing roughly 30,000 emails that Clinton handed over to it in December. Clinton provided the emails in paper form, amounting to about 55,000 pages, according to the department.​
Answer the question, did the truth about Hilary make her lose?

Answer mine, dope.

Was that the purpose of the Russian intelligence operation designed to help Trump win?

I ask because you can't have it both ways. If the "truth" as you say caused her to lose, then the Russian operation was successful.
The Russians did NOT do anything to help Trump win, they were simply causing chaos and you dumb asses have continued it for 2 years after.


Senate Intelligence Committee Agrees That Putin Meddled to Help Trump
LOL the Russians bought ads against both Trump and Hillary dumb ass. They tried to break into the republican server too.

Yes and? That doesn't change the fact that Putin wanted and helped Trump to win.

Just ask Putin...

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election
/——/ Hildabeast was for sale to the highest bidder. Trump isn’t
Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
The indictments do not say anything about trump or his people, they do not involve collusion at all. They claim some Russians broke into Hillary's server, perhaps she should have had some security? They claim the Russians broke into Podesta server perhaps he should have had some security?
Yes they should of had better security. But why are so many people saying that the hacking never happened? Just look at this thread and all the deniers of the Russians efforts.
Several reasons. ONE Wikilinks DENIES they got the info from a hack, two Hillary and Podesta REFUSED to turn over the servers..

The Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from a FOI act request. The Russians never hacked Clinton’s server and her server WAS examined by the FBI.

WikiLeaks did not say the DNC emails didn’t come from a hack. Assange said they didn’t come from the Russian government. I believe Assange about as much as I believe Putin.

Of course you can source this....right?

" The Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from a FOI act request'

Hillary Clinton State department emails on her private server were released due to freedom of information act requests, not by the Russian operative hackers.

The emails from the DNC, DCCC, and Podesta, were hacked and stolen emails... those were not from Hillary Clinton's server.
Answer mine, dope.

Was that the purpose of the Russian intelligence operation designed to help Trump win?

I ask because you can't have it both ways. If the "truth" as you say caused her to lose, then the Russian operation was successful.
The Russians did NOT do anything to help Trump win, they were simply causing chaos and you dumb asses have continued it for 2 years after.


Senate Intelligence Committee Agrees That Putin Meddled to Help Trump
LOL the Russians bought ads against both Trump and Hillary dumb ass. They tried to break into the republican server too.

Yes and? That doesn't change the fact that Putin wanted and helped Trump to win.

Just ask Putin...

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election
/——/ Hildabeast was for sale to the highest bidder. Trump isn’t
That's bull crud..... Trump and his administration have been for sale since he took office.... the swamp has become deeper and deeper since he arrived.... open your eyes Cell!
The Russians did NOT do anything to help Trump win, they were simply causing chaos and you dumb asses have continued it for 2 years after.


Senate Intelligence Committee Agrees That Putin Meddled to Help Trump
LOL the Russians bought ads against both Trump and Hillary dumb ass. They tried to break into the republican server too.

Yes and? That doesn't change the fact that Putin wanted and helped Trump to win.

Just ask Putin...

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election
/——/ Hildabeast was for sale to the highest bidder. Trump isn’t
That's bull crud..... Trump and his administration have been for sale since he took office.... the swamp has become deeper and deeper since he arrived.... open your eyes Cell!
/——-/ Prove Trumphas taken one dime. He even donates his salary. You’re just lashing out.
LOL the Russians bought ads against both Trump and Hillary dumb ass. They tried to break into the republican server too.

Yes and? That doesn't change the fact that Putin wanted and helped Trump to win.

Just ask Putin...

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election
/——/ Hildabeast was for sale to the highest bidder. Trump isn’t
That's bull crud..... Trump and his administration have been for sale since he took office.... the swamp has become deeper and deeper since he arrived.... open your eyes Cell!
/——-/ Prove Trumphas taken one dime. He even donates his salary. You’re just lashing out.

Just wait...there's a lawsuit.

How the emoluments clause is being used to sue Trump

Okay, to tide you over...

Opinion | Trump’s latest violation of the emoluments clause
LOL the Russians bought ads against both Trump and Hillary dumb ass. They tried to break into the republican server too.

Yes and? That doesn't change the fact that Putin wanted and helped Trump to win.

Just ask Putin...

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election
/——/ Hildabeast was for sale to the highest bidder. Trump isn’t
That's bull crud..... Trump and his administration have been for sale since he took office.... the swamp has become deeper and deeper since he arrived.... open your eyes Cell!
/——-/ Prove Trumphas taken one dime. He even donates his salary. You’re just lashing out.
Shit, the membership fees alone he collects from Mar-a-Lago alone, which doubled when he won the election, more than make up for the salary he’s passing up on. Which makes zero sense to not take the salaray anyway. But hey, it fooled many of you dupes, so I suppose that in itself made it worthwhile.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

Read the latest indicments, dope.

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.
Indictments aren’t evidence didn’t you hear judge Ellis?

The indictments tell you exactly, in great detail what they did .

Read them and stop asking stupid qiestions, dope.
It’s not evidence. Ask judge Ellis

I didn't say it was, dope.
Bullshit , but lying is your forte
Please specify the exact "mountain of evidence," beyond exposing the Democrats deliberate wrongdoing with regards to Bernie Sanders.
Bernie said she won fair and square... Good enough for me.
Bernie got a multi million dollar mansion out of that deal.
B******* as always... All investigated the money came from the books he wrote dot-dot-dot conspiracy Nut Job.
Yeah sure, I’ve got a bridge to nowhere. Typical demoloser investigation
Answer the question, did the truth about Hilary make her lose?

Answer mine, dope.

Was that the purpose of the Russian intelligence operation designed to help Trump win?

I ask because you can't have it both ways. If the "truth" as you say caused her to lose, then the Russian operation was successful.
The Russians did NOT do anything to help Trump win, they were simply causing chaos and you dumb asses have continued it for 2 years after.


Senate Intelligence Committee Agrees That Putin Meddled to Help Trump
LOL the Russians bought ads against both Trump and Hillary dumb ass. They tried to break into the republican server too.
It was all against Hillary basically and trying to get the Fringes excited. The hacking and Comey is what hurt.
What hacking? There’s no evidence of hacking. I challenge you to show which agency looked at the DNC Servers! Ready, go
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?

That would be the Russian intelligence operation, retard.
So you’re saying hitlery’s emails were Russian
Except the emails hacked were between powerless staffers and Meant garbage except to Fox.
So how did that influence the election? Hmmm you all can’t get out of your own way
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