What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor


The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!
Yea but still your way the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider and the middle class is still struggling. Still doing worse than we were in 1970.

So if this is the new normal then just admit it. Most people will never save enough to ever retire. Most people in the future won't be able to afford college.

We created a middle class the world had never seen before. Labor Laws, Unions, New Deal social programs.

You'll never make America great again. Not that great. What you will say is America is great now. Hardly. If it's great now for blue collar then it was pretty much great when Obama was president because their lives haven't changed that much for the better. Maybe a couple bucks an hour tops but that's it.

Now this is not personal because in 2016 I got a $45K a year raise. BUT that was not because of Trump. I got that raise because of the sales I did in the Obama years. So personally, if I was an ignorant fuck, I would connect my increase in standard of living to Trump and vote for that embarrassment. Because some how I would feel I'm rich enough to be a greedy ignorant Republican. But I know better.

So answer me this, Sealy...did the gap between rich and poor get smaller or bigger under the eight years of the Obama Administration?

As for your raise? Raises in the Private Sector are generally given in anticipation of you generating profit in the future...not for what you've done in the past! I'm rather sure that if you boss had a pessimistic outlook going forward in 2016 that you wouldn't have gotten that money. So tell me what was going on that was making your boss or bosses so optimistic? I'm guessing it was the same thing that was making OTHER bosses optimistic as well! That there was a President in the White House who didn't view the Private Sector as little more than source of taxes!

My bosses want me to take a lower salary and higher commission and they say that will make me more safe in the future if the economy goes into a recession. Then if sales go down they won't look at my salary and say "we got to cut this guys salary".

Fuck that. I'm going to tell them we can lower my salary if/when my sales drop. Until then, fuck lowering my salary. Here is why I'm thinking that. In 2014 I only made $40K. In 2015 I made $50K. In 2016 I made $60K and got my raise at the end of the year so that in 2017 I made $90K. So do the math. In those 4 years I really only made $60K a year. They owe me. The raise I got in 2016 was a reward for my past sales. Yea sure they are expecting those sales to continue but you Republicans want it both ways. You say you'll pay us what we are worth but first we have to show you what we are worth. Then when we do, you say that raise is in anticipation of future sales? I get it, but this is just another way you guys talk out of both sides of your mouth. And you can put spin on anything.

So the next time I take a job at a company I'm going to tell them they need to pay me for future sales. What I do today doesn't matter. Even if I suck, you are not paying me for my results now you are paying me for what I'm going to do in the future. LOL.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

What does the GOP have to offer blacks?


Now do they get your vote or not?

Blacks vote Democratic because of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. As soon as LBJ signed it, he said now the Democrats have lost the South for a generation. And he was right. But the trade-off was that Democrats gained the loyalty of 80-90% of the black population. Before that there were quite a few black Republicans.

It is harder to generalize about Latinos. You have Cubans in Florida who are heavily Republican. You have conservative Latinos in many places who are also Republican. But the majority of Latinos probably vote Democratic because they are considered more friendly to unions and the working class. Also because they are more liberal on immigration. Whereas Republicans are seen as favoring the interests of the wealthy, and more inclined to discriminate against minorities.

Social issues such as those you mention are important also, but most people vote their pocketbooks.
I hate that question. Obama didn't have the power and you know it.

And if you were being intellectually honest, there is nothing he would have tried that you would have liked. So don't try to blama Obama when the fact is you and your party would have fought him tooth an nail if he tried to do anything to stop or fix the mess you created.

For example, I wish Obama would have tarriff'ed company who weren't manufacturing here but could you imagine what Republicans would have done if he tried that? So interesting that Trump gets away with it. Huh?

What did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama not have the power to do?

What did President Obama do to stop currency manipulation by China and top them from stealing our intellectual property?
So I watched the Democratic debates. And it's funny how what republicans call the racist party, had 3 women, 2 blacks, 1 Hispanic and one Asian running for president.

Since you guys are all about "perception" rather than results, IM2...that sounds about perfect for the modern day Democratic Party! Identity politics at it's "best"!
You are talking about the republican party.
I hate that question. Obama didn't have the power and you know it.

And if you were being intellectually honest, there is nothing he would have tried that you would have liked. So don't try to blama Obama when the fact is you and your party would have fought him tooth an nail if he tried to do anything to stop or fix the mess you created.

For example, I wish Obama would have tarriff'ed company who weren't manufacturing here but could you imagine what Republicans would have done if he tried that? So interesting that Trump gets away with it. Huh?

What did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama not have the power to do?

What did President Obama do to stop currency manipulation by China and top them from stealing our intellectual property?
Obama did not fail.
Repeating for Truth's sake:

The very title of your thread is racist, stupid and childish, all at the same time. We do not offer any particular race anything special. The fact that you look at yourself as black and not just as an American means you have mental issues and you will always be crying and sniveling.

We offer ALL people a great economy and security where you can become whatever you want to be, or you can also fail too if you go that direction.

If life were a baseball game, we offer the perfect playing field to play on: No weeds, no rocks, broken bases, or anything to hinder your playing. It is up to you to practice and win, or be a loser.

And YOU, sir, are a LOSER, and a whiner, and a crybaby, blaming your woes and others, and expecting people to do special things for your race. Grow up and make a life for yourself. Either that or shut the fuck up.
Repeating for Truth's sake:

The very title of your thread is racist, stupid and childish, all at the same time. We do not offer any particular race anything special. The fact that you look at yourself as black and not just as an American means you have mental issues and you will always be crying and sniveling.

We offer ALL people a great economy and security where you can become whatever you want to be, or you can also fail too if you go that direction.

If life were a baseball game, we offer the perfect playing field to play on: No weeds, no rocks, broken bases, or anything to hinder your playing. It is up to you to practice and win, or be a loser.

And YOU, sir, are a LOSER, and a whiner, and a crybaby, blaming your woes and others, and expecting people to do special things for your race. Grow up and make a life for yourself. Either that or shut the fuck up.

Keep repeating yourself. Your race has had special things done for it since 7-4-1776. Your psychosis doesn't allow you to understand that reality. So shut the fuck up.
Keep repeating yourself.........

Just like the Bible scriptures, my posts must be repeated over and over and never forgotten for they are right and true. The question is, will you ever pull your whining head out of your crying ass long enough to figure it out.
So I watched the Democratic debates. And it's funny how what republicans call the racist party, had 3 women, 2 blacks, 1 Hispanic and one Asian running for president.

Yeah all of them incompetent to be a night shift mgr at Taco Bell... Love that smell of arrogant idiots that think they're the Legion of Heroes lusting for power...
So I watched the Democratic debates. And it's funny how what republicans call the racist party, had 3 women, 2 blacks, 1 Hispanic and one Asian running for president.

Yeah all of them incompetent to be a night shift mgr at Taco Bell... Love that smell of arrogant idiots that think they're the Legion of Heroes lusting for power...
They are all better than what republicans have to offer.
Keep repeating yourself.........

Just like the Bible scriptures, my posts must be repeated over and over and never forgotten for they are right and true. The question is, will you ever pull your whining head out of your crying ass long enough to figure it out.
The bible does mention Satan, that's true. So when you get help for your psychosis we can talk.

The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!
Yea but still your way the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider and the middle class is still struggling. Still doing worse than we were in 1970.

So if this is the new normal then just admit it. Most people will never save enough to ever retire. Most people in the future won't be able to afford college.

We created a middle class the world had never seen before. Labor Laws, Unions, New Deal social programs.

You'll never make America great again. Not that great. What you will say is America is great now. Hardly. If it's great now for blue collar then it was pretty much great when Obama was president because their lives haven't changed that much for the better. Maybe a couple bucks an hour tops but that's it.

Now this is not personal because in 2016 I got a $45K a year raise. BUT that was not because of Trump. I got that raise because of the sales I did in the Obama years. So personally, if I was an ignorant fuck, I would connect my increase in standard of living to Trump and vote for that embarrassment. Because some how I would feel I'm rich enough to be a greedy ignorant Republican. But I know better.

So answer me this, Sealy...did the gap between rich and poor get smaller or bigger under the eight years of the Obama Administration?

As for your raise? Raises in the Private Sector are generally given in anticipation of you generating profit in the future...not for what you've done in the past! I'm rather sure that if you boss had a pessimistic outlook going forward in 2016 that you wouldn't have gotten that money. So tell me what was going on that was making your boss or bosses so optimistic? I'm guessing it was the same thing that was making OTHER bosses optimistic as well! That there was a President in the White House who didn't view the Private Sector as little more than source of taxes!

My bosses want me to take a lower salary and higher commission and they say that will make me more safe in the future if the economy goes into a recession. Then if sales go down they won't look at my salary and say "we got to cut this guys salary".

Fuck that. I'm going to tell them we can lower my salary if/when my sales drop. Until then, fuck lowering my salary. Here is why I'm thinking that. In 2014 I only made $40K. In 2015 I made $50K. In 2016 I made $60K and got my raise at the end of the year so that in 2017 I made $90K. So do the math. In those 4 years I really only made $60K a year. They owe me. The raise I got in 2016 was a reward for my past sales. Yea sure they are expecting those sales to continue but you Republicans want it both ways. You say you'll pay us what we are worth but first we have to show you what we are worth. Then when we do, you say that raise is in anticipation of future sales? I get it, but this is just another way you guys talk out of both sides of your mouth. And you can put spin on anything.

So the next time I take a job at a company I'm going to tell them they need to pay me for future sales. What I do today doesn't matter. Even if I suck, you are not paying me for my results now you are paying me for what I'm going to do in the future. LOL.

I assume you work on commission? If not then why not? The more you sell the more you make and the more your company makes. Gee, what a concept!
I hate that question. Obama didn't have the power and you know it.

And if you were being intellectually honest, there is nothing he would have tried that you would have liked. So don't try to blama Obama when the fact is you and your party would have fought him tooth an nail if he tried to do anything to stop or fix the mess you created.

For example, I wish Obama would have tarriff'ed company who weren't manufacturing here but could you imagine what Republicans would have done if he tried that? So interesting that Trump gets away with it. Huh?

What did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama not have the power to do?

What did President Obama do to stop currency manipulation by China and top them from stealing our intellectual property?
Obama did not fail.

How exactly does a President "fail", IM2? I don't think history will be as kind to Barack Obama as the media was to him while he was in office. In many ways he was mediocre and in some ways he was abysmal. My guess is that time will put that in perspective.
The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!
Yea but still your way the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider and the middle class is still struggling. Still doing worse than we were in 1970.

So if this is the new normal then just admit it. Most people will never save enough to ever retire. Most people in the future won't be able to afford college.

We created a middle class the world had never seen before. Labor Laws, Unions, New Deal social programs.

You'll never make America great again. Not that great. What you will say is America is great now. Hardly. If it's great now for blue collar then it was pretty much great when Obama was president because their lives haven't changed that much for the better. Maybe a couple bucks an hour tops but that's it.

Now this is not personal because in 2016 I got a $45K a year raise. BUT that was not because of Trump. I got that raise because of the sales I did in the Obama years. So personally, if I was an ignorant fuck, I would connect my increase in standard of living to Trump and vote for that embarrassment. Because some how I would feel I'm rich enough to be a greedy ignorant Republican. But I know better.

So answer me this, Sealy...did the gap between rich and poor get smaller or bigger under the eight years of the Obama Administration?

As for your raise? Raises in the Private Sector are generally given in anticipation of you generating profit in the future...not for what you've done in the past! I'm rather sure that if you boss had a pessimistic outlook going forward in 2016 that you wouldn't have gotten that money. So tell me what was going on that was making your boss or bosses so optimistic? I'm guessing it was the same thing that was making OTHER bosses optimistic as well! That there was a President in the White House who didn't view the Private Sector as little more than source of taxes!

My bosses want me to take a lower salary and higher commission and they say that will make me more safe in the future if the economy goes into a recession. Then if sales go down they won't look at my salary and say "we got to cut this guys salary".

Fuck that. I'm going to tell them we can lower my salary if/when my sales drop. Until then, fuck lowering my salary. Here is why I'm thinking that. In 2014 I only made $40K. In 2015 I made $50K. In 2016 I made $60K and got my raise at the end of the year so that in 2017 I made $90K. So do the math. In those 4 years I really only made $60K a year. They owe me. The raise I got in 2016 was a reward for my past sales. Yea sure they are expecting those sales to continue but you Republicans want it both ways. You say you'll pay us what we are worth but first we have to show you what we are worth. Then when we do, you say that raise is in anticipation of future sales? I get it, but this is just another way you guys talk out of both sides of your mouth. And you can put spin on anything.

So the next time I take a job at a company I'm going to tell them they need to pay me for future sales. What I do today doesn't matter. Even if I suck, you are not paying me for my results now you are paying me for what I'm going to do in the future. LOL.

I assume you work on commission? If not then why not? The more you sell the more you make and the more your company makes. Gee, what a concept!

I worked on commission for over 45 years. Other than when I owned companies I only worked with "100 percent" offices. There you pay a monthly fee and keep all the commission except for 6 percent for National advertising. I loved it and it was very profitable.
So I watched the Democratic debates. And it's funny how what republicans call the racist party, had 3 women, 2 blacks, 1 Hispanic and one Asian running for president.

Yeah all of them incompetent to be a night shift mgr at Taco Bell... Love that smell of arrogant idiots that think they're the Legion of Heroes lusting for power...
They are all better than what republicans have to offer.

Wish there WERE other "repub" choices..Hopefully, there will be viable Independent choices. But this entire Clown Posse is insane and deluded as to what they ACTUALLY KNOW about America and political policy and the way things work... It's FRIGHTENING SCARY to watch.. And I'm betting that most of America and a LARGE FRACTION of Dems are CRINGING every time these people speak....
I hate that question. Obama didn't have the power and you know it.

And if you were being intellectually honest, there is nothing he would have tried that you would have liked. So don't try to blama Obama when the fact is you and your party would have fought him tooth an nail if he tried to do anything to stop or fix the mess you created.

For example, I wish Obama would have tarriff'ed company who weren't manufacturing here but could you imagine what Republicans would have done if he tried that? So interesting that Trump gets away with it. Huh?

What did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama not have the power to do?

What did President Obama do to stop currency manipulation by China and top them from stealing our intellectual property?
What has trump done? Has he shrunk the gap between rich and rest of us? He made it even wider.

Has trump won the tariff war with China? Then what has he done?

Bottom line is middle class America is still living worse off than they were in 1970. Maga? Not yet
The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!
Yea but still your way the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider and the middle class is still struggling. Still doing worse than we were in 1970.

So if this is the new normal then just admit it. Most people will never save enough to ever retire. Most people in the future won't be able to afford college.

We created a middle class the world had never seen before. Labor Laws, Unions, New Deal social programs.

You'll never make America great again. Not that great. What you will say is America is great now. Hardly. If it's great now for blue collar then it was pretty much great when Obama was president because their lives haven't changed that much for the better. Maybe a couple bucks an hour tops but that's it.

Now this is not personal because in 2016 I got a $45K a year raise. BUT that was not because of Trump. I got that raise because of the sales I did in the Obama years. So personally, if I was an ignorant fuck, I would connect my increase in standard of living to Trump and vote for that embarrassment. Because some how I would feel I'm rich enough to be a greedy ignorant Republican. But I know better.

So answer me this, Sealy...did the gap between rich and poor get smaller or bigger under the eight years of the Obama Administration?

As for your raise? Raises in the Private Sector are generally given in anticipation of you generating profit in the future...not for what you've done in the past! I'm rather sure that if you boss had a pessimistic outlook going forward in 2016 that you wouldn't have gotten that money. So tell me what was going on that was making your boss or bosses so optimistic? I'm guessing it was the same thing that was making OTHER bosses optimistic as well! That there was a President in the White House who didn't view the Private Sector as little more than source of taxes!

My bosses want me to take a lower salary and higher commission and they say that will make me more safe in the future if the economy goes into a recession. Then if sales go down they won't look at my salary and say "we got to cut this guys salary".

Fuck that. I'm going to tell them we can lower my salary if/when my sales drop. Until then, fuck lowering my salary. Here is why I'm thinking that. In 2014 I only made $40K. In 2015 I made $50K. In 2016 I made $60K and got my raise at the end of the year so that in 2017 I made $90K. So do the math. In those 4 years I really only made $60K a year. They owe me. The raise I got in 2016 was a reward for my past sales. Yea sure they are expecting those sales to continue but you Republicans want it both ways. You say you'll pay us what we are worth but first we have to show you what we are worth. Then when we do, you say that raise is in anticipation of future sales? I get it, but this is just another way you guys talk out of both sides of your mouth. And you can put spin on anything.

So the next time I take a job at a company I'm going to tell them they need to pay me for future sales. What I do today doesn't matter. Even if I suck, you are not paying me for my results now you are paying me for what I'm going to do in the future. LOL.

I assume you work on commission? If not then why not? The more you sell the more you make and the more your company makes. Gee, what a concept!

To pay me what I’m worth my boss had to give it in the form of commission. He couldn’t justify $90k salary even though I’m worth it. He had to make it $65k plus 1.5%.

They want to pay me on everything but lower my salary to $40k but they say I’ll make minimum what I make now and most likely $140,000.

I will take that offer if they make it.

OR, I figured out how I could keep my salary and make the exact same so that is what I will propose. Fuck taking a salary cut. Just figure it out in the commission percentages and don’t ask me to take a salary cut. That’s bullshit.

I’m not bragging, I’ve been this companies savior. Trumps tariffs are fucking with machine sales but I’m killing it in aftermarket.
I hate that question. Obama didn't have the power and you know it.

And if you were being intellectually honest, there is nothing he would have tried that you would have liked. So don't try to blama Obama when the fact is you and your party would have fought him tooth an nail if he tried to do anything to stop or fix the mess you created.

For example, I wish Obama would have tarriff'ed company who weren't manufacturing here but could you imagine what Republicans would have done if he tried that? So interesting that Trump gets away with it. Huh?

What did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama not have the power to do?

What did President Obama do to stop currency manipulation by China and top them from stealing our intellectual property?
Obama did not fail.

How exactly does a President "fail", IM2? I don't think history will be as kind to Barack Obama as the media was to him while he was in office. In many ways he was mediocre and in some ways he was abysmal. My guess is that time will put that in perspective.
That’s complete right wing spin. Imagine if trump did as well getting us out of a recession. Only he didn’t give everyone a tax break we didn’t need and can’t afford.

Trump was handed a great economy. Of course you republicans wanted more tax cuts, deregulation’s and to appoint rwnjs to the Supreme Court.

Obama was great. So will the democrat who bears trump. Trump worries about the polls. Funny huh?
Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!
Yea but still your way the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider and the middle class is still struggling. Still doing worse than we were in 1970.

So if this is the new normal then just admit it. Most people will never save enough to ever retire. Most people in the future won't be able to afford college.

We created a middle class the world had never seen before. Labor Laws, Unions, New Deal social programs.

You'll never make America great again. Not that great. What you will say is America is great now. Hardly. If it's great now for blue collar then it was pretty much great when Obama was president because their lives haven't changed that much for the better. Maybe a couple bucks an hour tops but that's it.

Now this is not personal because in 2016 I got a $45K a year raise. BUT that was not because of Trump. I got that raise because of the sales I did in the Obama years. So personally, if I was an ignorant fuck, I would connect my increase in standard of living to Trump and vote for that embarrassment. Because some how I would feel I'm rich enough to be a greedy ignorant Republican. But I know better.

So answer me this, Sealy...did the gap between rich and poor get smaller or bigger under the eight years of the Obama Administration?

As for your raise? Raises in the Private Sector are generally given in anticipation of you generating profit in the future...not for what you've done in the past! I'm rather sure that if you boss had a pessimistic outlook going forward in 2016 that you wouldn't have gotten that money. So tell me what was going on that was making your boss or bosses so optimistic? I'm guessing it was the same thing that was making OTHER bosses optimistic as well! That there was a President in the White House who didn't view the Private Sector as little more than source of taxes!

My bosses want me to take a lower salary and higher commission and they say that will make me more safe in the future if the economy goes into a recession. Then if sales go down they won't look at my salary and say "we got to cut this guys salary".

Fuck that. I'm going to tell them we can lower my salary if/when my sales drop. Until then, fuck lowering my salary. Here is why I'm thinking that. In 2014 I only made $40K. In 2015 I made $50K. In 2016 I made $60K and got my raise at the end of the year so that in 2017 I made $90K. So do the math. In those 4 years I really only made $60K a year. They owe me. The raise I got in 2016 was a reward for my past sales. Yea sure they are expecting those sales to continue but you Republicans want it both ways. You say you'll pay us what we are worth but first we have to show you what we are worth. Then when we do, you say that raise is in anticipation of future sales? I get it, but this is just another way you guys talk out of both sides of your mouth. And you can put spin on anything.

So the next time I take a job at a company I'm going to tell them they need to pay me for future sales. What I do today doesn't matter. Even if I suck, you are not paying me for my results now you are paying me for what I'm going to do in the future. LOL.

I assume you work on commission? If not then why not? The more you sell the more you make and the more your company makes. Gee, what a concept!

I worked on commission for over 45 years. Other than when I owned companies I only worked with "100 percent" offices. There you pay a monthly fee and keep all the commission except for 6 percent for National advertising. I loved it and it was very profitable.

Did you cut hair?

Well I prefer a company that pays you $60,000 the first year while you are building up your business.

If they aren’t willing to pay then they tend to hire a lot of salespeople and make it so they know only 10% are going to make it so they get the other 90% to market their product for free. If I owned a company I may resort to such tactics too but I prefer not to work for companies like that.
I hate that question. Obama didn't have the power and you know it.

And if you were being intellectually honest, there is nothing he would have tried that you would have liked. So don't try to blama Obama when the fact is you and your party would have fought him tooth an nail if he tried to do anything to stop or fix the mess you created.

For example, I wish Obama would have tarriff'ed company who weren't manufacturing here but could you imagine what Republicans would have done if he tried that? So interesting that Trump gets away with it. Huh?

What did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama not have the power to do?

What did President Obama do to stop currency manipulation by China and top them from stealing our intellectual property?
Obama did not fail.

How exactly does a President "fail", IM2? I don't think history will be as kind to Barack Obama as the media was to him while he was in office. In many ways he was mediocre and in some ways he was abysmal. My guess is that time will put that in perspective.
That’s complete right wing spin. Imagine if trump did as well getting us out of a recession. Only he didn’t give everyone a tax break we didn’t need and can’t afford.

Trump was handed a great economy. Of course you republicans wanted more tax cuts, deregulation’s and to appoint rwnjs to the Supreme Court.

Obama was great. So will the democrat who bears trump. Trump worries about the polls. Funny huh?

Obama was "great" with the economy? Really? He oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression, Sealy yet you on the left have pushed the narrative that he was responsible for some miraculous turn around! What do you base that on? His stimulus? That was so poorly implemented they had to use "Jobs Created Or Saved" to hide how few jobs a stimulus that was supposed to create jobs actually created! His agenda? He rammed ObamaCare through...something the majority of Americans didn't want and something that was a job killer! Was he responsible for the Energy boom that drove the recovery? Not in the slightest! He was against fracking and big oil in general! Was it because he streamlined government regulations at a time when American businesses needed relief? No...he was the "Regulation President" saddling us with a record number of new regulations to make it even more difficult for US firms to compete!

You think any of the Democrats now running for the Presidency is going to do great things with the economy? Who exactly? You seriously believe that any of those pie in the sky liberals has a CLUE about creating jobs and growing an economy? They're poised to go wild with new entitlements and the taxes that will be needed to pay for all of them! It will be four years of economic catastrophe followed by a GOP landslide to bring some sanity back to the country!

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