What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

i watch a lot of YouTube.

So do I, what kind of stuff do you watch?
usually stuff about the things we are discussing. along with anything i may think of or may happen to be recommended.

Nothing humorous?
sure; plenty of Comedy Central and SNL skits, in between.

You ever think of starting a thread about some of them in the TV sub forum?
i only post skits to help with political concepts, usually.
dear, employment is at the will of either part. there is no appeal to ignorance of the law.

too incompetent?

English is not your first language?
i am not the one making Any excuses.
the left has a solution. it is called, solving simple poverty. you simply didn't understand the economic concepts but had to put in your two "Congressional Continentals worth."

What have Progressives accomplished regarding simple poverty, whatever that is? Starting with former President Lyndon Johnson, you have accomplished nothing but spending over 21 Trillion going down the tubes.
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor
the left has a solution. it is called, solving simple poverty. you simply didn't understand the economic concepts but had to put in your two "Congressional Continentals worth."

What have Progressives accomplished regarding simple poverty, whatever that is? Starting with former President Lyndon Johnson, you have accomplished nothing but spending over 21 Trillion going down the tubes.
dear, employment is at the will of either part. there is no appeal to ignorance of the law.

Nothing you post makes any sense at all. Is English a second language for you?
no dear. you really are just, too dumb.

Let me guess...you're gainsaying my subjective contention again? Speaking of "dumb"...
So I watched the Democratic debates. And it's funny how what republicans call the racist party, had 3 women, 2 blacks, 1 Hispanic and one Asian running for president.
So I watched the Democratic debates. And it's funny how what republicans call the racist party, had 3 women, 2 blacks, 1 Hispanic and one Asian running for president.

Hi, IM2. Qwik question...

_BLANK DEMOCRAT Survival Larry Elder, Candace Owens, Vicki Dillard, Mechee X.png

IM2, what's your opinion of this extremely disturbing **NSFW, ADULT LANGUAGE** broadcast featuring a troubled PRO BLACK community member passionately sharing HATE w/ our world.

"The real reason Kanye is a cooooon... Mechee X"

IM2, what did Kanye do causing this apparent HATEFUL woman to lose her mind?

So do I, what kind of stuff do you watch?
usually stuff about the things we are discussing. along with anything i may think of or may happen to be recommended.

Nothing humorous?
sure; plenty of Comedy Central and SNL skits, in between.

You ever think of starting a thread about some of them in the TV sub forum?
i only post skits to help with political concepts, usually.

Yeah, and you suck at that. Likely insanely badly.

I am offering you constructive criticism to try something else.
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor


The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.
So I watched the Democratic debates. And it's funny how what republicans call the racist party, had 3 women, 2 blacks, 1 Hispanic and one Asian running for president.

Since you guys are all about "perception" rather than results, IM2...that sounds about perfect for the modern day Democratic Party! Identity politics at it's "best"!
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor


The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor


The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!
Yea but still your way the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider and the middle class is still struggling. Still doing worse than we were in 1970.

So if this is the new normal then just admit it. Most people will never save enough to ever retire. Most people in the future won't be able to afford college.

We created a middle class the world had never seen before. Labor Laws, Unions, New Deal social programs.

You'll never make America great again. Not that great. What you will say is America is great now. Hardly. If it's great now for blue collar then it was pretty much great when Obama was president because their lives haven't changed that much for the better. Maybe a couple bucks an hour tops but that's it.

Now this is not personal because in 2016 I got a $45K a year raise. BUT that was not because of Trump. I got that raise because of the sales I did in the Obama years. So personally, if I was an ignorant fuck, I would connect my increase in standard of living to Trump and vote for that embarrassment. Because some how I would feel I'm rich enough to be a greedy ignorant Republican. But I know better.
How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

U.S. Unemployment Rate Remains at Near-Historic Low of 3.7 Percent; African-American Unemployment Rate Hits New Series Low
September 6, 2019
U.S. Unemployment Rate Remains at Near-Historic Low of 3.7 Percent; African-American Unemployment Rate Hits New Series Low | The White House

Trump and you guys didn't believe those numbers until Trump got into office. What changed?

So piss off. We were showing you those kinds of numbers when Obama was president and you didn't believe the numbers. Fuck off.

Still 80% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Even white collar professionals who work for very profitable companies are still struggling to save anything. Too much of the profits are going to the top. Fix that.

And if things are so good, why this?

Trump ‘not happy with Fox’ after poll shows him trailing in matchups with top four Democrats

President Donald Trump lashed out at Fox News after a poll by the network showed him losing to each of the top four Democrats if the election were held today.

“Fox has changed, and my worst polls have always been from Fox,” Trump told reporters Sunday as he left New Jersey to return to Washington, D.C. "There’s something going on at Fox. I’ll tell you right now. And I’m not happy with it."

Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor


The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!
Yea but still your way the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider and the middle class is still struggling. Still doing worse than we were in 1970.

So if this is the new normal then just admit it. Most people will never save enough to ever retire. Most people in the future won't be able to afford college.

We created a middle class the world had never seen before. Labor Laws, Unions, New Deal social programs.

You'll never make America great again. Not that great. What you will say is America is great now. Hardly. If it's great now for blue collar then it was pretty much great when Obama was president because their lives haven't changed that much for the better. Maybe a couple bucks an hour tops but that's it.

Now this is not personal because in 2016 I got a $45K a year raise. BUT that was not because of Trump. I got that raise because of the sales I did in the Obama years. So personally, if I was an ignorant fuck, I would connect my increase in standard of living to Trump and vote for that embarrassment. Because some how I would feel I'm rich enough to be a greedy ignorant Republican. But I know better.

So answer me this, Sealy...did the gap between rich and poor get smaller or bigger under the eight years of the Obama Administration?

As for your raise? Raises in the Private Sector are generally given in anticipation of you generating profit in the future...not for what you've done in the past! I'm rather sure that if you boss had a pessimistic outlook going forward in 2016 that you wouldn't have gotten that money. So tell me what was going on that was making your boss or bosses so optimistic? I'm guessing it was the same thing that was making OTHER bosses optimistic as well! That there was a President in the White House who didn't view the Private Sector as little more than source of taxes!
As for what made America great? Claiming that liberal policies made the US great is a bit of a stretch to be quite frank. We came out of WWII as the only major power that hadn't been decimated by the conflict. We literally became the "factory" to rebuild much of the rest of the world! The resulting boom in our economy wasn't because we had unions...unions became stronger because we had so much demand for goods and services at that time.

We will ever see that kind of economic dominance again? It's rather doubtful actually. We now compete globally with many other nations. Imposing your progressive agenda won't help with that competition.
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor


The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!
Yea but still your way the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider and the middle class is still struggling. Still doing worse than we were in 1970.

So if this is the new normal then just admit it. Most people will never save enough to ever retire. Most people in the future won't be able to afford college.

We created a middle class the world had never seen before. Labor Laws, Unions, New Deal social programs.

You'll never make America great again. Not that great. What you will say is America is great now. Hardly. If it's great now for blue collar then it was pretty much great when Obama was president because their lives haven't changed that much for the better. Maybe a couple bucks an hour tops but that's it.

Now this is not personal because in 2016 I got a $45K a year raise. BUT that was not because of Trump. I got that raise because of the sales I did in the Obama years. So personally, if I was an ignorant fuck, I would connect my increase in standard of living to Trump and vote for that embarrassment. Because some how I would feel I'm rich enough to be a greedy ignorant Republican. But I know better.

So answer me this, Sealy...did the gap between rich and poor get smaller or bigger under the eight years of the Obama Administration?

As for your raise? Raises in the Private Sector are generally given in anticipation of you generating profit in the future...not for what you've done in the past! I'm rather sure that if you boss had a pessimistic outlook going forward in 2016 that you wouldn't have gotten that money. So tell me what was going on that was making your boss or bosses so optimistic? I'm guessing it was the same thing that was making OTHER bosses optimistic as well! That there was a President in the White House who didn't view the Private Sector as little more than source of taxes!

I hate that question. Obama didn't have the power and you know it.

And if you were being intellectually honest, there is nothing he would have tried that you would have liked. So don't try to blama Obama when the fact is you and your party would have fought him tooth an nail if he tried to do anything to stop or fix the mess you created.

For example, I wish Obama would have tarriff'ed company who weren't manufacturing here but could you imagine what Republicans would have done if he tried that? So interesting that Trump gets away with it. Huh?
As for what made America great? Claiming that liberal policies made the US great is a bit of a stretch to be quite frank. We came out of WWII as the only major power that hadn't been decimated by the conflict. We literally became the "factory" to rebuild much of the rest of the world! The resulting boom in our economy wasn't because we had unions...unions became stronger because we had so much demand for goods and services at that time.

We will ever see that kind of economic dominance again? It's rather doubtful actually. We now compete globally with many other nations. Imposing your progressive agenda won't help with that competition.
Doesn't matter. It was our liberal policies that created the middle class.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor


The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!
Yea but still your way the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider and the middle class is still struggling. Still doing worse than we were in 1970.

So if this is the new normal then just admit it. Most people will never save enough to ever retire. Most people in the future won't be able to afford college.

We created a middle class the world had never seen before. Labor Laws, Unions, New Deal social programs.

You'll never make America great again. Not that great. What you will say is America is great now. Hardly. If it's great now for blue collar then it was pretty much great when Obama was president because their lives haven't changed that much for the better. Maybe a couple bucks an hour tops but that's it.

Now this is not personal because in 2016 I got a $45K a year raise. BUT that was not because of Trump. I got that raise because of the sales I did in the Obama years. So personally, if I was an ignorant fuck, I would connect my increase in standard of living to Trump and vote for that embarrassment. Because some how I would feel I'm rich enough to be a greedy ignorant Republican. But I know better.

So answer me this, Sealy...did the gap between rich and poor get smaller or bigger under the eight years of the Obama Administration?

As for your raise? Raises in the Private Sector are generally given in anticipation of you generating profit in the future...not for what you've done in the past! I'm rather sure that if you boss had a pessimistic outlook going forward in 2016 that you wouldn't have gotten that money. So tell me what was going on that was making your boss or bosses so optimistic? I'm guessing it was the same thing that was making OTHER bosses optimistic as well! That there was a President in the White House who didn't view the Private Sector as little more than source of taxes!

Ha Ha! The exact opposite. All my presidents (3) have been liberals who think Trump is a disaster. And he is for manufacturing. We buy from China and his trade war is killing us. Machine sales are down in the USA.

And no, my raise was because of the sales I made in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Of course they were thinking that things would be good in 2017 too and things were really good for a little bit until Trump started his trade war. Now the economy has slowed. They say a recession is coming. And we know for a fact machine tool sales in the USA are slowing.

Nice spin though. You trying to give Trump credit for my raise. LOL.

Oh, and in 2017 I made a couple big sales to the government. They are/were spending like crazy. If it weren't for government spending being WAY UP, Trump doesn't even have that great of an economy.

The U.S. government’s deficit widened to $120 billion in July, fueled by increases in spending on health care and the military, according to data released on Monday by the Treasury Department.

The Treasury Department said federal spending in July was $371 billion, up 23% from the same month in 2018, while receipts were $251 billion, up 12% compared with July 2018.

The fiscal-year-to-date deficit was $867 billion, compared with $684 billion in the comparable year-earlier period.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

What does the GOP have to offer blacks?


Now do they get your vote or not?

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