What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Do you know what I do not see in this forum" A thread titled
  • What exactly do republicans have to offer Asians?
  • What exactly do republicans have to offer Latinos?
  • What exactly do republicans have to offer Indians?
I wonder why? Is it because they work hard and bust their asses, instead of being like lazy ass IM2 who cries and snivels and blames everything on Whitey? Any ideas?

Asians, Latinos and Native Americans are asking the same question.

This post is the type of ignorant tripe that comes from women who married into upward mobility. Women that actually work are asking, What exactly do republicans have to offer Women?

Ah, traditional women also intimidate you? The list continues to grow.
Do you know what I do not see in this forum" A thread titled
  • What exactly do republicans have to offer Asians?
  • What exactly do republicans have to offer Latinos?
  • What exactly do republicans have to offer Indians?
I wonder why? Is it because they work hard and bust their asses, instead of being like lazy ass IM2 who cries and snivels and blames everything on Whitey? Any ideas?

Asians, Latinos and Native Americans are asking the same question.

This post is the type of ignorant tripe that comes from women who married into upward mobility. Women that actually work are asking, What exactly do republicans have to offer Women?

Why do you hate women? Why are you dissing women?

I have no problem with women. I do have problems with racists of any sex or gender.
Straight from your favorite CNN:

This must-have pained CNN greatly! But, as is characteristic of CNN and MSNBC,

Trump has gained among black voters since the 2016 election
Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN
Updated 9:32 AM ET, Sat August 18, 2018
What's the point: There is another poll out in which more than 30% of black voters supposedly approve of Trump's job performance. Trump's biggest fans have trumpeted this poll as a sign that he is breaking through with African-Americans. The problem is the poll is almost certainly incorrect. [Typical of CNN, impossible for them to simply publish the news.]

Trump has gained support among black voters since 2016 - CNNPolitics


Why Trump’s Approval Ratings
Are Up Among Minorities

American Spectator, by David Catron
Original Article
Posted By: Garnet, 8/19/2019 5:40:59 AM

A mounting number of voter polls show that, despite shrill denunciations of the President by the Democrats for his alleged racism, Trump is enjoying a dramatic increase in his approval ratings among minorities. This isn’t, as some liberal news outlets and pundits have suggested, wishful thinking based on outlier polls. The trend began showing up in surveys early this year and appears to be gaining momentum. Some polls now show his approval numbers at 25 percent among African-American voters and 50 percent among Hispanic voters. If those figures hold for the next 15 months, they will render Trump unbeatable in November of 2020.

Lucianne.com News Forum - Why Trump’s Approval Ratings</br/> Are Up Among Minorities


POLL: Trump approval 49% with Latinos, 28% with Blacks
Published on : Published by : Jacob Palmieri

POLL: Trump approval 49% with Latinos, 28% with Blacks
I'm black. I know what black support is for Trump.

And it's not 28 percent. And still, if it had been, it means 72 percent don't approve of Trump. I think we can safely say that even with your numbers, blacks cannot stand Donald Trump.

I don't watch CNN.
Do you know what I do not see in this forum" A thread titled
  • What exactly do republicans have to offer Asians?
  • What exactly do republicans have to offer Latinos?
  • What exactly do republicans have to offer Indians?
I wonder why? Is it because they work hard and bust their asses, instead of being like lazy ass IM2 who cries and snivels and blames everything on Whitey? Any ideas?

Asians, Latinos and Native Americans are asking the same question.

This post is the type of ignorant tripe that comes from women who married into upward mobility. Women that actually work are asking, What exactly do republicans have to offer Women?
You limit your venom towards ones you do not like. You do not even consider that there are a plethora of people on the ones you do who fall into the same categories. Elitists and the intellectuals are self entitled. It does not even matter if their superiority is earned. For it is a given. It falls in many ways though. They rule the fiefdoms or direct them. They play with them like games for fun and their amusement. To be that is a whole new level for most people. Women have something more then men if they use it while constraining themselves. Compassion or empathy that is part of the human experience. Most of what you see today on what you say Repubs have to offer women seems like a bribe by Progs. Extreme feminism is in its near third generation now. Everyone uses the same outhouse and women have the key to it. They just don't understand why it smells of shit even after they use it. So what else are we to give them? The kitchen sink! They got that too. IM 2.... women are over 60% of college students. Dentists, doctors and lawyers among them. Don't worry, the males are picking up the weapons as they regress with the women who have not made it into shang ri la also. We are seeing the Butterfly Affect into idiocracy.

Blah, blah, bullshit.
Cry, cry... ...wahh, wahh, "What'choo gonna' gimme'"
Cry, cry... ...wahh, wahh, "What'choo gonna' gimme'"

IM2's life story
Straight from your favorite CNN:

This must-have pained CNN greatly! But, as is characteristic of CNN and MSNBC,

Trump has gained among black voters since the 2016 election
Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN
Updated 9:32 AM ET, Sat August 18, 2018
What's the point: There is another poll out in which more than 30% of black voters supposedly approve of Trump's job performance. Trump's biggest fans have trumpeted this poll as a sign that he is breaking through with African-Americans. The problem is the poll is almost certainly incorrect. [Typical of CNN, impossible for them to simply publish the news.]

Trump has gained support among black voters since 2016 - CNNPolitics


Why Trump’s Approval Ratings
Are Up Among Minorities

American Spectator, by David Catron
Original Article
Posted By: Garnet, 8/19/2019 5:40:59 AM

A mounting number of voter polls show that, despite shrill denunciations of the President by the Democrats for his alleged racism, Trump is enjoying a dramatic increase in his approval ratings among minorities. This isn’t, as some liberal news outlets and pundits have suggested, wishful thinking based on outlier polls. The trend began showing up in surveys early this year and appears to be gaining momentum. Some polls now show his approval numbers at 25 percent among African-American voters and 50 percent among Hispanic voters. If those figures hold for the next 15 months, they will render Trump unbeatable in November of 2020.

Lucianne.com News Forum - Why Trump’s Approval Ratings</br/> Are Up Among Minorities


POLL: Trump approval 49% with Latinos, 28% with Blacks
Published on : Published by : Jacob Palmieri

POLL: Trump approval 49% with Latinos, 28% with Blacks
I'm black. I know what black support is for Trump.

And it's not 28 percent. And still, if it had been, it means 72 percent don't approve of Trump. I think we can safely say that even with your numbers, blacks cannot stand Donald Trump.

I don't watch CNN.

IM2 the political Chump and race traitor
What does the GOP have to offer blacks?


Now do they get your vote or not?

Blacks vote Democratic because of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. As soon as LBJ signed it, he said now the Democrats have lost the South for a generation. And he was right. But the trade-off was that Democrats gained the loyalty of 80-90% of the black population. Before that there were quite a few black Republicans.

It is harder to generalize about Latinos. You have Cubans in Florida who are heavily Republican. You have conservative Latinos in many places who are also Republican. But the majority of Latinos probably vote Democratic because they are considered more friendly to unions and the working class. Also because they are more liberal on immigration. Whereas Republicans are seen as favoring the interests of the wealthy, and more inclined to discriminate against minorities.

Social issues such as those you mention are important also, but most people vote their pocketbooks.

Actually; black voters began to exit the Republican party in the 1930's, over 30 years prior to the Civil Rights act.

If you read up on the policies of Republican Herbert Hoover and the timing of Franklin Rossevelts "new deal", those events had just as much if not more impact on the black vote becoming more inclined to be democratic.

Even before that. Google Mississippi flood in the 20s

Of course I know the whole story, but thanks.
Then why did you say blacks started leaving the GOP in the 30's? It was the 20's.

Several reports on the terrible situation in the refugee camps, including one by the Colored Advisory Commission headed by Robert Russa Moton, were kept out of the media at Hoover's request, with the pledge of further reforms for Blacks after the presidential election in 1928. His failure to deliver followed other disappointments by the Republican Party; Moton and other influential African Americans began to encourage Black Americans to align instead with the national Democrats.

The refugee camps also dealt with extreme racial inequality as supplies and means of evacuation after flooding were given strictly to white citizens, with Blacks only receiving leftovers. African Americans also did not receive supplies without providing the name of their white employer or voucher from a white person. In order to fully exploit black labor, Blacks were frequently forced to work against their will, and were not permitted to leave the camps.

I understand the history of everything that you stated. What I stated was that I was AWARE of the Missouri flood, and the fallout that ensued over it.

But If you examine the percentage of black voters who left the GOP, the era during the Hoover years saw far more black voters exit.
Broken promises seemed to work for Democrats. So Republicans should do that.
Straight from your favorite CNN:

This must-have pained CNN greatly! But, as is characteristic of CNN and MSNBC,

Trump has gained among black voters since the 2016 election
Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN
Updated 9:32 AM ET, Sat August 18, 2018
What's the point: There is another poll out in which more than 30% of black voters supposedly approve of Trump's job performance. Trump's biggest fans have trumpeted this poll as a sign that he is breaking through with African-Americans. The problem is the poll is almost certainly incorrect. [Typical of CNN, impossible for them to simply publish the news.]

Trump has gained support among black voters since 2016 - CNNPolitics


Why Trump’s Approval Ratings
Are Up Among Minorities

American Spectator, by David Catron
Original Article
Posted By: Garnet, 8/19/2019 5:40:59 AM

A mounting number of voter polls show that, despite shrill denunciations of the President by the Democrats for his alleged racism, Trump is enjoying a dramatic increase in his approval ratings among minorities. This isn’t, as some liberal news outlets and pundits have suggested, wishful thinking based on outlier polls. The trend began showing up in surveys early this year and appears to be gaining momentum. Some polls now show his approval numbers at 25 percent among African-American voters and 50 percent among Hispanic voters. If those figures hold for the next 15 months, they will render Trump unbeatable in November of 2020.

Lucianne.com News Forum - Why Trump’s Approval Ratings</br/> Are Up Among Minorities


POLL: Trump approval 49% with Latinos, 28% with Blacks
Published on : Published by : Jacob Palmieri

POLL: Trump approval 49% with Latinos, 28% with Blacks
I'm black. I know what black support is for Trump.

And it's not 28 percent. And still, if it had been, it means 72 percent don't approve of Trump. I think we can safely say that even with your numbers, blacks cannot stand Donald Trump.

I don't watch CNN.

His approval rating among black voters vacillates between the 18 to 21 percent depending on which source reports the numbers. As far as his impact on unemployment, he has ridden a wave that began during the previous administration, and the numbers are not that impressive.....if one takes the time to drill further down and dissect what has actually happened.

Thd fact is that Trump is seeking credit he doesn't deserve for black job growth. He's also wrong to assert that Democrats haven't done anything to improve the economic situation for African Americans.

It's true that black unemployment did reach a record low during the Trump administration: 5.9 percent in May 2018. It currently stands at 6 percent.

But many economists view the continued economic growth since the middle of 2009, when Democratic President Barack Obama was in office, as the primary explanation for hiring. More important, there are multiple signs that the racial wealth gap is now worsening and the administration appears to have done little, if anything, to specifically address this challenge.
African Americans also had higher income prior to the Trump administration. A black household earned median income of $40,258 in 2017, the latest data available. That's below a 2000 peak of $42,348, according to the Census Bureau.

The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January.
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

The very title of your thread is racist, stupid and childish, all at the same time. We do not offer any particular race anything special. The fact that you look at yourself as black and not just as an Americans means you have mental issues and you will always be crying and sniveling.

We offer ALL people a great economy and security where you can become whatever you want to be, or you can also fail too if you go that direction.

If life we a baseball game, we offer the perfect playing field to play on: No weeds, no rocks, broken bases, or anything to hinder your playing. It is up to you to practice and win, or be a loser.

And YOU, sir, are a LOSER, and a whiner, and a crybaby, blaming your woes and others, and expecting people to do special things for your race. Grow up and make a life for yourself. Either that or shut the fuck up.
Outside of the fact that none of what you said is true, you are a white woman and you guys get all kinds of special consideration. Like the way you married upward mobility and can get half of what your husband created just because you wash his clothes.

Your party is not color blind and it doesn't offer a level playing field. Your party ignores the uneven field it helped create and doesn't want to do anything to fix it.

I've done better than you. I have a college degree, built 3 organizations and now I don't really have to work. To accomplish this, I had to endure things that would have made you quit living. I didn't have the option of marrying my way into comfort or living off my partner. I built what I have. You haven't done shit.

The republican party offers nothing to blacks. And your hot air doesn't change that.

So shut the fuck up.
You ASSume a lot, especially about whites women. If a marriage arrangement is for someone to stay home it is certainly none of your fucking business. Also, black women “marry up” and don’t work. I have not had the privilege of being unemployed. You pretty much tell all the whites on these forums that you have done better than them. Lol you don’t know how well anyone on here has done unless they tell you. If you were that successful you would not bitch and moan about how blacks are so disadvantaged. If you can do it, why can’t others? Not all whites are successful, what should they blame it on? Regardless of how much education or how many degrees you have, this doesn’t measure your level of success if you don’t feel the need for such.

Man Trump Called 'My African American' Leaving GOP, Says Party Pursuing 'Pro-White' Agenda

Gregory Cheadle, the man whom Trump referred to as "my African American" back in 2016, said he is leaving the Republican party due to his frustration with what he called the party's "pro-white agenda." The five-time Congressional candidate joined the Republican party in 2001, but said he'd be continue on as an independent.

The real estate broker from Redding, California, told PBS Newshour that he believes "President Trump is a rich guy who is mired in white privilege to the extreme," but is even more concerned with the Republican party's willingness to defend his actions.

Cheadle said the issue came to a head when Republicans were quick to defend Trump's tweets in July telling four female Representatives who are U.S. citizens to go back where they came from.

"They were sidestepping the people of color issues and saying that, 'No, its not racist,'" he said about members of the Republican party. "And I thought this is a classic case of whites not seeing racism because they want to put blinders on and make it about something else."

Man Trump Called 'My African American' Leaving GOP, Says Party Pursuing 'Pro-White' Agenda

Republicans are anti black. If you are black and republican you're voting against your best interest.
Trump has done more to lift up the life of blacks since Lincoln

Since you are not black just be quiet and listen to us. Trump has done nothing for blacks.

What you are is an endless whine, a sissy, a perpetual child, a race-baiting pimp, a bigot, a racist, probably an anti-Semite, a Jethro, a bit of black ghetto trash, a white liberal house negro, a brainwash, a Marxist thug, a cliche, a slogan, a smile and a shoeshine, a liar, a lackey, an Uncle Sharpton, a steaming pile of grits piled high and stinkin', a panderer, a thief, a sniveling coward. . . .
Last edited:
I'm black. I know what black support is for Trump.

You're not black and you don't know shit.

Clarence Thomas is black. Ben Carson is black. Two brilliant successful great Americans. I can name thousands more.

YOU are just a house slave, stuck on the plantation crying, doing what your Democrat Masters tell you to do.

Promises Made. Promises Kept!

the left has a solution. it is called, solving simple poverty. you simply didn't understand the economic concepts but had to put in your two "Congressional Continentals worth."

What have Progressives accomplished regarding simple poverty, whatever that is? Starting with former President Lyndon Johnson, you have accomplished nothing but spending over 21 Trillion going down the tubes.
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor
The right wing believes the Poor are not worth equal protection of the law under our form of Capitalism.

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